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05-11-2009, 08:54 AM
Oh man, that reminds me of an old MST3K I saw once. The movie was "Girl in Gold Boots." The editing of the movie was so terrible that there was this scene in a diner where one character suddenly materialized right in the middle of it. Dude literally appears out of nowhere and no one seems to notice. God, and it wasn't even like they cut to another shot, and cut back to original shot and suddenly he was there - no, he teleports in on-screen.
05-11-2009, 02:26 PM
I saw a woman driving a car yesterday with one hand holding a napkin to her face, and another holding a cell phone.
I don't know how she thought the danger of H1N1 is greater than driving with no hands.:uhoh:
05-11-2009, 02:33 PM
One of my favorite images of all time ( I'm a sucker for ambiguous comedy.
That rocked! I was laughing so hard as I read that. Most of that stuff is... DUH! :)
Aegix Drakan
05-11-2009, 07:11 PM
Shadowtiger, you made my freakin' day.
That was hilarious.
I saw a woman driving a car yesterday with one hand holding a napkin to her face, and another holding a cell phone.
I don't know how she thought the danger of H1N1 is greater than driving with no hands.:uhoh:
Some people are just ridiculous.
So I'm really excited. I just got Majora's Mask installed into my Wii. It's so awesome finally being able to play it on a TV, like it was meant to be played. And with a classic controller too, not the N64's controller. I never quite figured out how to hold that thing. You need three hands to hold it properly.
Aegix Drakan
05-12-2009, 07:23 PM
And with a classic controller too, not the N64's controller. I never quite figured out how to hold that thing. You need three hands to hold it properly.
You need two. Your right hand grips the right "prong" (the one with the buttons). Depending on the game, your left hand will grip either the center "prong" (if the game uses the control stick), or the left "prong" (if it doesn't use the stick).
Honestly, it was one of the comfiest controllers I've ever used. Second to the Dreamcast controller, and tied with the 360 controller.
05-12-2009, 07:41 PM
GCN Controller is still by far the best controller I've ever used. 360 controller is next to it. N64 controller could be next, depending what I'm doing. I find it acceptable for OoT, but horrid for SSB. I actually got used to the keyboard for SSB64.
Shazza Dani
05-12-2009, 11:34 PM
I think the 360 controller is best, with N64 and NGC both traipsing along somewhere after that.
I got to say, I like the Wii Remote + Nunchuck the best. It actually allows you to move your arms around, for one. I like the way the buttons are positioned. And I like the feel of it. Gamecube is pretty good, but I'm a bit biased against it, because of how crappy mine are. And 64 is okay, but they always felt weird in my hands.
05-13-2009, 11:28 AM
I absolutely love the Gamecube controller. Though I gotta admit, for shooters, nothing really beats the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo - well, aside from mouse/keyboard. Seriously, I really wish they'd make more shooters for the Wii.
Well, Nintendo's remaking Metroid Prime and Prime 2 for the Wii. I'll definitely be getting those.
While we're on the subject of remakes, if you could pick one game to be remade with new controls/graphics/etc., what it be? I'd definitely go for Major's Mask, as it still holds the position as my favorite video game ever.
05-13-2009, 12:48 PM
Definitly can't wait for the Conduit. Looks like a kick-ass Wii shooter.
Hmmm...I would love to see some of the Spiderweb Software RPG's with current-level graphics.
Shazza Dani
05-13-2009, 02:31 PM
While we're on the subject of remakes, if you could pick one game to be remade with new controls/graphics/etc., what it be? I'd definitely go for Major's Mask, as it still holds the position as my favorite video game ever.
Definitely Aidyn Chronicles. It's an awesome fucking game, but it could be so much better if they updated the graphics and ironed out the bugs and glitches.
05-13-2009, 02:59 PM
My first pick would have to be Half-Life, but a mod team is already doing a remake of Half-Life using the Half-Life 2 engine. So I guess barring that, I'd have to go with either Goldeneye (there is a Source engine mod for it, too, but it's only multiplayer), or SimEarth.
Aegix Drakan
05-13-2009, 08:21 PM
Seriously, I really wish they'd make more shooters for the Wii.
:P I just got a Wii Zapper for my birthday and damn, that thing is awesome. There needs to be more games that can use it (or at least, more shooters in general!).
That, or some modsbanned Non-gimmicky RPGs. Seriously. Just make it so you can point and click your selections. That's all! No need to waggle!
05-17-2009, 03:41 PM
So... I'm speaking to a recruiter tomorrow about joining the USCG.
Fabiano the Spy
05-17-2009, 03:51 PM
So... I'm speaking to a recruiter tomorrow about joining the USCG.
Holy shit, no kidding? When did this idea come up?
05-17-2009, 06:14 PM
Holy shit, no kidding? When did this idea come up?
About a year and a half or so ago. About damn time too.
Aegix Drakan
05-17-2009, 10:45 PM
Coast guard, eh? Cool. Good luck with that.
I dowloaded Onslaught on my Wii this afternoon. Not a bad Wii-Ware game, if you're into FPS games. But dammit, it's PAIN to use the Wii zapper for it.
Swipe nunchuck to wipe off bug guts? Not too hard.
Electro whip? Cake!
Shake free of monsters? ...ehh...I can manage.
But the modsbanned GRENADES! UUUGH... It takes sooo much force to actually throw one that it's really hard to chuck one whne you need to. I've had, no joke, three nades blow up in my face because I couldn't throw it.
Then again...I can't play WITHOUT the zapper either, because my accuracy will drop a good solid 50% without it.
05-18-2009, 01:42 AM
So... I'm speaking to a recruiter tomorrow about joining the USCG.
So why USCG? I'm just wondering why them over any others. I've been putting some thought into some branch myself, but just recently started.
Sam Atoms
05-18-2009, 02:43 AM
You know, I might get back into quest designing again, maybe even get into scripting -- if they made it possible to script in LOLCODE (
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. . .
05-18-2009, 02:55 AM
hehe I was just reading about that 2 days ago. Funny coincidence.
Fabiano the Spy
05-18-2009, 03:04 AM
You know, I might get back into quest designing again, maybe even get into scripting -- if they made it possible to script in LOLCODE (
. . .
. . .
. . .
Holy shit. I must learn this language.
That needs to be added to ZC's scripting language. That's hilarious! :laughing:
05-18-2009, 10:15 PM
Okay, I know there have been some weird dreams discussed here before, but I think this one pushes the wierdness meter.
In the beginning, I'm browsing some political debate thread here on AGN, and it turns out that Obama has been posting, as part of an attempt to get in touch with the people. So, there's this huge thread, with Obama debating back and forth like any other member. Than, my mom pulls me off the computer to make me go to Church (something she does every few months or so), and says "just so you know, your father and I have decided to check your hard-drive later, to make sure you haven't downloaded any illegal MP3s", to which I'm like "...crap!" As professional artists who have "views" about that, it's just the kind of thing they would do, too.
But the wierdest part is yet to come.
At Church, turns out a guest speaker is opening todays sermon. Surprise surprise, its Obama. And how does he open the sermon? By break-dancing.
I dreamed that Barack Obama was break dancing in my church.
05-18-2009, 10:50 PM
You have really boring dreams.
