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Shazza Dani
11-26-2008, 06:02 PM
I found that Flat Earth Society through someone's sig at PureZC around two years ago. Not gonna name any names…
I've spent the last few minutes looking over that.
It's crazy.
Why on Earth would the government be trying to conceal it? It's crazy. And how hard would it be for one of them to get a boat and a compass and sail around the world? Magellen did it, why can't they?
It just blows my mind that some people overlook undiniable evidence like that.
And no Beldaran, it's different with Evolution. We have videos of Round Earth, but not Evolution. Just so I can say I didn't set myself up.
11-26-2008, 06:18 PM
First of all, the sun came one day after Earth. That's possible.
This is the most retarded sentence I have ever read.
EDIT: It is so hilariously stupid and ignorant that I am quoting it in my signature, so I can always be reminded that whenever I feel like arguing with a christian, I have to stop and remember that they are suffering from a disability that causes their grasp on reality to be tenuous at best.
Yes, do. I've borrowed so many of your political jokes, it's only fair.
We'll just see which one of us had the wrong grasp on reality...
Aegix Drakan
11-26-2008, 06:42 PM
Then again, they have interpetted some strange things from the Bible before. know Russ...even though someone's interpretation is different from yours, it doesn't make it wrong. We are dealing with an ANCIENT text here, so we can't exactly ask the writers what they intended. Also, I tend to treat the old testament stories with extreme skepticism. We're all spawned from TWO people? Dude, the amount of incest needed to create the human race from that is....phenomenal. Also, it was NEVER STATED ANYWHERE that they had a daughter. Now, I'm no expert, but....I THINK you need a male and a female in order to make more of any living thing.
Besides, how hard is it to believe that instead of planting us on the planet like potted geraniums, God looked at the Ape species, said "hmm...Maybe If I nudge one or two genes here, and a gene there...." and they eventually evolved to be humans? Is it REALLY that far-fetched?
Honestly, I think the best policy with these things is just to admit that we have no real clue what we're talking about. I'm content as a cucumber to have my theories, and keep my mind open to other possibilities rather than assume everyone else is wrong and that my line of thinking is the only right one, thanks.
11-27-2008, 12:32 AM
I thought there was an entire forum for this kind of stuff :| Oh well, maybe I'm wrong.
I'm not sure about the Youtube wide screen. At least it is optional. I feel the same way about HD/ Wide screen (I know they are not one in the same, but..) Youtube as I do HDTV: Not enough people are doing it (broadcasters, and consumers) to make enough stuff for it, and make it worth it. How many HD channels do you have on your HD tuner that get shrunk on you TV, or often times get interference?
EDIT: Yeah, so, I just made a Pumpkin Pie. It is in the oven. I'll tell you how it turns out tomorrow :o
11-27-2008, 02:00 AM
We'll just see which one of us had the wrong grasp on reality...
I wouldn't do that Russ. You have a pretty good track record of having a demonstrably weak grasp on reality. No offense intended or anything, but on multiple occasions you have made statements, guided by your personal religious views, which have been easily show to be flat out wrong.
...God looked at the Ape species, said "hmm...Maybe If I nudge one or two genes here, and a gene there...." and they eventually evolved to be humans? Is it REALLY that far-fetched?
Well, I don't see micro evolution to be far-fetched, but the God just doesn't seem to be the kind of person who would create one organism, and then start throwing genes in the mix to change. He could have, it just doesn't seem likely to me.
11-27-2008, 02:06 AM
I don't see micro evolution to be far-fetched
Excellent! Now, imagine if micro-evolution were to happen billions of times over, and over, and over... if you slightly change something a hundred billion times, it will be completely different.
The funny thing is, the micro/macro distinction was invented by creationists. Scientists know that there is no such thing as micro or macro evolution. There is just evolution.
11-27-2008, 02:52 AM
I haven't been too active lately (I blame Facebook), but I'm glad to be able to get back into the mix with this. :D
And this in particular:
First of all, the sun came one day after Earth.
If Bel hadn't already sigged it, I probably would have.
11-27-2008, 03:05 AM
it's different with Evolution. We have videos of Round Earth, but not Evolution. Just so I can say I didn't set myself up.
Good god. A videotape is not the scientific method.
We don't have videos of time dilation, we don't have videos of sub-atomic particles, we don't have videos of distant planets we know exist, we don't have videos of gamma rays, we don't have videos of x-rays, we don't have videos of the strong nuclear force, we don't have videos of the inside of the sun, we don't have videos of .... and so on and so forth.
You don't need a videotape of something to know it exists. You need observation, hypothesis, testing, analysis, and eventually theory. Evolution is called a "Theory" because it has passed the most rigorous possible examination by the most educated and qualified people on earth.
Speaking of videos, can I see your videotape of god? Obviously you won't accept something unless there is a videotape of it, so I want to see your videotape of Jesus rising from the dead.
11-27-2008, 03:10 AM
Problem with this thread now = People telling people why they are wrong and/or stupid :f
Excellent! Now, imagine if micro-evolution were to happen billions of times over, and over, and over... if you slightly change something a hundred billion times, it will be completely different.
The funny thing is, the micro/macro distinction was invented by creationists. Scientists know that there is no such thing as micro or macro evolution. There is just evolution.
You do bring up a good point there. I will be thinking about it all night tonight.
However, it just seems like there should be a difference. I can see two dogs eventually turning into many breeds of dogs. I can see one finch ending up as three slightly different finches. But I cann't see a fish growing lungs, coming on land, then growing hard skin, getting up on two legs, then turning into a human. I'm too tired to write anything well thought right now, but I'll be posting more tomorrow.
You do bring up a good point there. I will be thinking about it all night tonight.
However, it just seems like there should be a difference. I can see two dogs eventually turning into many breeds of dogs. I can see one finch ending up as three slightly different finches. But I cann't see a fish growing lungs, coming on land, then growing hard skin, getting up on two legs, then turning into a human. I'm too tired to write anything well thought right now, but I'll be posting more tomorrow.
This is because you know the former has happened in human history (different breeds of dogs) so you accept it as possible.
Now expand your time frame to billions of years, and the idea of water-based organisms gradually, over millions of millions of years, evolving to have the ability to live on land, one attribute at a time, doesn't seem so implausible...
11-27-2008, 03:52 AM
russ, honestly, this is just a game forum and we are just dorks with nothing better to do than chat up the local fundamentalist. If you are seriously intellectually curious about the science of evolution, a science I feel is startlingly beautiful and interesting, then by all means read a really good book on it.
I would say even take faith out of the equation. Read a really good hard scientific book about evolution and just acknowledge that you are reading something you don't agree with merely for the purpose of a new perspective. Don't view it as a threat. Make an agreement with yourself that no matter what the science book says, you will remain committed to your faith, and just read it out of curiosity.
I have read the entire Bible twice. I have read parts of it so many times I can't count. I have read apologist literature, and a multitude of arguments in favor of faith. I have studied christian theology in a formal environment. I did these things to enhance my perspective. I do not view alternative viewpoints as a threat.
I suggest you do the same. Become as educated in the arena of scientific thought as you are in faith. You may find that science can enrich your mind and your life beyond your expectations without threatening your faith. Many faithful christians have no problem with the fact that evolution is clearly the method through which complex life came to exist on this planet.
Modus Ponens
11-27-2008, 04:03 AM
One of the things that get in the way of people's understanding and acceptance of evolution is that the sheer amount of time that has gone by since the beginning of life on Earth is absolutely staggering. It's practically impossible to work with such an idea in our brains. Sure, it's easy to say "three billion years", but one can just as easily say the word "googolplex", and that number had might as well be infinity, as far as anyone is concerned.
Actually sit down and imagine just how long a year is—go ahead, try it. Picture a year in your mind. Think of all the things that happen in one year: all the dawns, all the nightfalls, all the births, all the deaths, all the Rickrolls. This is just a way of breaking it up into meaningful segments, because what I want you to do is actually imagine that time going by, and imagine all the things that can happen during that time, especially all the cell divisions. Now, that's just one year. Imagine doing that ten times in a row, and you've got the same job that primetime news shows have to do every decade. So now we've got a decade. It's pretty fucking big, right? There might be people on Earth who are capable of really processing this kind of a chunk of time, but I don't think I know any. So, turn ten decades into a century. Ouch. Turn ten centuries into a millenium. Fuck. (Do that twice and you can see why people would be skeptical of the timelessness and veracity of the New Testament.) Turn ten millenia into a ten-thousand-year period. Impossible. Turn ten of those into a one-hundred-thousand-year period. Computers couldn't do this. Turn ten of those into a million-year period. It's utter nonsense. Turn one thousand of those into a billion-year period, then do the whole fucking thing three more times, and we've reached the dawn of life on our fair planet.
We're looking at a fucking shitload of cell divisions. I mean a fucking mind-blowing no-way-to-describe-its-magnitude SHITLOAD. Almost every time, the division went flawlessly, but over such a terrifyingly vast stretch of time, an uncountable number of mutations has occurred. And yet we don't have laser vision! I feel ripped off.
11-27-2008, 10:12 AM
back off topic...
This guy at my school actually convinced another guy that Nintendo was going to trade the rights for Zelda with Sony in exchange for Final Fantasy back. It was both funny and sad...
Shazza Dani
11-27-2008, 10:27 AM
back off topic...
This guy at my school actually convinced another guy that Nintendo was going to trade the rights for Zelda with Sony in exchange for Final Fantasy back. It was both funny and sad...
That would be a shitty trade on Nintendo's part. Zelda is a whole cast of characters and concepts, while Final Fantasy is basically just a name—a name that hardly has any integrity anymore.
11-27-2008, 11:33 AM
"First of all, the sun came one day after Earth. That's possible."
This is the most retarded sentence I have ever read.
I have to agree with Bel on this one...
how the hell would that be possible, what did the earth tiny gravitational field trap the monstrous Sun make it stop in its tracks so that it could make the earth rotate around it...
not plausible...
I have no major in any astrophysics but I am confident it works a little bit like an atom, you would need a nucleus (the sun) to have the electrons (the planets) revolving around it.
I think even with limited knowledge of the solar system we have at least figured out that the sun came first.
Now expand your time frame to billions of years, and the idea of water-based organisms gradually, over millions of millions of years, evolving to have the ability to live on land, one attribute at a time, doesn't seem so implausible...
nope just implausible...
Beldaran, I have read lots of stuff on evolution. And I do agree, it could have been the way life came to be, given that there is somebody to direct it. Really, you could interpet the Bible litterally, or you could say God write it like that because early man could not understand evolution. It's more a matter of what you believe through experiance than what's scientifically accepted. I go with the litteral interpetation because I read stuff literally, and I like to be able to start up an arguement with almost any scientist. :D
11-27-2008, 07:26 PM
The pumpkin pie was pretty good. Better than I had expected.
Shazza Dani
11-28-2008, 12:23 AM
Okay, so I just watched Click. I reccomend it to anyone who hasn't seen it. I have to say, the ending actually left me in tears. Anyone else seen it?
Shazza Dani
11-28-2008, 03:26 AM
I was just watching The Incredible Hulk and it gave me an idea…
11-28-2008, 10:40 AM
Yeah, I saw Click when it was in theaters, and it was a lot better than I'd expected.
11-28-2008, 02:46 PM
I posted this idea in its own thread here, ( but I don't think anyone even check there.
So, here is my idea again, posted here, so more people can see it.
I have an idea for another ZC related contest thing. This was an idea I got from "Famitsu's 100 Top Games List".
