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11-03-2008, 08:09 PM
Wow - I was just watching an old episode of Ren & Stimpy, one that I remember from when I was a kid. My God, I can't believe that was ever on Nickelodeon. Really, it boggles my mind that they got away with having that on children's television.
11-03-2008, 08:18 PM
Wow - I was just watching an old episode of Ren & Stimpy, one that I remember from when I was a kid. My God, I can't believe that was ever on Nickelodeon. Really, it boggles my mind that they got away with having that on children's television.
I guess you never saw how bad it got on Spike.
11-03-2008, 08:27 PM
I guess you never saw how bad it got on Spike.
Nah, never saw it on Spike, though I know it got a lot worse. That doesn't shock me, though - I mean, we have things like Adult Swim. But even on Nickalodeon, I mean, wow - I'm just impressed they could get away with that stuff.
Hey, they got away with Linda Elerbee(sp?) on Nickelodian, which was pure, unfiltered propaganda, as well as hinting that Spongebob is gay. They can put anything on that channel.
11-03-2008, 09:03 PM
If you were to create a barier of electrons, wouldn't they repel the positrons of the antimatter, forming a "force field" of sorts?
Nope. Positron is just a different name for anti-electron. They annihilate. Although...maybe a force field based on that? Not repulsions though. If anything they attract. Opposite charges, remember?
I've heard of Ren and Stimpy, but never seen it. Was it any good?
11-03-2008, 09:10 PM
Hey, they got away with Linda Elerbee(sp?) on Nickelodian, which was pure, unfiltered propaganda, as well as hinting that Spongebob is gay. They can put anything on that channel.
Oh please - you clearly have never seen Ren & Stimpy - pure, unadulterated cartoon subversion at its finest. Screw Spongebob - hinting at Spongebob being gay doesn't even come close to some of the things they got away with on Ren & Stimpy
Amaster, yes, yes, a thousand times yes, Ren & Stimpy was truly one of the most incredible cartoons to come from the 90s.
Duh. I can't think today. What I meant to say was a barrier of protons to repel the positrons. Wouldn't that work? They should repel each other since they have the same charge.
11-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Theoretically possible, if you had a way to strip the electrons off a bunch of Hydrogen, you're left with pure protons. I'm not sure how stable it would be though.
If it's stable enough for nucleur fusion, it's stable enough for this. *shot*
11-04-2008, 09:41 PM
Theoretically possible, if you had a way to strip the electrons off a bunch of Hydrogen, you're left with pure protons. I'm not sure how stable it would be though.
Not as stable as H3O+. Just acidic water.
Aegix Drakan
11-04-2008, 09:44 PM
Ok, I can't take this anymore!
CLORAL! I'm calling you out on the basis of your username.
You having the EXACT same username as the name of the Second Territory can't just be a random coincidence!
Well, am I right?
Also... Russ...I had a dream last night that would make you green. I dream I was in a fusion of both Earthbound and Pendragon. I was running around my local area running from pursuers, and yet, I had PK fire, ice, and Thunder. It was awesome. I never hit anything with them though. I was just in a perking lot and decided to do a bit of practice. I pretty much used them like Lucas does in Brawl. (probably not too much of a co-incidence, since I just started using him)
11-04-2008, 10:25 PM
Not as stable as H3O+. Just acidic water.
Eh, I think it's different. H+ may be a single proton, but it's bonded to something else, and still holds the electron...kinda. I'm not sure what a pure soup of protons without any electrons at all would behave as.
I mean, falling back to a chemistry example, in a Redox-in-acid reaction we say that we balance by adding H+, but we're not really putting pure protons in there.
Also... Russ...I had a dream last night that would make you green. I dream I was in a fusion of both Earthbound and Pendragon. I was running around my local area running from pursuers, and yet, I had PK fire, ice, and Thunder. It was awesome. I never hit anything with them though. I was just in a perking lot and decided to do a bit of practice. I pretty much used them like Lucas does in Brawl. (probably not too much of a co-incidence, since I just started using him)
Speaking of which, we should fight each other on Brawl. Quite unexpectedly, my best fighters are Ness and Lucas. Am I correct in assuming that yours is Sonic?
Shazza Dani
11-05-2008, 06:03 AM
Last night I had a weird dream where I was at my old elementary school, only people from highschool were there. And I was using the Infernal Wrath spell from Fable to kill everyone. Then some girl jumped on my back and it prevented me from casting the spell, which led to an awkward conversation between me and someone I was trying to kill. I said something along the lines of, "Isn't it funny, I'm trying to kill all you guys?". Then I woke up. Then I ate a million Oreos.
I had a dream last night. In my dreams, which took place four years from now, I was being tormented by Obama's secret police for speaking up against him.
11-05-2008, 12:01 PM
I had a dream last night. In my dreams, which took place four years from now, I was being tormented by Obama's secret police for speaking up against him.
Yes, and now that he's won, he's going to put on a turban, declare this nation an Islamic state, and kill all the Christian infidels who refuse to worship Allah. *facepalm*
Shazza Dani
11-05-2008, 12:03 PM
I had a dream last night. In my dreams, which took place four years from now, I was being tormented by Obama's secret police for speaking up against him.
How many Oreos did you eat when you woke up?
How many Oreos did you eat when you woke up?
None. I hate oreos.
Shazza Dani
11-05-2008, 12:18 PM
None. I hate oreos.
O: Why? Because they're vegan? Or because they're BLACK?! D:
O: Why? Because they're vegan? Or because they're BLACK?! D:
Because I can't stand chocolate. *Waits to get mercilessly torn apart*
11-05-2008, 12:45 PM
Because I can't stand chocolate. *Waits to get mercilessly torn apart*
I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with you, Russ. I just couldn't quite place it until this moment.
Shazza Dani
11-05-2008, 12:50 PM
Because I can't stand chocolate. *Waits to get mercilessly torn apart*
Not by me. I don't really care for chocolate either. 'specially that MILK chocolate! I just buy Oreos sometimes because they're one of the few vegan snacks I can get around where I live.
Modus Ponens
11-05-2008, 04:50 PM
I used to be very intolerant of chocolate. Now I can handle it in small quantities, and, given the right stuff (like Hershey's Symphony bars), I even seek it out occasionally.
I like Oreos, but I prefer Newman-O's by Newman's Own Organics (
Shazza Dani
11-05-2008, 05:03 PM
Newman-Os are superior, but like I said I only buy Oreos because I can get them around where I live. When I go out to the supermarket where they have Newman-Os, there's better things for me to choose from.
11-05-2008, 08:58 PM
Eh, I think it's different. H+ may be a single proton, but it's bonded to something else, and still holds the electron...kinda. I'm not sure what a pure soup of protons without any electrons at all would behave as.
I mean, falling back to a chemistry example, in a Redox-in-acid reaction we say that we balance by adding H+, but we're not really putting pure protons in there.
The proton comes because your reaction is occurring in water, which, no surprise, has H3O+. That is the source of the proton.
11-05-2008, 10:01 PM
Yes, I know where it comes from, that's my whole point. We've never actually observed what would happen if you took a bunch of pure protons, without any electrons or other elements around.
11-05-2008, 10:02 PM
How could you get them all together? I mean as far as I know, you can't even do it with electrons, so how could you do it with protons?
Seems like we're reinventing the atom.
11-05-2008, 10:51 PM
I has a clay Starman DX :o
and I don't smoke. The ashtrey is there because my computer is in the spare bedroom.
I has a clay Starman DX :o
and I don't smoke. The ashtrey is there because my computer is in the spare bedroom.
You are my God.
Seriously, nice work.
11-06-2008, 01:29 PM
Alright, first post! From within my first working installation of Ubuntu, that is. This is very exciting - mainly because previous installs have always had driver issues.
11-06-2008, 08:01 PM
How could you get them all together? I mean as far as I know, you can't even do it with electrons, so how could you do it with protons?
Once again, exactly my point. I don' think you could, hence the skepticism at being able to form a barrier of protons to contain antimatter.
That...that statue is epic...truly it is.
Aegix Drakan
11-06-2008, 09:51 PM
Hey russ. I'd LOVE to add you on brawl, but I have very little time to play (considering I've been getting a lot of those "think of your future, you can do so much better than game tester" speeches"). Also, my PC is still not fully up to par because the reapir guy hasn't come back to finish the job. I'm litteraly sitting on a Pc that can only use the internet, open Office, and RMXP (trial version, it'll blow up in about 30 days).
I could try to get his new wireless router up and running and then connect it to my Wii, but...
Once I can brawl online, I will PM you. I just hope it doens't end up like with Shadow tiger, in which I was highly anticipating a good brawl, only to find out that I pack it up at 9:00, while he boots up at 11:00... >_>
11-06-2008, 09:57 PM
Reminds me, I should add both of you guys. I need some decent human competition. My siblings are getting a bit boring...
I know what you mean. My brothers the kind of guy that falls for anything. I'll be charging up a side smash, and he'll run right into it. Get's pretty boring.
11-07-2008, 11:50 AM
265 pages and 5,283 posts not counting mine. Moo you have started a revolution.
Torn shoulders suck the monkey's balls.
11-07-2008, 11:55 AM
Yeah, its pretty filthy, especially the close up crazy detailed ones.
