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Three weeks, from June 9th to the 30th.
Man, can't wait, can't wait.
I've been saving up for this trip for like two years. Almost all of my money from work last year went to the plane ticket.
haha, I'll be up there too (June 6th - June 21st)
I'll be in the Alps (Austria, Switzerland) the whole time though, if you're willing to search. Hit me up and maybe we can go yodeling!
06-01-2008, 09:11 AM
Heh, nice. As tempting as that sounds, I'm not sure my teacher would go for "I'm going to meet some guy I met online".
And yeah, the mission looks awesome so far. I've been following with interest too, and I'm glad to see that they misjudged how difficult it would be to get started digging.
06-01-2008, 12:58 PM
Well, I'm back, sort of... I moved into my new apartment on Wednesday. Don't have Internet access yet though... Unless I put my laptop up against the front wall, in which case I can just barely pick up a signal from across the street.
Great place, though. Thanks to a little bit of luck, I managed to snag a one-bedroom instead of the studio I was originally taking. It's only $15 more a month, too. Turns out that the guy who was gonna take this apartment bailed at the last minute, so I quickly swooped in and took it. Of course, it's underfurnished, but I'm working on that. Still need a couch, a desk, and a rug for the living room would be nice.
Did you even know that you were banned? Or did I miss out on something yesterday?
06-01-2008, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I knew I was banned - happened the morning I was moving. Wasn't until yesterday that I figured out I could even occasionally connect to the Internet by putting my laptop up against the outer wall and stealing it from across the street. I feel I kinda cheated the ban on account of not having any Internet access at all.
Oh well... Oh, and my phone started mysteriously working again on Wednesday, too. No explanation, just suddenly I could make calls again. Which is good - the horrors of lack of Internet are nothing compared to the horrors of not having a phone line.
glad to hear that your phone is working again.
Kill Bill is on SpikeTV right now... Anyone know of a decent katana to get for cheap?
Rock_nog, look on the bright side. You got banned, and it didn't even affect you at all. That's something to be happy about.
06-02-2008, 12:56 PM
Ha, I just realized that the Internet connection I'm stealing from across the street is from a church. Don't know why it took so long - there's a big-ass church across the street, and the connection's name was "sanctuary2"... Oh well, makes my recent anti-God posts all that much more amusing.
Stealing internet from a chruch and using it to post anti-God posts. I'm sorry, but that's so ironic that it's funny. :D
06-02-2008, 06:14 PM
Glad you appreciated it, russadwan. I was afraid you'd overreact or something.
Good god, I swear... It's come to my recent attention that I have four younger sisters and a younger cousin over the age of 18, and two of those sisters are over the age of 21. Wow... that just makes me feel old.
Glad you appreciated it, russadwan. I was afraid you'd overreact or something.
Well, I don't exactly agree with stealing from a church, but the irony of it is just to funny.
06-02-2008, 08:23 PM
I have to find it particularly funny as well. It would be even funnier if you mentioned it during that time when you're supposed to confess stuff... whatever it's called...
To anyone following my router troubles, I think (again) that I finally fixed it. I simply uninstalled Linksys EasyLink Advisor and it works. Sure, my SSID is "linksys" and I have absolutely no security, but I couldn't care less. The Wii works, the computer works... it's all good.
Oh, and lol (
06-02-2008, 08:29 PM
I actually thought it would be funny if he was struck by lightning while accessing the connection.
I actually thought it would be funny if he was struck by lightning while accessing the connection.
That would be one of the funniest days of my life.
06-02-2008, 09:35 PM
I actually thought it would be funny if he was struck by lightning while accessing the connection.
At first I thought you were talking about Pineconn trying to access his wireless connection and I thought, "That's not funny..."
Oh and Pineconn, lol at the customer service request. Obviously they were so much help. Glad it's all fixed up now.
Since when is customer service helpful?
Aegix Drakan
06-02-2008, 10:56 PM
Since when is customer service helpful?
Nintendo's repair service was pretty good. :P the guy I got a hold of was really good about it. Provided all the info I needed and I was done in no time.
Since never
you should install linux on that router lol. There's nothing like a car accident in the drive thru >_>
06-03-2008, 12:46 PM
Got a new external hard drive. Now I can finally put all the games I have on since DO wouldn't let me until I did. Wish I could find my Starcraft cds. That was gonna be the first thing I put on. :sweat: Guess I'll look for them later. :kitty:
Congrats on the external drive!
06-03-2008, 04:55 PM
*shivering* one more month until Renassaince Faire...
Man, I'm not gonna make it...
I'm excited! I only have two days left of school! I can almost hear summer calling!
06-03-2008, 07:44 PM
Congrats on the external drive!
Thanks! The drive's got 250 gb of space so I'll won't have to worry about space issues for quite a while.
I recently discovered a song from a group in europe that broke up a few years ago. I came across the song when I was watching "Attack of the Evil TV" parts 1 and 2 on newgrounds. The song (Dragostea din Tei) is highly addictive and I can't get it out of my head since first hearing it.
I also was going through random stuff on when I came across a statue of a dragon from Dragon Quest. It looks sweet. Anyways, I've got random enemies to kill. :kitty:
Aegix Drakan
06-03-2008, 09:59 PM
I'm excited! I only have two days left of school! I can almost hear summer calling!
oh screw you young schoolkids and your summer breaks! I gotta go look for a job now! no summer break!
06-03-2008, 10:29 PM
And I just started summer school. So weird to be in an undergrad class again. Reminds me of those dreams where I find myself back in high school.
oh screw you young schoolkids and your summer breaks! I gotta go look for a job now! no summer break!
And I just started summer school. So weird to be in an undergrad class again. Reminds me of those dreams where I find myself back in high school.
I feel sorry for you two. Work over summer = :(.
06-04-2008, 01:42 AM
All you kiddies love it while you still can. I started working over the summer at age 15, then worked from then yeah. Fucking fuckers with your extended childhoods.
Work over summer = :(.
= your adult life = most people's situations.
I second what Anthony said. I'm going to be busy this summer but it's nothing new or unusual for me. You get used to it. And personally, I kind of like it... now if I take long extended vacations from work or school I feel like I'm wasting time. There's rent to pay and food to buy and lots of things to learn, so if I'm not studying, making money, or doing something fun so that I can later learn and make money more efficiently... I feel like I'm wasting time.
= your adult life = most people's situations.
Which is why I'm already looking at careers to pick one I like doing, probably. I'l probably be a science major, and most likly either become a surgeon or a chemical engineer. I haven't decided yet.
06-04-2008, 11:02 AM
So I shaved my beard today finally. After about 7 weeks. I feel naked. So naked.
Then why did you shave it?
Hmm, in the fall, UCLA's political science department is offering a course on the 2008 Presidential Campaign. It's a variable topics/special studies class, which explains why it's on a recent event, which is unusual. Also, it's being taught by a professor I've taken before and know to be decent... I'm currently debating whether or not to take it.