It's simple. I imagined it as each month, people submit their quests* and the first 10 entered get added to a poll. The poll is open for a month, and people select the quest they would most like to see complete. I was thinking about having the option of voting for more than one quest, but I dunno. After the month it up, the 10 quests would be posted in order. This would be left up, and the submissions would go on for next week. You can enter the same quest again, and again, but you must enter it each time. Quests will be added on a first post-first add basis. I might have the option for people to "nominate" other people's quests, but they would need permission from the author. These are all just some ideas, and any feedback it welcome. I'd like to try it out, at least once (maybe a trial would only last a week though). I just think it would be interesting for people to see how anticipated their work is. This is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings, or make them feel bad. It is meant to do what real game publishers go through, and get some MAD REP on your work. Or not. If this goes through, I can set up more official guidelines. As it stands, it will be similar to SotW ad far as posting and submissions.
* Not an actual .qst file. You would submit the name of your quest, and a brief description. Possibly a screenshot. Anything you feel would promote your quest. No demos though. It would provide an unfair advantage to anyone who doesn't want to release a demo.
.... AND, there aren't any rules against organizing this type of thing unofficially, right :D
Shazza Dani
11-29-2008, 04:36 AM
Gawd, I'm bored! (I just thought I'd let you guys know.)
11-29-2008, 08:37 AM
go kick the kitty!
11-29-2008, 09:53 AM
Well, this weekend has sucked for my girlfriend and me. We talk by email mostly, and she only gets an hour of computer time each day. Which, conviniently enough has fallen when I'm not here for the past three days in a row. Today might be better though...
11-29-2008, 09:59 PM
We put up our Christmas tree :)
11-30-2008, 01:33 PM
Nice tree Moo. In the picture behind it that bug appears to be staring at the tree with a look of pure awesome on his face. Very nice.
11-30-2008, 06:40 PM
I agree... NICE tree :) We're still deciding if we're gonna put one up or not... since we moved into the apartment we've not really found any room for our bigger tree and have only used the smaller "table top" one. I want to figure out so we can use the bigger one :)
Very nice tree! Now, if only we can get up off our butts BEFORE Christmas Eve to put up our tree. :laughing:
My Dad's going to go out of twon in two weeks, so next weekend we have to get a tree and put up Christmas lights. It's going to be once crazy weekend.
11-30-2008, 11:00 PM
Nice tree Moo. In the picture behind it that bug appears to be staring at the tree with a look of pure awesome on his face. Very nice.
Yeah, can you believe that MY little Bladen drew that? If you were to come into my apartment, you'd laugh and call me "that mom". I have his artwork up everywhere lol.
But thank you. It's a small tree, but it's also a small apartment...
12-01-2008, 01:25 AM
Moo... that's what moms' are supposed to do hon :) Put their kids artwork/drawings up... all over the place. It helps build their (the kid/child)s' self-esteem :)
I just saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Wow, that was a good movie. It really exposed to horrors of concentration camps, the propaganda about that, and everything. I highly reccomend you watch it. Words fail to describe it.
12-01-2008, 02:33 AM
Watch this video ( till the very end. The look on that rabbit's face in the exact same one that Bladen drew. You're going to have to teach him about copyright infringement Moo! =D
In tree related news we just got a new one tonight. Apparently the old one that was at my parents was either A)Ruined when there sump pump stuck off and they got like 3 inches of water in the basement or B)Stolen by tree gnomes. Personally I lean towards B but everyone says I'm crazy for it.
In Christmas related news, at Bellevue, about 25 minutes away from where I live, there's a festival every night until Cristmas, with artificial snow fall, carols playing over loudspeakers, and light displays. It's pretty awesome.
12-01-2008, 12:36 PM
Anyone else seen Burn After Reading? It was pretty awesome. It is done in a similar "no one really knows what's going on" style of The Big Labowski.
We used to buy a tree up until a few years ago. I refuse to have anything to do with that synthetic wannabe. It doesn't even smell like pine.
12-01-2008, 01:58 PM
I saw burn after reading, great movie. I particularly liked at one point how the head of the CIA goes, "Well we certainly learned our lesson here, whatever it is."
12-01-2008, 02:19 PM
Yeah. The ending was pretty good. A bit unexpected, but still good.
12-01-2008, 11:30 PM
Anyone here ever see "Vantage Point"
Great movie.
Agreed. Although my Mom and all of her friends who saw it hated it. I think it was the whole same 22 minutes from differents vantage points thing that drove them away. I was kind of upset that they never revealed the terrorist's plot though.
12-02-2008, 02:11 AM
I never saw vantage point and I heard mixed things about it. Recently I've found the movie offerings to mostly be big steaming piles of shit. However, there are a few movies I'm looking forward too.
The Day the Earth Stood Still, I think this movie could be great. I know some people aren't Reeves fans, but I still say this one is going to be worth seeing. It looks as though they might have actually put thought into the plot and not just special effects, what a novel idea huh?
The Watchmen. Seen the preview for this one, read the comics, loved em. Can't wait for the movie now. Dr. Manhattan had better be as awesome or more as in the comic.
Star Trek Movie. I admit it, I am a trekkie. Plus, this goes back to the roots man, the roots. As Maxim magazine said, "Beam me up a nerd boner, Scottie."
12-02-2008, 02:17 AM
Euro Trip, anyone? Oh, wait...
To be honest, it still was a good movie.
Modus Ponens
12-02-2008, 04:18 AM
I recently saw and loved Role Models, and I, too, am excited for Star Trek.
12-02-2008, 12:05 PM
So guess who's getting DSL in a few days.
Answer: Me
Woo! Now I can call up RCN and tell them to fuck themselves for giving me the worst cable internet ever.
12-02-2008, 05:49 PM
Hmm. Is it just me or is the Water Temple in Master Quest WAY easier than the original? And, if you wanna talk about going out of order, I did Forest, Ice Cavern, part of Fire up until the Hammer, part of Water up until Longshot (Which you get really early), Bottom of the Well, part of Spirit up until you need Fire Arrows, then went back and finished Water, finished Spirit, and am now I'm en route to finish Fire. I've also gotten the Biggoron Sword and Mask of Truth already. I thought Twinrova would have been harder with only 13 hearts.
On a movie note, my mom started to watch 'Secret Life and Bees', and had to stop about 20 minutes in since she said is was too "unpleasant". She spends a lot of her time reading murder books. Oh well.
12-02-2008, 06:15 PM
I recently saw and loved Role Models,
Oh my god, that movie was hilarious.
I, too, am excited for Star Trek.
I'm pessimistic. It looks like they took out everything I like about Star Trek and tried to make a sexy action-flick with young, hot actors for people that don't like Star Trek. The director, JJ Abrams, has said in interviews he has never liked Star Trek was interested in doing his own version.
Well great! Someone who hates what I love is going to rape it with his own interpretation. No more "nerdy" stuff based around dialog and science. Let's have a sex scene and more explosions!
I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and just rent it.
12-02-2008, 06:25 PM
Agreed with Bel. Although instead of renting it I'll wait one or two weeks, read reviews, read fanboy rants online, and figure out if the general opinion is a.)Gah! It's horrible or b.)Eh, isalright.
12-02-2008, 07:16 PM
5000 Chinese yuan = 726.89 U.S. dollars
So, yeah, my grandpa left some foreign currency. Nice.
Shazza Dani
12-03-2008, 04:14 AM
Hmm. Is it just me or is the Water Temple in Master Quest WAY easier than the original? And, if you wanna talk about going out of order, I did Forest, Ice Cavern, part of Fire up until the Hammer, part of Water up until Longshot (Which you get really early), Bottom of the Well, part of Spirit up until you need Fire Arrows, then went back and finished Water, finished Spirit, and am now I'm en route to finish Fire. I've also gotten the Biggoron Sword and Mask of Truth already. I thought Twinrova would have been harder with only 13 hearts.
I don't really remember what the MQ dungeons are like, but I'm sure the original dungeon would be easier for me since I've done it so many times. And Twinrova's not very difficult; her attack patterns are easy to avoid. I think Phantom Ganon and Bongo Bongo are the hardest bosses, in terms of avoiding their attacks.
12-03-2008, 06:19 AM
I think Phantom Ganon and Bongo Bongo are the hardest bosses, in terms of avoiding their attacks.
I'll agree with Bongo Bongo but if I remember correctly, if you stand on one of the triforce symbols around the circumference of the area you fight him in, you can completely avoid his attacks in the first round of the fight. After that it's just about how good your timing is. :D
12-04-2008, 08:26 AM
Happy Birthday to Tobias_daboi / Anthus, and to IaN! IaN hasn't been here in a while, but is still occasionally present in other areas of the surrounding community. Nice guy.
Shazza Dani
12-04-2008, 08:33 AM
Happy birfday, Alex!
12-04-2008, 07:15 PM
Thanks guys :]
12-04-2008, 08:31 PM
Happy birthday! :)
12-04-2008, 09:03 PM
*in his best Frosty impression*
Hap-py Birthday!
12-04-2008, 09:25 PM
So guess who's getting DSL in a few days.
Answer: Me
Woo! Now I can call up RCN and tell them to fuck themselves for giving me the worst cable internet ever.
I just switched from cable to DSL myself. I just don't understand the Internet market these days. Cable was slightly faster, but DSL is slightly cheaper - however, I still don't understand why either costs as much as it does. Seriously, it seems like the price for broadband hasn't changed in the past, what, eight or so years?
12-06-2008, 09:39 PM
*sigh* Crap, I'm having trouble finding a good Christmas gift for my girlfriend. We've been together about a month, and shes a fifteen year old who likes reading, strategy games, and loves Dungeons and Dragons. But I need something that's also kinda romantic...
crap...anyone got any ideas?
12-06-2008, 09:51 PM
A dildo!
12-06-2008, 10:20 PM
Yeah, because every 15 year old girl wants her very own Dildo. If all else fails, and you can't think of a gift, take her out, or make her something (food related). I dunno. My girlfriend is not a really big gift person, so I can get away with that kind of stuff.
12-06-2008, 10:24 PM
Yeah, because every 15 year old girl wants her very own Dildo.
Technically, this would be her second dildo. She's already dating Amaster.
*badump* *crash*
12-06-2008, 10:29 PM
*Watches in fascination*
12-07-2008, 01:44 PM
Yeah, because every 15 year old girl wants her very own Dildo. .
I don't know what state you live in, but im pretty sure If I bought a 15 year old any sort of sex toy, Id be locked up...
ohhh wait... i forgot that's probably your older girlfriend...
12-07-2008, 01:48 PM
I don't know what state you live in, but im pretty sure If I bought a 15 year old any sort of sex toy, Id be locked up...
ohhh wait... i forgot that's probably your older girlfriend...
Are you completely incapable of picking up on something called sarcasm?
And, is that second line supposed to be some sort of insult, because honestly, it makes no sense. Oh well. Have fun replying since I'll never see it. You are going on my block list.
12-07-2008, 01:50 PM
Are you completely incapable of picking up on something called sarcasm?
are you?
"You are going on my block list. "
awww poor kiddy got butt hurt... its ok no chip off my shoulder...
Shazza Dani
12-07-2008, 01:52 PM
12-07-2008, 01:52 PM
No, I'd just rather not waste time seeing your substanceless posts filled with typoes, and come backs that sound like they are from some bad 90's sitcom.
*but srsly...blocks
12-07-2008, 01:53 PM
that was a cool face...
but seriously don't care... hope that means I don't ever have to hear from you again.
12-07-2008, 01:58 PM
Everyone seems to point out reasons why they don't like Twilight Princess. Well, I thought I'd share some things they got right.
Overworld, Sword Moves, and the sense of Freedom later in the game. Ah.
Everything else is questionable, but these are things they got right, and reason I still play the otherwise lackluster game.
Shazza Dani
12-07-2008, 02:04 PM
It's been about two years since I've played TP so I don't remember specifically what sucked about it. I just know I didn't like it very much.