I remember one episode where Ren became a hermit, and there was a dead hermit with a big ol' vat of beer, and it clearly said BEER on it.
WTF? All of a sudden an ass load of posts just appeared. Time warp!?
11-07-2008, 12:35 PM
I know what you mean. My brothers the kind of guy that falls for anything. I'll be charging up a side smash, and he'll run right into it. Get's pretty boring.
Ah. That would be me. :p But only if I'm Fox, and only if there's no lag. (That's a great double-edged sword right there.)
I probably won't be free to Brawl until a while. I have tons of work to do for a single class. Though I'm sure I could get on for an hour or two. But if there's lag, I cut it. I get plenty of lag-free Brawl at College, and it's spoiled me rotten.
Plus, Melee is forever. <3
I have to say, Melee has a lot of fun stuff, but I like the feel of Brawl better. Melee you fall a lot quicker, and it just feels different when you play it. Plus they made Ness a lot weaker in Melee. :(
And I agree about lags, I can't stand them.
11-07-2008, 02:18 PM
I go to College with a surprising amount of Melee professionals, (Y'know, the kinds of people who practically live at MLG, and there is no question that they can hold their own.) and about three fourths of them prefer Melee. They can excel at Brawl, but their heart still holds Melee to be the love of their lives. I'm still kinda in that same boat, really.
I mean, hell, .. there's a lot you can't do in Brawl. Number one on the list? L-Canceling. I'm serious. I wavedash as necessary, (Overexcessively as Samus and Marth.) but L-Canceling is what can make or break the match well before your usage of wavedashing. The dodge style, I'm okay with. Whereas to avoid a post-juggling return rape, I'd air dodge in brawl and bypass the attack, .. in Melee, I'd just counter with my own attack, often to the side after a fakeout. And then you know what? You L-Cancel when you land, and you'd be fine.
Another thing I dislike about Brawl: Samus, Link(s), Ivysaur, Shiek, and Olimar all have a chain grab onto ledge ability. The problem is, it only grabs the ledge; not the wall itself underneath the ledge. In Melee, you could dodge toward the platform first and then follow up with the hookshot / beam or whatever. Not in Brawl. In Melee, if you press down to release the platform and immediately follow up with a sex kick, you'd be golden. In Brawl, there's a delay between pressing down and actually releasing. It messes things up very badly.
11-07-2008, 02:36 PM
Brawl has some serious technical issues. The game runs much slower than melee, and often times feels delayed as far as actions go. Melee had very low rates of AI retardation, but it seems that the AI tards out a lot in brawl. Espeicaly any AI character with a transformational final smash (Fox and crew, Ganondorf, Bowser). They always seem to get stuck :/
And Russ, I think Ness was stronger in Melee. His PK Flash was much bigger, and his bat packed a nasty punch. I think he is slower in Brawl. And, for some reason, they moved his hat to the other side.
In general, I think Melee was faster paced, and a lot harder against someone who really knows what they're doing. Brawl is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it feels like they kind of missed the mark in the transition to some epic "story driven" fighter.
It's kind of funny that this came up, since last night, me and a buddy booted up Melee for the first time in a while. That was when we noticed the changes :o
ST, you forgot, Lucas also has a chain grab onto ledge ability. Go rope snake! :D
Anyways, Melee was always my least favorite Smash Bros game. I know it sounds weird, but Melee just plays differently than SSB and Brawl do, and I can never get used to it.
And on a side note, Melee's adventure mode sucks compared to Brawl's. ;)
As for Ness, his PK Flash attack is stronger, and his bat is slightly stronger, but his bat is slower, and many of of his moves (PK Thunder and PK thunder knockback especially) are nothing compared to what they were in SSB or what they are in Brawl.
11-07-2008, 04:31 PM
So I made a home made pizza, and it turned out a lot smaller and thicker than I was hoping. Its still awesome though.
That + an A-Treat Birch Beer and I'm off to explore the Capital Wasteland summore.
11-07-2008, 05:20 PM
ST, you forgot, Don't you just love it when someone starts off a sentence with this for something that doesn't matter even a tiny bit, so long as you get the point? :) I was listing examples for the concept, not making a list of every character.
Anyway, moral decrepitism aside, I'm also looking forward to making some custom pizza this weekend. Braided String Cheese is a remarkable ingredient to use. I chose the word "remarkable" for this purpose due to how common other types of cheeses are in use on pizza. I'll try for a touch of originality in mine. Green olives couldn't hurt either. They really bring out the flavor.
11-07-2008, 05:50 PM
Ha, I was at the store today and saw the most brilliant product placement ever - Hershey bars next to the *ahem* feminine hygiene products. I LOL'd. Well, not really, but I LOL'd on the inside.
11-07-2008, 07:55 PM
I actually like Brawl's slower pace. Melee is too...manic, hyper, it feels like a constant reflex-fest, as opposed to a strategic fighting game.
Oh, man, best random pizza related story, seeing as we're talking about pizza.
I'm at my friends house for the night, right. We're online, go to the Pizza Hut website to order. It's got all the forms; topping,s style, etc.
Than, at the bottom, there's a box that says other, like, cut into squares or whatever.
I look at him. He looks at me. We grin.
Hit send.
30 seconds, 30 seconds later, I kid you not, we get a call.
"Umm, yeah, hi, did you guys just place an order? Yeah, um...
cut into circles? ...
How do you expect us to do that?"
11-07-2008, 08:04 PM
Ah, the Internet really has revolutionized pizza-ordering. Now, instead of spending ten minutes trying to clarify your order and having the person on the phone get it wrong, only to have them screw it up anyway after they finally read it right, you can just send your order over the Internet, no time, no hassle, and they can botch it without the need for you to spend 10 minutes trying to make sure they don't botch it.
11-07-2008, 08:08 PM
Ordering pizza is a ripoff of the largest magnitude. There are only two pizzas you should ever even consider; Tombstone Supreme frozen pizza and Little Ceasers Hot n' Ready. Both are cheap, both are awesome.
11-07-2008, 08:25 PM
Little Ceasers is awesome. My family noticed that on our vacation to Florida to feed the entire family of five cost 27.50 at McDonalds, but only 12 bucks at Little Ceasers.
It may not be great pizza, but it's good pizza, and it's good pizza for crazy cheap.
11-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Pizza used to be my favorite food in the universe. Sadly, it turns out I am allergic to it. :(
I like some pizza. But only the stranger kinds. Cheese=bad. Greek=good.
Shazza Dani
11-07-2008, 10:16 PM
Quoted for truth. And emphasis; a little bit of emphasis.
That's a little emphasis. I'd hate to see a lot!
So have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like throwing you video game system out a window? I'm having one of those right now. Kirby Super Star Ultra. They decided to add a new mode called "The True Arena". Ten bosses, all made harder than normal, and five healing items that replinish 1/6 of your health each. :(
11-07-2008, 10:28 PM
Yup, Etrian Odyssey II. It's insanely hard...but a good insanely hard. The kind where when you stand up top throw the DS away, you can feel the burn through your veins.
11-07-2008, 10:49 PM
That's a little emphasis. I'd hate to see a lot!
So have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like throwing you video game system out a window? I'm having one of those right now. Kirby Super Star Ultra. They decided to add a new mode called "The True Arena". Ten bosses, all made harder than normal, and five healing items that replinish 1/6 of your health each. :(
I hate how they took out the Samurai Showdown and the thing where you crack the planet in two. I could sit there and break worlds apart with my bare hands and slice ninjas without even thinkin how. It was just plain simple fun.
Aegix Drakan
11-07-2008, 11:53 PM
30 seconds, 30 seconds later, I kid you not, we get a call.
"Umm, yeah, hi, did you guys just place an order? Yeah, um...
cut into circles? ...
How do you expect us to do that?"
X freaking D. That is awesome.
@ aces: The samurai and planet mashing game are still in. You just need to beat pretty much all the other modes, and then it opens up.
@ Russ and Amaster: Barring major lag issues, I think I could give you two a good match. My main opponent is a freaking pro. I only beat him once in a blue moon. As a result, I've had to really step up my game to avoid an embarrasing 4/4 stock to 0/4 stock scenario. I've gotten pretty good at Brawl. And if you tick me off... :evil: I go to my tension relief character. Old Pika is very good for that.... :P
Oh, and I've got my younger brother playing now too! ...unforunately, he is NOT a gamer by any standard. I think I will have to always be teamed with him, instead of against him. That, and he needs to learn how to recover. As soon as he goes over the edge, he freaks, and dies. Even with Pit, he panics!
11-07-2008, 11:59 PM
I had a Brawl n00b go under FD the other day like that. She fell, flapped all the way to the left under the stage, and we were all shouting "UP B!!! UP B!!!!" at the same time, and she hit it, and went clear under the stage and onto the opposite ledge. We applauded her. Then someone was an ass and smashed her off stage. :(
11-08-2008, 12:00 AM
Even with Pit? Wow sounds like he needs some Eye of the Tiger accompanied training montage, so he can train up and beat the champ, some local bully, in a glorious match.
Yeah, I've usually used Meta Knight, but like three weeks ago I realized that I was really good with Sonic, so I've been training with him lately.