05-18-2009, 10:55 PM
I have to agree.
But don't feel bad, mine aren't anymore exciting than your's.
Mine usually involve me, Megan Fox and a pool full of cherry jell-o. *shrug* Pretty boring.
Amaster, just, wow. I'd give anything to see that.
I have confusing dreams too. The other night, I dreamed I was being chased by a huge bird. My brother was running too, then Moltres (the flaming Pokemon bird) swoops down and grabs him. I rush into my garage and close the door, and the bird hits its head on it. I run inside, then realize the front door's open. So I run upstairs, and I see something's behind the shower curtain. So I think "Okay, whatever's behind there is going to startle me enough to wake me up." A claw dashes out and nearly grabs me. I jump, but strangely, I didn't wake up. So I was excited. Then, the hand pulls back the curtain, and Hilary Clinton's behind there. Now this really startled me. Then, she turned into the giant bird and attacked me. I woke up trying to figure out what the heck caused that dream.
05-19-2009, 12:15 AM
Too much chocolate syrup before bed time. Happens to me all of the time.
I just got back Washington DC from last week. To explain why I was there, my uncle had been MIA from '68 back in VietNam. In 2007, they found some of his remains, and 5 other soldiers as well. The US flew us in for a proper burial in Arlington National Cemetary. I tell you this much, I had never even met the guy (mom was only 7 when he went MIA), and I still got rather choked up from it all. The guy the drove the bus to take the 6 families to ANC, got very emotional over itan and with good reason. 2 years ago to the day, two of his best friends were killed in Iraq and he had been wounded. When we all found out, we all clapped for him to show our appreciation. This was after the funeral service on the way back.
If anyone's interested, I can show some pictures of the service. It was... I don't even know how to describe it.
We also got to meet 2 guys that had been with him. 1 guy had a picture of him and some others with my uncle 4 days before it went down. Another guy had been in the foxhole right next to him and had gotten on the first helicopter that had gotten out. The second, the one with my uncle and 25 others, was shot down. There are a lot more details to it all, but that's in short what happened.
Wow, I know what you mean. I feel sorry for you. I'd love to see pictures.
So this morning, I was opening a box of pop tarts, and there was a ten dollar Itunes gift card in it. I'm happy. :)
05-20-2009, 04:20 PM (
Here's a picture of the funeral for my uncle and 5 other soldiers that were MIA from 6-8-1968. I'm not sure exactly who the kneeling soldier is giving the flag to, but that's what he's doing.
It was a pretty good experience, the whole thing. It's odd to describe it as "the funeral was great". But it really was great. Those that knew them, finally got closure. I'm just glad I got to be there.
Also for those that have never been there, Arlington National Cemetary is beyond HUGE. Here is only a SMALL section of a section there: (
The place is just so huge!
I will never be able to describe a funeral as great. They're so sad, so depressing. I still occasionally cry from my grandmother's funeral two months ago. I'm glad that you could enjoy your uncle's though.
So how were they able to identify the remains? Dog tags? DNA testing?
05-20-2009, 06:28 PM
They did find dog tags and some other personal items form him and others, but that's not how they do the remains. They had found several teeth and many bone fragments. Unfortunately, the soil in Viet Nam is very acidic, so DNA gets destroyed in bones (and anything else) rather quickly. Teeth have enamel on them that slow a lot of the corrosion down. Some were still unidentifiable, but many of them still were.
Another interesting thing about DNA matching is that they could only use sister family members. Brothers, even though they had the same mother and father, do not share close enough DNA ... uh, patterns?... to do a proper comparison. If the person had only brothers, or was an only child, they have to use the mother's DNA for comparison. If the mother had already passed, there could be no comparison. The lady with the VFW that told us all of this last NOV had said they had some cases where this had happened. They also had one where the soldier, whose remains had been found, had been adopted. So they tracked down the original mother and asked her for the help for his adopted family. In this stories case, she did. She also had said that they had ran into the adopted thing before, and the biological mother was unwilling to help. Which is just sad.
My uncle was 1 of 8 kids, 4 of which were his sisters. So the DNA thing was pretty easy to get a hold of.
I also only described the funeral as great meaning that it was extremely well done. I don't know how it could've gone any better. There was so much respect. Here were Marines that had never even met these 6 soldiers showing the utmost of respect for them and their families. I think that's what got to me.
So you got some free poptarts with your iTunes card, huh? I don't think I've ever won anything from poptarts.
I won a free pool cue for getting the most 8 on the breaks in this past session of league play (6 of them). It's from Cuetech and is flat black on gloss black. The shaft is an SST shaft that is flat black and super smooooooth. It's the same shaft that Allison Fisher has been promoting from what I've been told. I think I got either 3 or 4 break and runs as well. I know it was at least 3. It only took 5 years of league play to finally win something in the individual department.
The soil is that acidic? Wow, you've got me scared of Vietnam now. :)
Interesting about the DNA. I would have guessed a brother would be a better match because they are the same sex. I'm going to do some research on this. You've got me really curious now.
05-20-2009, 11:59 PM
We all thought the same thing.
05-21-2009, 07:27 AM
Oy... Biology lesson, everyone. You use female DNA because in doing family DNA matching, you generally use midochondrial DNA which is passed on maternally. Because only your mother gives you your mitochondrial DNA, it isn't mixed up, making it much easier to do comparisons. Most DNA is a jumble of both your parents', which makes it incredibly difficult for matching purposes.
And to explain what mitochondrial DNA is, each of your cells contains an organelle called a mitochondria, which is responsible for converting sugar into energy for the cell. And for some reason, the mitochondria has its own DNA, separate from the rest of the human genome. It's believed that this is because far back in the mists of uncharted time, mitochondria were once bacteria that formed a symbiotic relationship with eukaryotic cells, based on the similarity of mitochondrial DNA to bacterial DNA.
05-21-2009, 11:42 AM
Well that explains a lot. The lady with the VFW didn't go into all of those details. I think it was partly because then it would've been off subject of the more important topic at the time (and most wouldn't understand what she was even saying anyways, bringing up restrictions in DNA testing brought out the glazed over eyes from many). But that's stuff is pretty cool.
Modus Ponens
05-21-2009, 06:25 PM
Actually, rock, mitochondria host submicroscopic tree-like beings called farandolae, with which you can communicate if you master the ability to teleport into the mitochondria and speak via telepathy.
Or so Madeleine L'Engle would have us believe.
So lately I've been into toasting marshmallows over my stove. It's delicious and awesome. You can pretty much toast a perfect marshmallow every time. Anyone else do this?
05-21-2009, 06:41 PM
Yeah, but how do you get the "wood smoky" flavoring? You don't, do you. And therefore, NOT a perfect marshmallow!
Actually... I just never tried it.
05-21-2009, 06:43 PM
I don't quite like marshmallows that much, (too porous.) but now you've given me the idea to do the very same with buttered toast, or the occasional tuna sandwich. :p
05-21-2009, 06:59 PM
I'm not so sure that it'll work all that great with toast. If it does anything like my toaster oven does, it'll just pretty much dry it out and be done. Of course, don't let me take away any excuse for you to play with fire!!
Or so Madeleine L'Engle would have us believe.