On the one hand, it's something I'm interested in. I would certainly be an informed voter if I took it. I'm interested in presidential campaigns from an academic perspective in general and this would be a good case study. On the other hand, I could get sick of the campaign really fast, even if I wasn't taking a course on it. Plus, I might get tired of the class discussions (stupid people are annoying).
06-04-2008, 02:19 PM
Well if you take it you won't be able to take any other classes that you may or may not be better off taking instead of it. It all just depends on what you really want to do. :kitty:
Plus, I might get tired of the class discussions (stupid people are annoying).
I know what you mean. Whenever I try to have a politcal debate with a Democrat, I'll they say is stuff along the lines of "Bush is against America!" and things like that.
This is what some people's comments sound like to me.
06-04-2008, 07:39 PM
Then why did you shave it?
It was time for a change.
06-04-2008, 08:04 PM
I think this basically covers it.
I hate my dang iternet security! The thing's a peice of junk! It blocks random pages (the one rock_nog posted included), and when I try to disable it, it blocks the internet altogether! I hate that thing!
Sam Atoms
06-04-2008, 09:14 PM
I recently discovered a song from a group in europe that broke up a few years ago. I came across the song when I was watching "Attack of the Evil TV" parts 1 and 2 on newgrounds. The song (Dragostea din Tei) is highly addictive and I can't get it out of my head since first hearing it.
You mean O-Zone? I ran across them the time I went out for karaoke the other night. The song got requested by a friend in our group who is from Romania. Needless to say it got the party going in a hurry. In not too long I had the song in my iTunes collection.
06-04-2008, 11:04 PM
You mean O-Zone? I ran across them the time I went out for karaoke the other night. The song got requested by a friend in our group who is from Romania. Needless to say it got the party going in a hurry. In not too long I had the song in my iTunes collection.
lmao, you mean THIS? (
hehe I remember when that video was going around a few years ago. I first heard about it from AlexMax.
Yeah, I remember when Darkgrammer showed me that so long ago. I had that song till my one hdd fell, and I had it again till my cheap usb stick got bent and died last week =(
guess I have to get it *again* (for the 3rd time lol). I really wish that I could watch youtube from my phone right now.
06-05-2008, 12:06 PM
I didn't watch the youtube video. I got hooked on the song elsewhere and never bothered with videos with the song in it after getting it added to my library. :kitty:
Except for the videos that I heard it from in the first place. I still watch 'Attack of the Evil TV' because it's so freaking hilarious. :kitty:
06-05-2008, 03:29 PM
Well... it's official...
I'm a senior!
Finally, I can be a pompous douche and get away with it at school! Plus open lunch, senior cuts, freshman buddies, etc.
*high-fives Amaster*
06-05-2008, 03:41 PM
You're not a senior until you get to school the first day :). At least that's how it always worked at my school.
06-05-2008, 03:45 PM
Well... maybe if you aren't in the band, but during summer band practices/rehearsals and band camp, we'll be considered seniors. :cool:
And to add substance to this post, I might as well declare I still have a four point oh. Just one more year...
YAY! I'm done with school! And I am now officially in high school!
06-06-2008, 01:51 AM
And I'm studying for chem. Grrrreat. It should be easy enough, but my prof just likes to throw in a ton of trick questions, because that's obviously the best way to see who knows the material best.
06-06-2008, 01:47 PM
And I gradutated high school!.....7 years ago....ya...I miss high school as sad as it sounds to say that.... :sweat:
And I gradutated high school!.....7 years ago....ya...I miss high school as sad as it sounds to say that.... :sweat:
Never in my life have I heard that.
Anyways, some good friends of mine are going on a missionary trip to Brazil today. Just thought I'd day that so Belderan can chew them out. :D
06-07-2008, 06:18 AM
I graduated from high school in 2005 and I don't miss it at all. I was very glad to leave rural Michigan.
06-07-2008, 07:19 AM
And I gradutated high school!.....7 years ago....ya...I miss high school as sad as it sounds to say that.... :sweat:
I miss it too! Real life sucks lol
06-07-2008, 08:49 AM
I mostly miss the art classes becouse I loved making artistic stuff (I even made replica's of some of the masks from Majora's Masks from clay including Majora's Mask itself!) and the only other thing I miss is the lunch room food. I don't miss math or gym classes though. I hated those.
Great. Now I'm rambling like an old man..... :sweat: Damn do I feel older than I really am now....
06-07-2008, 09:35 AM
Myself, I just miss the shenanigans. Like in 9th grade, when I put Quake on all the school computers. Ended up with like half the school DMing on the school network. Granted, it wa a small school, but man, what fun... 16-player slaughterfests on E1M7 with the gravity turned down to 100... I was always up to some form of hijinks or another.
Yup, this is quickly devolving into a bunch of us old farts reminiscing about the good old days.
Okay, I went to see You Don't Mess with the Zohan yesterday. Although it was funny, it should have been rated R. My family had to walk out of it because we had my younger brother with us. Although, the half hour we saw was hilarious. Seeing Zohan and the Phantom play ping pong with a grenade was priceless.
And all you people remembering hish school, I have one thing to say. It had better be as good as you remember.
06-07-2008, 12:45 PM
It's easiest to remember the best parts of it. The older you get, the better it seems. Just know, there's a lot of douchebaginess in high school, so don't get dismayed when you encounter a few pricks.
Gah, I really need some motivation to study for finals. I'm doing really well in all my classes (my math class, I already completed - grades came out today, and I got an A :)), but each of my finals is between 40-50% of my overall grade so I need to ace them as well.
I am super lazy right now and just don't feel like studying; when I try, I half ass it. I've got one final Monday morning and two Thursday and I just can't bring myself to work; it should be summer, damn it.
06-07-2008, 08:07 PM
I have none... I hardly even study myself. School junk just comes to me naturally.
Speaking of studying, I actually studied for today's SAT test. I wish I would have studied for it before... :sweat:
06-07-2008, 08:07 PM
I graduated high school in 1975... y'all are still young'uns :) Enjoy your younghood... for adulthood comes too soon, too fast and hits much too hard <lol>. :)
That's the problem Pineconn: almost always, when I need to do something, I just do. I had some motivational issues earlier though. Oh well, I ended up putting them aside long enough to complete a good 3 hours or so of productive work =)
06-07-2008, 10:22 PM
Woooh, geez, bad weather around here. Been off and on Tornado warnings like the last three days, and off and on rain just all the time.
06-07-2008, 11:09 PM
What the... a non-Hitchhiker's Guide avatar? Amaster, I'm deeply, deeply disappointed. I know you're going to Germany and all, but come on! Alright, I'm just gonna flip that flag on its side, rearrange the order of the colors, and just pretend it's a Belgium flag. Which works out perfectly, because I already think it is a Belgium flag (crap, I seriously doubt we're allowed to use that kind of language around here, especially in the non-GB section).