11-08-2008, 12:08 AM
Personally, whenever I need training montage music, I simply turn to this.
11-08-2008, 12:33 AM
That's a little emphasis. I'd hate to see a lot!
So have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like throwing you video game system out a window? I'm having one of those right now. Kirby Super Star Ultra. They decided to add a new mode called "The True Arena". Ten bosses, all made harder than normal, and five healing items that replinish 1/6 of your health each. :(
Dark Elf, Final Fantasy 4. Then, after finally beating him, I suddenly lost all motivation to even play the game. I dunno why. Final Fantasy feels too simplistic compared to Mother 3, after playing it.
Speaking of Mother 3, it does seem to have some annoyingly difficult boss every five steps. Oh well.
And, I'd also like to bring attention to two Mario Galaxy stars: Bouldergeist Daredevil Run, and Luigi's Purple Coins. Evil. The three Green Star galaxies are cakewalk compared to these two.
11-08-2008, 12:42 AM
And yet...and yet...I find myself drawn to that level. Even though I never get more than two thirds through without dying (except for that one time) it's
Shazza Dani
11-08-2008, 01:38 AM
I decided to boot up Grand Theft Auto: Vice City earlier today. I almost forgot that game has the greatest fucking soundtrack EVER!
Too bad the PC version of the game is kind of wonky, so I can't play it very long without getting disgusted with the movement/camera…
XAnd if you tick me off... :evil: I go to my tension relief character. Old Pika is very good for that.... :P
Here is what my Brawl record says: "Disaster Master - Pikachu". I love playing as Pikachu, but I will alyways end up flying off the edge somehow. But he's not nearly as hard to control as Pichu was in Melee. *shivers*
Speaking of Mother 3, it does seem to have some annoyingly difficult boss every five steps. Oh well.
And, I'd also like to bring attention to two Mario Galaxy stars: Bouldergeist Daredevil Run, and Luigi's Purple Coins. Evil. The three Green Star galaxies are cakewalk compared to these two.
Mother 3: Fassad, Masked Man, Mr. Generator.
Mario: My friend came over to help me with Luigi's coins. For an hour, I frantically jumped from platform to platform while he pointed at the screen and helped me. We finally got it. So excited.
So I went to see Eagle Eye today. That was such a good movie. Unrealistic, but good.
11-08-2008, 11:04 AM
How good? I'm looking for a movie to take my new girlfriend to that isn't a.) an R-rated horror flick, b.) a romantic comedy, or c.) a hour and a half festival of bullets an car chases.
I can't seem to find much, for some reason...
11-08-2008, 12:22 PM
Pikachu? Hard to control? Nonsense. Pikachu has been my favorite character since the SSB days (although not necessarily my best character). Once you understand how to use his B-up move, then you can take a ton of damage without dying. I regulary push 150 with him, in some large levels I can get up to 300.
It's mainly that: A. He moves quickly and randomly, and B. I can't use his final smash. It's got to be the hardest in the game
And Amaster, the movie had two car chase scenes, but most of it wasn't random shooting and chases and stuff.
11-08-2008, 03:21 PM
Moving quickly and randomly is great, and his B, you just have to get used to it. Try doing target practice with Pikachu and you'll get it. And yes, his final smash is very difficult. I've only played Brawl a few times, but I'm getting better with it.
So after playing Mother 3, I have one questiong to ask Nintendo: Of all the people from mother 3 they could have put in Brawl, why Lucas? His brother Claus would have been a much better choice, as he knows PSI and can turn into a half human half robot type thing. He would have been a much better choice for Brawl than Lucas.
Shazza Dani
11-08-2008, 04:18 PM
Amaster42, see Pineapple Express! I was expecting that movie to suck, but it's funny as hell.
11-08-2008, 07:17 PM
You basically can be Claus, with the palette swaps. [shrug]
Masked Man though, would've been rad. Or atleast that as his final smash or something.
11-08-2008, 10:09 PM
I hate how Marth's sword is shorter! I don't think I'll ever get used to that. He's my favorite character. I mastered him, now I have to master him again.
11-09-2008, 01:15 PM
^^They should have kept Roy. The speed, the power. My best character by far.
11-09-2008, 11:00 PM
I always loved it when people thought that Roy was the best character in the game and Marth had no chance, but then I annihilate them without even barely taking a scratch. I admit it's all in the person playing, but they were pretty good.
Shazza Dani
11-09-2008, 11:07 PM
I preferred Roy over Marth, but I sucked at the game anyway.
11-09-2008, 11:29 PM
I honestly think Roy is better. He's just harder to master. A video game club I attended in high school consisted of many good players, including a Roy player and a Marth player. The Roy player would always win, hands down.
Not that I'm saying Marth is bad. I certainly think he is a close second, and much easier to master at that.
I hate how Marth's sword is shorter! I don't think I'll ever get used to that. He's my favorite character. I mastered him, now I have to master him again.
I hate that Nintendo made that change. I ended up discarding Marth for Snake and Sonic because of that.
30 seconds, 30 seconds later, I kid you not, we get a call.
"Umm, yeah, hi, did you guys just place an order? Yeah, um...
cut into circles? ...
How do you expect us to do that?"
LOL! :laughing: Funniest thing I've seen in a while.
11-10-2008, 01:05 AM
Switched out for Snake? Are You crazy?
11-10-2008, 09:34 AM
Last semester at my college, my gaming (Anime/Sci-Fi actually. :( ) club had a "Game Night." We featured a Brawl Tournament there. Professionals from the region were invited, and a surprising amount of them showed up. They put our own MGL pro CARab00 to the grinding stone, that's for sure. The final round was me vs a snake player. (My sparring partner, actually.) I chose link due to his ranged and melee potential, but his snake utilized every trick in the book, (Especially that nasty rolling attack into up+a combo glitch.) and we both had one life left, and I was just a bit too far under the platform to spin attack back up. That, and he got me with his Bair.
Bastard. :p
Never underestimate Snake Players. Or Dedede players, apparently. I'm still in shock that Zelgadis switched from Fox (In Melee.) to Dedede.
11-10-2008, 09:42 AM
Switched out for Snake? Are You crazy?
Unlike past SSB games, I don't see any one character that's considered "better" than all the others. Granted, Snake has some strange moves I had to get used to (especially his smashes), but I guess he just suits my playing style. Marth's loss of range really ticked me off enough that I started trying out other characters (no, I did not jump all over Snake immediately; I was skeptical of him at first).
Okay, so technically I still play as Marth, just not as much as I used to.
Never underestimate Snake Players. Or Dedede players, apparently. I'm still in shock that Zelgadis switched from Fox (In Melee.) to Dedede.
Agreed. Even I hate DeDeDe, but that doesn't mean no one is good with him. In fact, my cousin plays as DeDeDe regularly.
On a side note, has anyone ever had Powerthirst ( You should give it a try. It works! :D
11-10-2008, 12:51 PM
Unlike past SSB games, I don't see any one character that's considered "better" than all the others. It's going to sound a bit weird, but my vote for this one goes to Pikachu, with the slight possibility of Pit as a followup. Whenever anyone chooses Pikachu, everyone else tries to get them out of the game first. Pikachu has so many ridiculously nasty combos that I can't even list them all. (That's a great way to introduce a thesis. :rolleyes: ) His Ground Downsmash is simply ridiculous, and people enjoy spamming it to get out of tight situations. His Aerial Forward has some crazy priority, and works well in tandem with his Aerial Neutral and Aerial Reverse. Follow it up with a quick Aerial Down, and then a Groundsmash when you land. I've seen this work so many times. I hate Pikachus. I even feel dirty playing as one.
You basically can be Claus, with the palette swaps. [shrug]
Masked Man though, would've been rad. Or atleast that as his final smash or something.
I always do that. But it's not the same. Think of it, controlling Claus, and pressing down B to turn into the masked man, like Zelda/Shiek. It would be awesome.
Unlike past SSB games, I don't see any one character that's considered "better" than all the others
I agree. In the first one, Ness definitely had an advantage, with Captain Falcon in a close second. In the second, a character either rocked or sucked. Brawl did a good job of balancing the scales.
11-10-2008, 05:07 PM
As always, I use Link. Not Toon Link; Link. I can rape with his Final Smash.
³rape \rāp\ v 1 : to carry away by force 2 : to deprive
(In other words: pwn. :p)
Shazza Dani
11-10-2008, 05:15 PM
I mostly used Link in Melee. I never played Brawl but I imagine I would use Toon Link, 'cause I luuurve The Wind Waker.
11-10-2008, 06:40 PM
Sonic is my current main. Although his lack of killing moves is annoying. I can rack up a ton of damage as him, I just can't finish it as quickly as I'd like.
11-10-2008, 07:50 PM
I just beat Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on Hyper Mode. I'm a very happy Pineconn. :D
It was pretty intense at the end... but I learned all the pitfalls and patterns.
I'm still missing 5 gold tokens, though.....
11-10-2008, 08:17 PM
Hyper mode was so hard to beat, especially the final boss. I remember having a near-full phazon bar at the end of the first phase and spending 3/4 of the second phase healing.