I always think of her when I think of Mitochondria. I guess they really didn't know too much about it back then.
05-22-2009, 02:27 AM
Anyone else happen to see Phoebe in Wonderland?
05-22-2009, 02:57 PM
I don't quite like marshmallows that much, (too porous.) but now you've given me the idea to do the very same with buttered toast, or the occasional tuna sandwich. :p
Is your avatar having an orgasm?
05-22-2009, 03:13 PM
Is your avatar having an orgasm?
It sure looks that way. Either an orgasm from an alien tentacle or she's getting hit somewhere.
05-22-2009, 04:07 PM
I had filed for disability back somewhere between January and February. My doctors office took their sweet time giving Unum the information they needed. I finally gave up after I couldn't live off unemployment alone. That's when I got the job at MedCorp.
I went back to work a little earlier than advised and I'm doing the job my doctor doesn't think I can handle but everything has been and I feel fine. The rep I've been working with called me a few minutes ago. She said I had a fat check in the mail. A good portion of my lasik just got paid for. I bought my gps unit and I'm so tempted to buy a 360 but I'm waiting until after spring quarter is over.
05-22-2009, 05:06 PM
I had filed for disability back somewhere between January and February. My doctors office took their sweet time giving Unum the information they needed.
Dear sweet time of only 3-4 months? Yeah it sucks to wait that long, but my step-dad had a back injury back in June of 2004 that he had to file workcomp on. It took about a year to get his back pay because the company fired him (can you say "illegal") over it to try and get out of paying it. Then he filed for disability as well shortly after, and has been denied about 3 times. They said he can get a job as a "Guard in a shack", "wire winder" (you know, a machine's job), so therefore he doesn't get it. Neither job is available anywhere within 100 miles of their house either. He has problems standing for longer than 10 minutes, and sitting for anymore than 30 minutes. Our gov't... ain't it grand?
Way to go on getting it though. It's good to hear that SOME people actually get what they are supposed to.
Did you know that once you turn 55, the US deems you as "untrainable" for a new job? Weird huh?
11-29-2009, 10:10 PM
I'll be the first to start posting in the thread of random subjects.
The girlfriend and I did the black Friday shopping deal. We were going to get up early and hop online to order her mom a laptop for Christmas. Somehow the alarm on the phone went straight to snooze. It's the most obnoxious, annoying ring tone on the env3 so we always here it. Missed that chance. We went out, got what we needed for Christmas and called it a day.
Last night we were going to go to bed early. Girlfriend is on her facebook then decided to check Walmart to see what laptops they had advertised for the week. The laptop we originally wanted to get her mom was on sale still. Black Friday price and it was 12am this morning. We called the nearest Walmart and they had three in stock. We now have her mom's laptop and I have a nice new laptop I'm loving. I'm used to having a full sized keyboard so this has taken some adjusting. A notebook cooler is in order also, it gets rather warm in my lap.
For $300 it's a nice laptop. Not a high end but it's a dual core HP labeled as an "entertainment" notebook.
11-30-2009, 06:53 PM
I kind of wanted to take advantage of some of those laptop specials too. But alas, no money to do so.
I recently got a letter from my old mortgage company and they wanted to settle with me on the difference from my house and the foreclosure. It was a pretty good deal and I just happened to be getting in the amount they were asking for, so I took it. I'm kind of glad too since I won't have to worry about that hanging over my head anymore. Now I am no longer just a deadbeat who owes them money. I'm now a deadbeat that settled with them. :)
YouTube has a deal where you can watch the three "Man With No Name" movies for FREE!!! (With advertisements of course).
In case anyone is interested, here's a link:
Whoa, I've been gone a while, And now I come back to find that the whole site's been hacked. I need to stop by more often. :P
12-01-2009, 03:55 AM
I'll be the first to start posting in the thread of random subjects.
The girlfriend and I did the black Friday shopping deal. We were going to get up early and hop online to order her mom a laptop for Christmas. Somehow the alarm on the phone went straight to snooze. It's the most obnoxious, annoying ring tone on the env3 so we always here it. Missed that chance. We went out, got what we needed for Christmas and called it a day.
I don't know if this applies to the env3 or not, but my env2 won't sound the alarm if the phone is set to vibrate. It'll just vibrate instead, which is impossible to hear. Stupidest design decision ever.
Actually, I like that. I purposely keep my phone on vibrate, and prefer my alarms to vibrate. Although I guess a better design would have been to allow you to choose "vibrate" for the alarm but otherwise make a sound on any setting.
So, is this thread going to be split and the old stuff archived, like it was before the hack? I think it was nice to have a smaller thread to work with.
12-01-2009, 10:55 PM
Is it just me or have the phone vibrate settings been getting louder over the years. It seems like its gotten to the point where vibrate is almost as audible as your regular ringtone.
12-01-2009, 11:36 PM
It has. My roommate's phone is disgustingly loud on vibrate. Mine, thankfully, is not too loud. Wasn't the entire point of the vibrate mode to notify you that you got a call/text withOUT making sound?
12-02-2009, 08:38 AM
I don't know if this applies to the env3 or not, but my env2 won't sound the alarm if the phone is set to vibrate. It'll just vibrate instead, which is impossible to hear. Stupidest design decision ever.
We hardly ever have our phones on vibrate unless we're in the movies. Oh well. We ended up getting the laptops so it worked out and we got to sleep in.:D
Actually, I like that. I purposely keep my phone on vibrate, and prefer my alarms to vibrate. Although I guess a better design would have been to allow you to choose "vibrate" for the alarm but otherwise make a sound on any setting.
So, is this thread going to be split and the old stuff archived, like it was before the hack? I think it was nice to have a smaller thread to work with.
I can sleep almost anything. Keeping my phone on vibrate would be a bad idea.
Is it just me or have the phone vibrate settings been getting louder over the years. It seems like its gotten to the point where vibrate is almost as audible as your regular ringtone.
They have. I had an older samsung flip phone and upgraded to the env3. The vibrate on that is not only loud but can double as something else.
12-03-2009, 05:24 AM
Woot 4000 posts! Boo same colored stars! Woot +1 rep power!
In other news, it's 4:26am and I have a 9:30am class. 'Night.
12-03-2009, 11:45 AM
I am fond of Nokia mobiles for, among other things, the alarms that still sound even when they are in silent mode. I used to think that was typical of all mobile phones until a few of my friends bemoaned the fact their non-Nokia phones are not like that. A friend's Nokia will actually alert for the alarm when the device is powered down. I am not sure how that works but I have witnessed it myself so I know it's on the level.
12-04-2009, 12:19 PM
Man, I should know better than to visit the library the day before a midterm. The allure of a new book is too powerful for studying to fight.
12-04-2009, 04:13 PM
Damn! My girlfriend and I are going to Hamburg, PA this weekend for a reptile show. She doesn't get off work until 5 so we won't be leaving until 7 or so since she's an hour from my place. We won't pull into the hotel until after 3am according to google maps. I'm going for 5 hours.
12-05-2009, 12:47 AM
Do not take the ramblings of sub-normals to heart, Icey.
Have you decided on any games you want?
