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View Full Version : Detecting enemy projectiles

06-07-2007, 11:47 PM
The reason I would like to have access to this is because I would like to create a "Link's companion" script, I could simulate another character by creating vars for HP's MP's etc, its is easy enough to dectect if the companon is 'hit' by an enemy (same cords) but what about if he gets hit by a fireball? Also (and I think this has been suggested) is to be able to spawn Link's projectile weapons, so I could simulate the companion useing arrows or magic or even bombs. I already have a script outlined for this, I don't mind waiting for the functionality needed, but I would like to know if it is possible at all. Thanks :cool:

SM :blackmage

06-07-2007, 11:50 PM
It will be soon. I'm currently finishing up a bug crusade; as soon as b18 is done I'll get to work on the ZScript enhancements I've been promising.