I think I obtained most of the tokens (might be missing 1 or 2 blue ones). Of course, that doesn't do me any good when I have no green tokens. :(
11-10-2008, 09:20 PM
Toon Link is sufficiently different in Brawl that only his Up+A, Standing A, Ground Forward Tilt, and most of his B Moves are the same, sort of. (Arrows don't count. .. for some reason.) His Bair move is exceptional as a "wall of pain" maneuver. Do it up sirs. Do it up. Adult Link's Bair is best suited for groundwork.
11-10-2008, 11:03 PM
My favorite might be marth as a character, but my favorite character to actually play as is Mario by far. He's simple, fast, powerful, a small target, and very unknown to most players as they generally look him over. You can't get better than Mario, unless you like to be second player.
11-11-2008, 12:35 AM
Hyper mode was so hard to beat, especially the final boss. I remember having a near-full phazon bar at the end of the first phase and spending 3/4 of the second phase healing.
I think I obtained most of the tokens (might be missing 1 or 2 blue ones). Of course, that doesn't do me any good when I have no green tokens. :(
*spoiler warning*
Hah. I found myself with a 1/3-full Phazon bar at the end of Dark Samus, a 1/4-full bar at the end of AU battle 1, and 3/4-full bar at the end of AU battle 2 (the end). However... haha... well... I find that I need to stun and damage the AU 5 times during the first battle, and when I stunned it the 5th time, I had an almost completely empty Phazon bar. However... I wasn't able to get to it quickly enough to pull the hatch/armor open to kill it and move on to the final phase of the battle, so I had to endure it a 6th time. I took some damage this time... I actually got hit by it's deadly purple beam.
But I beat it. Good times, good times.
My favorite might be marth as a character, but my favorite character to actually play as is Mario by far. He's simple, fast, powerful, a small target, and very unknown to most players as they generally look him over. You can't get better than Mario, unless you like to be second player.
Mario can be fun, but I prefer Luigi. Mainly because I like the more complicated versions of most characters. :D
Shazza Dani
11-11-2008, 09:52 PM
Luigi fucking owns! I'm not talking about in SSB; he's just awesome in general. <3 Luigi.
11-11-2008, 11:03 PM
Luigi's pretty good. He and Mario are so balanced though, that they don't have one strong area for me to capitalize on.
11-11-2008, 11:43 PM
Luigi's pretty good. He and Mario are so balanced though, that they don't have one strong area for me to capitalize on.
Well... their Final Smashes are radically different. Big fireball vs. psychotic orb. :p It's kinda a shame that Link's and Toon Link's FSs are the exact same. I was hoping differently...
It's kinda a shame that Link's and Toon Link's FSs are the exact same. I was hoping differently...
*cough*PuppetGanon*cough* :D
Seriously, think how awesome it would be for Toon Link to use Puppet Ganon for a final smash!
11-12-2008, 05:40 AM
Luigi's pretty good. He and Mario are so balanced though, that they don't have one strong area for me to capitalize on.
What are you talking about? Their smash attacks are Rock Solid. You never have to geuss when you punch someone in the face if he's going to die or not.
I'm so angry right now. My mom ordered new cabinents for our kitchen. They came in. We ripped all the old cabinents out. Then we found out the new ones don't fit into the kitchen. No we're stuck with no kitchen until Christmas. :angry:
11-12-2008, 01:06 PM
I'm so angry right now. My mom ordered new cabinents for our kitchen. They came in. We ripped all the old cabinents out. Then we found out the new ones don't fit into the kitchen. No we're stuck with no kitchen until Christmas. :angry:
Oh my. :uhoh: I feel sorry for you, russ.
11-12-2008, 02:05 PM
Wow, that is utterly crappy timing, especially with Thanksgiving so close.
Great, more bad news. Apearently, there's mold growing in the insulation, and some of the wood is rotting. Why does this kind of stuff always happen to me? :(
11-12-2008, 03:47 PM
Ouch, that sucks. Nothing worse than a spell of bad luck. My sympathies, mate - I grew up in a bad-luck-prone family. The car would break down at the most inopportune time, or there was that time when our entire plumbing system spectacularly failed - my entire childhood could be summarized in a series of unfortunate events. The best and worst thing about bad luck, I think, is that it's rarely something that could've been anticipated or prevented. Best because it means it's not your fault. Worst because if it's not your fault, you can't control it.
Shazza Dani
11-12-2008, 04:37 PM
I found some neat Zelda tattoos while browsing BMEzine:
11-12-2008, 06:22 PM
I have been cursed with bad luck in one specific way. On the night before a bit paper is due, the printer will always, always run out of ink. Without exception.
It's now flooding here. And I mean flooding. In a town about ten minutes away from here, the river has risen about ten feet, and the parking lots all over town have about a foot of water. :eek:
11-12-2008, 11:28 PM
We had a nasty flood here a few months ago. It was awesome. It was around the same time Indiana or wherever it was had those floods.
Anyway, now for some very scary shit. (
School's cancelled here. All the roads are closed because the river is overflowing. The parking lots in many places are pools. And the waterfall in the river is so large, it was featured on the Weather Channel. Joy.
11-13-2008, 10:45 AM high off the ground is your house?
11-13-2008, 02:38 PM
You're probably talking to Russ, but mine is about four feet up. We have a basement though.
Anywho, last night, I had a really weird nightmare.
I don't remember much of the beginning, but that part was boring anyway. I do remember I was hanging out with two of my friends and we were driving around. We went somewhere to get something to eat, I think, and we were all supposed to chip in exactly $1.50 or something. I remembered I left my wallet at his house, so I was didn't have any cash. The next section isn't very clear, but I then remember showing up at my work. (Let me explain my job, so this next part makes sense: I work for a veterinarian who works out of his house, and goes to do house calls. Last year for our Wednesday internships, my girlfriend and I would go and do House calls with him. Now, I go there frequently and help him with stuff at the house.)
Anyway, I showed up at work, and his house; as most things are in dreams, was entirely different, and massive compared to his real house. It was also in a different location. It was in some suburban division on top of a hill surrounded by woods. There was a winding road that went off, but there were no other houses. This place seemed to be permanently in a state of twilight. Kind of like Twilight Town o.o. So, I get started, and the dream shifts again to me and my friend playing some 360 game. I remember the controllers being huge, and I kept thinking "Gabi couldn't play this, her hands are too small." The controller also kept shifting button formations. At one point, it had six face buttons, and one of them was "D" and the other one was "Dash" in addition to the A, B, X, and Y. The game was a survival type game, and for some reason, it took place in "dungified" version of this house.
I abruptly stopped playing, and went down into this room to clean out cat boxes. The transition was as rough as it seems. This room could best be described as a square room, with to smaller squares on the north and south ends. The center of the room was cut off from the two ends by a chain link fence. This could be climbed over, however. There was a plank that formed a bridge from end to end. It was covered in cat hair, and had a sign attached to it. I don't remember exactly as it is hard to remember exact words in dreams, and they are usually distorted, and perceived more as an idea than literal text, but anyway, it was talking about a disaster in the room, and it was apologizing for any inconvenience it may cause. I remember clearing the layer of cat fur off of the bridge, and the plank fell. This revealed that is was on top of a stretch of fence. I realized that there were no cats, or cat boxes for that matter. This room was empty. I wanted to leave, but there was no way out as both doors where on the other sides of either fence. I climbed over the south fence, and went through the door. This part of the dream took a very long time.
I was now outside on a patio in the eerie twilit suburbia I described before. One thing I remember was even though there was a vivid sunset, the rest of the sky was blue as day. I walked around the outside of the house, and went past a few rooms. Some of them had glass walls, and I could see inside. I saw a few rooms with TVs, laptops, and cats (One of these rooms could have been where we played Xbox).
The dream radically changes now. I'm at my school, and there is some new schedule. I got there late, and didn't know where I was supposed to go. I saw a friend, and asked her if I could borrow her Tales of Symphonia again since she didn't really move. As she was responding with some dream garbled tl;dr, I noticed a barefoot girl with a whitish dress came up to me. It was Gabi (my girlfriend). She said if I didn't know where to go, just come to the art room. I did so, and there was some more talk of schedules, and stuff. The weirdest thing was, I'm not even in high school anymore.
Suddenly, me and Gabi woke up in a bed, back at the vet's house. Except, it was no longer the vets house O_O. It was some sort of orphanage for lost people. I guess we had gotten lost? We woke up, and I don't remember much of what happened next. It sort of jumps to me looking around the house, and I make a startling discovery: The room I was in before is where the cut organs out of lost people, and use them to construct new people. I heard some girl garbling some dream speak at me, and I think she was after me. She began to chase me, and suddenly she was with a group of girls (one of which was my aunt, who me and Gabi stayed with in California). I was running through several rooms, and each one had some weird shape, and some times had stairs in the room. I ended up going into a closet of one of the rooms I had seen from outside. It had stairs that lead up to the attic.