Metal Gear Solid 4, Rock Band 2, and Uncharted 2 for sure. Also lookng at Fallout 3 and COD: Modern Warfare 2
12-08-2009, 03:33 PM
Well the day has come for me to say "Hasta la pasta people!!" I go to "turn myself in" for boot camp in about 1 1/2 hours from now. Whenever I get access again, I'll be back. You can take that as a threat if you like.
I hope you all have a good Christmas, Channukah, or whatever holiday you heathen bastards are celebrating (just kidding), and New Years.
12-08-2009, 03:38 PM
Well the day has come for me to say "Hasta la pasta people!!" I go to "turn myself in" for boot camp in about 1 1/2 hours from now.
Safe travels and remember, boot does not last forever; it just seems that way.
"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." Try not to be that nail.
12-15-2009, 11:16 PM
Meet Piglet. A Jungle Tremper mix leopard gecko. He will be four months old Thursday. The name may not be original but once he was settled into his new home he has been eating nonstop. He finally slowed down when the weather got cold but he's still making an effort to make me go broke. It's a good thing I have my own colony of mealworms.
So I saw my PS3 tonight! I helped my mom and dad bring in all the Chirstmas gifts to put under the tree this year. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to actually open and play the PS3, though.
Also: Merry Christmas everyone!
12-27-2009, 04:49 AM
Hopefully everyone has enjoyed the holidays so far. I've been enjoying spending time with family more and more every year.
Random: Today I randomly encountered Entei while training outside of Ecruteak in Pokémon Crystal. First random legendary encounter for me. Kinda sucks it fled immediately. :p
Master Ghaleon
01-05-2010, 04:06 PM
I had a good time over the holidays for the most part. About a month ago my computer fried so I have no computer atm. Sucks really but I have been playing the piss out of MW2 on my Ps3.
01-06-2010, 04:31 AM
Wow, this site looks different now. O_o
Edit: Also, this is just plain cool. Look near the half-way mark.
Air Guitar Hero!
01-09-2010, 06:23 PM
After precisely 15 months, on the dot to the minute, I have been dumped. Things were basically going perfectly until Thursday, January 7, when I received a disheartening e-mail. The reasoning was essentially that I am here and she is 3 hours away. It was a cowardly move. I was in love.
Sucks dude. I got dumped before because I was in the hospital twice and she couldn't handle it anymore, so she ran away rather than stick with me through it.
Don't worry, you'll find someone else with time.
01-11-2010, 09:59 PM
Damn! I leave for like a month, and theres been like 8 replies in So... in that time? This is just sad man...
01-11-2010, 11:01 PM
After precisely 15 months, on the dot to the minute, I have been dumped. Things were basically going perfectly until Thursday, January 7, when I received a disheartening e-mail. The reasoning was essentially that I am here and she is 3 hours away. It was a cowardly move. I was in love.
It was more than a cowardly move. She obviously wasn't mature enough to be in a "big kids" relationship. You'll find someone better in due time.
Sucks dude. I got dumped before because I was in the hospital twice and she couldn't handle it anymore, so she ran away rather than stick with me through it.
Don't worry, you'll find someone else with time.
That was my biggest worry when I first met my girlfriend. I thought she would bail once she learned just how serious my problems were. I was way out in left field. Instead of leaving she wanted to go with me to meet the doctor so she could tear into him and find out why I was getting the run around. Coming up on six months later we're still together, she's moved in with me to be closer since it was an hour drive from her place to mine and she's keeping an eye on me when I'm having a rough day.
01-14-2010, 03:00 AM
Because we're a bunch of lazy bums. AGN is dead. The hack did us in.
And it appears more that I got dumped because she didn't want to be "tied down" because she's "only 16", whatever that means. The heck with it.
Colts, Chargers, Cowboys, Saints. Cowboys, Chargers. Chargers.
01-14-2010, 03:37 AM
It means she is only sixteen and still has a lot of growing up to do without the problems of trying to maintain an adult relationship as a handicap. Some teenagers are actually savvy enough to appreciate they are not ready to "settle down" into playing grown-up games until they have experienced more of life. Or else she is just not that into you and was trying to let you down easy. Either way, cut the girl some slack. If she does not want to be in a relationship with you, you are better off without her trying to fake it.
So, I've been working out - lifting weights - for the past couple weeks, every other day. It's going well! I started out just lifting the bar on the bench press - about 45 lb - but am now up to 65 lb. Nice to be making progress already. I can't really see any visible progress, but I'm sure it will be there soon enough. I plan to continue doing this for the rest of the year at least, so good things should come =)
01-15-2010, 01:41 AM
are you a girl, or a little kid?
or are you just a small in stature male, just wondering because that is a very light weight!
keep up the work though and you will see progress!
First time I ever lifted weights. I'm a fairly small 22 year old male. My friend is also starting to lift with me (21 year old male, same size as me) and is only lifting about 45 lbs. We'll get to bigger weights with time...
Pineconn lolz
01-15-2010, 08:56 PM
Sup peeps. Anybody enjoy a good Xbox Live Indie Game?
And, nice new layout. Very clean.
01-15-2010, 09:04 PM
Icey, I totally understand. When I ran cross-country for a year in high-school, we trained with the football players in the off-season, which led to my first and only experience with weight-lifting. Like you, I started at 45 lbs. By the end of the year, I was lifting over 100 lbs. If I started again, I'd probably be right back at the bar.
01-19-2010, 11:27 AM
There was a period of time where I benched over 200...but that was several years ago and I doubt I could do it right now, as I haven't done any weight training in quite awhile.
01-19-2010, 08:20 PM
Sup peeps. Anybody enjoy a good Xbox Live Indie Game?
And, nice new layout. Very clean.
Either people aren't present, or they don't care. I'd actually have to stick with the former. It's been a ghost town for ages.
Pineconn lolz
01-20-2010, 10:34 PM
I noticed, and I called it years ago.
Not really that much fun talking to no one. But how goes it Pineconn?
01-21-2010, 01:09 PM
Fantaaastic. Although, programming is fun. I still need to figure out how to exit a program where you call for an integer and you enter a decimal...
Pineconn lolz
01-21-2010, 02:16 PM
isn't it return(0) or something like that? Been a long time since I've used C. But have fun with that! Still no programming courses for me.
Aegix Drakan
02-08-2010, 02:08 PM I am in Java class...doing absolutely NOTHING.
Why? Because I did the work when it was assigned, and I'm now waiting for the rest of the class to catch up, since they were too busy faffing about the rest of the time.
This is the SECOND time I'll have had a totally useless class because 3/4 of my classmates are lazy bums.
And I can't leave and go home because the teacher told me she will start teaching something new in 5 minutes.....which she told 15 minutes ago.
And it's my only class today. Meaning I could just go home and find a more fun use of my time than trying to surf on an outdated Solaris 10 browser that can't even post messages on GameFaqs.
......whee......What a fun waste of 2 hours. -_- Can't wait until I get that laptop. Least then I can work on my RPG/ZC quest.
Tl:dr: My classmates are wasting class time and I can't do anything about it. And I'm now bored as hell.
...Oh thank goodness. We're FINALLY starting the next topic......
02-13-2010, 11:17 AM
Hey everyone!! I made it through boot camp and off to A-school. Just thought I'd say HI really quick while I'm waiting for my flight.
