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View Full Version : Scripting Database

06-18-2007, 03:18 PM
I am going to be starting a website to be a database of Zcripts, Demo quests featureing scripts and script tutorials. I just signed up for a bravenet account, and i will have the basic site up and running soon, if anyone wants a file hosted on this site either leave a message where I can get the file, or e-mail me an attachment and the file will be put up on the site asap. Please inlude a discription of any script / demo / tut you want to put up, otherwise i will just write my own discription. I am hopeing this can be a place where everyone will be able to share scripts and also a place where everything can be kept together for the convience of everyone. Almost forgot, my e-mail:
[email protected]

Dan Furst
06-18-2007, 03:33 PM
This is of course a wonderful idea. I was comtemplating making something similar myself, but if you've got the motivation, I'll back you up. You can include my two scripts (wall-follower and ice pushblocks) and demo quests.

My questions are, does bravenet throw a ton af ads in your site? Are you going to use anything other than HTML? (javascript, php)

06-18-2007, 04:32 PM
yes unfortonally bravenet throws adds on the site, just a top banner and some links at the bottom, the most annoying thing is the 'site exchange' where they will pop-up a random bravenet hosted site in a new window, but a good pop up blocker fixes that. as for the HTML question, I am pretty good at dong javascript, i have not taken the time to learn php yet but i would like to learn. I was thinking about a real simple site for now, just bassicaly some tables with links to the files (i'll use screenshots of demos as the file link, and mabye just a generic 'script icon' for loose scripts and tuts) if you have any ideas on how to spruce it up, im open to suggestions. i will probley get to work on the site sometime tonight in between writeing some zcript. I was defentaly planning on includeing your wall-follower and ice pushblocks demos, as well as c-dawgs scripts and anything eles in showcase, of course i would like the ok from people before hosting the files. Also if you or anyone knows a better free webhost (something that allows alot of space without alot of useless 'extras' would be nice) let me know, as of right now i just signed up for bravenet but have not put anything up yet.

Dan Furst
06-18-2007, 06:14 PM
Well, I have my old college account, like I used for http://filer.case.edu/dpf4/zeldaquest.html. It's free, has no ads, and has an 800 MB limit.

Javascript would be cool, I never got around to learning it. Perhaps we could commission an art person to make banner graphics and the like.

Anyway, if you build the site, I'll host it. I'll get access set up, but for now, you can just post it to bravenet.

06-18-2007, 06:33 PM
Very cool, 800 MB should be plenty of room for a script datatbase. A person to do artwork would be great also, I know there are plenty of good artists in the community, Im not much of an artist myself, just good at programming and mabye modifying graphics here and there. So I will start by putting the site up at bravenet, when you have access set up just let me know.

Dan Furst
06-18-2007, 06:43 PM
Okay, click Start -> My Network Places. (For me it takes almost a minute to come up.) Click "Add a network place" and next. "Choose another network location" and next. The address is
https://[email protected]/dav/dpf4/zscript Then enter username and password, which I've sent to you in a private message. Then just keep clicking next and ok and such until you see the web folder. You may have to input the password a couple times.

There it is. Any content you put in that folder can be viewed at http://filer.case.edu/dpf4/zscript

06-18-2007, 10:22 PM
The network connection does not seem to work right, I set it up exactly as you said, the first problem was with the address
https://[email protected]/dav/dpf4/zscript
said it was not valid, so i removed the 's' on https, it gave me a box for username and pass, entered in the user and pass, (tryed it many times in a row) but got nowhere. Not sure if i did something wrong or if your information is wrong. I am thinking if you have a way to give me FTP access that would work just as well, i would just have to upload the files. I am not an expert in dealing with web servers, I know the basics.

Dan Furst
06-18-2007, 10:36 PM
The 's' means secure. The site name is correct (I tried everything myself before I wrote the instructions). I can't set up FTP access because you need a Case Western Reserve University username and password for that. Yeah, that kinda sucks. Are you on Win XP?

I just tried it again on another computer and it works ok. Maybe try again?

There is another way: you can use a WebDAV client. Look at https://filer.case.edu/wiki/filer/webdav for a download link (NetDrive) and installation and operation instructions. You'll also see the instructions I typed earlier.

If that's too much of a hassle, you could just put it on bravenet. :sweat:

06-18-2007, 11:01 PM
Yes I am useing WinXP, I don't have SP2 not sure if that makes a difference (I can't get SP2 until I buy a 'real' copy of XP) I am looking into WebDAV right now. I should not be too hard to use i hope, anything is better the useing bravenet or something similar. If this page ever loads I will let you know if i can use the WebDAV client..

Dan Furst
06-19-2007, 09:25 AM
I suppose you might also remove the "dpf4@" from the address. Try just https://filer.case.edu/dav/dpf4/zscript

Dan Furst
06-26-2007, 10:18 AM
Any news?

06-27-2007, 11:41 AM
ok I tried https://filer.case.edu/dav/dpf4/zscript with no luck..
I downloaded a Webdav program called 'EngInSite DataFreeway' I got everything setup except the IP address and port (0= defult) probley do not need to change the port. if you want to PM me the IP this might work.

(btw, sorry for takeing so long to respond, life has been busy lately)

Dan Furst
06-27-2007, 12:57 PM
You'll probably want port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS). You definately shouldn't need an IP, the site name should suffice. Did you try NetDrive (in post #8)? There's a dowload link on that page, but more importantly, instructions and suggestions.

The other thing I'm thinking is, there's now an official (meaning, armageddongames-y) places for posting scripts. I'm not sure how I feel about the forumlike structure of it, but, it is supposedly official.

War Lord
06-27-2007, 01:59 PM
You guys can use this:

More info can be had here:

07-02-2007, 07:49 PM
Awsome, I was hopeing there would be a forum for scripts sooner or later. So I guess I will call it quits on the website for now, once I actually get around to finishing a quest i am going to put up a web site, at that point I will also have a place for scripts and tuts on the site. Now as long as everyone uses the script forum to post their scripts it should work just fine.