06-08-2008, 12:12 AM
Gah, I really need some motivation to study for finals. I'm doing really well in all my classes (my math class, I already completed - grades came out today, and I got an A :)), but each of my finals is between 40-50% of my overall grade so I need to ace them as well.
I am super lazy right now and just don't feel like studying; when I try, I half ass it. I've got one final Monday morning and two Thursday and I just can't bring myself to work; it should be summer, damn it.
Just know that studying will not prevent you from making stupid mistakes. I lost 10-20 points because I accidentally doubled the amount of carbons than the formula actually implied because I thought that 8.2 actually meant 8x2 subconsciously. I didn't realize it until after the test.
Woooh, geez, bad weather around here. Been off and on Tornado warnings like the last three days, and off and on rain just all the time.
Wow. I can't say I've ever had that problem. Washington state has only had two tornadoes since the 1960's, and one was a water spout that did absolutly no damage. Although I do know about the rain. We get that a lot up here. :(
Just know that studying will not prevent you from making stupid mistakes. I lost 10-20 points because I accidentally doubled the amount of carbons than the formula actually implied because I thought that 8.2 actually meant 8x2 subconsciously. I didn't realize it until after the test.
Every math test I've ever taken, I usually get stuck on some stupid detail. I stay in the class for maybe 20 minutes just focusing on that one detail (because I'm done with the rest of the test) then turn it in. I walk outside, take a deep breath, and three seconds later figure out what I missed - then realize what I should have done and that I've lost ~10 points. Without failure that happens.
But I still have a 3.977, so I guess those mistakes haven't really hurt me too badly ;)
06-08-2008, 07:47 AM
I don't mind the rain much, but when the weather reports say you're in a Tornado Watch until midnight, that pisses me off because my sleep gets interupted by false alarms.
Also, I hate math. Did I say that earlier? I forgot. :kitty:
06-08-2008, 09:50 AM
Oh, new news in. Apparently it was a Tornado Warning and a Flood Waring.
:shrug: All I knew was that it was storming and thundering and winding all night.
And yeah, almost every test I take, theres the one question that I don't get, and then ten minutes after I turn it in I'm like "wait...oooooooh, crap!"
06-08-2008, 11:00 AM
And over here it was as beautiful as ever. Southern California, no place with better weather.
And yeah, almost every test I take, theres the one question that I don't get, and then ten minutes after I turn it in I'm like "wait...oooooooh, crap!"
Et tu, Amaster? :) Ya, that happens to me all the time. Teachers need to give you a chance to correct mistakes like that.
And over here it was as beautiful as ever. Southern California, no place with better weather.
Lucky you. Up here, it's the first sunny day we've had in a while. And it's hardly even sunny. :(
06-08-2008, 11:32 PM
And over here it was as beautiful as ever. Southern California, no place with better weather.
Don't get me riled up on this again. :)
AGN seems... inactive.... It's been like this for about 2 weeks. I blame flood control, or summer vacation. Or Michael Moore.
I'm excited! I just bought a bass guitar, and signed up for bass lessons and piano lessons!
06-09-2008, 05:35 AM
AGN seems... inactive.... It's been like this for about 2 weeks. I blame flood control, or summer vacation. Or Michael Moore.
How about just warm weather? It's been nice here so I have been out and about doing more myself. Also I have been feeling a bit stressed (end of year crap) so I have been trying to stay busy to keep my mind off things.
AGN seems... inactive.... It's been like this for about 2 weeks. I blame flood control, or summer vacation. Or Michael Moore.
I'm sure not inactive. I'm done with school, but it's raining, and everyone else is still in school, so I check the site almost every hour.
06-09-2008, 02:01 PM
Eh, I noticed it a tad as well, but I'm not worried. I'm sure that by the time I get back we'll be as close to bustling as we ever get again.
And congrats on the guitar Russ!
06-09-2008, 02:13 PM
As I usually only pop up in here once a day, I hardly notice a difference unless it's a specific time of day. :kitty:
Bass lesson number 1 completed. Wow, playing bass makes your fingers hurt more than you'ld expect.
06-09-2008, 05:36 PM
I played it once, I wasn't interested. Too much going on. I'll stay with simpler instruments.
06-09-2008, 05:46 PM
I'll stay with simpler instruments.
Simpler than bass? Like what? The triangle?
I still say the best instrument would be the eletric triangle. Would be very fun to watch someone play. :D
06-09-2008, 06:08 PM
Amaster and I had a little Trumpet v. Violin debate going on a few months ago. I'm not sure who won.
The easiest instrument that actually takes some skill is probably the cymbals. I know there are some different playing techniques going on with them... or something.
How about the rubber band? Just stretch and pluck. That's pretty simple.
I wouldn't really consider that to be a musical instrument.
06-10-2008, 12:14 PM
Alright, after years of sitting on the fence, I've decided to actually embrace an official stance on global warming. Global warming is man-made, but there's not a damn thing we can do to stop it. It's guaranteed to piss of believers and deniers alike, which is precisely why I chose it. See, I'm sick to death of the fact that apparently it's not acceptable to have anything short of a dogmatic stance on global warming, which is ridiculous, because global warming is science, and dogma has no place in science. Why can't we just accept the fact that we don't know, and just wait and see?
06-10-2008, 12:17 PM
because some people can make a fortune off the fears of others.
06-10-2008, 12:37 PM
Now there is evidence that global warming may be good for the earth. (
06-10-2008, 01:14 PM
Rock_nog, if that's true, there is a way to stop it: if we all die. No man, then no man-made problems.
06-10-2008, 01:51 PM
*reads* Uh....ok. That was rather interesting..... :eyebrow:
Guys, you do know that right now, Earth is cooling, don't you? Temperatures on Earth rise and fall. When they fell last time, scientists predicted an ice age. When they rose, global warming ideas started. Now it's cooling again. No need for panic.
06-10-2008, 04:24 PM
No need to panic? You do understand that the last time the Earth cooled, lots of people died, right? It was called the Little Ice Age. It sucked. Very small changes in climate can have disasterous effects on us, whether we're responsible or not. But who knows, maybe the temperature offset created by greenhouse gases will prevent the next Ice Age and our pollution will end up saving us.
And what I meant was, there's nothing practical we could do to stop global warming. I mean, what, just everybody tomorrow stop using gasoline? Stop burning coal? The real exploitation, I think, is not people like Al Gore stirring up fear and whatnot, but rather, that these people make it sound like it's such an easy thing to fix the problem. They're selling false hope. They can't even fix gas prices, why assume they can fix the climate? I think it's a damn shame that they sit there, convincing everyone that there's some easy, magic solution, and that we're going to stop putting out tons of CO2 and global warming will just disappear. If we had alternatives to coal and oil, we would've started using them long ago. The pollution created by burning fossil fuels has killed thousands of people.