02-14-2010, 05:10 PM
..........Yeah, this website is dead.
02-17-2010, 11:34 PM
Wow, my A-school is WAY better than bootcamp was. Of course, I get to spend around a year here now in CT instead of FL, but who needs sunshine and warmth anyways? Ha ha. Oh that reminds me, there was a guy in bootcamp in my division who's name was "Ha". For a guy with a funny name, he really wasn't very funny. Kind of like a clown fish.
DsS Game
02-24-2010, 10:56 AM
some things never change lol...
Darth Marsden
02-24-2010, 12:13 PM
I see no changes, wake up in the morning and ask myself 'Is life worth living, should I blast myself?' I'm tired of being poor & even worse I'm black, my stomach hurts so I'm looking for a purse to snatch. Cops give a damn about a negro - pull the trigger, kill a nigga, he's a hero. Give the crack to the kids, who the hell cares, one less hungry mouth on the welfare. First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers, give 'em guns, step back, watch 'em kill each other. It's time to fight back that's what Huey said - 2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead. I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other. We gotta start makin' changes - learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers. And that's how it's supposed to be. How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kids but things changed, and that's the way it is.
02-24-2010, 04:54 PM
some things never change lol...
I was just seeing if anybody caught the Nemo reference.
03-06-2010, 04:54 AM
I'm on a quest to revitalize "So...". I'll begin by posting a randomly hilarious tidbit I saw on Facebook...
03-06-2010, 09:37 AM
I'm on a quest to revitalize "So...". I'll begin by posting a randomly hilarious tidbit I saw on Facebook...
Let me guess. High school couple?
03-06-2010, 06:18 PM
Naturally. A sophomore and a freshman, respectively. I just noticed that they went from "in a relationship" to "it's complicated". Like I (or anyone else) cares. :p
Sooo...... yeah. One more week till finals...
One word: "it's".
Learn basic grammar plz.
03-08-2010, 01:52 AM
I'm going to be proposing to my girlfriend in the next few weeks....
03-08-2010, 04:25 AM
Outstanding. Have you bought the ring?
03-08-2010, 10:21 AM
Outstanding. Have you bought the ring?
It's currently being cleaned and the diamond set. There's a jeweler my family has gone to for years so I went to them and found the ring.
03-08-2010, 07:05 PM
That's awesome. Congrats Biggiy!
03-08-2010, 07:31 PM
Way to go!
Don't forget that as soon as she goes to pull in the ring to have a better look, snag back to make sure the hook is set so you can reel her in. Wait... that's not right?
03-20-2010, 10:24 PM
I went to some fairy-tale house up in Clintonville to help some people move. I got an old Game Boy out of it, with Link's Awakening, Mario Lands 1, and 2. Sweet loot.
03-22-2010, 04:00 AM
and here I came to post about my soon to be engagement. Congrats Biggiy.
Darth Marsden
03-22-2010, 12:20 PM
Ah, they grow up so fast... *sniff*
Kudos to you both.
03-22-2010, 12:40 PM
and here I came to post about my soon to be engagement. Congrats Biggiy.
Thanks. You too.
03-22-2010, 01:29 PM
Congrats both biggiy and Breaker!
Congratulate me, bitches, I'm SINGLE!!
03-24-2010, 01:02 PM
Congrats Biggiy and Breaker. Married life is challenging, but rewarding.
I got two $50 GameStop giftcards in the mail. It was from a Christmas promotion that Charter was doing. I had completely forgot about signing up for this. I picked up Final Fantasy XIII and Dragon Age: Origins Awakening.
Darth Marsden
03-25-2010, 04:51 PM
Coolies. I hear good things about both.
I've been buying stuff on the cheap recently. I really shouldn't - I have hardly any money - but they're so gosh-darned cheap! Halo Legends (the Animatrix-style one) was bought in a charity shop for £1. Runaway 2: Dream of the Turtle (Special Edition, including the first Runaway as well) was 99p, as was the Kingmaker add-on for Neverwinter Nights. UT2004 was £1.99, Kane & Lynch was £2.99, and Tingle's Rupeeland for the DS was £4.99.
And how many have I played? None. Woo!
03-25-2010, 05:28 PM
Coolies. I hear good things about both.
I've been buying stuff on the cheap recently. I really shouldn't - I have hardly any money - but they're so gosh-darned cheap! Halo Legends (the Animatrix-style one) was bought in a charity shop for £1. Runaway 2: Dream of the Turtle (Special Edition, including the first Runaway as well) was 99p, as was the Kingmaker add-on for Neverwinter Nights. UT2004 was £1.99, Kane & Lynch was £2.99, and Tingle's Rupeeland for the DS was £4.99.
And how many have I played? None. Woo!
Can't pass up cheap games if they look interesting.
03-27-2010, 09:04 AM
I want some Thin Mints.
Bad. Real bad.
03-27-2010, 12:24 PM
I want some Thin Mints.
Bad. Real bad.
Girlfriend's sister is in girl scouts and we bought some. Mmmm thin mints.
04-01-2010, 11:36 AM
I had to buy myself a box of them last week as well. They don't last very long.
04-06-2010, 08:48 AM
It's official as of last night. I'm engaged.
04-23-2010, 07:56 AM
Congrats on the getting engaged :)
Sooooo my boyfriend's baby mama is CRAZY and making up lies about me. Is it wrong to beat her fucking head in?
Darth Marsden
04-24-2010, 12:20 PM
Biggiy - Sweet! Congrats, man.
Moocow - Yes, it would be wrong. 'Accidentally' running her over with your car, however, is perfectly fine, if not encouraged. Bonus points if she tries to run and you have to chase her down.
04-24-2010, 12:58 PM
Sooooo my boyfriend's baby mama is CRAZY and making up lies about me. Is it wrong to beat her fucking head in?
04-24-2010, 04:09 PM
Beld: That's exactly how it feels :( So obnoxious. I've been a very good girl and kept my mouth shut, regardless of the things she's saying about me. But man, what I wouldn't give to be able to smear her face on the concrete...
04-24-2010, 05:26 PM
Girlfriend's sister is in girl scouts and we bought some. Mmmm thin mints.
I actually went online to see if I could order some, but I guess they are not available this time of year here. :/
EDIT: Oh, congrats on the engagement.
04-30-2010, 05:17 PM
First semester back to school should be marked by straight A's provided I do well on my finals. I was really nervous going into this as I hadn't been in school since 2003. When I was in college before, I think I got by with one or two A's over three semesters. Looks like I can do well now that I actually give a shit.
04-30-2010, 10:18 PM
First semester back to school should be marked by straight A's provided I do well on my finals. I was really nervous going into this as I hadn't been in school since 2003. When I was in college before, I think I got by with one or two A's over three semesters. Looks like I can do well now that I actually give a shit.
Biggy, congrats on engagement, I've been married for 35 the same wonderful lady!
Anthony, way to go! It was 35 years for me before I went back to school last year. Made all A's so far except for one A-. If ya need help on math, let me know. If I can't help I know a great free help site.
05-05-2010, 12:58 PM
I just got a Sprint AirCard for my computer. After several hours of headache with their so called tech support, I have internet again! The cards are fairly fast as well.
