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View Full Version : Final Fantasy Adventure game demo

06-11-2007, 04:27 PM
Well, this is a game I've been making recently with my new tileset. It's a proper game, not like the silly one in my signature :P There is, of yet, no full name for it, I think I'll find a suitable one as I go along. I've been working on it for the last month or two, and I've probably done around half (although it's the short half). It's not going to be a massive quest on completeon, it only uses one BSOverworld as the main overworld, although I may add another underworld hub sort of area when I get round to it. And this is for 2.10. And it's not likely to be for anything else ever.

Final Fantasy Adventure:
Although I have included many referenced to FFA's storyline, events and characters in this game so far, it does NOT fit into the storyline of FFA.
Basically, you start of next to a house with an old man with the old 'Take this to defeat the evil' line. You have to collect the four elemental pendants to cast down DarkLord, who has started to gain power in a castle to the north of the world. If you want a more complete storyline, talk to Cibba in Fortia, I'm not typing it all out now. You should talk to him anyway, I spent a while on it :p

This link should work, tell me if it doesn't and I'll try get another one that does.FFA Game demo (http://dodownload.filefront.com/7755474//3dc22ca7e8e128c1ba3572c21ea0e843804be9125024afa522 486a61ef75ad5617473ca8fd3d111d)

When playing
I've completed about half of this game - and that's the bottom half. There is a reasonable amount completed (or at least started) in the top half of the overworld, but there are lots of caves with nothing in and such. If you enter a cave and it warps you to where you entered from, you can assume that it's not been made yet. Also, I have made all of the event sequences necessary to enter level three, but I haven't yet made the level.
The Level 4 cheat is '4', should you need it. Try not to though, it won't help when going through events at all.
I've tried to make this demo as bug-free as possible, but if you notice anything or have any advice or *constructive* criticisms, I'm happy to know.


NB. I know the title screen sucks, I did it in about 5 minutes because I thought it would be better to have one. I'll improve it at a later date.

06-12-2007, 03:38 AM
Sick, I've been waiting for this stuff for a while now. Kudos Joe123.

PS- Just one thing though...anyway to get the sword in decaf...??

06-12-2007, 04:31 AM
decaf? :confused: like decafinated?

06-12-2007, 04:46 AM
decaf? :confused: like decafinated?

heh.. well what I meant was without the slash technique. I do abhor playing with the slash ability.

Well, I mean, it's up to the quest designer of coarse. But it's nice to have an option either way. Hence, decaf...

06-14-2007, 04:16 AM
Well, the quest's unpassworded if you want to just open it up and untick the box in the init. data. I can't stand playing without slash though, so that's where we differ :p.
The problem with giving the player an option is that the level 2 sword is a sickle, which would look ridiculous with stab, and the level 3 sword is an axe - which would also look ridiculous with stab.

Also, I've been working on some custom bosses just :D I might post them up because I'm not sure how good they are.

06-14-2007, 05:02 AM
Ahh, sweet. I'll just uncheck the box then. :laughing:

The problem with giving the player an option is that the level 2 sword is a sickle, which would look ridiculous with stab, and the level 3 sword is an axe - which would also look ridiculous with stab.

Yes, thats a good point, but i'm gonna have to check it out regardless.;)

Also, I've been working on some custom bosses just I might post them up because I'm not sure how good they are.

I was having this problem with 2.10 as well. Eventually i'm just going to update everything to 2.5. Problem solved. There is however a particular charm to pre 2.11 bosses, and a sense of originality, and accomplishment that comes with them.

06-14-2007, 05:05 AM
Yup, I'm gonna keep this quest on 2.10. I'm quite pleased with what I've done on them so far.