06-10-2008, 07:19 PM
No need to panic? You do understand that the last time the Earth cooled, lots of people died, right? It was called the Little Ice Age. It sucked. Very small changes in climate can have disasterous effects on us, whether we're responsible or not. But who knows, maybe the temperature offset created by greenhouse gases will prevent the next Ice Age and our pollution will end up saving us.
And what I meant was, there's nothing practical we could do to stop global warming. I mean, what, just everybody tomorrow stop using gasoline? Stop burning coal? The real exploitation, I think, is not people like Al Gore stirring up fear and whatnot, but rather, that these people make it sound like it's such an easy thing to fix the problem. They're selling false hope. They can't even fix gas prices, why assume they can fix the climate? I think it's a damn shame that they sit there, convincing everyone that there's some easy, magic solution, and that we're going to stop putting out tons of CO2 and global warming will just disappear. If we had alternatives to coal and oil, we would've started using them long ago. The pollution created by burning fossil fuels has killed thousands of people.
Negative, negative, negative.
There's more CO2 in the air, hooray. We're allllll going to diiiiiie. On the opposite end of your spectrum, we've been advancing greatly in technology (Roadrunner supercomputer, for instance), medicine, space exploration, etc. I only wish people would stop
1) talking about politics 24/7,
2) saying that a barrel of oil rose another penny every couple of hours, and
3) being so negative.
Okay, there's a possibility that the Earth is warming up. Who cares? You'll be dead by the time it would cause a problem (assuming the Earth's temperature really is rising 1°F every century). We, as humans, need to learn how to adapt to a changing climate (I think I stole that sentiment from another AGNer, sorry). By no means should we halt the development of modern society just for some fish and weeds.
In conclusion, I have none. I just felt like spitting some opinions out.
I only wish people would stop
1) talking about politics 24/7,
Pineconn, I'm four years youunger than you are, and yet I understand something you don't. Politics is life. Elect the wrong leader, and you're life becomes much worse than it has to be.
06-10-2008, 08:54 PM
and you're life becomes
06-11-2008, 10:35 PM
Yes, but politics are driving me insane. Just an hour ago I turned on MSNBC just to find four people bickering about McCain, Obama, and Obama's wife. And this is five months before the general election? I can't wait until television is deluged with "Obama sucks because..." and "McCain sucks because..." commercials.
"Let me [...] warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally."
--George Washington in his farewell address
Wow, I wonder what George Washington would think of this country if he were to see it right now. :(
Sonic Classic
06-11-2008, 10:50 PM
He would probably want to go drink some beer.
He would probably want to go drink some beer.
Ya, I have to agree, he probaly would. :laughing:
06-11-2008, 11:06 PM
I dunno, I think George Washington would be too shocked by these fangled moving pictures and horseless carriages to worry about the state of the country.
I dunno, I think George Washington would be too shocked by these fangled moving pictures and horseless carriages to worry about the state of the country.
Well, I mean after he shook off the initial shock of modern technology. He'd be ashamed at use right now. "You mean you did precidly what I said not to do? You formed political parties, and look what happened. And further more, you people don't even feel safe without a stock pile of nuclear weapons! What has this once great country come to?" Well, he'd say something along those lines.
You know, I'm torn on this whole strong versus weak parties business. On the one hand, I very much believe in individualism and weak parties are an ingrained part of California's political culture. I'm registered as a decline-to-state (read: independent) voter and I don't really like political parties for the most part. I have long respected Washington's warnings in his farewell address.
On the other hand, comparative political analysis has empirically shown that strong party systems lead to more focus on the issues and platforms, less special interest power, and less room for patronage and corruption. For the US, the last two things aren't a big deal, since we have checks and balances against that (although campaign finance is still a grey area), but the rest is relevant. So I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Was this post too thought-out and technical for this forum? If so, my apologies... I've been studying for finals all week, and my stuff in Political Economy of Development and California Politics keeps popping into my head.
06-12-2008, 02:09 AM
more focus on the issues and platforms, less special interest power, and less room for patronage and corruption.
Gee, it's a good thing we don't have problems with those. :rolleyes:
Gee, it's a good thing we don't have problems with those. :rolleyes:
I said the last two aren't really a big problem - patronage and corruption. Those things literally cripple economies of about 2/3rds of the countries in the world. Are the a problem here - yeah, but usually it gets reported and handled. It certainly doesn't cripple us like in other nations.
The other things, I do think we have huge problems with. Which is why I only mentioned the last two as not being major.
Aegix Drakan
06-12-2008, 02:32 PM
oh man...
WE had a HUGE storm sweep through montreal on tuesday. (they say it was a bunch of mini tornados) was scary. And no, I'm not just talking about the intense wind and the rain making my windows look like I was in a car wash.
the main thing that freaked me out was that we just got power back about 12:00 noon today!
I can deal without power for about a day, but almost TWO FREAKIN DAYS?!? I WAS SOOO ZETTA BORED YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT. I couldn't do anything productive at all! Oh, and my DS ran out of juice the morning after, so I had pretty much nothing to do.
*SIGH* oh well, at least it's back now.
Hey, has archibaldo been on lately? I know he's not too far from the area, so I want to know if he's alright too.
Wow, sounds like one big storm.
And I think Archibaldo was one pretty recently, but I'm not sure.
06-12-2008, 07:25 PM
oh man...
WE had a HUGE storm sweep through montreal on tuesday. (they say it was a bunch of mini tornados) was scary. And no, I'm not just talking about the intense wind and the rain making my windows look like I was in a car wash.
the main thing that freaked me out was that we just got power back about 12:00 noon today!
I can deal without power for about a day, but almost TWO FREAKIN DAYS?!? I WAS SOOO ZETTA BORED YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT. I couldn't do anything productive at all! Oh, and my DS ran out of juice the morning after, so I had pretty much nothing to do.
*SIGH* oh well, at least it's back now.
Hey, has archibaldo been on lately? I know he's not too far from the area, so I want to know if he's alright too.
It's good to hear that America isn't taking the modern marvels of the Internet for granted... :p
Okay, something's been bugging me. piceconn_lolz has created tons of alternate accounts here. So why hasn't one of the admins here just IP banned him already?
06-12-2008, 07:39 PM
It's called proxies. And dynamic IP (DHCP).
Banning anyone from anything is nearly impossible.
Oh. Well, at least we know he's going to get the "Most notorious banned member" award at the superlatives this year. Unless Glenn gets it from April Fool's Day, which he had no part in. :)
06-12-2008, 07:45 PM
Ah yes, the Superlatives. :) We need to organize them well in advance for their September premier. It's not like Pineconn_lolz is that much of a dangerous member, even though he started was seems to be a false scare about the ZC source code. Seriously, the ZC source file is corrupt. :eyebrow:
06-12-2008, 08:30 PM
Has it already been that long since the superlatives? I guess my mind is slipping pretty bad then.
Aegix Drakan
06-12-2008, 10:21 PM
It's good to hear that America isn't taking the modern marvels of the Internet for granted... :p
uhm...what...I don't get it...