05-18-2010, 02:22 AM
I found a 4-leaf clover today while running. It's now on my desk in a Powerade cap with water in it.
I should buy a lottery ticket.
05-23-2010, 02:41 AM
This dull and bored work never stops!
05-25-2010, 01:18 AM
Got my website up. Its made with FrontPage 2003 for the time being.
Its pretty basic, but Ill be changing it up to be a little more appealing.
05-25-2010, 08:31 AM
My baby graduates from preschool today. My sweet, precious little boy. Well, mostly sweet and precious. Kind of. He's sort of a big brat, but that's beyond the point. The point is, my little boy is all growed up and I'm feeling really sad about it :(
Chris Miller
05-26-2010, 06:19 PM
Take solace in the fact that he's a good boy and you did your job right. :)
05-27-2010, 08:14 PM n.jpg
My lil man all growed up :(
05-27-2010, 10:21 PM
I may have mentioned that I work as a Teaching Assistant (teacher's aide, as the job is also known) in a local high school. Found out I've been transferred to another program a few weeks back - given the current job situation, especially with the St. Paul school district budget crisis, I was just happy to be guaranteed a job next year, though I'm bummed I have to move to another program. Anyway, as a result of student questioning, one of my classes found out, and I'll be damned if that wasn't the most painful thing ever. I mean, everyone in the class loved me, and they were devastated that I wouldn't be around next year. And at the same time, I didn't have much in the way of consolation, because I felt the same way - there isn't a single student I work with that I won't miss, but I have no choice in the matter. Then again, on the one hand, there's really something satisfying to know that you've made such a strong connection with so many students, but yeah... I almost feel I'm letting them down, even though I had no control over the situation.
05-29-2010, 02:24 PM
Congrats on the getting engaged :)
Sooooo my boyfriend's baby mama is CRAZY and making up lies about me. Is it wrong to beat her fucking head in?
Generally speaking having a negative attitude is a defense mechanism for being dissapointed, but someone spreading lies is a completly different story... I think beating her face in... we've all needed it at some point and it sounds like she does too!
05-29-2010, 11:49 PM
Man, walking home from work out here is like
05-30-2010, 12:20 PM
Geez, I leave for like six months and when I return this goddamned thread is still going?
05-31-2010, 12:12 AM
Man, walking home from work out here is like
WOW! Where did you dig up that old game? Also, what exactly was the curse anyways? It's been around 20 years since I've played that game.
06-01-2010, 06:42 PM
I just typed in "terrible night for a curse" in Google. Now that you mention it, I suppose I could have taken a screenshot. I think Simon was just commenting on how it would suck to have a curse, like, maybe there was a full moon, and maybe people turn into werewolves or some shit. Or maybe, it is just something that got mistranslated. But out here in the sticks, it actually gets dark at night. Real dark. I have to take a flash light to work with me since the restaurant is in the woods at the end of this long ass road.
In other news, I caught myself shaking my Wii controller while playing Mario Bros 3. You know, cause in NSMB:Wii you can do that little aerial thingy. Good times.
06-03-2010, 04:04 AM
But out here in the sticks, it actually gets dark at night. Real dark. I have to take a flash light to work with me since the restaurant is in the woods at the end of this long ass road.
Look out for the vampires!!
Sorry, I've started watching True Blood recently since someone had it around here. At least you know if it were from the Twilight movies there'd be nothing to worry about, other than shiny skin and frolicking.
07-15-2010, 02:42 AM
Eh, what the heck.
I started playing Wii Sports again for no reason. I think I did pretty well in baseball.
Now somebody else carry the "So..." torch!
07-18-2010, 12:47 AM
I get to go the USS Missouri Commissioning Ceremony at the end of the month!
I recently beat the first quest of Zelda Saturday morning in 34'16".
I'm pretty much out of interesting news.*
*= Warranty does not state that it may be interesting to all and/or any.
07-23-2010, 01:47 PM
Look out for the vampires!!
Sorry, I've started watching True Blood recently since someone had it around here. At least you know if it were from the Twilight movies there'd be nothing to worry about, other than shiny skin and frolicking.
My wife and I started watching that recently. Its pretty good so far, though Anna Paquin's acting isn't great.
Internet forum drama isn't as exciting as it used to be. How's the weather?
07-24-2010, 06:10 PM
My band plays out at a bar tonight. I'm excited. We're recording too.
07-25-2010, 02:54 AM
Ugh, I wish I were that proficient in Zelda 1. With all my time spent in ZC, you'd think I'd play it more often...
And yeah, AGN hasn't been too exciting since the December(?) hack. Some things have been heating up more recently, though....
Oh, and this is just classic. Had to post it:
07-25-2010, 11:42 AM
*pokes his head in*
Got to do the post every 6 months kind of deal. Finally found a new job. I start as of tomorrow for a call center at American Customer Care. Wages aren't bad for it being 8/hr. Besides that just dealing with IRL bullshit that has been going on. Going to start putting money back and move out and that will solve most of the drama.
07-29-2010, 04:36 PM
Not that anyone cares or would even notice... But I'm moving and might not have internet for a while. Just sayin'.
07-29-2010, 06:38 PM
Tell me about it. I am at a Hastings mooching off some free Wifi. T-Mobile finally shut off my Data about 2 months after cutting off my Phone service. I'm sure there is a bill waiting at my previous address for the early termination fees and whatnot. It sucks it had to be this way but times are tough and I cant shell out 90bucks a month anymore for phone service.
Personal update: Well after like 13 years I chopped it all off.
Avatar image generally my hair length for the last couple years
but before that for atleast 8 years
The Faerie picture is a bonus.
DsS Game
08-02-2010, 05:00 AM
Not that anyone cares or would even notice... But I'm moving and might not have internet for a while. Just sayin'.
Damn and I just came back to say hiiii lol. That and well my bday was yesterday and I got the forum email about it :P
08-10-2010, 12:11 PM
I have a show on Friday. If you're in the St. Louis area, you should go.
Darth Marsden
08-10-2010, 03:53 PM
Personal update: Well after like 13 years I chopped it all off.
Avatar image generally my hair length for the last couple years
but before that for atleast 8 years
Hey, my hair's only slightly shorter than that. I grew it long specifically so I could tie it back into a ponytail though, otherwise it'd get all up in ma face and I'd be like "nom nom hair is nommy".
That sentence kinda got away from me there, sorry.
08-10-2010, 08:58 PM
[...]and I'd be like "nom nom hair is nommy".
...And you are/were writing a book. :rolleyes:
Darth Marsden
08-11-2010, 02:14 AM
Bad smilies are bad.
I have trouble staying focused while I write. I'll do a little bit, then get bored and do something else. I'm like that with most things in- Oo, shiny red ball!
08-13-2010, 07:30 AM
Hoo, what a Friday the 13th. The generator my family relies on for power went and caught on fire just a little while ago. Ironically, it happened while in the middle of playing World of Tanks...where cries like "Fire? ... FIRE!!!!" are commonplace.
You know what the next step in spambot evolution is? A spambot that posts to complain about spambots, but still has all the normal links and stuff in its signature. Now that I want to see.
