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View Full Version : random act of deer...

05-27-2007, 01:58 PM
so friday night i'm coming home with my boy and his two cousins and a deer explodes off my windshield from out of nowhere. i mean literally....nowhere. nobody in the car saw it coming. i ate much glass and had a deer leg whack me on the forehead, but we actually were able to get the fender bent back out enough to drive it the rest of the way home. a nice sheriff came along and shot the fucking thing in the head for me, which cheered me up a little. however, now the poor little honda civic is parked, waiting for a windshield, new fender and new hood. so we're driving a full-size sierra which gets INCREDIBLY poor gas mileage compared to the civic. it takes me almost 10 bucks a day to get to work and back, and i only live 30 mins from work. rawr.
meanwhile, in addition to a tremendous amount of broken glass (the head, a foot and a leg came thru the windshield) inside the car, the dashboard's trashed from the hoof scratching it up, and there are actually gross little pieces of deer meat all over the interior. and some fur.
everybody keeps telling me how lucky i was, since i wasn't speeding (for a change..was only going about 45) and actually WAS wearing my seatbelt, and that i only got smacked by the leg and head and not the hoof. however, i haven't been able to sleep for the last 2 nights cuz every time i close my eyes, i see the deer coming thru the windshield, and last night i had to drive home after dark, after watching some fireworks, and was extremely skittish the whole way back to his uncle's house. we spent the night here b/c i refused to drive back home after dark over the same stretch where we were assaulted by a freaking DEER!
honestly, the stupidest things happen to me.
i feel much better having vented some frustration though. and i get tomorrow off work. :D

05-27-2007, 02:05 PM
So sending you a stuffed deer for Christmas is out of the question now?:(

I've been lucky that I've never hit one but they have tried running across the road and came a few inches from getting plowed. I won't swerve either. Fuck the deer they can reproduce. My car in a ditch can't.

05-27-2007, 02:15 PM
i'm just amazed that a little honda civic was such a tank. i've never seen a car come off with that (relatively) minor damage after hitting a deer. it took on a full size buck and was driveable. unfortunately....it was my boy's car, and we only carry a liability bond, so the insurance won't cover it. fortunately, however, this is going to bump up the priority for finding me a new truck. since he doesn't really want me to drive his car, and we can get me a truck cheaper than we can repair the car. he (and his cousins) said they were amazed i kept it on the road and that i was the only one injured, but he's still depressed that his car got squished, and i can understand that. stupid deer.

edit: and as far as sending me a stuffed deer for christmas....i only suggest it if you'd like said deer stuffed someplace really uncomfortable. you sick freak.

05-27-2007, 07:42 PM
Damn. Glad your okay. I'm always paranoid when I drive at night about hitting a deer. They're really bad on post. Good luck with the car situation...I've got a 2000 Sunfire for sale for $1000 with 108000 miles on it.

05-27-2007, 08:20 PM
<hug> I'm glad you're ok honey. Sorry about the car. *kisses, hugs and snuggles*

Aegix Drakan
05-27-2007, 08:45 PM
Oh deer me...

Good thing you didn't get hurt. Glass shards everywhere + deer hooves can cause serious damage. Good luck getting repairs/new car.

Your fear of hitting another deer will eventually fade away.

Just remember, the odds of it happening again are a lot smaller now.

05-27-2007, 09:17 PM

Dark Knight
05-28-2007, 04:29 AM

That out of the way, sorry to hear a retarded deer trashed your car. At least you're ok. <3

05-28-2007, 10:39 AM
The deer in Ohio are retarded, CK. Especially out this way. They're extra retarded. As are most of the human residents. I think it's the water.

Sorry you got kicked in the face. Glad you're okay.

05-28-2007, 01:56 PM
I hope you have good fortune for the rest of your days, as to your deer problem my answer is simple yet contains the wisdom of all the ages: I blame gnomes(the mythical kind). :kitty:

05-28-2007, 02:40 PM
A deer once ran into my mom's car while she was taking me and my brother to school. The car was pretty tough, though, and the only real problems it's had since are that the automatic locks act funny sometimes (like, toggling several dozen times in a few seconds until they get tired funny).
Some guy stopped and asked if we were in a hurry and/or wanted the deer. We were, and we didn't, so the guy offered to stay and tell the police what happened, and would take the deer carcass.

Good to hear you're mostly okay.

05-29-2007, 11:03 AM
i've only ever came close to hitting a deer maybe twice. can't imagine what it would be like to actually plow into one :sick:

i'm glad you're ok (despite the nightmares and irrational fear of that roadway).


it's also nice to see you posting again, even if few and far between.