06-14-2007, 06:09 AM
Looks pretty good, except the fact you can't stab like they were saying. Slash looks nice but it has a wide range (Or is it just me?) and you can't hit exactly what you want to. It's clumsier to use, let me say. I'm not sure if the range is any different than a stab, but it really seems like it so it's harder to aim at stuff pinpointed

06-14-2007, 08:26 AM
I like that wider range, makes it easier to hit things :p

I find enemies like Darknuts practically impossible without slash, especially where there are lots.

Sam Atoms
06-17-2007, 02:40 AM
Well, you know how they have the six degrees of separation? Well, this is six degrees of awesome. I've wanted to either make or play a quest with this tileset for years----and you've gone further with these graphics than I ever could. I can't wait to see what's in store for the half of the game beyond the demo.

On a side note, unfortunately, the thing is prone to crashes in the black-and-white scenes. I've had three crashes, one at the title screen and two in Cibba's narrative, and nanny Microsoft wants me to tell about them. I'm using plain v. 2.10.

06-17-2007, 02:31 PM
That's strange, I've only ever had it crash once, but that was in Cibba's obsevatory also. Maybe it's something to do with the 'No Subscreen' quest rule. Sorry though, maybe you'd be better off on 2.10.2.

Anyway, I've made a couple custom bosses, and I was going to post them up in a quest file seperate to the game. Then I realised - you have completely different numbers of heart, equipment etc. on each boss. Does anyone have any ideas of how I can overcome this? Maybe I should just wait till I've made a little more of the game (level 3 or so - Asmodia is also completed now :D) and add them to that.

And I don't know the 6 degrees of separation, but I'm glad you liked it.

Sam Atoms
06-18-2007, 05:39 PM
The "Six Degrees of Separation" idea is simple. It just says that you can get to any other person in the world, in six steps, simply by going through people that you know. For instance, you know your paperboy, who's in a biking club with this guy from the Philippines, who cooks food with somebody else from the Pacific Rim, who knows the mayor/chief of the city he lives in his country, whose daughter is a young maiden on a remote island in the archipelago of Indonesia . . . . . . The theory says that it's possible, in no more than six of these steps, to get to anyone else in the world. Whether it's been proven, I don't know, but I certainly see no reason why it wouldn't be true.

Anyway . . . . I know how to get around the crashing problem. When I hold down A, and turn fast text on, I'm OK. When I just sit back, and let the text spell out, that's when there's trouble. Why this is happening I don't know, since my experience with using ZQuest in versions past beta 183 is close to nil. But at least it's good to know there's a reliable get-around. At any rate, I just got through level 0, the Dwarf's Mountain Cave, and I'm about to go into the forest to look for level 1. I really do like both the overworld and dungeon design I've seen so far.

06-18-2007, 07:09 PM
Ahhhh, I do know what the six degrees of separation is :P

And I'm glad you're enjoying it and all. I'm looking at it and feeling a bit dissatisfied recently cause I just played HoD, but yeah I'm still pleased with it.

Sam Atoms
06-25-2007, 03:38 AM
Dude, don't even bother comparing your quest with HoD. There's no point. Your quest is awesome for what it is. HoD is great and all, but I never could really get into it myself.... because it's.... just.... so.... big. And I stopped playing big, epic quests a couple years ago.

I've finished level 1, and I've found the level 2 (and level 3) entrances and I'm looking for the powder keg to get through the rock wall. This is a good quest you've got going here, you should finish it.

06-25-2007, 04:50 AM
And I'm glad you're enjoying it and all. I'm looking at it and feeling a bit dissatisfied recently cause I just played HoD, but yeah I'm still pleased with it.

The grass is always greener in your asshole neighbors yard, and i'm gonna agree with Sam atoms on this one. HoD is long. You don't need to write a novel to make a good quest. BTW where is the TNT, I mean powder keg?

06-25-2007, 12:18 PM
Yeah, I got over it now :p
I'm getting into making custom bosses... oh dear...
Anyway, if you go to the Dwarf Caves and talk to everyone, you should be able to find out where the powder kegs are ;)

Sam Atoms
06-26-2007, 04:21 PM
Ah, there we go. As I might say.... you need 'em to get 'em.