So, it's me again. You guys remember me, right? It's been a long time since I popped in here. Probably not gonna stay, just stopping by to say hi and see if I still recognize anyone. The new forums looks really different. Site got hacked again? I really can't say I'm surprised. This place is like a magnet for hackers.
So yeah, bottom line, hi! :P
08-21-2010, 01:46 AM
WHOA, IT'S RUSS. You, Amaster, and phattonez don't frequent the forums too much anymore. Darn real life.
Yeah, the forums were hacked late last year, I believe. We lost about 6 months of posts and the classic black theme.
08-21-2010, 02:42 AM
Hey Russ,
I'm sorry I gave you so much crap in the past. I became a Christian earlier this year.
08-21-2010, 02:20 PM
I became a Christian earlier this year.
Bel is now my new BFF.
WHOA, IT'S RUSS. You, Amaster, and phattonez don't frequent the forums too much anymore. Darn real life.
Hm, that's a bummer. I was hoping to see them. Oh well.
Hey Russ,
I'm sorry I gave you so much crap in the past. I became a Christian earlier this year.
Que the hysterical laughter here. Nice to know you haven't lost your humor.
You guys are making me want to stay for a bit now. Who knows, maybe I will stick around.
08-22-2010, 02:02 AM
No, he really did. He was inches from death from a car accident (I believe) but survived (well, obviously). He's a changed man now.
Seriously? While I find that hard to believe, if it's true, then I'm really excited.
So, what's going on in GB? I feel like running in there and getting everybody to yell and scream at me. :P
08-22-2010, 05:53 PM
Hey Russ. I haven't been around much myself in these last few months. I'm living in Wisconsin for the summer, and have shitty internet. I've noticed that AGN seems more active in the last two weeks though.
08-22-2010, 06:29 PM
So, what's going on in GB? I feel like running in there and getting everybody to yell and scream at me. :PDo it, I dare ya'. We even have de rigueur furry thread going on so people know they are in the right place.
08-22-2010, 07:51 PM
Why is GB, a forum dedicated to hate, the most active place on AGN?
Coincidence? I don't think so.
No, he really did. He was inches from death from a car accident (I believe) but survived (well, obviously). He's a changed man now.
I don't buy it.
08-23-2010, 03:00 AM
What? You don't believe what a random person says on tehz intarwebzors? Blasphemy!
Err, oh yeah. I was making that up. :p Beld being Christian is like politely negotiating with terrorists. Neither is very plausible.
08-23-2010, 03:23 AM
I was not in any car accidents. =)
To be perfectly honest, however, I have reconsidered my position and I believe in Jesus now. I expect to be brutally mocked, of course, but I hope you'll consider that it likely took more than a fairy tale and some lame emotional appeals to make me change my mind.
I really do feel bad about how I talked to Russ and Starkist in particular. I don't apologize for the arguments I made, but I do apologize for my tone.
Dunno what to say. I won't mock you, but I'm still atheist and don't think anything can ever change my mind on that. I think "spiritual experiences" or "miracles" are bullshit, but if it makes you happy, more power to you I guess. As long as you don't go around trying to convert people.
08-23-2010, 04:43 AM
Yeah, pretty sure I'm not qualified to "try and convert people". I am a skeptical, anti-religion rationalist who re-examined the existing data and decided my opinion failed to explain facts I could not controvert. There are many books on the subject and my internet-opinion is a piss poor source of scholarly information so there's no point in debating it here. Ironically, this happened while I was trying to build a more articulate case against the New Testament.
Do it, I dare ya'. We even have de rigueur furry thread going on so people know they are in the right place.
Hm. In that case, I think I'll suddenly dedice to become a furry, then run into that thread and talk about how awesome they are. I can only imagine the results. :P
I was not in any car accidents. =)
That's good to know. Now make sure you don't get into any. :P
I really do feel bad about how I talked to Russ and Starkist in particular. I don't apologize for the arguments I made, but I do apologize for my tone
Hey, that's more than I ever expected from you. Apology accepted.
08-23-2010, 06:03 AM
Now I feel like a douche, Beld. :p (This seems to happen quite often...)
08-23-2010, 01:45 PM
To be perfectly honest, however, I have reconsidered my position and I believe in Jesus now.Interesting. I tend to believe in Jesus myself. I do not buy the whole "son of god" angle but there does seem to be evidence pointing to his existence as a historical figure.
I am a skeptical, anti-religion rationalist who re-examined the existing data and decided my opinion failed to explain facts I could not controvert.Well there was your mistake, Bel. Opinions do not explain facts, they explain personal biases. I want to rib you for what is probably just a poor vocabulary choice on your part but that would be lame and Starkist already won this month's award. Instead, allow me to offer a direction of study. Look to Jesuit teachings. The Jesuits seem to have the most rational theories especially when it comes to reconciling science and christianity. If you are trolling, they are a good source of information on dealing with loopholes.
I am interested in what you meant by a "case against the New Testiment," but it does not belong in this thread. I am also curious in your take on some of the non-canon NT books.
Hm. In that case, I think I'll suddenly dedice to become a furry, then run into that thread and talk about how awesome they are. I can only imagine the results. :PMeh, if I did that, there would be something to talk about. This is just more of the usual except Gerudo does not dare come and play with me.
08-23-2010, 02:06 PM
It would be super interesting to talk about in another thread, but to be perfectly honest I have the damn flu right now and I barely have enough energy to watch tv, much less engage in historical analysis and comparative theology. ;)
08-23-2010, 02:21 PM
It would be super interesting to talk about in another thread, but to be perfectly honest I have the damn flu right now and I barely have enough energy to watch tv, much less engage in historical analysis and comparative theology. ;)
Ack, stay hydrated and rest. We can pick up the theology discussion when you are in better sorts. I am less interested in debating the existence of god and more into the historic value of the tales.
08-23-2010, 03:59 PM
As long as you don't go around trying to convert people.
"Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated"
08-24-2010, 03:43 AM
Feel better soon, Bel. I can't wait to hear you go into detail about this whole Jesus business.
I miss GamerMan. He was entertaining(ly stupid).
09-06-2010, 03:31 PM
lol, I can post with this account.
09-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I can post with this account :D
Did Freedom die?
(The member, not the abstract concept)
09-09-2010, 11:31 PM
Freedom's profile says that he disappeared May 8th. Kinda mysterious... Hopefully he's alright.
09-09-2010, 11:59 PM
Freedom's profile says that he disappeared May 8th. Kinda mysterious... Hopefully he's alright.
He's alright. He was active on the ZC forum today hosted by elise in his sig.
09-12-2010, 03:39 PM
Smoke weed. Have epiphany.