Now, this is where it get's good. The attic is very hard to describe, but I'll describe it as I saw it. You come up from the stairs, exiting from a small square in the floor, and you're in a room with a very low ceiling. Maybe four feet? You'd have to duck and crouch at any rate. The attic was some sort of game room. This low area had a pool table. Good luck playing. Also, the entire room had brick floors, ceilings, and walls. To the left of this low part was the rest of the room which was more open, and seemed more like an attic. It had a few couches, a TV, and some random game system that doesn't really exist. To the right was a wall. Straight back along the passage, and just outside in the large part was a small area, that went into a girl's room. It was obvious by the various items lying about the air mattress in there, which barely fit in the tiny area. Anyway, I go along the pool table, and out into the open area. I hear them coming up the stairs, so I run back into the bedroom. I try and get underneath the air mattress to hide, but they are already up here. My aunt comes in, and jumps on the air mattress. She asks why I'm hiding? I come out, and the girl explains to me that they don't want to kill me. I think she wanted me to help them kill people.
Suddenly there was someone lying on the mattress. The girl explained how they want to help them. She brandished a knife, and cut them right down the abdomen. I told her no, and shoved past them, and ran. I ran back downstairs, and through various rooms, and ended up back in the bed room with Gabi. I told be to pack up her stuff as quickly as she could since we had to leave. I remember feeling like my parents brought me here, and left. I was thinking we could escape and go to my friends house, as I thought for some reason, he was close. She was putting socks on which seemed to take for ever, then she kept asking me to change her socks, and after a few times, I told her we needed to hurry up. I remember putting on my belt, and putting various items in my pocket (phone, DS, iPod... crap that doesn't even matter).
By this time, the girl had come in. She was very displeased. For the first time, I was able to get a good look at her. She looked like a real life version of Paula from my avatar. She didn't have the knife on her, but I knew she might be hiding it. I approached her slowly, and remembered holding a brief conversation, but I don't remember what we talked about. She was standing in front of a dresser. I was no less than a foot away from her, and I grabbed her by the throat, and began to squeeze. I remember her neck being very small, and I wasn't sure if I was strangling her right. I think I asked Gabi is this was okay. There wasn't much of a response. This girl didn't put up much of a fight. She grabbed my arms, in defense, but this was useless. The girl was unable to make noise for a while, and a few minutes in, she backed up, and fell down onto the dresser, and I kept my grip firm. She started to run her foot up my leg, and started to push. I think she even got one leg up on the table, and tried top use it as leverage, and kept pushing me. She started to make noises, and it got progressively louder. I told Gabi to do something, but there was nothing to be done. There was a cell phone like item, in the "frame" of sight, and the signal bars must have been her "HP" because they went down the longer I squeezed, and her resistance grew weaker as well. I also noticed a "volume" controller on a computer on the dresser after I had strangled her.
She died after a few minutes, and her lifeless body fell to the ground from the dresser. She didn't look so scary, and psychotic after having the life choked out of her. Me and Gabi ran downstairs, and where now in my kitchen. I told her I just killed someone, and I wasn't sure what would happen. I jokingly told her it never felt better, and placed my hands around her neck. I was only kidding though. After that, I'm not sure what happens since I woke up.
Yup. Crazy.
High enough that if our house floods, the town's screwed. We live on a hill. :)
I'm kind of upset. I was dreaming last night. It was a perfect mystery. And right as I'm about to find out who the murderer was, my alarm went off. I woke up to find that school was cancelled. So I went back to bed, and miraculously started having the same dream. It was great. Then I woke up and couldn't remember who the murderer was! :mad:
But it came to after a few minutes. It was actually a decent plot, given that it was one of my crazy dreams.
11-13-2008, 02:43 PM
I laughed at my self a bit after re-reading my post. How often do you hear about people up and strangling their attackers in situations? Especially if they could be armed.
I might make a dream thread.
11-13-2008, 02:47 PM
And how often do you hear about people having dreams about strangling their own avatar? I wonder if there's any significance to that?
11-13-2008, 02:51 PM
Self defense. I just watched her cut someone open. It was me or her, and I wasn't going to give any chances.
11-13-2008, 02:55 PM
No, I got that, I just think it's funny, having a dream about your avatar going on a murderous rage and then strangling her. I think you might have some issues to work out over your choice of avatar there.
11-13-2008, 03:02 PM
Lol. Maybe. I didn't actually realize it until I thought about it. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't, and it is just me trying to think of something to compare it to. There is actually a lot of stuff, like minor details I left out (Like, my friend who moved in Vegas was there for a brief part, but I omitted it because I couldn't remember all of it. He also spoke to me through out the dream)
She did have the bow, and the dress, but I think it was longer, like down to her knees maybe, but she didn't have shoes, since I remember it feeling soft in the dream when she pushed against me (As opposed to hard from shoes).
Either way, it really was a scary dream. Seriously. Can you imagine, for any part of your unconscious life; thinking this shit is real :P
Wow, TD, that's one crazy dream. A lot stranger than mine. Well, mine had a lot of crazy parts, but the part I remember was logical. To a certain extent. One of the clues was found in a bouncing canoe, and one of the detectives was a talking rodent, but it was still fairly logical. :)
11-13-2008, 03:09 PM
It's all relative. If it makes sense, it is logical. If it doesn't make sense, it is also logical, because it is a dream.
Dang, I'm mad! Appearently, our kitched remodel is a curse. Now we need to redo the entire flooring downstairs! :angry:
11-13-2008, 08:33 PM
Man, Russ, it just has not been your week. Just be careful the bathtub doesn't fall through the floor.
Shazza Dani
11-13-2008, 08:34 PM
>.> That's what you get for being too rich. God got pissed off because you bought new cabinets when there was nothing wrong with the old ones.
You don't know the half of it. My mom has spent two years looking for cabinents. And she already ordered the new counter tops a year ago, but can't put them in without the cabinets. I swear, she's the only person I know who can spend two years redoing a kitchen a destroying the whole house in the process.
11-13-2008, 09:42 PM
How about a change; in other words, good news?
I had District V Honors Band auditions yesterday. I made first freaking chair (on trumpet). So I guess I'm the best high school trumpet player in the tri-county area? Be aware that District V includes all of Youngstown and the suburbs (here's a map (
11-14-2008, 01:25 AM
In all honesty, I have no real idea of what you're talking it about, but it does sound like quite an honor. Congrats :D
In other news, I bought a new signature :D
Shazza Dani
11-14-2008, 01:52 AM
It's been a while since I changed my signature. I'll stick a new quote in there sometime soon.
11-14-2008, 02:22 AM
Ya everytime I look at your sig I think about a stampede of Jeriatrichs. You ever about those old men that poo and they shake their leg to get it out and it falls on the floor. Just think about the women who wear the long skirts. PLOP! LOL
11-14-2008, 03:15 AM
You know, it seems a lot of people are from Ohio.
11-14-2008, 03:17 AM
You know, it seems a lot of people are form Ohio.
You make us proud! :D
11-14-2008, 03:28 AM
You make us proud! :D
If only everyone tried as hard.
I guess auto-spell checkers don't work for words misspelled as other words >>
11-14-2008, 03:37 AM
But in all honestly, a lot of people here seem to be from Ohio. Represent! :p
So yeah... go OSU!
If only everyone tried as hard.
I guess auto-spell checkers don't work for words misspelled as other words >>
I would like to note that editing your previous post after someone already quoted (thus preserved) your error is not particularly effective. Seriously, it's probably less embarassing just to leave it as is. But now it's too late for that - if you edited it now to reinsert the typo then it would look like you edited it and STILL missed the error. Oh, and this post would ruin that too. Hrm.
Ugh, I'm starting to hate my house. Now there is a giant machine downstairs, trying to dry the inside of the walls to get rid of mold or something. And it is noisy. It cen be heard almost anywhere in the house, and must remain on until Monday. :( At least I can take comfort in the fact that my room is the farthest point away from it in the house.
Edit: So you get an idea of my kitchen.
11-14-2008, 06:09 PM
Yeah, I went through that this spring. Don't worry man, it's usually worth it in the end.
Plus we found some newspapers from 1928 in our walls, when the house was built. It was pretty cool.
Aegix Drakan
11-14-2008, 11:57 PM
Dammit, I find myself incapable of posting!
I want to reply to something, but I just don't know what to say.
:o Something is wrong with me.
And russ, I we went through heck with our kitchen too. But it looks awesome now. Well worth the trouble.
11-15-2008, 03:35 AM
Hey Russ, I know what house headaches can be like. We just had a plumber at our house last Wednesday. He discover that 6ft of our cast iron sewage pipe had a two inch crack in it. This will necessitate the replacement of said cast iron with PVC.
The most awesome part? We have a crawlspace and we didn't know that the pipe was cracked like this till just last week. This means that we have waste water down there. It doesn't smell because of the plastic that is covering everything. It's going to be fun when the plumbers replace everything.
So I went to China Town, Seattle today. My friends brought me to this one store. It has tons of old video games and systems (like a Famicom for $20, or a SNES game for $5). What was the neatest thing there though was the DSi that was for sale. 2 of them actually. The owner showed us the Japanese DSi and let us play around with it. He also (thank goodness) tols us that somebody is supposedly working on a hack that allows it to play GBA roms. It was fun.
Modus Ponens
11-16-2008, 12:20 AM
Was that Pink Godzilla? I've heard of the place. They had a huge booth at PAX. I've always wanted to go there, and there's no excuse for me not to since I live pretty close to the International District.
Yes, it was! You really should go there. It's a very small store, but it's filled with old games and systems. My friend got a Gamecube and a controller for 30 bucks there. There are Famicoms, Sega Dreamcasts, NES and SNES games, and of course, DSi! It's amazing!