Sooo, on a similar subject…
I'm playing OoT right now—just started a new game today. I'm currently collecting rupees so I can get that HCP from Dampé before I head up Death Mountain. I've been unlucky so far, spending my entire wallet and not getting the prize yet.
*goes back to playing*
12-07-2008, 02:12 PM
I hated that HCP. It is like the one in ALttP in the dark world, where you have to pay that guy 80 rupees and you can dig for 30 seconds. With some luck, you find the HCP. You usually dig up more rupees then you had to begin with though.
12-07-2008, 08:20 PM
The only Zelda Games I ever bothered to get all the Heart Container pieces were ALTTP and Majora's Mask. I was at least close in OoT though.
Also, lately, I've been playing a lot of Fallout 3. I've noticed that I always hang on the title screen though. This, however, is purely by choice. Because: I have grown so attached to the main title theme. Compare them.
Fallout 3 Title ( | Spiderman 3 Opening (
Shazza Dani
12-07-2008, 10:08 PM
The only Zelda Games I ever bothered to get all the Heart Container pieces were ALTTP and Majora's Mask. I was at least close in OoT though.
Getting all the Hearts in Majora's Mask is way more difficult than OoT.
So… I started getting bored playing OoT. I ran around and got every HCP and Gold Skulltulla I could before Dodongo's Cavern, then I entered the cavern, saved, and quit. Then I started a new game on Fable. I'm taking a break now; I don't know which game I'm going to continue playing later tonight. Everything gets boring too damn fast.
12-07-2008, 10:36 PM
Ha! Found the perfect gift. I ordered her a framed authentic film cell from Star Wars Episode IV.
Aegix Drakan
12-07-2008, 10:47 PM
In my mind, TP was missing two critical elements.
1: A HARD MODE. Seriously. The last boss did half a heart of damage to me at some point. Pathetic!
2: A spinner race minigame. The spinner was THE MOST AWESOME zelda tool since the hookshot. And yet, the second you leave the arbiter's grouds, it is transformed from awesome medieval skateboard-thngy to tool you use to cross a few short gaps thingy. :(
Oh, and sorry if I'm really late to this, but...
Amaster, Kupos to you on getting together with a new girl!
12-07-2008, 10:56 PM
Oh man, yeah, the spinner had so much wasted potential. Here's hoping that it becomes elevated to standard status and returns for the next few installments, so they can do more crazy stuff with it.
Heh, thanks Aegix. I really cant believe how lucky I was. She loves Star Wars, D&D, stratagy games and is phenomenally smart, as well as being pretty damn cute. *shrug* Life's going my way...for once.
While we're on the subject of once hard games becoming easy...
Metroid. I just beat the first one. It was one of the hardest games I've ever played. And it features something quite interesting: A final boss that can't attack, but can still kill you.
As for TP, I don't see why everybody hates it. I loved it. Especially all of the references to OoT, and just seeing how much it's changed since OoT. It's one of my favorite Zelda games.
Oh, and congrats on having the perfect girlfriend Amaster!
12-08-2008, 08:59 AM
OMFG! I just had the most utterly epic dream ever! It all started with me somehow being transported onto a Star Trek ship - a really damn big one, too. Suddenly, the ship comes under attack. There's a lot of confusion, and me running to get to one of the more secure decks (and stabilizing a few components of the ship on the way), and then suddenly, everything turned into Super Smash Bros... just everything! Characters from everywhere started dropping in - it was just utter chaos. I mean, just... It starts out with a few familiar faces - Princess Peach, Zelda, Snake, Ice Climbers, and it starts expanding to Mega Man, the Joker, Spawn, etc., going all the way to characters like Ronald McDonald and Thomas the Tank Engine. Everyone was fighting over some ultimate power or something.
Joker, though, really seemed to have a leg up on the competition. After dispensing of Ronald McDonald in a thoroughly gruesome manner, these five immortal dragons show up, and they're just utterly huge and have the power to take down starships. Sonic the Hedgehog manages to defeat one by leaping into its mouth and hitting the spot from where it generates these enormous energy blasts, and then Joker simply traps another in a Pokeball and blows up the Pokeball.
Hell, at one point even I ended up getting in on the action, realizing that I wasn't merely a spectator, but another competitor in this metaverse-spanning battle. However, I ended up getting taken out by the Angry Video Game Nerd. He ambushed me in a bathroom, we fought, he detonated a bomb ripping a hole in the ship's hull, which nearly sucked me out of the ship, but I managed to hold on to a railing long enough for the ship to seal off the hull breach. We fought some more, and I was gaining the upper hand when laser fire from ships battling outside hit a large glass window next to us, causing us both to be sucked out into the vacuum of space.
The battle raged on, and eventually, it was decided that the each of the survivors would be merged with one other, thus leading to them gaining new powers. Joker ended up becoming merged with Batman, which was unfortunate because Batman was the only one with any chance of taking him down, and this led to everyone else agreeing to team up in an attempt to stop him. Eventually, Joker then bonded with the ship's computer and one by one, eliminated everyone else.
After it ended, the whole thing started up again - and this time, I realized it was like some incredible combination of game and movie, because I got to choose a character to control - this time I chose Snake, and proceeded to sabotage key systems on the ship. It was just incredible, because it was like this epic movie, only you had complete freedom, and everything you did changed the ultimate outcome, so you could play it over and over again and each time have a completely different story.
Ugh, wow, I just really wish that dream didn't have to end.
12-08-2008, 09:49 AM
I got all of the heart containers in AlttP, and Twilight Princess. I've gotten 18/20 hearts in OoT, and 16/20 in MM. I think I have 17/20 in WW.
Shazza Dani
12-08-2008, 11:18 AM
I got all the hearts in every game except Majora's Mask (and PH 'cause I never played it). I think I got 18 or 19 in Majora's Mask; there were just a few that were too difficult for me.
rock_nog: Whoa, that's awesome! Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get the same dream tonight.
On the subject of HCPs, the only game even tried to get them all in was TP. Well, I got full hearts in PH, but they used full heart containers not peices. And I might have in the original Zelda, I can't remember.
12-08-2008, 12:44 PM
Except for the CD-i's which I didn't play, the only game I did not get all the HCs (and HCPs) was PH, but I hated that game, anyway.
I honestly don't see why everybody hates PH. It might not have been like the other Zelda games, but it's still a fun game.
Shazza Dani
12-08-2008, 01:06 PM
Minish Cap was the last good Zelda game. After The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures, and Minish Cap, I was loving the direction the series was going. I was really hoping for a sequal to The Wind Waker to be made for Gamecube—when TP was announced, I was like D:<!!
Then they finally made a sequal for the Wind Waker, but it looked like crap and it was on that shitty handheld, DS. Ewwww, I like the DS even less than I like the Wii. FFFFFFFF- Rage.
I love the DS and the Wii. I'm a sucker for neat controls. :)
12-08-2008, 06:35 PM
Dude, Rock Nog, that sounds like the most awesome dream ever!
(Sudden curiosity: what does your name mean anyway?)
12-08-2008, 06:41 PM
TP "sucks" because it could have been so much more. It is the new OoT, but unlike OoT, it doesn't have the awesome gameplay to back up the hype. TP's largest design flaw was the stupid choice to allow players one locked door, and one key at a time. This made for very linear dungeons. The second game killer was bosses. Next time, gimme a boss the looks awesome AND does more than one and a half hearts of damage through the whole battle. The only redeeming factor was the overworld (which is the only category it has OoT beat). It was fun to explore only for the novelty of it since god knows you won't be needing all the HCPs and rupees. It was also the first 3D game to have a lot of enemies in the field like the old games. OoT lacked a variety of enemies in the field. Oh, and who is the asshole who programmed the rupee pick up system? I hated having to go back and get rupees from chests? (I'm the kind of person who gets all of the chests from a dungeon). ... "Let's put it back for now, ok?" - NO BITCH I'M NOT PUTTING IT BACK, OK?
TP had it's sidequests, but the game just felt too mainstreamed, and seemed to lack that charm OoT, and AlttP has. In recent years I have lost a lot of respect for Miyamoto.
PH was a piece of shit through and through. I fucking hate every thing about that piece of shit. Literally everything sucked about that game. Every. Fucking. Thing. It is NOT Zelda. No matter what.
If this is the future of Zelda, I'm going to kidnap Miyamoto and Aumona, wear their skin into Nintendo's HQ, and direct a Zelda game right. God damn.
Shazza Dani
12-08-2008, 07:13 PM
If this is the future of Zelda, I'm going to kidnap Miyamoto and Aumona, wear their skin into Nintendo's HQ, and direct a Zelda game right. God damn.
Aonuma* ;]
TP might have had faily linear dungeons in terms of keys, but does that mean they're linear. Some are still very easy to get lost in. Plus, it makes more sense. Why is ever lock in the dungeon the same? It makes more sense for each door to have one key. As for bosses, they were easy, but so much fun. I don't want a hard game, I want a fun game. Which is porbably why I like PH. Easy as possible, but I still liked it. And you got to admit, PH had awesome bosses.
12-08-2008, 07:26 PM
Dude, Rock Nog, that sounds like the most awesome dream ever!
(Sudden curiosity: what does your name mean anyway?)
Alright, a couple of Christmases or so ago, my sister, my sister's friend, and I were playing Guitar Hero. I had a big glass of alcoholic egg nog and declared that I needed it to help me rock out. As a result, we decided that if we ever formed a band, we would call it Rock Nog. Hence, the name.
12-08-2008, 07:45 PM
Every gamer's worst nightmare has come true for me.
The corruption of a memory card =o
It all started about a month ago. I was going to play Windwaker, and my first save was corrupt. I didn't care since I had a copy of it, and I was playing a different one anyway. I deleted it, and it was fine. A bit later, it said my Master Quest save was corrupt. I took the memory card out, and blew in it, and put it back in. It worked. This happened again, and even a few times with TP. Each time, removing the card would fix it. The other day, I backed up my valued saves to another memory card (It is a tiny 56 block card, so I had to choose carefully.)
So, today, I go to play master quest. Same shit, different day. But this time, removing the card did not fix it. It seemed permanently corrupt. I loaded my back-up, and it too was corrupt. I went out and bought a new memory card, and copied it again. Corrupted. I tried it on the Gamecube. Corrupted. I even let it reformat my memory card (ultimately deleting everything else I didn't back-up). Even after reformatting, the save would always end up corrupting the second time I loaded the game. The weird part is, it corrupted the new card.
So, I really have no idea if it is the system not writing things to the card properly (explains multiple games) or if it is the game itself (since MQ is thoroughly fucked) or if it is the card not writing properly. Each circumstance getting ruled out results in another one popping up. It happens on the Wii and Cube, multiple memory cards (even after reformatting) and with several games. So, what the fuck?
EDIT: Scientific process would imply it is the game itself. It is the only non-variable per platform, and memory card. But, other games corrupt too. Maybe Master Quest initiated it? But it started with Windwaker.
What about the long, uninteresting story behing your old names. That one line in your sig has been driving me crazy with curiosity.
Edit: Same time post. Tobias, I had a similar problem with Master Quest and Melee. It's a certain type of memory card. If it helps, I think a save file for Sonic (whichever one was the first to have Shadow) can corrupt it. That's how mine got corrupted.
Aegix Drakan
12-08-2008, 08:17 PM
...Rock nog, that dream sounded like it was freaking awesome.