*/me is from Canada, as I'm sure a lot of people would know by now*
06-13-2008, 08:31 PM
So umm, how about the NBA Playoffs game 4 last night? Pretty ridiculous. Not that I care about basketball at all, but that was a pretty big upset.
06-13-2008, 08:37 PM
The NBA is rigged.
06-13-2008, 10:38 PM
What makes it any different than any of the other big sports?
Master Ghaleon
06-13-2008, 10:48 PM
I am hoping that Garnett will get a ring but I dont really like NBA all too much.
06-14-2008, 12:12 AM
Woo, got a couch today! My apartment is finally really starting to feel like home.
Shazza Dani
06-14-2008, 12:19 AM
Woo, got a couch today! My apartment is finally really starting to feel like home.
D: My apartment doesn't have a couch. The absence of a couch never really phased me.
06-14-2008, 12:25 AM
I dunno, it's something to sprawl out on, and it's nice for entertaining guests. Plus, my living room just looks so much less barren now.
06-16-2008, 01:20 PM
im so fucking bored
06-16-2008, 01:27 PM
Bah, a new wave of marketing has begun. Last night, I had this dream where I bought a Little Ceasar's Hot & Ready cheese pizza for $5. This morning, I woke up with this intense craving for a $5 Little Ceasar's Hot & Ready cheese pizza. Those bastards!
06-16-2008, 01:28 PM
I see that the dream inducing nanobots have gotten to you too.
06-16-2008, 01:45 PM
Yup... Guess we finally know what that whole chemtrail conspiracy was all about.
06-16-2008, 01:53 PM
Between the chemtrails and the fluoride in the drinking water I think that...
[eyes glaze over]
Aegix Drakan
06-16-2008, 01:59 PM
Darn those communist russians and their phychic warfare!
06-16-2008, 02:05 PM
Well, at least the psychic warfare is being used by patriotic, American capitalists.
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 01:36 AM
Well, in others news, i've been unbanned.
Wheres the hugs, gifts, and welcomes guys?
06-17-2008, 01:37 AM
They are on sale for $500 Pineconn Dollars each. You have zero, unfortunately.
And this is not a joke, he really has been legally unbanned.
So, if as your avatar claims, you're "the real Pineconn" why is your name Pineconn_lolz and not Pineconn? If you were the original, you'd have the regular name, not the parody.
Nice try though. And, uh, welcome back?
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 08:56 AM
Eh, I still have to change the avatar. Not sure what to however, which is why i'm not changing it just yet.
And, uh, thanks for the welcome?
Aegix Drakan
06-17-2008, 10:06 AM
:odd: the hell did he get unbanned, after a series of being banned under different names, at a rate of one new name per month?
...ahh...must have been the one-year clean slate rule, or something....
and this proves what I was saying to my friends yesterday. One of my closest friends is going away for a month to the philipines and other parts of asia. (he's REALLY random, but awesome. Heck, in the first 20 seconds of kung fu panda, one of his friends turned to him and said "did you talk to the people who made this?"). anyway, I said that the moment he leaves, it's going to be like advance wars days of ruin; the sky will cloud over, the earth will rot, and without his awesomeness to keep sway over the country, it will degenerate into all out madness.
well....he just left EARLY this morning. and it's already beginning. The tape I usually tape my anime on is BROKEN (the tape got pulled out of the casing! :o), and now Pineconn_lolz just happens to be unbanned? THIS CANNOT A COINCIDENCE. ...>_> I am heading for the hills till my buddy gets back.
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 10:10 AM
Want me to come over and keep you company while hes gone?
06-17-2008, 11:27 AM
:odd: the hell did he get unbanned, after a series of being banned under different names, at a rate of one new name per month?
There may have been some sort of mistake made actually. Or a misconception. I doubt anyone, even Pineconn_lolz would consistently rereg THAT MANY TIMES. I could be mistaken myself though.
It would be a sensible truce to unban him if he just agreed to stop registering new names. He probably does less harm posting than the annoyance of having to ban 9000 new nicks.
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 03:36 PM
No, I was actually unbanned for completly different reasons, but I won't say exactly why due to the fact that i'm not sure the admins would want me to.
They may not care at all, but i'll just keep it to myself for now.
06-17-2008, 05:17 PM
He was legitimately unbanned for technically helping out the ZC devs. Just don't worry about it.
06-17-2008, 05:27 PM
He just needs to change that fucking avatar.
I'm going to put one of you two on ignore if one of you doesn't change your avatar. That way I know whose posts I'm reading...
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 05:29 PM
Mine is going to be changed very very soon. I'm working on a new one now. Please be patient.
06-17-2008, 05:31 PM
I've had pineconn_lolz on ignore for ages. I never have to suffer through anything he says.
Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 05:33 PM
I'm dissapointed, but hey, your choice. I can openly mock you even more now.
I think i'm on the cusp of being more than annoying this time around, although many of you are still going to hate me.
06-17-2008, 05:39 PM
Only cause of your signature.
06-17-2008, 09:26 PM
Huh... I now own an electric organ. Only cost me $20, too... But damn, what a bitch getting it home.
The Desperado
06-18-2008, 03:12 AM
I think i'm on the cusp of being more than annoying this time around, although many of you are still going to hate me.
Not only are many still going to hate you, I'm sure you'll be able to add a couple to the list. Me included.
06-18-2008, 03:37 AM
I've had pineconn_lolz on ignore for ages. I never have to suffer through anything he says.
I've always found it best not to block people like him. You never know when you might get a little chuckle out of something he says.
It's like an idiot at the grocery store. If you completely ignore everything he's doing, you're going to miss it when he runs face first into the automatic door when he tries to go through it the wrong way.
Aegix Drakan
06-18-2008, 09:02 AM
HEEEEY! Trevvy! Long time no see! Welcome back!
and wow...I just had alucid deam last night and I think I actually talked to my consciousness/inner self/whatever you want to call it. :P pretty cool experience, even though I can't remember half of what it told me.
06-18-2008, 09:20 AM
Geez, well I had an utterly insane dream last night. The dream featured 9 gods, each with a sword and skills to give me (the swords all had special powers, too), 3 psychic animals, who were my guides (a mouse, a cat, and a dog), all leading up to me having to vanquish the Ultimate Evil. Along the way, I became the greatest swordsman on the planet, able to best any mortal, and I had some really disgusting experiences (like having to eat these live spiders that had been sent to me by the Ultimate Evil - the only way to kill them was to absorb their power, or otherwise, they'd eventually hunt me down and kill me).
06-18-2008, 10:21 AM
That's an weird, yet still very interesting dream. :kitty:
06-18-2008, 01:30 PM
That's an weird,
06-18-2008, 02:42 PM
And now for something completely different...
AMaster, while you're in Deustchland, might you be able to pick me up some Mystische Schlanges? What are those, you ask? They're these...
... only in German. For some reason, they're worth significantly more than the English version. I guess you can put a price tag on countering one's Oona, Queen of the Fae with a Mystic Schlong, and the price is, er, rather large.