Er...... the powder keg doesn't clear the rock wall at the level 2 entrance. Neither does a regular bomb, or the fire gem. I don't know if I should be doing something special, but this might need fixing........

06-26-2007, 11:10 PM
Couple of bugs for you, one that's very nasty.

Brown Map area, upper right section: The grass makes black squares
In the room above, there's a house you can enter to get someone to make a whistle. When you leave, there's a place you can walk down and end up stuck in the wall.

but kudos on the graphical design. Except the jars break up like leaves ;) it's wonderful. I'm almost tempted to ask you for a link design... but I'll wait until my quest is done.

06-27-2007, 12:09 PM
You might want to try visitng Zolta if you want to get into level 2 ;)

I think I've found that bug with the grass already, but I'll check.
And I also think I've fixed that bug aswell, but I'll check that because I'm not too sure, is this in the Proffesor's house in Asmodia or near Glacia?

I know the jars break up like leaves - that's because they're 'flower' combos, and we don't have any better way of making pots with an animation in 2.10. My actual flower graphics and bushes are 'bush' combos, and my pots are flowers. 'Tall Grass' is reserved for grass :p

What's a link design?

06-27-2007, 02:16 PM
Link Sprite graphic. I want to finish my quest first before asking so it doesn't seem like a waste of anyone's time If I give up in the middle of working on it.

It's Dr.Abaka's house. Go through it and visit him, then travel down. When you try to go left, it warps you into the wall somewhere screwy.


06-27-2007, 02:23 PM
This project was originally just a tileset, and I decided to make the game after. It's up on the database at PureZC if you want the sprite, or any of the graphics (well, most of the graphics, I've had to add maaany edits to make it possible to make a quest with. I'll release an updated version of the tileset when I've finished.)

And I'll check that out. Where do you mean go left though? Dr Abaka's house only has three rooms, and none of them are on the left of the entrance.

06-27-2007, 04:14 PM
I can never be clear enough, I know.

Ok, in Dr. Abaka's house, you travel first to the right, then up. That's where you see the two, and the doctor says he's going somewhere to make you a whistle. You then head down, then left. At the point that you're heading left (but not quite out of that screen), if you push down, you warp into the wall.

06-27-2007, 05:28 PM
ahh ok, I'll check it right away, thanks.

Sam Atoms
07-05-2007, 06:04 PM
OK. I've finished level 2 and wandered around to see if there's anything else to see. Is this the end, or is there more to be done in this demo?

This is a sharp-looking, fun and challenging game, the likes of which we haven't seen in quite a long time. Can't wait for the rest.

07-05-2007, 06:13 PM
Well, there is a little more. You can now visit the top half of the snowy area in the Overworld by obtaining the Chain Flail. There's a series of events that you can do which eventually should lead to you entering level 3 - although there's nothing inside yet.

And I'm glad you're impressed.

08-12-2007, 06:53 PM
I've been away in Spain and such for a while, so this thread has died.
Anyway, I have a new version of the game with custom bosses and such for anyone who's interested.
I'll be working on the game more soon, but I'm on vista at the moment and I can't seem to get zquest to work.

FFA Custom Bosses (http://dodownload.filefront.com/8272287//a088060fa6d204e2756779989a16a71c44bf4f2cba3ec53b2e 3d6c5cc664460805ff1ef6cd3dcb9e)

(Hopefully I'm not gravedigging here, I thought it beat making a new thread)

09-07-2007, 09:50 AM
I've been playing around in this quest for a while, and am loving it! I seem to be stuck in Level 2 though; how are we to interpret the one uncorrupted robot's phrase about keys being in the eyes?

09-07-2007, 11:48 AM
ahh, there is a room in the basement with seemingly no purpose - a pond with two 'eyes' or islands in it. If you dive between those eyes - well that's how to interpret the phrase ;)