:( The last dream I remember was me being Light from Death note (working with the "task force" who KNEW I was kira). We randomly ran around, until I went into a subway station, and got busted by
Spoilers for those who didn't finish the anime
So now having everyone onto me, I tried to explain that I was NOT in fact trying to rule the wolrd, and was just trying to provide a fresh start, and being caught meant to me that my task was done, and I would stop. ...Naturally, they didn't believe me, and I began to run for my life. Fortunately, I had some weird kind of hookshot thing, that I was able to use to latch onto stuff, and it helped me escape the 50 some-odd cops coming down corridors and stuff. And then, I got out onto the street, and managed to hook myself to a bus, and hid beneath it as it rolled away.
*insert fade to black here*
Next thing I know, I'm looking at myself form a 3rd person perspective in an appartment. I hear a nknow at the door, pull out a pistol, and open it to see Misa and some crack pot looking doctor. Apparently, to avoid being caught again and avoiding meeting the business end of a *insert death penalty here*, I had requested a complete alteration of my identity, right down to a new face and a total memory wipe. Unfortunately, since I was a wanted man, I had to hae the procedure done in a random hotel room. My already low enthusiasm took an even deeper dive when The doctor injected the lnock-out-juice, and I realized he totally missed putting the bandage on the right spot. The last thought I had before conking out was "oh gosh, I'm trusting THIS guy with this?!? Oh I 'm so screwed."
Fortunately it seems it worked....minus the fact that I also lost 90% of my verbal skills along with my other memories.
...I miss having awesome dreams. I haven't had any in a long long time. Instead I have to run for my life, and get my head re-made by a questionable doctor. :(
12-08-2008, 08:52 PM
Heh, I absolutly love the Death Note manga, but the anime lost my respect and became an object of ridicule after "I'll take a chip...and eat it!".
Still hilarious though,
12-08-2008, 09:26 PM
Fine, Russ, you really want to know? Way back in 2001, I joined this forum under the name "weirdguy." I hung around for a while, but in college, got distracted. I came back after a long hiatus to discover that my old username had been deleted, so I created a new one, macweirdo42. That lasted for a few years, but I eventually lost interest in AGN again. This time, my username wasn't deleted, but I lost my password, and the e-mail address to which the password was attached. Thus, I created my third and current username, rock_nog.
Oh, interesting. How did it get deleted?
12-08-2008, 10:06 PM
Hm. So, a Sonic Adventure 2 save can corrupt data?
I do have a seven-year-old save from that game that has been torn to pieces with action replay codes. It has some sentimental value (being my first GC title) so I'd like not to delete it. Do you have a source, or any valuable links for this kind of information? I'll Google around. I just sucks since I lost all of my other saves in reformatting the card. I backed up all Cube Zeldas, and Melee, and some Sonic games (which may be my downfall). I actually forgot to back up Prime 1, and 2. Prime 1 is awesome, and I'd definitely play it again, but I'll probably never beat Prime 2 again.
12-08-2008, 11:17 PM
Moosemunch is the SHIIIIIT.
What's moosemunch?
Hm. So, a Sonic Adventure 2 save can corrupt data?
I have two memory cards. On one of them, the save file will always corrupt the memory card, and every game except Sonic is corrupted. It works fine on the other one though. The Gamecube has a weird memory system. Then again, it was Nintendo's first attempt at using memory cards.
12-09-2008, 12:37 AM
Well tomorrow, I'm going to reformat the 1019 again. I'm going to save MQ, and see if it corrupts after the first time. If it works for a while, I'll bring over my TP save (90+ hours, and you bet your balls, I won't be doing THAT again for a while). I guess I didn't back-up Melee either. Also, Mario Sunshine had files A, and C corrupt. After re-inserting the card, only A was corrupt. Maybe it is the connectors too? I'm going to clean it. I'm also gonna try and reformat the new card I bought. If the MQ save corrupts both of them with nothing else on them, then it has to be the game, or the Wii.
I also read that leaving the system on stand-by as opposed to the Cube's hard turn-off can fry the cards after a while. Well, I always turn my Wii off all of the way since I don't really like the whole stand-by thing. I've never felt too good about it.
So, 146 Emblems, 200+ Melee hours, 30+ Metroid Hours, and 50+ Mario hours are all gone for ever. Let's not even talk about Wind Waker, or Majora's Mask, or either of the Sonic Adventure OR collection games :[
Tis a sad day. The Melee and SA2 really bother me. Those were some of my first cube games, and I had hours and hours of fun with them, and now those saves, and first memories are gone. Any new file will never have that novelty.
EDIT: I wish you could just transfer cube saves to the Wii, or at least an SD card.
12-09-2008, 06:08 AM
What's moosemunch?
I have two memory cards. On one of them, the save file will always corrupt the memory card, and every game except Sonic is corrupted. It works fine on the other one though. The Gamecube has a weird memory system. Then again, it was Nintendo's first attempt at using memory cards.
It's caramel corn with almonds and cashews and some of them are clustered and covered in chocolate.... mmmm...
I work there seasonal (yes, I'm working two jobs right now) and I got a 14oz bag for free :)
12-09-2008, 07:31 PM
Aegix Drakan
12-09-2008, 07:47 PM
My sympathies, Tobias. I know how it feels. (ok, not corrupted memory card, but still...I've lost a lot of save data before, and it is always a depressing moment).
And modsbannit, I really hate my dreams now. I was having this retarded dream about being a bond villain running away from 007 and it eventually gave way to some stupid space drama involving little demi human imps.
...and the worst part is, I wanted to find out what happened next, so I turned off my DS (my alarm) without thinking. Result? I got up too late to eat. I had to eat breakfast during my first break at work (9:00). ...I was really hungry up until then.... >: (
12-09-2008, 08:45 PM
I'm feeling kind of tired. Two finals down and one to go. Life Science, hopefully it's the easiest of today. My other two finals were like someone asking me to jump across the ocean. Hopefully it felt the same way for everyone else.
I had a strange dream last night. Me and my friend were hiking up this mountain near where we live. In real life, there is a large cliff rising oput of the top of thr mountain called Haystack Scramble. Here's the wikipedia page on the mountain: You can sort of see the cliff from the picutes. It's the left most cliff rising from the top of the mountain.
Anyways, when we got there, rather than the normally dangerous trail leading to the top of it, there was an indoor roller coaster leading to the top. Well, I use the term "roller coaster" loosly. It was a small large sled that went across the ground, and the only way to stay on was to hole the handle in front of you. After the dangerous trip on it, we arrived at the top.
The top was strange. It had a roof, and rails along the side, like an observatory or something. We looked down at the beautiful views below. The President was coming to town for some reason, and we could see his limo arriving at the town hall. Suddenly, I noticed a group of tanks outside the town. "This can't be good" I said. A voice behind me said "Not it can't". I turned around, and Mewtwo was standing there (like I said, I have strange dreams). He unveiled his plans to assasinate the President, then leaped down the mountain in a jump (it's about a mile high), and ran towards the town hall. My friend and I raced down the mountain.
We reached town just in time to see the town hall explode. The President cam running out. Mewtwo ran out after him, grabbed him, and ran off.
Everything after this is sort of a blur. I remember trying to get a group of people together to stop him, but it's so hazy that I really can't remember much. Shame, it was an awesome dream.
12-10-2008, 12:23 AM
I'm feeling kind of tired. Two finals down and one to go. Life Science, hopefully it's the easiest of today. My other two finals were like someone asking me to jump across the ocean. Hopefully it felt the same way for everyone else.
Well, I have a final at 8:00 in the morning on Thursday, so you're not alone. At least my two finals today weren't that bad, even though they were back-to-back.
12-11-2008, 01:38 PM
So I just got back from my bio final, and damn, that was weird. I had to write an essay on why clones would doom the rest of humanity to extinction. For real. We had to use our knowledge of the benefits and costs of asexual vs. sexual reproduction to justify our positions. I personally argued in favor of the clones because asexual reproduction uses less energy, and even though genetic diversity would be lost, we humans can make up for it with our brains. We don't need to evolve resistance to a disease, we can just make a cure. Also, no other species in the world occupies as many different habitats, thanks to our ability to make technology to allow us to survive in so many different habitats.
Modus Ponens
12-11-2008, 03:54 PM
Plus, what good is a Time Egg if you don't have a Clone to back it up?
12-11-2008, 04:04 PM
Plus, what good is a Time Egg if you don't have a Clone to back it up?
Easy... a time omelet.
Aegix Drakan
12-11-2008, 05:50 PM that's gotta be the breakfast of the ages... mmmmm....
12-12-2008, 03:43 AM
breakfast of the ages is totally grits with some pepper and hot sauce on it!~
Okay, so yesterday I was bowling. There was an arcade, and my friend was looking under all the machines for tokens. I just reached under on, and pulled out a coin from Israel. Pretty exciting when you're a coin collecter.
12-12-2008, 02:17 PM
wow that's not fair... when I was your age I did the same thing and the best I ever found were like 6 quarters...
really crazy thing is I just had a dream about that last night... that's so random...
12-12-2008, 05:10 PM
If you reach under arcade machines at the bowling alley, you're lucky you found a coin and not a used condom or a syringe.
12-12-2008, 07:42 PM
If you reach under arcade machines at the bowling alley, you're lucky you found a coin and not a used condom or a syringe.
More importantly though, why was there an Israeli under an arcade machine!?
Aegix Drakan
12-12-2008, 08:17 PM
If you reach under arcade machines at the bowling alley, you're lucky you found a coin and not a used condom or a syringe.
Why? Do people get laid on arcade machines regularily in your area? And wouldn't drugs just REDUCE your ability to play a game? (unless you're playing something like Metal Slug. Then it might help make you more crazy and fit in with the game more)
More importantly though, why was there an Israeli under an arcade machine!?
I have no idea. I can hardly even read it. The only thing I can read on it is the word "Israel" and the number "10" on the reverse side. Everything else in Arabic. Although the menora (or whatever that Jewish candlestick is called) that's on the front is a another pretty good hint that it's from Israel. :)
Modus Ponens
12-13-2008, 04:50 AM
Arabic, huh. You sure it was Arabic? Cuz, you know. Them Hebrews. They, uh, tend to speak Hebrew.
12-13-2008, 09:09 AM
The words on the Israeli coin are... Arabic? I'm gonna bash my head into a wall until that starts to make sense.
I swear, if this happens again Russ, I'm gonna hafta throttle you.
12-13-2008, 10:22 AM
The Hebrew says "Ivrit Shefahayfa" ... Possibly. (Ivrit = Hebrew, She = "of, kinda." .. the "fa" is a mystery to me, ... and "hayfa' is a city, but that isn't necessarily true.) Of course, there are none of the usual dots for pronunciation around the words, so just forget about it.
EDIT: Didn't observe the space between shefah and yafeh. :p Oh god. XD
Israeli coin will usually be called Shekels. Haven't actually been to Israel though, so I wouldn't really know.
12-13-2008, 10:48 AM
I believe it's "Ivrit shefah yafeh" - Ivrit of course being Hebrew, shefah is "language," and yafeh is "beautiful." I don't really take any credit, I just happened to have my Hebrew/English dictionary on me. Bah, one of these days I'm gonna sit down and really make an effort to relearn Hebrew.
12-13-2008, 01:32 PM
that would be tough... i you do though rock, you gain mad respect in my book
12-13-2008, 02:05 PM
If you reach under arcade machines at the bowling alley, you're lucky you found a coin and not a used condom or a syringe.
I loled.
How come none of you have responded to my last post?
Modus Ponens
12-13-2008, 02:46 PM
that would be tough... i you do though rock, you gain mad respect in my book
Hundreds of thousands of non-Hebrew-native Jews learn Hebrew as a part of their Jewish education, but that doesn't seem to grant them enough "mad respect" for you to refrain from using "jew" as an insult.
... Not to drag something out of GB, or anything....
This is what I love about this thread. Somebody makes one simple mistake, and then it turns into a conversation that has nothing to do with the previous one.
