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View Full Version : Very interesting question about eyes

06-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Do you know when you cover your eyes for like 10 or more minutes while you are relaxing, you'll start to see yellowish-green ocean like effect in your vision and subtle flickering during the clear phase. Sometimes is goes like a very slow yellowish-green ocean to flickering clear pulse pattern or goes like a walk through the tunnel pattern of yellowish-green rings expanding across your vision. What would you call that?

06-09-2007, 11:12 PM
[Taken from a post on another forum by a guy who is friends with an opthamologist]

These lights are a so-called endoptic phenomenon. In other words, they originate from within the eye itself. The most likely explanation for the 'lights' or sparkles that you see when you rub your eyes is temporary interruption of the blood flow into the eye.

The patterns produced are very similar to those that you see when you stand up too quickly from a hot bath, or if you jump out of bed too fast. In these instances a 'postural drop' in blood pressure temporarily leads to reduced retinal perfusion and consequent inappropriate retinal activity, producing strange light patterns.

The retina has the highest metabolic rate of any tissue in the body and hence is the most energy and oxygen-hungry. Any interruption to its blood flow therefore causes rapid symptoms.

When you rub your eyes you are applying pressure directly onto the eyeball, raising the intraocular pressure. This can affect blood flow through intra-optic capillaries feeding the choroid (the network of blood vessels at the back of the eye that feed the retina), temporarily dimishing the supply to certain parts of the retina.

06-09-2007, 11:27 PM
endoptic phenomenon

postural drop

retinal perfusion

intraocular pressure

intra-optic capillaries

Is that so.

I was sort of wondering about that, because it happens every other morning to me when I get out of bed. :tongue:

Now explain why you "see lights" when you get beaten the crap out of you. Or something like that, I've never been beaten up.

06-10-2007, 12:43 AM
I'm talking about when you are in a very dim room or you are in the dark for a long time your vision will start doing this:

06-10-2007, 01:31 AM
My vision does not do that.

Glenn the Great
06-10-2007, 02:53 PM
Eye things like that are neat.

I definitely get those. If I concentrate and relax, I can mentally control the rings, and make them change shape and move however I dictate. If I concentrate long enough, I can turn the random colors I see when my eyes are closed into realistic images like landscapes and scenery.

06-10-2007, 03:59 PM
Eye things like that are neat.

I definitely get those. If I concentrate and relax, I can mentally control the rings, and make them change shape and move however I dictate. If I concentrate long enough, I can turn the random colors I see when my eyes are closed into realistic images like landscapes and scenery.

That's what I'm talking about! What would that relaxing effect of vision be called? I googled and it's pretty hard to describe that effect.

06-14-2007, 05:33 PM
I tend to see some really complex patterns that are moving diagonally. I sometimes see warm "spots" glowing to hot and then cooling off and then more warm "spots" fading in at other locations. Really neat stuff.

06-14-2007, 05:56 PM
I sometimes see random weapons floating around and the occasional kitty. :kitty:

06-14-2007, 10:32 PM
It happens when you faint/have a seizure :(

06-15-2007, 10:54 AM
What would that be called?

scary ghost
06-16-2007, 09:31 PM
It could be Hypnagogic Imagery? Not sure on the term.

It usually happens when you are just about to fall asleep or right before you fully wake up. You start seeing shapes and colors, or actual objects.

06-17-2007, 12:20 AM
That's when your body is asleep and your brain is awake. The blood behind your eyes isn't doing anything. I've had that too and it mostly sucks.

06-17-2007, 01:10 AM
What would that be called?

Crazy-ass shit.

It may not be the scientific answer, but it works for me!

06-18-2007, 01:49 AM
It doesn't do with sub-consciousness, You would still be fully awake. To make it clear for you, Be in a very dim room and try to meditate for a while. Then your eyes will start to go like the image I've showed you.

06-18-2007, 10:49 PM
Interesting, but I have a fact that can top yours.

Did you know that 56% of cola drinkers prefer the taste of diet Pepsi over the taste of diet Coke? Now that's information you can use 2 or 3 times day.

06-19-2007, 01:17 AM
Did you know that 56% of cola drinkers prefer the taste of diet Pepsi over the taste of diet Coke? Now that's information you can use 2 or 3 times day.

That has nothing to do with that topic.

06-19-2007, 02:08 AM
That has nothing to do with that topic.

I beg to differ. Since I found Archibaldo's comment not only them most comprehensibly post on this thread but also the most interesting, which makes it the most important topic in this thread, or at least it does to me.

You may continue with whatever you think this thread is about. My position stands that what Archibaldo's comment is much more intriguing than whatever you were trying to say, no offense or anything.

06-19-2007, 02:13 AM
I beg to differ. Since I found Archibaldo's comment not only them most comprehensibly post on this thread but also the most interesting, which makes it the most important topic in this thread, or at least it does to me.

You may continue with whatever you think this thread is about. My position stands that what Archibaldo's comment is much more intriguing than whatever you were trying to say, no offense or anything.

Your post doesn't make any sense. Also it is rude.

06-19-2007, 02:29 AM
Your post doesn't make any sense. Also it is rude.

Sorry, bad day. I guess its kinda lame of me to rant non-sensible things on a gaming forum. I really didn't mean it to be rude, but things rarely come out they were originally meant to be nowadays.

06-24-2007, 03:19 AM

06-24-2007, 03:28 AM
I think the lights are little angels that live in your eyes and make them work


06-25-2007, 06:21 AM
What would that be called?

I agree with DarkDragoonX, crazy ass sh*t.
Not sure if Iv ever experienced what you describe.
Im seen lights when a bright light is shined in my eyes.
Or on some optical illusions you see spots.
But never from just resting my eyes.
I guess in ten minutes Im asleep or something.

07-23-2007, 10:51 PM

I've still scoured throughout the internet and still could not find out what it is called. Here is another way to describe that entoptic effect. There are like greenish yellowish blobs swirling around your vision.

07-23-2007, 11:08 PM

I've still scoured throughout the internet and still could not find out what it is called. Here is another way to describe that entoptic effect. There are like greenish yellowish blobs swirling around your vision.

There you go. You just answered your own question.

You're seeing colored blobs swirling in front of your eyes.

Glenn the Great
07-23-2007, 11:12 PM
You're being very persistent on the subject, so I'm going to dredge up some information about this subject that I learned in High School Human Anatomy class.

The best explanation for this phenomenon is that you lapsed into an intermediary stage bordering wake and sleep. When you are asleep, your brain starts to display images that didn't come from your retina.

There are several stages of sleep that are progressed through. The first stages occur while you are still conscious. If you stay relaxed, you will enter Alpha and Theta sleeps while still aware. During these times, it is possible that you will prematurely begin the display of false images, such as you describe, and I personally have experienced.

As it is possible to have forms of control over your dreams, so it is with these images.