11-17-2008, 03:25 AM
I hope it is fake. ( First one was awesome. I watched the first one, like, four times in two days with some friends. It is an awesome movie. I love the part with the peanut butter hitting the window... But, this B list movie is probably devoid of any peanut butter scenes, or anything of real quality.
He also (thank goodness) tols us that somebody is supposedly working on a hack that allows it to play GBA roms.
I knew it would only be a matter of time before someone, somewhere made that kind of hack. It was all the easier with the addition of an Micro SD/ Trans flash slot. Ah. Thank you Nintendo. Now, give us a shop channel so we have less of a moral reason to brazenly pirate GB/A ROMs :D
11-17-2008, 03:58 AM
I hope it is fake. (
Not only is it not fake, it already came out. (
11-17-2008, 04:44 AM
Ah just when you thought that the lower intestinal tract that is American cinematography had shit out the worse you'd ever seen or heard of, you stumble across a dried up turd like this hiding under the rug.
11-17-2008, 11:14 AM
War of the Worlds 2? They remade something that originally had no sequel and now making sequels? Well then, this should be about as good as Oceans 12 and Return of the Mummy.
Okay, time for a change of subject.
Last night I bout the M3 DS flash cart. It just shipped today. This gives me one more reason not to buy the DSi.
11-17-2008, 01:29 PM
Okay, time for a change of subject.
Last night I bout the M3 DS flash cart. It just shipped today. This gives me one more reason not to buy the DSi.
What type of bout are we talking here? No holds barred, UFC, or just plain boxing? =D
I hate typos! They are so dang annoying!
Anyways, I've recently become addicted to Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy". Has anybody else read it?
Shazza Dani
11-17-2008, 02:47 PM
What type of bout are we talking here? No holds barred, UFC, or just plain boxing? =D
A Wizards' Duel!
11-17-2008, 04:23 PM
"This is something mom showed me while you were away."
At least it was straight-to-DVD >.>
Modus Ponens
11-18-2008, 04:29 AM
I sold two TEMPURpedic beds at Brookstone today! Shit was so cash. I'm going to score a $160 bonus on my next paycheck.
11-18-2008, 06:54 AM
Great then you can turn around and give it back to them when you buy a tempurpedic bed. I wish I had one.
Do you actually do that whole thing they have on the commercial with the glass of wine? What about the bowling balls and stuff?
Modus Ponens
11-18-2008, 03:53 PM
No, I haven't done any of that, nor have I seen or heard of any of my coworkers doing it. We just yak about its benefits and qualities, and let the customers lie down on the bed. If they do fall asleep, that's fine.
11-18-2008, 06:05 PM
^^So how big of a scam are they?
11-18-2008, 06:59 PM
I know my grandfather has some Tempurpedic pillows that are tons of fun to play with, but I'm not sure how comfortable I'd find a whole bed of the stuff.
11-18-2008, 07:03 PM
I laid on one of those at a store once. They are pretty comfy. They are also pretty warm.
11-18-2008, 08:09 PM
My mother-in law has a tempurpedic bed. I've laid on it for a few minutes, and it's really comfortable. I would buy one if I could afford it. I currently use a tempurpedic pillow which I cannot imagine being without.
11-18-2008, 08:29 PM
I should get more pillows. I have two of those foam wedges that "support" pillows, and then two or three more pillows for even more support. I don't know why I use that much support, but I like it. It's just easier to sit up in bed whilst playing yon video games.
Anyway, I just ordered This Computer ( about an hour ago. I'm actually a bit scared for some reason. For one, I don't really know where I'm going to get a monitor. Probably scavenge one from the 386 machine. x X. Hahah. Also, I don't know if the RAM can be upgraded past its current levels. A Maximum of 4 Gigs is okay, but for all I know, it's 2 Gigs total possible. That might suck. At least it's not Vista.
Shazza Dani
11-18-2008, 09:20 PM
Shit, thanks for reminding me I need to upgrade my RAM, ST. I ordered a new video card and power supply recently but I forgot about RAM. My computer has 2 Gigs also. And I have Vista, 32-bit, which I have no problems with. So far I've had no trouble running anything.
Shazza Dani
11-18-2008, 09:44 PM
Okay, so I just created the coolest guy in Fable. Check him out:
11-18-2008, 09:54 PM
Ahh, take it away! It's worse than Chris Crocker! ;)
Shazza Dani
11-18-2008, 09:58 PM
11-18-2008, 09:59 PM
Is far too funny to play seriously due to its own silliness. (
Shazza Dani
11-18-2008, 10:03 PM
Is far too funny to play seriously due to its own silliness. (
I got 2.8 metres. It was too hard to figure out how to control properly.
EDIT: 4.5 m
11-18-2008, 10:18 PM
I found out how to go backwards. That was more than enough for me. :p
Shazza Dani
11-18-2008, 10:19 PM
They should measure how far you go vertically. I managed to jump pretty high. xD
Aegix Drakan
11-18-2008, 10:22 PM
I should get more pillows. I have two of those foam wedges that "support" pillows, and then two or three more pillows for even more support. I don't know why I use that much support, but I like it. It's just easier to sit up in bed whilst playing yon video games.
I need more pillow too.
I have 2. One I put my head on (I have to FOLD IT to get the right height), and one for my arms. I hate having my arms lose when I sleep.
It's Ok for propping up agains the wall for playing DS, but it' snot really that comfy...I could use another one or two, since I'm almost ALWAYS sitting on my bed.
11-18-2008, 10:41 PM
Well that website has me playing Too Many Ninjas instead. I can only get to about 14.
11-18-2008, 11:37 PM
Protip: For moar pillow, roll up a towel really tight, then sew it closed so it doesn't unroll. It actually makes a really good headrest. Not as much a good pillow though. It's good for providing that little extra "folded up pillow" ness...
Is far too funny to play seriously due to its own silliness. (
I got 7.2. meters Then I got bored, starting going to fast, and fell over.
11-19-2008, 01:02 AM
This game blows. I can't go back more than 3 meters? No.
Anywho.. I just watched "The Secret Life of Bees". It is a pretty good movie. I didn't know if I'd like it, since it's not really my thing, but it was a pretty good story. It was touching, to say the least... or something.
Like any good movie, it was a book first >.>
Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 02:27 AM
Hey, ShadowTigah, where can I download the Untold Chronicles of Link?
11-19-2008, 08:13 AM
Probably from other people. D: My C Drive got corrupted many moons ago. It was not a pleasant transition for my ZC's history. I'll take a look when I get home though.
Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 08:29 AM
I thought maybe it was in the interwebz somewhere.
…in the process of typing this post I decided to search PureZC, where I found the UcoL thread—full of dead links. =[
11-19-2008, 03:55 PM
I have it lying around my ZC folder. (
Awesome Quest, really. I only wish ST would change those link tiles to something totally way aweseomer!!!!! (
Kidding of course. Yes... Kidding.
I also find out my mom wants to watch Secret Life of Bees with me. Joy oh joy.
I have been waiting all day for the mail to come so I can get my M3 DS. It's driving me insane! How late does the mailman come!? I going crazy waiting for it!
Modus Ponens
11-19-2008, 04:22 PM
Usually at around 3 PM over here in Beacon Hill.
Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 04:47 PM
Why thank you, Tobias. :D If ShadowTiger wanted to use the most awesomerest Link tiles, he would have to use miiine—Too bad I never relesed them to anybody. >:D
11-19-2008, 07:07 PM
Mailmen don't come past five o' clock. You're welcome Sharon.
11-19-2008, 07:36 PM
What all are you planning on using your M3 for Russ?
My DS is now practically a PDS with all the Apps I've loaded on, plus some *sough* older, harder to find games. *cough*Earthbound*cough*Aladdin*cough*
11-19-2008, 08:44 PM
I'm never been able to find the key for the locked door in the southeast part of the fields. I was never sure if it was left out since that was potentially the end of the demo or what. I looked behind every tree too.
So, is there a key for this gate, or is this the end?
Shazza Dani
11-19-2008, 08:48 PM
You mean the key that is hidden in the tall grass? O:O:
11-19-2008, 08:52 PM
Yeah, it's hidden .. I think .. in the tall grass kinda south of the exit cave. I just played through that version, and it's actually rather old. I had a little bit more content developed in The Maze. Not too much more, but I did continue the cave portion at least. Eh. I'm going to be working on the WoW server I'm on (Database admin. Yay. Made a lightsaber. ^.^ ) and then playing Fallout 3 whenever I get my new rig. Dunno when I can get back to ZC.
11-19-2008, 10:24 PM
Dunno when I can get back to ZC.
:[ BAW.
It was such an amazing quest. I know how it feels to lose everything with ZC. Back in the 1.82 (or whatever was before 1.90) I had some shtuff. Needless to say, I was a 10 year old n00b, and lost interest, and deleted everything. Oh well :\
Do you think you would use the newer betas for development, or stick to the old school stuff, and use only the new features as opposed to scripting? Some interesting chapter based stuff could be done with limitation on d-map items alone (i.e. you get X later in the game, but don't want player to use X in an earlier chapter...)
EDIT: Unfortunately, I can't get past this screen -:<
EDIT 2: Kind of ironic, eh?