Were you in France, I would have asked you to pick me up some Retards...
06-18-2008, 03:07 PM
HEEEEY! Trevvy! Long time no see! Welcome back!
and wow...I just had alucid deam last night and I think I actually talked to my consciousness/inner self/whatever you want to call it. :P pretty cool experience, even though I can't remember half of what it told me.
Thanks, Aegix.
About your dream though, I hate to break it to you, but it was just the burrito you had before dinner. The odd thing though, it wasn't just gas, the burrito actually evolved into a sentient life form that could communicate through telepathy. However, shortly after that it died a horrible death by being dissolved by you stomach acid.
06-18-2008, 03:08 PM
Were you in France, I would have asked you to pick me up some Retards...
They make plenty of those here in the USA.
Pineconn lolz
06-18-2008, 03:14 PM
They make plenty of those here in the USA.
You would know.
06-18-2008, 03:40 PM
You would know.
With such company, how could I not be an authority on the relative supply of american retards?
Pineconn lolz
06-18-2008, 03:44 PM
With such company, how could I not be an authority on the relative supply of american retards?
Your ego is almost as big as mine.
06-18-2008, 03:49 PM
If you completely ignore everything he's doing, you're going to miss it when he runs face first into the automatic door when he tries to go through it the wrong way.I saw something like this happen a couple of months ago. The entrance to the store I work in isn't an automatic door, but is a double door glass/metal framed window. The exit, however, is a doubly-wide automatic sliding door with a sensor.
Some huge brute of a man walks in through the entrance, does his shopping, and when he's about to leave, he just walks through the double exit doors without even stopping. The automatic doors don't even have time to open again before they act like they open to the outside, sliding right off their hinges, nearly falling to the pavement outside of the store.
I've never seen any more real life "I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!" moment than that. Just walked right through the doors as if they weren't there. He didn't even have a shopping cart or anything to push through them. Just walked right through them as he would a sea of seagulls or something. Amazing to watch.
Aegix Drakan
06-18-2008, 03:50 PM
About your dream though, I hate to break it to you, but it was just the burrito you had before dinner.
:P But I've never had a burrito in my life! There's certainly none in my house!
06-18-2008, 04:04 PM
:P But I've never had a burrito in my life! There's certainly none in my house!
Which really just makes the whole thing that much more creepy doesn't it?
06-18-2008, 05:17 PM
Just bought and installed my new copy of Starcraft(the original and Brood War) and am bored.....I didn't think I could be bored of Starcraft so quickly..... :sweat:
06-18-2008, 05:43 PM
Just bought and installed my new copy of Starcraft(the original and Brood War) and am bored.....I didn't think I could be bored of Starcraft so quickly..... :sweat:
Just return it to the store for a new copy and sell it on eBay. I'm pretty damn sure you can do that.
06-18-2008, 06:06 PM
Just return it to the store for a new copy and sell it on eBay. I'm pretty damn sure you can do that.
What does getting a new copy of a game I already own have to do with being bored with it? :eyebrow:
I mainly wanted to get used to playing it again before Starcraft 2 comes out whenever it does. Meh. Maybe I'll find some players online to paly against to attempt to curb the boredom....
In unrelated note, I got a large scratch on the top of my head from a open window I hit when I wasn't looking where I was going. I don't think it's serious so I'm gonna just put some disenfectent(sp?) on it and say it's fine.
06-19-2008, 11:22 AM
So I've been in Las Vegas since Monday, and my brother had a baby that same day. But I've been spending most of my time in the hospital since some blood test that he's had keeps showing some disease but no one knows what it is and he has no symptoms (besides grunting, but that's going down). Hopefully he gets better before we leave.
The baby was 9 lbs. 5 oz. when he was born and 22 inches long. Pretty big baby, he doesn't even look like a newborn.
06-19-2008, 11:32 AM
They're building an assisted living place right behind my house. Right now it's just in the very beginning stages. They're still busy leveling the ground out and what not. I'm not sure what kind of equipment it was, but this morning whatever it was had my whole house shaking for a good 5 minutes. Added to this fun fact is that they've knocked down some trees that where shading my back porch. Progress is so much fun isn't it?
Phattonez, that's awesome! What's his name?
06-19-2008, 02:06 PM
His name is Hiram, just like his dad's and my dad's name (good luck pronouncing that right). It's great that this was supposed to be our vacation and he's getting all of the attention. :)
06-19-2008, 03:28 PM
HEER-um? I think that's how the college in Hiram, Ohio, is pronounced. Either that, or HIGH-rum.
@ Trevelyan: Wow, that had to have sucked... Just be more grateful now that you don't live near a railroad. ;)
06-19-2008, 03:47 PM
@ Trevelyan: Wow, that had to have sucked... Just be more grateful now that you don't live near a railroad. ;)
Living next to a railroad probably wouldn't bother me that much considering I work on one everyday.
06-19-2008, 08:51 PM
It's pronounced like high rum, and yes, I know about that college. My brother mentioned it on his webpage back when personal webpages were something that all college students had.
And the baby is doing better now. He is responding to the antibiotic and eating more than ever. Cute little fat baby.
06-20-2008, 08:20 AM
Living next to a railroad probably wouldn't bother me that much considering I work on one everyday.
*lives two blocks from a railroad*
Yes. Yes it would. Unless you absolutly love your work or something. (Like I do. 15 more days, w00t!)
Hey, Amaster! Are you back from Germany already?
06-20-2008, 03:36 PM
Nope, just finally got acess to a computer. I still can only acess like once a day or so, maybe twice like today, but I can post at least, hey?
Ya, at least you can post. I wasn't able to at all in Italy.
By the way, how is the trip going?
06-20-2008, 04:20 PM
are you having sex with hot german sluts now?
Please, could you keep your erotic comments to yourself Beldaran? I'm getting tired of them.
06-20-2008, 11:57 PM
Please, could you keep your erotic comments to yourself Beldaran? I'm getting tired of them.
there is a nifty little ignore feature... use it.
06-21-2008, 12:02 AM
Please, could you keep your erotic comments to yourself Beldaran? I'm getting tired of them.
I'm not. This is what makes AGN funny, and what gives Beldaran character. And rep. (Speaking of which, I still can't give you green rep, Bel. I think I've been meaning to for a month now...)
Er, anyway, something amazing happened today. I was just notified that I have to get a physical for a minor work permit, and my "interview" is this Monday. I called, I insisted, I bribed a little (donuts get you far in life), and I got an appointment for the same day. Yes, that's right, I was actually able to get a physical today, within a few hours of calling them. Something this convenient will never happen to me again.