Never let this thread die.
12-13-2008, 03:32 PM
^^It doesn't look like you'll ever let it.
Even if everybody else leaves this forum, I'll constantly post in this thread.
Aegix Drakan
12-13-2008, 09:08 PM
Well, I finally got my hands on Sonic Unleashed (wii).
...It's....not all that bad, actually. The Sonic levels are wild fun (at least, the first one was). The night stages are a bit meh (I wish the attack buttons would be mapped to something other than the shoulder buttons.... >_<) But they're still pretty fun. And the intro video is pure win. I loved it. XD
So far, my only major gripe is that it's been 1 and 1/2 fast sonic levels to 3 long werehog levels. (first sonic level was super short, so I count it as a half). I mean...I don't mind the werehog levels much at all, but I think that 2 in a row was enough considering that they take a lot longer.
So far, my projected opinion is: "It's ALMOST awesome."
12-13-2008, 09:49 PM
Even if everybody else leaves this forum, I'll constantly post in this thread.
That sure doesn't sound healthy.
Aegix Drakan
12-13-2008, 10:34 PM
That sure doesn't sound healthy.
Well, considering the general state of AGN members, it's perfectly normal.
For proof, see my sig. EAT YOUR OWN WORDS MY FRIEND! >: D
12-13-2008, 10:47 PM
Even if everybody else leaves this forum, I'll constantly post in this thread.
If that ever occurs, I promise you I will post, as well - in the form of constant Hebrew lessons, and I swear to (non)God, if you fail to learn anything from them, I will hunt you down.
12-13-2008, 10:55 PM
Aegix: I was going to buy the Wii version, but I heard that it has two less stages than the others. Now, that just makes me mad! They couldn't have cut some crappy Werehog levels in order to make room for the African and City stages?
More importantly, my own special, bizzare OCD won't let me play something that I know is incomplete.
Aegix Drakan
12-13-2008, 11:16 PM
They couldn't have cut some crappy Werehog levels in order to make room for the African and City stages?
Agreed. Cut out one werehog level from each continent, and put in AT LEAST one of those levels.
That, and I REALLY think it could have benefitted from an SA2 style mission system, with each sonic level having 5 missions.
1: Normal level
2: Get 100 rings FAST!
3: Gather 3 medals scattered around the level (There would be more than just 3 out there, obviously.)
4: Play with some kind of limitation / LEVEL MOVES AT DOUBLE SPEED! :naughty:
5: Hard mode. Many more enemies and plenty of crates to slow you down.
If they did that, and cut down a bit on the werehog levels...I would probably give it a 10 on 10. The speed gameplay is utterly fantastic and needs to have a bigger role, and while the werehog is OK, it needs to stop hogging the spotlight.
12-13-2008, 11:43 PM
Well, I really had trouble deciding on Wii games to ask for this year. I already have all the staples, I don't really want Sonic yet (I'll rent ti firs), and my violence phobic parents won't let me have No More Heroes or Metroid 3, so I ended up asking for de Blob. Any other suggestions, anyone?
There's the obvious Mario, Smash Bros, and Zelda.
I actually asked for Metroid for Christmas. I stopped caring about Sonic when they got rid of Tales as a controllable character. Tails is without a doubt, the best character in that series, and I refuse to play it after they dumped him.
12-14-2008, 03:49 AM
Well, considering the general state of AGN members, it's perfectly normal.
For proof, see my sig. EAT YOUR OWN WORDS MY FRIEND! >: D
I haven't been following my own quote at all lately.
12-14-2008, 10:31 AM
Phew! I tell ya what... Apparently, last night the manager of the building finally decided to turn the heat on (okay, that's somewhat of an exaggeration, the heat's been on, but he's kept it pretty low), and now it's like 80 degrees in my apartment.
Aegix Drakan
12-14-2008, 11:12 AM
my violence phobic parents won't let me have No More Heroes or Metroid 3
Ok, no more heroes, I can understand. but Metroid Corruption isn't all that bad. As long as you're like...14, it should be no problem.Sure you blast the crap out of stuff with missiles and beam weapons, but it's not really that violent IMO.
[EDIT]OH! BTW, if you enjoyed the first Tales of Symphonia, the second game in the series (dawn of the new world) looks to be pretty friggen good. I just need to find it in a store somewhere...
12-14-2008, 11:20 AM
Well, my parents just don't like Metroid because it's a shooter, and the fact that it's aliens and stuff just "desensitizes us to the use of a weapon" and stuff.
12-14-2008, 11:36 AM
What does that even mean? Your parents are worried that, should the day ever come where you find yourself in a suit of power armor with a blaster on your arm, you'll just start killing aliens indiscriminately without regard to whether or not they deserve to die?
Amaster, I know how you feel. My parents have banned a few games and movies from me before.
Although I find it ironic that my neighbor got Metroid for his tenth birthday, and he had Prime 2 since he was eight or nine. :)
Shazza Dani
12-14-2008, 03:58 PM
I used to live with my aunt and uncle, and they wouldn't let me buy any CDs with a Parental Advisory sticker. That led to me skipping school and walking to Best Buy so I could get CDs without them knowing.
12-14-2008, 04:24 PM
Amaster, your parents are fools. Violence is a very positive part of the male psyche. Males are attracted to violent stories because its how they process and develop the mindset that allows them to become protectors and hunters. Your parents want to mold you into a sexless wimp. Telling a male child that violence is evil is like telling them that they should never become interested in girls. It won't work.
I encourage you to watch violent movies, play violent video games, and be a happy, vigorous male. As long as that violent energy is contained within the bounds of an acceptably non-sociopathic morality you will be much better off than following your parents' pin headed rules.
12-14-2008, 04:40 PM
Sure, Beldaran, that's gonna win an argument - "But some guy on the Internet told me that not being allowed to play violent video games will emasculate me."
On a more serious note, your pop psychology mumbo-jumbo is about as scientific as the "violent video games will desensitize teenagers to violence" mumbo-jumbo.
12-14-2008, 05:09 PM
On a more serious note, your pop psychology mumbo-jumbo
If you think the male attraction to aggressive behavior and hunter/warrior behavior is "mumbo jumbo", then you don't know anything about human beings and should put that fact on your resume.
I'm not particullary atracted to violence.
12-14-2008, 05:18 PM
If you think the male attraction to aggressive behavior and hunter/warrior behavior is "mumbo jumbo", then you don't know anything about human beings and should put that fact on your resume.
No, I think it's mumbo jumbo to say that it's somehow necessary for human development. I also think it's mumbo jumbo to suggest that violence is somehow an inherently male trait. And I know that you're going to call me an idiot for not buying into this stuff, but I bet you're not gonna bother citing anything other than to claim that it's self-evident and the fact that I would ask for sources to back this up further proves I don't know what I'm talking about.
Aegix Drakan
12-14-2008, 05:32 PM
Well, I wouldn't put it the way Beldaran did, but...
Look, I have a pretty good idea why your parents are violence-phobic when buying you games/movies/books. It's because they've heard all the horror stories and Jack thompson BS about kids playing Grand Theft auto and then turning out to be psychos who try to hijack a car and shoot cops and end up dead.
Well, here's the thing. As long as the viewer/player isn't a weakminded ape (:googly:) and can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, then by all means, they're not bad at all. I never really sought out violence as a kid (outside of Power Rangers and the like, I guess.). But as much as I wanted to be a badass super hero kicking monter ass, I knew it wasn't real.
Now that I'm considerably older, I enjoy the occaisional violent game (metal slug, FPS games, and I'd probably like no more heroes too), but I never for a seconf think it's real. Hell, to this day, if I'm in a really bad mood and just want to rip something apart, I pop in Shadow the hedgehog. After a good playthrough of blasting through at record speed, I feel a whole lot better. When used right, Violent media can be used to VENT violent frustrations. And personally, I'd rather headshot a bunch of pixels than hurt an acutal person.
TL;DR: While ACTUAL violence is bad, fantasy violence isn't. It's neutral ground. It can be good, and help you vent frustration, and not undermine your grip on reality at all. Or (if you are weak minded) it CAN serve as an example that you might end up acting out. But in the second case, you're already a nutbag to begin with, and if violent media doesn't set you off, then something else will.
the only thing that could have turned me into a "sexless wimp" was my high school experience, where I was at the bottom of the social food chain for 5 years (although I DO admit that the wimp part is still true). faaaact...That may explain some things about me that I've been wondering about for a while...
I'm not particullary atracted to violence.
Me as well. I'm a pacifist unless provoked beyond all reason. (You give me a gun and tell me to fight a war, I will flat out refuse, unless they are banging on our front door, planning to butcher all the innocent woman and children).
And yet despite that, I can still enjoy headshotting a Combine soldier in half-life 2, before grav-gunning an oil drum into another.
Oh, and I'd consider Metroid 3 to be in the same category as Power Rangers. MILD violence. Unles syou have the mental strength of an amoeba, there is NO WAY IN HELL that you would be affected by it.
12-14-2008, 05:37 PM
but I bet you're not gonna bother citing anything
No, I'm going to do hours of research to convince someone who has apparently never left their apartment that men enjoy being tough. I suppose you think football, video games, action movies, comic books, boxing, hockey, and mixed martial arts are just some weird anomaly that has nothing to do with human psychology.
As far as being necessary to development, men that are incapable of violence are useless and incapable of defending themselves. If American men were afraid of violence, we'd all be speaking Japanese and German, saluting the Fuhrer or bowing to the Emperor. Our capacity for male aggression helps us be competitive, inventive, hard working, and strong in the face of adversity. I love women, but we can't all be women, despite what Amaster's parents want.
Also, good luck attracting women by being an emotional pacifist with no desire or ability to defend your mate, posses her sexually, or demonstrate traditional male secondary sexual characteristics.
Oh, but don't listen to me. I don't have a degree in Bullshit from a university full of dickless communists so nothing I say can possibly be relevant.
I'm not particullary atracted to violence.
Are you in favor of fighting terrorism? Do you enjoy the Zelda games? Are you glad the Revolutionary War was fought? Would you shoot a criminal who was raping your mother?
Congratulations, you're a violent ass hole, just like me.
Shazza Dani
12-14-2008, 05:45 PM
I suppose you think football, video games, action movies, comic books, boxing, hockey, and mixed martial arts are just some weird anomaly that has nothing to do with human psychology.
Many men have no interest in any of those things. You would probably label them effeminate. But that would be based on the assumption that gender roles are inherent and effeminacy is not a social construction. Which may be totally incorrect.
Are you in favor of fighting terrorism? Do you enjoy the Zelda games? Are you glad the Revolutionary War was fought? Would you shoot a criminal who was raping your mother?
Congratulations, you're a violent ass hole, just like me.
Let me re-phrase that. I am not particularly atractted to unneeded violence. Yes, I am in favor of fighting terrorism and shooting rapists. However, I'm not the kind of guy who goes up to somebody and starts a fight.
12-14-2008, 05:52 PM
the assumption that gender roles are inherent
If by "assumption" you mean genetic and bio-chemical fact, then yes, they are inherent.
Let me re-phrase that. I am not particularly atractted to unneeded violence. Yes, I am in favor of fighting terrorism and shooting rapists. However, I'm not the kind of guy who goes up to somebody and starts a fight.
ok, so you have a preference in your flavor of violence. You don't like random violence. Neither do I. But I don't see you objecting to the rough treatment we gave the Nazis.
Violence is bad ass.
Shazza Dani
12-14-2008, 05:56 PM
If by "assumption" you mean genetic and bio-chemical fact, then yes, they are inherent.
As far as I know, that "fact" is still very disputed.