What all are you planning on using your M3 for Russ?
Mostly older games, like EarthBound, Mother 3 (not so old), Zelda 2, Kirby's Adventure, etc., the cheats on it, the movie capabilities, and some of the applications.
But now I'm going crazy. It came in. But my mom's mad at me right now, and she won't let me open it! I'm going to die soon!
11-20-2008, 05:26 AM
Haha good old mom. Give me my game woman! *swipe* AHHHHHHH *runs out the back door*
Shazza Dani
11-20-2008, 05:47 AM
I have to post a new shot of my Fable guy. Look at this sexy man:
Yeah, he's getting old and wrinkly. I don't care. <3
11-20-2008, 12:10 PM
Darknut, you worry me sometimes.
Okay, what the hell is up with TV commercials? I just saw one where a woman was going to the bathroom, and the little stick figure woman on the door jumped off to talk to the woman about her bladder control problems. Seriously, I don't get it - wouldn't the more imperative problem here be the fact that she's hallucinating about giant stick-figure women from bathroom doors talking to her about her medical conditions?
11-20-2008, 04:43 PM
I have to post a new shot of my Fable guy. Look at this sexy man:
Yeah, he's getting old and wrinkly. I don't care. <3
He's pretty swagg.
Shazza Dani
11-21-2008, 05:45 AM
O:! This girl is my hero:
Sharon, when was the last time you went to a psyciatrist? *is shot*
Shazza Dani
11-21-2008, 05:50 PM
Sharon, when was the last time you went to a psyciatrist? *is shot*
I believe the appropriate response here is STFU NOOB‼
11-21-2008, 08:21 PM
Which further fuels the psychiatrist query.
EDIT: I've been to a psychologist, so I guess I can vouch for "it's not bad, it's just irritating"
Modus Ponens
11-22-2008, 12:02 AM
As one who has voluntarily sought the aid of psychological therapists from time to time in my life, I must say that they often provide an invaluable and unique perspective into one's own life and mind, and there is practically nobody who wouldn't benefit from their aid, in most cases.
11-22-2008, 12:16 AM
This thread is eating all the topics. I wanted to make this its own topic, but ... ... I feel oddly paralyzed to do so.
Anyway, Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock (
11-22-2008, 09:57 AM
Woooooo, I just got finished with the Wisconsin Annual High School Theater Conference, and man am I tired! *collapses into bed*
11-22-2008, 12:17 PM
Hey wow, I finally figured out how to program a Mandelbrot set generator. I suppose it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it feels good to have figured everything out. Plus, it's the first time I've actually programmed anything in a long time.
11-22-2008, 01:49 PM
^ Is that a musical visualization?
11-22-2008, 02:02 PM
Nah, it's a Mandelbrot set. The top picture is the whole set - the interesting thing about it is, no matter how deeply you zoom in, there's always new detail - the bottom picture was taken after zooming in quite close. One of the recurring themes of the Mandelbrot set is that you see a lot of very small images that look like the whole thing (but they're always a little bit different). And it's all derived from a simple equation, too. I'm just proud of myself for putting it all together - also with figuring out how to make it really cool with the differing shades of blue.
11-22-2008, 05:07 PM
Just take a point called Z in a complex plane
let Z1 be Z squared plus C
let Z2 be Z1 squared plus C
Let Z3 be Z2 squared plus C
and so on
if the series of Zs will always stay
Close to Z and never trend away
that point is in the Mandelbrot Set
Awesome. What did you use to make it RN?
11-23-2008, 01:26 PM
I wrote it in FreeBasic, which is basically Qbasic ported to Windows. It's not the most elegant code in the world (which actually has nothing to do with the fact that it's written in BASIC, ironically), but eh, it works.
11-23-2008, 03:24 PM
This thread is eating all the topics.
Indeed, it is slowly reaching critical mass. Once it does there will be a glow about the boards and then a *poof*. What happens after the *poof* is subject to heated debate. Many though, subscribe to the belief that upon this thread reaching critical mass the boards will *poof* into a Pastrami and cheese on wheat bread with mayo sandwich.
Wheat bread? Why wheat? Why couldn't it poof into something tasty like white bread?
11-23-2008, 03:55 PM
Wheat bread? Why wheat? Why couldn't it poof into something tasty like white bread?
White bread's no good for you - they bleach out all the nutrients. You need to get your proper amount of whole grain every day.
Well one things' for sure, wheat bread sure isn't the way I'm going to get it.
11-23-2008, 04:25 PM
I'm allergic to bread.
Shazza Dani
11-23-2008, 07:18 PM
White bread is effin' gross.
11-23-2008, 07:27 PM
Wheat is good. I have no idea why anyone wouldn't like it.
11-23-2008, 07:37 PM
It has flavor - making it something of an acquired taste for anyone who's been raised on bland, processed crap that hardly qualifies as food (I know from experience).
11-23-2008, 07:39 PM
Yup, as a pure bred (or is it bread, hahaha) wheaty, I find white bread...horrible. It has no substance, no body.
11-23-2008, 09:17 PM
That, and you can't really spread anything on it. It makes my beloved tuna heroes worthlessly overstuffed. It's rye and whole wheat, yo. Those are the godbreads.
Sam Atoms
11-23-2008, 09:24 PM
Have the Obamas appointed the First Puppy yet? I think this would be a good candidate....
11-23-2008, 09:25 PM
Instead of a dog, they should get a leech, as it symbolizes their economic philosophy.
11-23-2008, 09:45 PM
Instead of a dog, they should get a leech, as it symbolizes their economic philosophy.
Am I the only one who doesn't see Obama as either a great change for better or for worse? Everyone seems to think that he's either going to save the world or kill us all. Honestly, he just seems like a typical president to me, with policies not really that far out of line from the entire second half of the 20th century.
Besides, I've heard he's planning to extend the Bush tax cuts a little longer anyway, as a result of the current economic situation (in addition to the promised tax cuts for the middle class). So in other words, yeah, not so much with the liberal economic policies.
Instead of a dog, they should get a leech, as it symbolizes their economic philosophy.
Wow, I was laughing pretty hard at that one. Nice joke. :laughing:
11-23-2008, 09:59 PM
Besides, I've heard he's planning to extend the Bush tax cuts a little longer anyway, as a result of the current economic situation
So he is admitting point blank that lower taxes are good for the economy.
Shazza Dani
11-23-2008, 10:00 PM
lol mccain shuld get a pet cadaver, guiz. lolololol xDxDxDxD
11-23-2008, 10:08 PM
So he is admitting point blank that lower taxes are good for the economy.
Yeah - seriously, Obama is a lot more moderate than most people think - or at the very least, he's incredibly pragmatic when it comes to policy - focusing more on determining what works than ideology.
By the way - he has announced that he's dismantling Gitmo, so however his presidency goes, I've gotta give him props for that.
11-23-2008, 10:41 PM
Onto a completely NON-POLITICAL related note... (
Shazza Dani
11-23-2008, 11:20 PM
On a completely UNRELATED note… (
11-24-2008, 12:55 AM
"Mommy, she has no boobs why?" o-o
Funny. Chris Crocker has some points though. Personally, I never shit in public, unless it is an emergency. Pissing is fine, since I'm not actually touching the seat, and in the event that I do have to drop a deuce, I line the seat with toilet paper.
Also, does ANYONE know of a site where I can find movie scripts? I have Google'd around a bit, but I haven't found either of the two movies I'm looking for. If you need to know names, I can post at request, but if you know a site with a massive, and diverse library of movie scripts do share.
Thank you.
11-25-2008, 02:23 PM
So, what are people's plans for Thanksgiving? Mine center on this.
Okay, not really, but that does look tasty (if heart-attack inducing). Hmm, on the other hand, I could always pick up some bacon salt for my turkey, though.
11-25-2008, 02:54 PM
So, what are people's plans for Thanksgiving? Mine center on this.
Okay, not really, but that does look tasty (if heart-attack inducing). Hmm, on the other hand, I could always pick up some bacon salt for my turkey, though.
Ah, the ole' Turbaducken.
I had a Turducken last year. Best thing I've ever had for Thanksgiving.
11-25-2008, 05:11 PM
Wow, a Turkey wrapped in bacon. Who'da thunk it.
11-25-2008, 05:33 PM
Wow, a Turkey wrapped in bacon. Who'da thunk it.
Correction! A chicken stuff inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey wrapped in bacon.
A Turbaducken.
Aegix Drakan
11-25-2008, 05:53 PM
Well ain't this great... I FINALLY get my PC back to full normalcy (minus the fact that the tech guy didn't tell me that the was he partitioned my drive space made it so I can't use my desktop as my main storage anymore). I sit down and insert my brand new Mass Effect CD into the drive, install, and the game locks up on loading. I email EA and I'm told that my PC can't support the game. And I'm fairly certain that it was running on a friend's PC which was even OLDER than mine.
I'm pretty sure the Orange box won't work either. This was a total waste of 80 bucks. I can't play these games on this computer. AND I WAS SO HYPED FOR THEM. >: O
I am NOT in the mood to buy a new PC, after all the hell and a half I went through to get this one working! Gah....I am so pissed....