Chris Miller
09-12-2010, 07:53 PM
Epiphany. o.o
09-12-2010, 11:12 PM
I wrote this little gem for class in Visual Studio tonight:
// Name: Anthony B Brasel
// Class: CS 140-001
// Assignment: PA02
// Date: 09/12/10
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
double sphereR = 0,
sphereFab = 0,
cubeS = 0,
cubeFab = 0,
filler = 0,
sphereFil = 0,
cubeFil = 0;
cout << "Programmed by Anthony Brasel" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter radius of the sphere (in inches): ";
cin >> sphereR;
cout << "Enter side length of cube (in inches): ";
cin >> cubeS;
cout << "Enter amount of filler (in cubic inches): ";
cin >> filler;
cout << endl;
sphereFab = 4 * 3.14159 * sphereR * sphereR;
cubeFab = cubeS * cubeS * 6;
sphereFil = 4 * 3.14159 * sphereR * sphereR * sphereR / 3;
cubeFil = cubeS * cubeS * cubeS;
//cout << sphereFab << endl << cubeFab << endl << sphereFil << endl << cubeFil << endl << endl;
cout << "Information:" << endl << "Amount of Filler: " << filler << " cubic inches." << endl << endl;
cout << "Sphere Radius: " << sphereR << " inches" << endl;
cout << "\tAmount of Material Needed: " << sphereFab << " square inches." << endl;
cout << "\tAmount of Filler Needed: " << sphereFil << " cubic inches." << endl;
if (sphereFil < filler) {
cout << "You have enough to fill the sphere with filler.";
else {
cout << "You do NOT have enough to fill the sphere with filler.";
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Cube edge: " << cubeS << endl;
cout << "\tAmount of Material Needed: " << cubeFab << " square inches." << endl;
cout << "\tAmount of Filler Needed: " << cubeFil << " cubic inches." << endl;
if (cubeFil < filler) {
cout << "You have enough to fill the cube with filler.";
else {
cout << "You do NOT have enough filler to fill the cube with filler.";
cout << endl << endl;
/sarcasm/ ZC Development Team here I come!!
Oops, I left my test string in there. lol
09-13-2010, 01:12 AM
I still tend to use C over C++ (printf, not cout), mainly because we went over C++ for only the last one or two weeks of my first programming class. All that class and object crap didn't really sink in yet.
And if we're going to post self-written programs... Well, here's one I wrote over the summer so I wouldn't get rusty. In executable form! (
09-14-2010, 05:09 PM
I'm back home, in Ohio again. Good to be back, and it's nice to have -not- shit internet :D
09-15-2010, 12:14 AM
I still tend to use C over C++ (printf, not cout), mainly because we went over C++ for only the last one or two weeks of my first programming class. All that class and object crap didn't really sink in yet.
And if we're going to post self-written programs... Well, here's one I wrote over the summer so I wouldn't get rusty. In executable form! (
I was born on Saturday!
lol. Nice.
09-20-2010, 12:35 PM
I was born on a Friday, as I already knew (phone calendars).
And this is my most evil post ever!! #666. Although I thought I had read somewhere that this particular number was misinterpretted like many other things.
09-21-2010, 03:05 PM
I weighed in at 205 today. When I got out of the active duty Army, I ballooned up to 245 pounds. I started trying to lose weight in April of 2009. Here's to another 20 pounds to go.
09-21-2010, 07:50 PM
Niiiice. I've lost about 40–45 pounds (fat) in eight months. Though I'm at about 180, I still need to get lower. Woot for simultaneous AGN weight loss!
09-22-2010, 12:27 AM
Good job, guys! Keep at it.
Personally, I've always suffered from being too skinny. I'm working on gaining more weight in muscle.
09-22-2010, 09:55 AM
Thanks. My brother was skinny, and one of these past summers he got himself up to 205 pounds in muscle. Lots and lots of protein shakes coupled with hours in the gym.
09-24-2010, 11:21 AM
I've got another big show coming up. If anyone lives in the St. Louis area and wants to come see a show, let me know.
10-28-2010, 11:42 AM
Halloween is close! So, as an Ohio State student, I decided to carve an appropriate jack-o-lantern...
It took only three days for it to rot and mold, but it was worth the three hours to make it. Everyone on my dorm's floor (Morrill Tower, if you know it) loved it.
10-28-2010, 11:55 AM
I'm not much for sports, but I'd at least have to say good job though.
I've been wanting to make one like this for some time:
I plan on putting it by the Liberty Center here on base, if they'll let me.
10-28-2010, 10:54 PM
Not that anyone may or may not care, but ... I'm not sure, but, I think I might have found AlexMax ( Didn't he get heavily into Doom?
Actually, so did I. Lately, I've been cramming as much awesome stuff as I can into a WAD I'm making. I was always the kind of person to make everything but the map for anything custom I did. True to my tendencies, I've got a whole bunch of custom weapons; three machine guns, three plasma weapons, five different kinds of shotguns, all with alt-fires.
I also made a Chaingun that fires Chainguns.
Don't ask me why.
10-31-2010, 10:13 PM
Just waiting for the wife to get tired enough to come to bed with me. She's busying herself with handicrafts while I'm cruising my forums.
11-01-2010, 07:48 PM
Not that anyone may or may not care, but ... I'm not sure, but, I think I might have found AlexMax ( Didn't he get heavily into Doom?
Actually, so did I. Lately, I've been cramming as much awesome stuff as I can into a WAD I'm making. I was always the kind of person to make everything but the map for anything custom I did. True to my tendencies, I've got a whole bunch of custom weapons; three machine guns, three plasma weapons, five different kinds of shotguns, all with alt-fires.
I also made a Chaingun that fires Chainguns.
Don't ask me why.
Whooooaaa. I remember that dude. Vaguely.
11-08-2010, 04:24 PM
Yeah, eventually he got fed up with stuff and gave out his password. Pretty awkward way to leave. Eh, people must go eventually, I suppose. "Life" happens now and then. Can't really run from it.
11-08-2010, 04:32 PM
Yeah, he used to use that avatar, I think. That's probably him.
11-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Am I the only one who still thinks of the Secret World of Alex Mack...(I hope not :\)
11-09-2010, 11:58 PM
Nope. I had a huge crush on that chick.
11-13-2010, 02:52 PM
I remember that show. Used to think it was awesome. Ah, middle school. The point in my life where things were either awesome or just too weird.
12-10-2010, 04:27 PM
So... I'm heading to Hawaii for quite a long time. Any suggestions of cool stuff to do out there that I should do right away? I'll be on Oahu (Honolulu and Pearl Harbor).
12-10-2010, 06:57 PM
Bacon on the beach.
12-18-2010, 03:31 PM
goto a luao? (forgot the spelling)
12-23-2010, 02:42 AM
luau (I had to look it up)
They had one on base last Thursday, and a raffle. I won an iPod Touch 8GB! Now I'm addicted to Angry Birds.
It's really weird to think that it's almost Christmas and it's around 80 degrees outside.
To: the rare few who still drop by
Oh, in case I don't get on here by then...
01-17-2011, 05:39 AM
So... the other day I had someone help me with recording myself for a small assignment. Didn't know if anyone around here would care to check it out.
A little DEE by Randy Rhodes played by me:!/video/video.php?v=162786533768067
08-27-2012, 03:09 AM
Think of this as AGN's chatbox--a place to post short, random thoughts about anything you want. No topic.
Also, should we archive this one and create [v2.0]?
08-27-2012, 07:23 AM
Also, should we archive this one and create [v2.0]?
It does have 249 pages...
That pumpkin-warrior-thing at the top of this page is awesome.
746 pages for me. :P
Why not?
08-27-2012, 10:40 AM
[v2.0] incoming!
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