12-14-2008, 06:07 PM
Football, violent video games, and action movies are entertainment. Nothing more. I seriously doubt that anyone's psychological growth will be stunted by exposure to these. Also, I see nothing inherently masculine about any of these - plenty of women enjoy them, too. Aggression is an inherently human trait, and contrary to the views of some crazy feminists, violence would not magically disappear if there were suddenly no more men.
Anyway, I agree that prohibiting a video game because it has violent content is absurd, but I just don't think that as a result, Amaster will be end up being an effeminate wimp for life.
Glenn Mark II
12-14-2008, 06:16 PM
I think that a person always has an inclination for violence that rises as another mistreats them.
That inclination is either to be violent in real life, or to be violent in fantasy life.
If a victim is stronger than the person doing the oppressing, the victim will be more inclined to real-life violence.
If a victim is weaker than the oppressor, he's more likely to fantasize about violence and have no interest in bringing it to reality.
It's basically the self-preservation factor. I'm not sure anyone would be excited to go to war. On the other hand, if you could go to war with the guarantee that you wouldn't get hurt.. that changes things.
Now besides that, it sounds to me like both Amaster and Russ have the stereotypical "helicopter parents". The only difference is that Russ will become one himself, while Amaster will probably be fine.
12-14-2008, 06:20 PM
I see nothing inherently masculine about any of these - plenty of women enjoy them, too.
Perhaps ignoring history, culture, biology, statistics, and reason will help you reach other magical conclusions as well.
12-14-2008, 06:54 PM
There's a long history of overt sexism in our culture, as well. Women were trained to act a certain way and prohibited from participating in certain activities - but I'm sure you have some magical formula that can tell you exactly how much of behavioral differences are due to indoctrination and how much are do to biology.
Aegix Drakan
12-14-2008, 06:58 PM
Also, good luck attracting women by being an emotional pacifist with no desire or ability to defend your mate, posses her sexually, or demonstrate traditional male secondary sexual characteristics.
Excuse me, but I happen to be a pacifist, and sex is not at the forefront of my mind, and yet I've hit it off very well with women. The only think that has stopped me from having a girlfriend is that fact that every girl I've EVER had ANY interest in has already been taken. Also while sex IS something I'd like to have someday, I'm more interested in the companionship aspect. Call me effeminate if you want, I really don't give two shits. It'd rather that my brain be in my head rather than between my legs anyway.
Oh, and if someone was harassing my girl, I WOULD defend her. I wouldn't clock the guy unless I really had to, but I'd stop the guy from messing with her one way or another.
Would you shoot a criminal who was raping your mother?
Yes. I'd shoot the guy in the leg, point the gun at his crotch and say "Next one hits somewhere more painful. If I were you, I wouldn't move until the cops show up". I'm not in favor of the death penalty in any case short of Genocide, or unless the guy drastically harms/kills everyone I care about, in which case I can plead insanity BECAUSE I WILL HAVE GONE INSANE.
Congratulations, you're a violent ass hole, just like me.
Correction: We are not violent ass-holes. We are people who avoid violence wherever possible, but will resort to it if it's the only solution.
It's basically the self-preservation factor. I'm not sure anyone would be excited to go to war. On the other hand, if you could go to war with the guarantee that you wouldn't get hurt.. that changes things.
Even then I'd still refuse. The main reason I'm a pacifist is because I really don't want to hurt people, since I know what it feels like to be hurt. It's not pleasant. Why should I WANT to make others feel pain unless It's totally necessary?
Again, unless the opposing army is on our doorstep, gearing themselves up to murder everyone, innocent kids and all, I am not picking up a gun.
There's a time and place when actual violence is needed. Other than those times, it's not a good thing.
12-14-2008, 07:31 PM
Pacifists are the morally useless chaff floating around in a society that offers them security they don't deserve.
12-14-2008, 07:38 PM
Whoah, I missed a lot.
Well, my parents have absolutely no problem with violent movies. And I wouldn't say it's the whole Jack Thomson thing either, although that's getting closer...
Hmmm, I know:
Your parents are worried that, should the day ever come where you find yourself in a suit of power armor with a blaster on your arm, you'll just start killing aliens indiscriminately without regard to whether or not they deserve to die?
My parents are worried that if for any reason I should ever find myself in the military, I will be so used to shooting anythng that moves that the atrocities I commit won't bother me.
12-14-2008, 07:41 PM
My parents are worried that if for any reason I should ever find myself in the military, I will be so used to shooting anythng that moves that the atrocities I commit won't bother me.
So basically your parents think you are stupid and easily influenced. That must be nice to know.
12-14-2008, 07:55 PM
Heh, I'm not the one they're worried about. They oppose it out of principle, but they know I'd be alright, seeing as I'm 17 and have been raised in a relatively non-violent environment. But my 13 year old brother, who already has some issues...
I see. So they're more protecting your brother, but extending their concern to you. That's what's happening with me.
12-14-2008, 08:36 PM
When I was a teenager, I did anything I wanted, even if I wasn't allowed to. My parents were strict christians, but I disobeyed all their rules. The only rules I followed were ones that matched with my existing behavior. In other words, I never smoked or drank etc because those are self-destructive habits.
I watched all the rated-R, NC-17, and XXX movies I wanted (at friend's houses, using the internet, hiding them in my room, whatever). I listened to all the music I wasn't allowed to listen to. I never once accepted the idea that information was illegal. I acquired whatever information I wanted because no one is in control of my intellectual activities.
I find it baffling that people would actually obey their parents restrictions on information just out of respect. They are not respecting you, they are trying to control your thoughts.
Shazza Dani
12-14-2008, 08:40 PM
When I was a teenager, I did anything I wanted, even if I wasn't allowed to. My parents were strict christians, but I disobeyed all their rules. The only rules I followed were ones that matched with my existing behavior. In other words, I never smoked or drank etc because those are self-destructive habits.
I watched all the rated-R, NC-17, and XXX movies I wanted (at friend's houses, using the internet, hiding them in my room, whatever). I listened to all the music I wasn't allowed to listen to. I never once accepted the idea that information was illegal. I acquired whatever information I wanted because no one is in control of my intellectual activities.
I find it baffling that people would actually obey their parents restrictions on information just out of respect. They are not respecting you, they are trying to control your thoughts.
Quoted for awesomeness.
I find it baffling that people would actually obey their parents restrictions on information just out of respect. They are not respecting you, they are trying to control your thoughts.
That behavior doesn't baffle you nearly as much as you baffle me. It sounds to me like as a teenager, you hated your parents, and tried to be as unlike them as possible.
Which explains a lot to me. I must say, I can generally figure out why people act the way they do, but you're like an unsolvable puzzle Beldaran. So complex, yet with a personallity that seems to run off so few basic ideas.
The only thing that I disobey my parents on (somewhat) is coming to this website. Seeing how you've turned out is giving me second throughts about that choice.
12-14-2008, 09:21 PM
That's kind of the essence of chaos theory - complexity from simplicity. Geez, I find the situation ironic - I bet if Beldaran's parents hadn't been so strict, he wouldn't be the free spirit that he is today.
Modus Ponens
12-14-2008, 09:24 PM
Russ, what one thinks of one's parents has nothing to do with what information one wishes to expose oneself to. I've met Beldaran's parents, and hung out with him around them, and I know that he does love them, and as far as I could tell, always has, despite the occasional dogmatic disagreement. But their rules were impractical, and he rejected them. Instead of not seeing and hearing things they didn't want him to see and hear, he willingly and gleefully exposed himself to the truth—the world around him—and came out a better person for it. Beldaran and I certainly don't agree on everything, but we're good friends, and I know that he's a well-adjusted and intelligent person, and his quest for knowledge has had a lot to do with that.
If you're afraid that exposure to people's opinions might make you change your mind about something, then by all means, stay away from AGN. And never have another conversation with anyone, because they might poison your innocent mind.
Aegix Drakan
12-14-2008, 09:25 PM
Pacifists are the morally useless chaff floating around in a society that offers them security they don't deserve.
Ok, I'll bite.
Why do you consider pacifists morally useless balls of fluff?
And do your parents oppose you coming to this website? Are they afraid that everyone out there is a stalker, or what?
That behavior doesn't baffle you nearly as much as you baffle me. It sounds to me like as a teenager, you hated your parents, and tried to be as unlike them as possible.
Which explains a lot to me. I must say, I can generally figure out why people act the way they do, but you're like an unsolvable puzzle Beldaran. So complex, yet with a personallity that seems to run off so few basic ideas.
The only thing that I disobey my parents on (somewhat) is coming to this website. Seeing how you've turned out is giving me second throughts about that choice.
Yes, if you make preposterous assumptions about people to explain their behavior, and then automatically accept that they must be true, then yes, you "can generally figure out why people act the way they do".
Or at least, you'll think you can; maybe if you were more humble you would actually consider the possibility you might be wrong about your baseless assertions before you passed judgement.
12-14-2008, 09:50 PM
Outside of the house my parents attitude is basicly "don't get arrested, don't kill yourself, other than that go ahead" Practically no curfew and the ability to ride my bike to anywhere worth going frees me up. Inside, however, I need to be a good role model for my brother.
Bel, I obey my parents about half out of respect, yes, but also out of the fact that not having them pissed at me makes life a lot easier. I can have as much fun sober as I can drunk, and then when I come home it's not huffy speeches for three hours.
Russ, what one thinks of one's parents has nothing to do with what information one wishes to expose oneself to. I've met Beldaran's parents, and hung out with him around them, and I know that he does love them, and as far as I could tell, always has, despite the occasional dogmatic disagreement. But their rules were impractical, and he rejected them. Instead of not seeing and hearing things they didn't want him to see and hear, he willingly and gleefully exposed himself to the truth—the world around him—and came out a better person for it.
Okay, this irony is killing me right now. I'm sure everybody here is familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. I know most of you don't believe it, but if you look at it, Beldaran's childhood and that story, a story which Beldaran constantly rejects, share many similarities. I know it means nothing, but I find the irony to be funny.
And do your parents oppose you coming to this website? Are they afraid that everyone out there is a stalker, or what?
Well, they really no next to nothing about it. In fact, the only site my Dad looked at was Pure ZC, which he only looked at for about three minutes. It's more the idea behind online forums like this that he doesn't like.
But going back to Beldaran, it seems to me like they weren't controlling your thoughts. They simply wanted you to learn about things in due time, and not so early that you wouldn't know what to do with that information. They were just trying to protect you.
12-14-2008, 10:05 PM
My parents are somewhat uneasy about the internet as well, but the fact that I've created a whole false identity across multiple accounts that would deter the average person looking into me reassures them somewhat.
Glenn Mark II
12-14-2008, 10:06 PM
Russ, maybe you ought to consider just not even going on the Internet anymore.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that your parents are afraid that every social interaction you engage in outside of their watchful eye is going to loosen one more of your tender little fingers from your grip on Christianity. They also don't want you to put yourself in a situation where a boobie might jump out at you and suck away your conservative values.
12-14-2008, 10:21 PM
Adam and Eve? You may want to re-read that story. Sure, they got kicked out of the garden, but they gained a far greater gift in return - knowledge. Before that moment, their lives were utterly meaningless. Sure, they were happy, but that is because ignorance is bliss. In eating that fruit, they joined the real world. As you may recall, the snake offered the fruit and promised that it would make them like gods, and to that end, he was telling the truth - in that moment, Adam and Eve became masters of their own destiny.
Aegix Drakan
12-14-2008, 10:24 PM
I obey my parents about half out of respect, yes, but also out of the fact that not having them pissed at me makes life a lot easier. I can have as much fun sober as I can drunk, and then when I come home it's not huffy speeches for three hours.
That's how it works with me too. I hate having to sit through 2 hour lectures about how I need to be more responsible, and I'm an adult now and, uggggh...