11-25-2008, 07:03 PM
Correction! A chicken stuff inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey wrapped in bacon.
o.o ..Wait, seriously? How exactly would you make one? I'm guessing there is a lot of mincing involved.
Well, I had a normal Turduken (Chicken inside Duck inside Turkey). My Dad just bought it online. Funny story actually. It cost $60, but $60 to ship. The next day, we found it at the store for $50. Boy was he mad.
Modus Ponens
11-25-2008, 07:45 PM
Well, I had a normal Turduken ...
This looks more like it would be a turd inside a ukelele stuffed into a chicken.
11-25-2008, 08:06 PM
This looks more like it would be a turd inside a ukelele stuffed into a chicken.
I just about died laughing at this. Well done. :D
11-25-2008, 09:40 PM
Heh, it does.
Also, whenever you buy a new computer, be sure to have a monitor too. I got about halfway through installing Windows XP on my new computer that arrived today that I realized my monitor didn't work.
Well, that's what happened in the dream I had last night, anyway. What actually happened is that the monitor is on its way, but the tower arrived this afternoon. I set it up, and used the old monitor belonging now to my sister's 386 PC as a monitor. Old, old VGA Monitor. Got through the BIOS booting okay, but then when it got to the XP login screen, ... ... oh god. It's like the entire concept of mathematics vomited on the screen.
11-25-2008, 10:05 PM
It's like the entire concept of mathematics vomited on the screen.
I lol'd.
Quick question about MS Word 2003. Is there a way to replace every instance of a word with another word. An example would be if you wanted to change someone's name through out the story. Basically, you swap out the name for another. I always thought there was some sort of key board command for this.
11-25-2008, 10:12 PM
I lol'd.
Quick question about MS Word 2003. Is there a way to replace every instance of a word with another word. An example would be if you wanted to change someone's name through out the story. Basically, you swap out the name for another. I always thought there was some sort of key board command for this.
I would imagine there's a "find and replace" option somewhere, probably in the edit menu. But I dunno, I hate MS Word.
Shazza Dani
11-25-2008, 10:12 PM
I lol'd.
Quick question about MS Word 2003. Is there a way to replace every instance of a word with another word. An example would be if you wanted to change someone's name through out the story. Basically, you swap out the name for another. I always thought there was some sort of key board command for this.
I think there is, but I don't remember how. I don't have MS Office on my PC.
11-25-2008, 10:44 PM
I lol'd.
Quick question about MS Word 2003. Is there a way to replace every instance of a word with another word. An example would be if you wanted to change someone's name through out the story. Basically, you swap out the name for another. I always thought there was some sort of key board command for this.
Yeah, do "find and replace" under the "edit" menu, and, after typing in the old word you're looking for and the new word to replace the old one, there should be a button that says "Replace all" that you should click.
11-25-2008, 11:26 PM
Okay. Thanks guys. Yeah, don't really like MS word either. But Notepad has been acting buggy lately. For example, it randomly duplicates lines, and stuff.
Awesome movie Part 1. ( | Part 2. (
Yeah, This was the result of a Health Class project. I helped my girlfriend make a video about the effects of PCP. It's not really anything to brag about, but it is fairly amusing to say the least. This was made about three weeks ago.
This is gold. The Bible told by a five year old:
Through the eyes of a child:The Children's Bible in a Nutshell
In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas. The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that.
Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world.
He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked,but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't beeninvented yet.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one badapple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden.Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars.
Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as longas he was Abel.
Pretty soon all of the early people diedoff, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something.
One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy,but one of his kids was kind of a Ham. Noah built alarge boat and put his family and some animals on it. He askedsome other people to join him, but they said they wouldhave to take a rain check.
After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was morefamous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob hisbirthmark in exchange for some pot roast. Jacob had a sonnamed Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat.
Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston. Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues onPharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice,bowels, and no cable.
God fed the Israel Lights every daywith manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet yourneighbor's stuff.
Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more:Humor thy father and thy mother.
One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the firstBible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol andthe fence fell over on the town.
After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot. He had a son named Solomon who hadabout 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise,but that doesn't sound very wise to me.
After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets. One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and thenbarfed up on the shore. There were also some minor leagueprophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.
After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is thestar of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn.
(I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always sayingto me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It wouldbe nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.')
During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Democrats.
Jesus also had twelve opossums.The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that theynamed a terrible vegetable(so sayeth Howie!) after him.
Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount.
But the Democrats and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead.
Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again.He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of theAluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution, Which says not to add to this book.
11-26-2008, 12:30 AM
I think it would be a lot funnier if a billion people didn't think it was true.
11-26-2008, 12:48 AM
Sadly, I think that interpretation of the Bible is more accurate and detailed than your average Christian's understanding of the Bible. No offense, but at least in my experience, this is the case - I can't count the number of times I've had discussions with religious people wherein I had a greater knowledge of Biblical teachings than they did. And that's completely ignoring the lack of understanding over the history of Christianity since then - the origins of various religious holidays, the various translations of the Bible and interpretations of its teachings, etc. Or to take it a step further, their own church's teachings - you won't believe how many Catholics simply don't realize that the Catholic Church embraces the theory of evolution.
The Catholic Churches embraces evolution? I find that hard to agree. Could you elaborate?
The Catholic Church does not teach creationism, and has stated support for scientific evidence as a better guide multiple times. Catholics don't read the Bible 100% literally, rather looking at stuff like the creation story as a metaphor - unlike most protestant denominations.
Edit: and yes, to agree with rock_nog, it's enormously annoying how I know tons more about the contents of the bible, history of christianity, etc than any theist. I don't hate Christianity, I just don't believe it (and think it's pretty ludicruous...), and I could describe the religion more accurately and neutrally than many Christians.
Oh and russ stop talking about religion in so, it's really annoying. Also that story was not cute, since it obviously has puns that were designed by someone with more than the cognitive ability of a five year old. Some of that could certainly have come from a five-year-old, but as a whole it very obviously didn't. Waste of time.
Shazza Dani
11-26-2008, 01:37 AM
Awesome movie Part 1. ( | Part 2. (
Yeah, This was the result of a Health Class project. I helped my girlfriend make a video about the effects of PCP. It's not really anything to brag about, but it is fairly amusing to say the least. This was made about three weeks ago.
That is awesome.
11-26-2008, 01:43 AM
Let us take this time to review another ( golden moment in American cinema.
11-26-2008, 03:58 AM
So is it just me, or is Youtube now widescreen. And why is Youtube widescreen?
Shazza Dani
11-26-2008, 04:18 AM
It is widescreen, because…WIDESCREEN PWNZ J00‼
11-26-2008, 04:35 AM
The Catholic Churches embraces evolution? I find that hard to agree.
I see funnyness here. You, who believe a wide array of fantastical stories, are expressing skepticism that a group of people who believe a wide array of fantastical stories would acknowledge that science gives us a more accurate view of the physical universe than ancient scrolls written by desert nomads who thought the earth was flat.
11-26-2008, 06:21 AM
Let us take this time to review another ( golden moment in American cinema.
That would have actually been funny, if the sandwhich broke the window.
11-26-2008, 08:49 AM
The Catholic Churches embraces evolution? I find that hard to agree. Could you elaborate?
Wow, Russ, were you trying to prove my point? Unbelievable. Anyway, there's not much to elaborate on - it's exactly as I said, the Catholic church fully accepts the big bang theory and the theory of evolution. Basically, they have deemed those questions of science, not of faith, and therefore those questions are not for them to answer, but for scientists to answer.
11-26-2008, 11:03 AM
It is widescreen, because…WIDESCREEN PWNZ J00‼
But none of the videos are even widescreen.
Shazza Dani
11-26-2008, 11:07 AM
But none of the videos are even widescreen.
I see funnyness here. You, who believe a wide array of fantastical stories, are expressing skepticism that a group of people who believe a wide array of fantastical stories would acknowledge that science gives us a more accurate view of the physical universe than ancient scrolls written by desert nomads who thought the earth was flat.
I'm just saying that because it seems like the Catholic Church would be the list likely to go for the "Creation metaphor" idea. Then again, they have interpetted some strange things from the Bible before.
11-26-2008, 01:21 PM
How did that dog get in there? :scared:
11-26-2008, 04:33 PM
Then again, they have interpetted some strange things from the Bible before.
Genesis clearly states that the Earth was created before the sun, the stars, or anything else. It also says the earth is a flat surface existing under a solid dome with lights poking through called "stars".
If you don't think this is either a) a metaphor or b) totally false, you are retarded.
11-26-2008, 04:45 PM
Genesis clearly states that the Earth was created before the sun, the stars, or anything else. It also says the earth is a flat surface existing under a solid dome with lights poking through called "stars".
If you don't think this is either a) a metaphor or b) totally false, you are retarded.
But what about these people?
Shazza Dani
11-26-2008, 05:07 PM
But what about these people?
Or these:
Genesis clearly states that the Earth was created before the sun, the stars, or anything else. It also says the earth is a flat surface existing under a solid dome with lights poking through called "stars".
First of all, the sun came one day after Earth. That's possible. Second, the Bible never actually said that Earth was flat. It was a metaphore that people interpetted as saying Earh was flat.
Or these:
Wait, are you saying some people actually believe the Earth is flat? Wow, that blows me away.
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