View Full Version : More Item Editor Suggestions

06-14-2007, 05:03 PM
This kinda goes along with other suggestions I've made in the past. Anyway, I think that there should be a lot more general properties that can be applied to all (or most) useable items, much like the "Enemies Can Eat", "Hearts Required," and "Power" data. Here are some specifics:

1. Not only should you be able to choose the sound effect for when you pickup the item, but also for when you use the item. This would be a number you put in underneath the "Action" tab (like right next to where you put in number of magic it consumes). This way, you can have arrows that sound differently when you shoot them off, or swords that slash differently, or a different tune for each custom whistle that you make, and so forth.

2. I think the element of "fire" is something that can be attached to all or most weapons. For example, we already have a "Fire Boomerang" item. However, it really doesn't have anything to do with fire. All it does is damage enemies in addition to stunning them. So, I think that all Items should have one checkbox that allows the item to trigger "Burn" flags.

Also, another checkbox that allows the item to light up a room when it is used. Imagine a fire boomerang that causes the room to light up only while it is being flown through the air (this would require the "Light room only while flame is on-screen" quest rule as well)

You could make this checkbox apply to arrows for Fire Arrows that trigger not only arrow flags, but burn flags as well. I read another thread about the idea of a "Fire Whip"--basically a hookshot that also has a fire element to it; thus, it too should trigger burn flags & light up a dark room. Or a "light bomb" that lights up a dark screen when it explodes.

3. All useable items should have a "Freeze" enemies input box. Here you put in the length of which an enemy is frozen for when the item makes contact with an enemy. You could make an ice b'rang that stuns enemies for a lot longer than a normal b'rang. Or a hammer that stuns enemies--or even arrows that stuns enemies. Or how about an "Ice Bomb" or "Stun Bomb" which has an explosion that stuns enemies. Or even a special whistle that after the music plays, all enemies on the screen automatically freeze for the specified duration.

4. Speed: Put an integer in this box to specified the speed at which this item is used. For most items, it works the same. Like for all arrows, hookshots, boomerangs, and wands, this item would determine the speed of the item's projectile (how fast it moves across the screen). For something liek the hammer, it would determine how quickly Link can use it. So a heavy hammer might mean that the animation of Link pounding it takes awhile, whereas a lighter hammer might not do as much damage but can be used rather quickly. For some items, this may or may not be used at all. For instance, one of the misc. data for bombs already determines the duration of the fuse. And potions wouldn't need this, unless setting the speed determines how quickly the hearts or magic meter is filled.

5. Break Shields: This would be a checkbox to determine of the item breaks a darknut shield when it comes in contact with a darknut. This way, you could have fire items that burn their shields, or some hammers that break a darknut shield & others that do not. Or a hookshot that "pulls" a shield off of a darknut, or allowing bombs to destroy a darknut shield when it explodes.

06-16-2007, 09:05 AM
How about, along with Freeze, a percent chance that the enemy becomes frozen.

Think Crystal from Light Crusader - the sword freezes enemies at least 50% of the time. I'm not saying that we'd want a sword like this in a game, due to it's power, but you get what I mean.

06-17-2007, 12:14 AM
1. Not only should you be able to choose the sound effect for when you pickup the item, but also for when you use the item. This would be a number you put in underneath the "Action" tab (like right next to where you put in number of magic it consumes). This way, you can have arrows that sound differently when you shoot them off, or swords that slash differently, or a different tune for each custom whistle that you make, and so forth.I suppose this is useful enough.

Also, another checkbox that allows the item to light up a room when it is used. Imagine a fire boomerang that causes the room to light up only while it is being flown through the air (this would require the "Light room only while flame is on-screen" quest rule as well)Ahh, maybe.

3. All useable items should have a "Freeze" enemies input box.Stunning enemies will be possible later.

4. Speed: Put an integer in this box to specified the speed at which this item is used. For most items, it works the same. Like for all arrows, hookshots, boomerangs, and wands, this item would determine the speed of the item's projectile (how fast it moves across the screen). For something liek the hammer, it would determine how quickly Link can use it. So a heavy hammer might mean that the animation of Link pounding it takes awhile, whereas a lighter hammer might not do as much damage but can be used rather quickly. This sounds awfully tempting, but a bit tricky.

5. Break Shields: This would be a checkbox to determine of the item breaks a darknut shield when it comes in contact with a darknut. This way, you could have fire items that burn their shields, or some hammers that break a darknut shield & others that do not. Or a hookshot that "pulls" a shield off of a darknut, or allowing bombs to destroy a darknut shield when it explodes.Oh golly. Shouldn't this vary on a Darknut-to-Darknut basis, though?