06-21-2008, 09:03 AM
Phew. So, I'm currently home for my sister's wedding, which was yesterday. Despite my general hatred of such things, it was actually kinda fun. And then one of the family cats had kittens last night, which is all very adorable and whatnot, except the part where the cat woke me up in the middle of the night to make me play kitty midwife. No joke, she actually came up to my bed and started meowing for me. I got up, realized that she was basically clinging to my leg wherever I went, so I showed her a nice box to have the kittens in, petted her, and explained that that was as far as my skills with having kittens goes, so she better not be expecting me to do anything else.
06-21-2008, 11:45 AM
Please, could you keep your erotic comments to yourself Beldaran? I'm getting tired of them.
06-21-2008, 12:48 PM
I want to throw up but what's really freaky is that looks so much like a patient I had yesterday at the hospital. He was bigger though and couldn't really hold his man boobies.....four point restraints are wonderful.
That's it! Beldaran, I'm am sorry, but you are just plain disgusting. *Added to ignore list*
Pineconn lolz
06-21-2008, 01:47 PM
That's it! Beldaran, I'm am sorry, but you are just plain disgusting. *Added to ignore list*
I don't know wether I should laugh or feel bad for you.
06-21-2008, 02:36 PM
I don't know wether I should laugh or feel bad for you.
Yeah, honestly, me too. Beldaran is like Jack Thompson every time he opens his mouth. While one is a total moron, both will constantly give you a good laugh.
And yes, Jack is the total moron.
Pineconn lolz
06-21-2008, 03:11 PM
I meant it in an entirely different way then both of you guys took it, but hey, thats fine.
Aegix Drakan
06-21-2008, 09:46 PM
Bwaahh...I hate it when my stomach screws something up. Spending ten minutes on the toilet wondierng if my stomach is done sending overdone/rushed products down to the delivery chute is NOT my idea of a good time.
Anyway, I just got a call from a game testing company that one of my firends suggested I work for until I can get my whole graphic design thing off the airstrip. Apparently this company is interested, and I need to call them back sometime in the conceivable future. With any luck, I'll soon have some sort of income, and thus be able to buy more Wii points, and buy som emore good VC titles (screw you Sin and Punishment, for costing 1,200 points. Now I am 200 points short from getting Kirby 64, which I've wanted to play again for a good long time).
In other news, I am catching up on all the Zero Punctuation Game reviews I've missed, which may account for my temprarily off-kilter sense of humor, and the fact that my thought process nowlookssomethinglikethis.
06-22-2008, 03:33 AM
In other news, I am catching up on all the Zero Punctuation Game reviews I've missed, which may account for my temprarily off-kilter sense of humor, and the fact that my thought process nowlookssomethinglikethis.
Dude, I did the exact same thing last night.
*insert Twilight Realm, er, Zone theme here*
I espcially love the Painkiller review.
"There's a gun which shoots shurikans. And lightning"
Apparently, eating sushi, pizza, and ice cream for dinner doesn't do anything horrid to the intestinal track. Can't say the same about my parents who saw me eat all that.
Sushi is awesome! But I'd never would guess it mixes with pizza very well.
06-22-2008, 01:20 PM
Sushi: why not just cook the damn fish?
Because when it's served with rice, seaweed, and fish eggs, it tastes better raw. Besides, some sushi is cooked.
06-22-2008, 04:18 PM
Woo, what fun. Went to an exhibit on medieval torture devices at the museum today. I gotta say - people in the middle ages really put a lot of thought into their torture devices, working out how to cause the most agony and suffering while ensuring that the victim was alive and conscious for the longest time possible. Yup, nothing like shredding a man's rectum open in the name of an all-loving, compassionate God to warm your heart.
Thank you for making my ache. Wow, they were harsh then, and furthermore, had about as much understanding of what Christ taught as a snail does.
06-22-2008, 05:05 PM
Or maybe it's us that misunderstand Christ's teachings. After all, it's only been within the past 100 years that the idea that Christianity isn't about horribly murdering anyone who disagrees with you has really taken hold, leading me to start to wonder where anyone got all this "peace and love" business from in the first place.
06-22-2008, 05:10 PM
For once, I'm going to defend christianity. (*gasp*)
The whole "peace and love business" was the original christian message. When they were preaching peace and love, the christians were horribly murdered and persecuted by the Romans. Once the Roman Emperor realized he could use christianity to control people's minds, it was adopted by the government and the brutal insanity of the catcholic church began.
Today, christianity is used by the religious right to get neo-fascist leaders elected and to fleece the mindless drones of their cash, so they can build sparkling megachurches.
Aegix Drakan
06-22-2008, 05:45 PM
Woo, what fun. Went to an exhibit on medieval torture devices at the museum today. I gotta say - people in the middle ages really put a lot of thought into their torture devices, working out how to cause the most agony and suffering while ensuring that the victim was alive and conscious for the longest time possible. Yup, nothing like shredding a man's rectum because a guy overheard from someone else that this guy might have stolen money from some rich guy, and you want him to confess, so you can just kill the guy and hopefully be rid of the thief. If he's NOT the thief then he just won't confess (despite the fact the we're putting him through incredible pain, and will continue to do so until he DOES confess, at which point he's guilty even if he didn't do it). or, alternatively, it's a slow day at the castle, and there's nothing like a good old fashioned torture session on a random peasant to liven up the place..
Fixed for accuracy.
>_> Torture is retarded IMO. Of COURSE if you torture the guy to get a confession, you will eventually get one (even if the guy is innocent), because the human body will do anything to avoid more pain. ...Seriously, you might as well just forge a confession, since it amounts to the same result, only with less agony on the part of the prisoner.
06-22-2008, 06:01 PM
I like sushi. The Catholic Church sucks. Torture is not necessary when you can just kill the person. I'm going to go eat some chicken taquitos.
phattonez, it had precooked spicy shrimp in it and was very good with the wasabi that came it with. I ususally get Hisso (sp?) sushi from a kiosk in Kroger. It's a little more expensive than what they have at Jewel, but the quality is superior.
I'd go on about Catholics, but that's for a separate thread....
But yes, sushi and pizza does go good together. :D
06-22-2008, 08:04 PM
Its been awhile since I had sushi. There aren't any places that sell it in my town so whenever I have a craving, I gotta go out of town for it. I hate small towns..... :kitty:
06-22-2008, 09:48 PM
Aegix, you must've missed out on the Spanish Inquisition there. Fun times. Oh sure, I won't deny that torture was used for a lot of things, but worshiping the wrong God, or engaging in activity considered sinful, or believing things that the church did not were pretty darn high up there.
Oh, and Bel, yeah, I guess you're right, it's just hard to think of a time since the Romans when that kind of crap wasn't going on.
Aegix Drakan
06-22-2008, 10:59 PM
Ok, so I didn't think about the spanish inquisition. My bad. anyway, it's sickening to think that torture STILL exists in our more intelligent (one would hope) world, and not only that, but in your own contry (The USA). I would have hoped that we'd have left these awful habits behind along with the random public executions of random criminals every other flipping day.
And DAMMIT, I keep scratching my arms/hands without realizing it, and it's happening at night too. I am getting so freaking TIRED of having to wear socks on my hands at night to stop myself from scratching!