And no, I can't just brush them off and ignore them. I'm still living under their roof, RENT FREE. As long as I live here, I have to put up with their rules, or they might just decide to chuck me out.
Shazza Dani
12-14-2008, 10:27 PM
Adam and Eve? You may want to re-read that story. Sure, they got kicked out of the garden, but they gained a far greater gift in return - knowledge. Before that moment, their lives were utterly meaningless. Sure, they were happy, but that is because ignorance is bliss. In eating that fruit, they joined the real world. As you may recall, the snake offered the fruit and promised that it would make them like gods, and to that end, he was telling the truth - in that moment, Adam and Eve became masters of their own destiny.
xD Russell just pwned himself with his own comparison. And THAT is true irony.
12-14-2008, 10:47 PM
Well, before everyone finishes psycho-analyzing me... :)
You have to understand that 80% of the time I come here, it's when I'm at my very worst, because it's usually when I'm exhausted from homework or just my daily life. So the Me you get here is the tired, loose-lipped version of myself that takes wildly draconian and contradictory stances on things, and makes ridiculous proclamations about the nature of reality I can't possibly substantiate. Honestly, I'm slightly more well balanced in real life.
It sounds to me like as a teenager, you hated your parents, and tried to be as unlike them as possible.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I love my parents and continue to spend time with them. I call them several times a week and visit once or twice a month. (It's a 2 hour drive.)
I don't hate everyone I disagree with. I didn't disobey them out of spite or vengeance. I disobeyed them because I knew that censorship would do me no good and might possibly do me harm. I love learning about the world, and I wasn't about to let some ancient mysticism control my brain. I have the audacity to make up my own mind about what is and is not evil.
The only thing that I disobey my parents on (somewhat) is coming to this website. Seeing how you've turned out is giving me second throughts about that choice.
Yes, you should leave now before you get it into your head that life is meant to be enjoyed, and questioning authority is fun and productive. I would hate for you to become an interesting person with lots of crazy experiences like me. It's better to just keep your head down and read the bible until the bad thoughts go away, like a good little worker bee.
Beldaran and I certainly don't agree on everything, but we're good friends, and I know that he's a well-adjusted and intelligent person, and his quest for knowledge has had a lot to do with that.
Sometimes I get in a bad mood and become intolerant towards pretty much everything and start rattling off my rigid, draconian opinions about the world. Modus Ponens knows that, whatever my current asinine opinion is, I am self aware enough to know that it is, in fact, just my opinion. I accept everyone for who they are and what they believe. I only become violent and intolerant if someone is using force against me. I don't care if you are a gay muslim terrorist nazi puppy killer. If you hold those opinions in the realm of the intellectual abstract, we can talk and be civil. I love having friends that disagree with me. I have friends that are devout mormons, devout christians, atheists, communists, socialists, libertarians, and gay. I realize, in all humility, that I arrived at my worldview from the very narrow path of my own experiences. Everyone is free to do the same.
Which is why I object and disobey edicts of information censorship. If your ideas are so flimsy that they cannot stand the pressure of conflicting ideas, the problem is with your ideas. I know that personally, my opinions are all tempered in the forge of exposure to the contrary.
On my book shelf, christian apologist literature sits next to The God Delusion and other atheist books.
Why do you consider pacifists morally useless balls of fluff?
Because they benefit from freedoms paid for by violence. They demand security from threats they don't have the courage or moral fortitude to confront. In the event my freedoms were threatened, it would be people like me that march out to preserve them, and pacifists who sit on the sidelines and shake their heads disapprovingly as everything they cherish is payed for with blood and sacrifice.
There will always be violent bad people. If violent good people did not stand against them, pacifists would live in chains, or be exterminated.
Beldaran's childhood and that story, a story which Beldaran constantly rejects, share many similarities.
Really? Because I don't remember getting punished for seeking knowledge. It has made my life infinitely better. My life is the very opposite of that story.
But going back to Beldaran, it seems to me like they weren't controlling your thoughts. They simply wanted you to learn about things in due time, and not so early that you wouldn't know what to do with that information. They were just trying to protect you.
I didn't need to be protected from facts. I needed to be protected from lies, and the best way to do that is with facts. Unlike religious people, I don't view comforting stories as the best way to deal with reality. I like my reality in a glass with no ice, so I can see what it really tastes like.
Some of the very best parts of my life happened because I disobeyed my parents.
I was told I was not, under any circumstances, allowed to listen to Nirvana. So I hid Nirvana tapes in my room and Kurt Cobain inspired me to start playing guitar, something that has become one of the most important parts of my life. I was told I was not, under any circumstances, to watch pornography and explore my sexuality. So I acquired pornography and had pre-marital sex and found that I really liked it. I have had several really amazing sexual relationships that I count among my best memories.
Life is so short and you have one shot at enjoying it. Think for yourself.
12-14-2008, 11:11 PM
Beldaran, I hafta say, you are, and always have, rocked in my eyes. I know we have our disagreements, but eh, I figure, if you never disagree with someone, you might as well be talking to yourself. I will say I think it's a shame you usually post at your grumpiest, but other than that, aside from your occasional bitterness, you are a pretty righteous dude.
12-14-2008, 11:18 PM
The fact that you make a long post like that where you discuss the nature of your opinions, own up to your flaws, and stuff really wins you some points with me. (Whatever meager amount that may count for)
It would have been really easy to just say "Screw you guys, you can't judge me".
Aegix Drakan
12-15-2008, 06:07 PM
Because they benefit from freedoms paid for by violence. They demand security from threats they don't have the courage or moral fortitude to confront. In the event my freedoms were threatened, it would be people like me that march out to preserve them, and pacifists who sit on the sidelines and shake their heads disapprovingly as everything they cherish is payed for with blood and sacrifice.
There will always be violent bad people. If violent good people did not stand against them, pacifists would live in chains, or be exterminated.
Alright, I do admit that you make a very good point.
And yes, I do agree that in a good chunk of cases, using the diplomatic option isn't going to work (when dealing with today's terrorist groups, for example. They don't give a damn about peaceful resolution, so force is the only plausible solution so far).
But I still stand firm in my belief that violence should always be the last, final resort. And even then, we should make every effort to use only as much as is needed.
I think actual violence is just a carry-over form the old days when we ran around with clubs chanting "I AM CAVEMAN". I'd like to think that we've evolved to become smart enough to be able to seek less painful alternatives.
Shazza Dani
12-15-2008, 06:10 PM
I think actual violence is just a carry-over form the old days when we ran around with clubs chanting "I AM CAVEMAN". I'd like to think that we've evolved to become smart enough to be able to seek less painful alternatives.
Cavemen didn't say that, you silly! They said, "Ugga ugg, Tyranu Evavu!" xD
12-15-2008, 06:17 PM
Ha HA! I love my new shoes! Running down the linoleum halls at my school I can slide sideways into the turns and actually drift around corners. Oh man, it's so much fun.
I wish my shoes were like that.
Whenever is rains or snows here, before I walk into a building with slick floors, I always get as much water/snow on my shoes as possible so I can do that.
What kind of shoes are they?
12-15-2008, 06:54 PM
Hmm... Isn't that what roller skates are for? (Or those shoes with the wheels built in that seemed to be popular for no more than a month?)
12-15-2008, 06:57 PM
Hoo boy I love Minnesota weather. Yesterday the high was 38. Today, it was 1. Thankfully though, I'll get a couple of weeks' reprieve when I fly home to Texas for Christmas on Wednesday, after which I'll be just in time for when it really gets cold in January.
12-15-2008, 07:06 PM
Hmm, the only identifying mark I can find says GBX. *shrug*
Hmm... Isn't that what roller skates are for? (Or those shoes with the wheels built in that seemed to be popular for no more than a month?)
I had those. I nearly killed myself.
Besides, it's much more fun to do without wheels.
Well, right now it's 28 degrees. No hot water. Joy.
Modus Ponens
12-15-2008, 09:51 PM
I only become violent and intolerant if someone is using the Force against me.
Aegix Drakan
12-15-2008, 09:51 PM
Ha HA! I love my new shoes! Running down the linoleum halls at my school I can slide sideways into the turns and actually drift around corners. Oh man, it's so much fun.
lol. Just make sure you don't do it on a freshly waxed floor... Then the slip factor goes up by about x10.
*has a mental picture of Amaster, who looks a bit like Laharl, slide into a turn, but start carrening past it, going "whoawhoawhoaaa!" and flying out a first story window, and face first into a snowbank*
I just got my flu shot today and ...WTF?
I am normally phobic about needles (due to some incompetent nurse totally bothing an injection on me when I was 6). So, I go into the doctor's office this evening, and tell him to just make it fast. He laughs and tells me that he's the best at this. I start taking a deep breath, telling him to wait a seocnd. He laughs and says "why?". ...suddenly, he's says he's done. I FELT NASSING! [/failed attempt at an overdone soviet accent]. Seriously. It was like getting poked with a pen.
0_o What kind of advances into needle technology have appeared recently, or he IS the best at doing injections.
Shazza Dani
12-15-2008, 10:22 PM
to needle technology have appeared recently, or he IS the best at doing injections.
Needles designed for piercing skin never hurt. =\ If only I had some when I did my various body piercings, because safety pins do hurt…
12-15-2008, 11:47 PM
Funnily enough, I hear that in the voice of Sergent Shultz.
Needles designed for piercing skin never hurt. =\
I beg to differ. I hate injections.
I remember when I had my wisdom teeth removed, the doctor had the hardest time getting the needle for it in me. He messed up the right elbow, the right hand, the left elbow, and nearly missed the left hand. My parents, meanwhile, were making guesses on how long it would be before they heard me scream. Real comforting thought.
Shazza Dani
12-16-2008, 02:49 AM
Hrm. I've never had a shot that felt worse than a tiny pinprick.
12-16-2008, 03:03 AM
My parents, meanwhile, were making guesses on how long it would be before they heard me scream. Real comforting thought.
Lol'd. Sorry, Russ :)
Last time I had a shot was 1997. Oops, I forgot I had a shot two summers ago when I was really sick with Strep. Same point though. They don't really hurt too much. The penicillin feels weird going into your leg though.
I have been poked three times by needles during my vet work though. One time was a 35-gauge insulin needle (*; tiny, yes, but it still stung like shit when it pierced the side of my ring finger next to the nail. The other two time,s were minor, and there was not piercing all the way through.
* It was this brand, too. They come in these baggies, and the caps come off sometimes, I guess, and it poked me through the bag in the back of the truck.
12-16-2008, 04:02 AM
About two years ago at work, the engine I was using got hit by a tank car that came flying out of a track. I wasn't hurt as I was standing away from the engine at the time. My engineer, however, hurt his back, so I had to take a drug test as this is FRA policy when a collision involves personal injury.
When I get to the place where they take the blood, the tech doing it can't seem to find a vein. He pokes me twice in the crook of my left elbow, then twice in the right one, then goes back to the left. In all I was pierced 5 times to get two little vials of blood.
Of course, then I had to provide a urine sample. He hands me this little cup that will hold about 1-2 oz maybe and that's where he fucks up. He looked at it and asked, "Do you think you'll need a bigger cup?" I said yes and was handed one that held more along the lines of 10-11oz. I filled it to the very top and handed it back to him. The look on his face as he said, "Uh, I just need a little bit." was priceless. The lesson he learned, I hope, was not to poke me fucking five times with a needle. If you are though, be sure that you get the urine sample BEFORE.
Shazza Dani
12-16-2008, 04:35 AM
I have been poked three times by needles during my vet work though. One time was a 35-gauge insulin needle (
I see your 35, and raise you 00.
…Granted, I obviously wasn't pierced with this, but that's the largest I've used to stretch my earlobes. Stretching hurts a billion times more than piercing. D:
Modus Ponens
12-16-2008, 04:50 AM
Yeah, nothing's more attractive than a woman who can put a dime through her earlobe.
Shazza Dani
12-16-2008, 05:09 AM
It's not quite that big; 00-gauge is slightly smaller than half an inch. And the holes have shrunk because I don't wear big jewelry in them. So here's how my ears look:
12-16-2008, 09:33 AM
On the topic of needles and injections, I often wonder how they make Hyposprays work in the Star Trek universe. I keep thinking ... miniteleporter. But really, how accurate can that actually be? D:
12-16-2008, 09:42 AM
There's your answer.
All this talk of needles is making me hurt. Let's talk about something else.
Like puppies! *shot*
12-16-2008, 11:56 AM
While we're refusing to move off of the topic of needles, Russ, as a general rule, you should probably avoid seeing the Who's "Tommy." Syringe-covered iron maiden FTW!
12-16-2008, 12:11 PM
You clowns kept this thread open for over a year and a half. For real?
12-16-2008, 05:28 PM
We are clowns, and clowns are awesome (proof ( - check the URL), so therefore we are awesome.
12-17-2008, 01:44 AM
There is a scene in Saw II involving syringes too...
Anywho, it seems that accidental pokings hurt more since you're not expecting them. With piercings, I'd think you could brace yourself. I probably sound like a baby, but it did sting, and it caught me off guard. I wouldn't say it actually "hurt" though. >.>
Eh.. Here ( is a picture showing how it pierced. IT is not my hand. Actually, it isn't anyone's hand. IT is a rendered image using triangles. Oh the things Google can turn up. I added the red line.
On to something entirely different, does anyone know when Majora's Mask is coming out on VC? I have it on 'Cube, but it is laggy, and prone to freezing, so I'd rather play a non-shitty version.
Shazza Dani
12-17-2008, 03:19 AM
I don't know about VC, but you can play it on PC… :D
12-17-2008, 06:52 AM
I lost my fucking iPod in the middle of the desert! No fucking joke. Its somewhere in Kuwait...fucking A.
12-17-2008, 04:24 PM
I lost my fucking iPod in the middle of the desert! No fucking joke. Its somewhere in Kuwait...fucking A.
I'm sorry hon. Maybe it'll show up before you come home.
12-17-2008, 04:35 PM
I lost my fucking iPod in the middle of the desert! No fucking joke. Its somewhere in Kuwait...fucking A.
Sorry to hear that man, but look on the bright side! You've just made some random camel the coolest fucking camel in the Kuwait.
12-17-2008, 04:43 PM
Sorry to hear that man, but look on the bright side! You've just made some random camel the coolest fucking camel in the Kuwait.
Thanks rabbit!! I read those 2 sentences and saw in my minds eye ... this one cool camel... just rockin to the music thru the headphones as it danced thru the desert and around the other camels.
12-17-2008, 06:07 PM
Yeah, nothing's more attractive than a woman who can put a dime through her earlobe.
Except for a woman who can put my cock through her earlobe.
Edit: NO what's the difference jokes. Lol.
12-17-2008, 09:50 PM
Thanks rabbit!! I read those 2 sentences and saw in my minds eye ... this one cool camel... just rockin to the music thru the headphones as it danced thru the desert and around the other camels.
Was it listening to Bombs over Baghdad?
Aegix Drakan
12-17-2008, 11:20 PM
I lost my fucking iPod in the middle of the desert! No fucking joke. Its somewhere in Kuwait...fucking A.
Ouch, that sucks. But as Tevvy and PRr said, at least you made a camel or two happy.
In other news. This saturday, me = gone. I am fleeing winter and running off to florida with family for a solid 2 weeks. See ya'll laters!
Oh, and I gt some Awesome news. I just checked out my old college, and asked how would be the best way to take my high math, so I could do the Computer science course (grahpic design is...very hard to find work for unless you are a maverick). To my surprise, the regulations were changed 2 years ago, and now I can get in without the high math! Ergo, the second I get back from florida, I am registering and doing college...this time for real. Doing what I want.
I. Feel. Awesome.
Wow, it snowed here. About an inch and hour. I'm hoping for lots of snow in the morning.
12-18-2008, 01:46 AM
Wow, it snowed here. About an inch and hour. I'm hoping for lots of snow in the morning.
Maaaaaaaaan, pfft.
They said we were gonna get a HUEGG Snow Storm, and some southern school districts were already closed... That's Ohio for you. Promises or epic snow storms, then it never delivers -.- ...
Then, you get freak week-long blizzards that cover the state in a foot+ of snow in March O__O"
Any other Ohioans remember that? (Or maybe some neighboring states felt the effects)
Oh, and to whom it may interest I'm remaking AlttP in 3D....
wait for it...
wait for it....
OLOLOLOLOLL yeah right. Laugh now.... you wait.
Shazza Dani
12-18-2008, 02:03 AM
I'm remaking Final Fantasy VII out of popsicle sticks. It also uses the Source engine. I'm hoping Valve will pick it up and pay me billions.
12-18-2008, 02:24 AM
Then, you get freak week-long blizzards that cover the state in a foot+ of snow in March O__O"
Any other Ohioans remember that? (Or maybe some neighboring states felt the effects)
That was great. I got at least one day off from school (maybe two... I don't remember). We got only a foot from that blizzard, but I remember that central Ohio locales got upward of 2+ feet.
12-18-2008, 02:52 AM
That was great. I got at least one day off from school (maybe two... I don't remember). We got only a foot from that blizzard, but I remember that central Ohio locales got upward of 2+ feet.
Yeah, I'm in Columbus, and they say we got 22 inches. It really only seemed like ~15 at any given point though. We missed a full five days of school from that one though (Friday through the following Thursday).
Shazza Dani
12-18-2008, 04:45 AM
EDIT: Ignore this post~ /random pic
Sam Atoms
12-18-2008, 05:45 AM
When I finally move in to my first house, it's going to be electrically powered entirely by . . . . . . hamster.
The darn things run around 18 hours a day, it's virtually certain to work.
It snowed last night. So much snow. So much fun. So many ways for my brother to kill himself.
Although I'm kind of angry. Last night the power went out. I was playing Metroid Prime Pinball. I was on the last boss. Then the power went out, and now I have to start all over. :(
12-18-2008, 02:38 PM
Wait, isn't that for the DS? o.o So you play it while it's charging or something?
Shazza Dani
12-18-2008, 04:44 PM
I miss having a random pic thread like PZC used to have. =[
Wait, isn't that for the DS? o.o So you play it while it's charging or something?
I was on my brother's DS, and he failed to tell me it hadn't been plugged in for days. So I plugged it in, and the power went out. It died before I could finish it.
Although I just beat it now, so it's not much of a problem anymore.
Modus Ponens
12-18-2008, 08:06 PM
Dude! Russ! Did you hear the thunder this morning? Did it freak you the fuck out? It was fucking awesome. The flash of the lightning woke me up—it was so bright it hurt my eyes even while I slept with them shut, and then it was like a bomb went off near my house. Then it happened again. And then a ton of fucking snow! Go Seattle.
12-18-2008, 08:51 PM
I would give anything to be able to experience that. Then again, that's just about what would actually happen. I will admit that no matter how difficult it is to find one's way home in it, I still get deep satisfaction and enjoyment from a really, really good storm. There's nothing quite like sitting near a window in the summertime, watching a thunderstorm with the lights off.
12-18-2008, 09:04 PM
We'res upposed to have a blizzard from like midnight tonight all day tomorrow. Everyone I know is banking on snow day, but I'm betting the irony gods won't let that happen.
Aegix Drakan
12-18-2008, 09:20 PM
dude, be careful what you wish for.
We had this MASSIVE strom blast through Montreal this summer, and MAN, it was freaky.
I looked out the window to see what looked like a waterfall. That and the thunder was deafening. We lost power for 3. FREAKIN. DAYS. Not fun.
12-18-2008, 10:18 PM
Weather guys are saying Portland, Oregon (specifically the valley floor) could have close to a half a foot of snow by Christmas day! WOW! That's a lotsa snow for this area...
12-18-2008, 11:20 PM
Half a foot? That's just a dusting around here :)
Hell I had to brush 4 inches off my car two days ago. Just another morning. Ha ha.
12-18-2008, 11:58 PM
Well, normally our school adds days lost to snow onto the end of the year.
But seeing as this is my senior year, and I therefore get out 10 days early, I won't have them added on. Thus I feel like I need as many snow days to revel in as possible.
Dude! Russ! Did you hear the thunder this morning? Did it freak you the fuck out? It was fucking awesome. The flash of the lightning woke me up—it was so bright it hurt my eyes even while I slept with them shut, and then it was like a bomb went off near my house. Then it happened again. And then a ton of fucking snow! Go Seattle.
You had thunder there? Awesome! I'm too far out (about half an hour from Seattle) to here it.
The snow here is awesome! My mom's car wouldn't even open! My friends in Woodinville reported a foot and a half of snow.
12-19-2008, 12:16 AM
Half a foot? That's just a dusting around here :)
Hell I had to brush 4 inches off my car two days ago. Just another morning. Ha ha.
For the "valley floor" as they call most of Washington County ... of Oregon... that's a LOT of snow (and a good bit of the valley floor also includes Portland City limits).
Eh... we'll see what actually falls. :)
12-19-2008, 12:38 AM
Yeah, it's never the amount they say it is. :shakeno: We're supposed to be getting three to six inches of snow on Friday. Southeastern New York is renowned for its inability to decide on how much snow it will actually receive.
12-19-2008, 01:03 AM
Big Mac (
12-19-2008, 08:12 AM
Holy Crap! Maybe you were right Aegix. I was figuring, like, a foot or so of snow, not a raging storm that's closed down everythign from Milwaukee to Waukesha.
Shazza Dani
12-19-2008, 07:52 PM
We're not allowed to have subtle nudity in our avatars, are we…? =[
12-19-2008, 11:31 PM
Go for it. If you get banned, you can't say you didn't see it coming. :p
In other news, from that huge storm over the Midwest, we got a whole half inch of slush, then a half a day's worth of rain. Freaking 33°F weather.
12-20-2008, 12:06 AM
MD: I doubt it. If anything, they'll tell you to change it. I had that one avatar, and no one cared.
Everyone else talking about the storm: They have been saying we are gonna get ours, but nothing. In fact, it was almost 60º today -.-
I wanna get a massive snow storm. I like the sense of chaos it causes.
12-20-2008, 12:27 AM
Just got in to Ottawa tonight. Going to the Senators game tomorrow night with 3 of my good friends. It's going to be a fun weekend!
12-20-2008, 11:07 AM
Living in the Midwest, I actually was caught in that storm. Over the course of 12 hours it snowed a foot and a half to two feet. It was freakin' sweet.
Sitting by the window was like living in a snowglobe.
12-20-2008, 11:19 AM
We had to drive through the storm to get up to Ottawa. It was crazy but we took our time and we made it here later than we were hoping but hey - we are safe.
12-20-2008, 01:45 PM
Hehe, hearing about all this horrible winter weather makes me glad I'm in Texas for the holidays. Also leads me to questioning my sanity for deciding to live in Minnesota. Seriously, why on Earth did I decide to pass up on this beautiful weather?
Blizzards are coming here too. So much cold weather this year. Just goes to show what Global Warming can do to a planet. :)
12-20-2008, 08:10 PM
Alright! My brothers godmother just gave him a Wii Points card for Christmas. Its World of Goo tonight!
Plus that means if I get one later from my parents, my Mega Man 9 vs. WoG dilemma has been resolved.
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