Or maybe it's us that misunderstand Christ's teachings. After all, it's only been within the past 100 years that the idea that Christianity isn't about horribly murdering anyone who disagrees with you has really taken hold, leading me to start to wonder where anyone got all this "peace and love" business from in the first place.
Read the four gospels. Then, tell me that Jesus tought to torture people. You will find he never tought anything bad. Even if you don't think he is God, you have to admit, he was a wonderful teacher.
06-23-2008, 01:32 AM
Videos of my baby nephew.
That last one is from right after he was born.
06-23-2008, 03:24 AM
So, you shouldn't drink and post, I managed to post a response to a completely different thread here. Good thing I take the time to actually read what I've just posted again.
Trev killed the thread ;)
I hate it when people try to scam some free food out of us. If you don't have a receipt, you can't get anything. I'm getting tired of that kind of asshattery. Woo, carnival almost right next door starting up tomorrow, lots of business this week. *sigh*
06-25-2008, 07:59 AM
I swear, I think American Airlines is trying to go out of business, they suck so bad. Several people who were flying down for the wedding on different flights with them had major ordeals and ended up getting stuck in random places, and I myself had to contend with a flight cancellation, and then a delay which caused me to miss my connecting flight, which resulted in me getting back to Minnesota exactly 24 hours later than I was supposed to.
06-25-2008, 12:55 PM
When oil prices go up, what do you think they have to cut back on? Service of course. I guess that's why the feds finally increased Amtrak funding, now if they only would fund high-speed rail, we would have an alternative to flying.
06-25-2008, 02:21 PM
I don't really think it has much to do with oil prices, airline service (flights being delayed and whatnot) has been terrible for years, even when prices were (relatively) low.
That's strange though about American, I have always had pretty good experiences with them... Of course it's been a few years.
I've been playing a lot of pool lately and found that it is actually a really good way to spend time with friends. Not only do you get to hang out and talk while playing, but it is one of the only... sports, games, whatever... that you can drink and play at the same time. Some people are actually better when they're drunk!
06-25-2008, 02:33 PM
Bowling is the exact same way. So is ping-pong and a lot of other games.
06-25-2008, 02:44 PM
True... except I have never met anybody who is better at ping-pong while drunk, too much hand-eye coordination involved I would think.
Bowling freakin rules though! Only it's a little hard to have a whole bowling alley in your house...
Aegix Drakan
06-25-2008, 02:53 PM
Pool is great. I play with my younger brother most fridays, and he's not too bad.
:P but sometimes I try out some weird strategy that ticks him off pretty bad (leaving one of my balls TEETERING on the edge of falling in. I leave it like that for most of the game, since he refuses to score a point for me just to open up the hole again). one time when I did something like that, he called me an "egotistical scientist". XD
06-25-2008, 02:57 PM
Woooooooo-hoo! Okay, man, if I ever move to Germany, I'm moving to the city of Lübeck. Just got back from a three day trip, we stayed in a youth hostel and wandered the city, saw the half-billion churches, tasted the world famous marzipan, swam in the Baltic sea, but just overall this city has a character to it that I love. And now if you'll excuse me, I just got back from a 5 hour train ride, and I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Night 'all.
06-25-2008, 03:19 PM
:P but sometimes I try out some weird strategy that ticks him off pretty bad (leaving one of my balls TEETERING on the edge of falling in. I leave it like that for most of the game, since he refuses to score a point for me just to open up the hole again). one time when I did something like that, he called me an "egotistical scientist". XD
I use that strategy every chance I get! Kolt (Ctrl-Alt-Delete) and I play every Monday and Wednesday at a local pool hall, he gets pretty pissed when I leave my ball in one of the pockets almost the whole game... haha!
Aegix Drakan
06-25-2008, 03:40 PM
I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that I'm starting to go insane here.
So I got back from my friend's house yesterday, where I watched him play Resident Evil 4, and although I loathe survival horror games, I found that this one was quite fun. So I get home and load resident evil DS on my DS.
Despite playing resident evil on my DS, I didn't have nightmares of monsters eating my brains out, and I realize I did almost nothing productive all day today.
I got up, watched some anime, played Okami for a good 2 hours, ate lunch, called up my old boss and did som ework which lasted about 5 seconds, and then spent the rest fo the day going back through advance wars: days of ruin, and a bit of R.E.
now it's 3:30 PM, and Instead of working on my portfolio, I am sitting here on a forum posting about how much I need to do it. Oh, and the past few days I've had this shadow of a headache hovering on the edge of my brain, making me wonder if it's just allergies, or if something is actually stuck in my brain, or something.
...and I really should be working, since my folks should be home in a bit under an hour, wanting a progress report on my work, and I've done ZIP so far.
yeaaaahhh... really need to do some work...*is trying to resist the magnetic pull of the DS. I want more advance wars, dammit!*
06-25-2008, 04:46 PM
It is a testamant to how addictign Advance Wars is that I completely suck at it, and yet still play it all the time even though I don't improve in the slightest.
06-25-2008, 05:22 PM
Just move along, you saw nothing.
06-25-2008, 05:49 PM
It's a good thing cars don't run on HP Black Ink #45.
And it's too bad printers don't run on crude oil.
06-25-2008, 06:01 PM
Is that counting only the cost of the ink or also the plastic cartridge and the print head installed on the cartridge as well?
06-26-2008, 08:41 AM
Noooooooooooo!!! Oh man, dang it! Last night, I dreamed that the official demo for Duke Nukem Forever had finally been released. Man, and it was everything we had hoped it would be - awesome graphics, huge, interactive worlds, explosions, gore, Duke-Nukem style humor... Pretty much everything that made Duke Nukem awesome, but in a much better engine. And there were tons of weapons, and realistic damage - you could shoot a monster with a shotgun, and even if the monster didn't die, you could see how it had torn off chunks of flesh and such. Oh, and it had this really cool physics engine that allowed you to use the environment as weapons - so, for instance, you could attach a chain to a heavy object and use it as a mace. The absolute worst part, though, was that I didn't realize it was a dream - I had played through a couple of levels, and then woke up, thoroughly disappointed.
Aegix Drakan
06-26-2008, 11:04 AM
I hear you Rock nog.
A few months before Brawl cam out, I dreamed I was playing it and owning the crap out of my best friend. that'll ever happen. >_> He can beat me even when he sets his handicap to 100%. He has this combo with fox that takes me from 0% to 45-57% with no chance of escaping it.
06-26-2008, 05:20 PM
I hear you Rock nog.
A few months before Brawl cam out, I dreamed I was playing it and owning the crap out of my best friend. that'll ever happen. >_> He can beat me even when he sets his handicap to 100%. He has this combo with fox that takes me from 0% to 45-57% with no chance of escaping it.
Oh, describe it. I think I might know the one. I'm an avid Fox player as well, (I believe him to be my main above all other "mains.") and I've got a bunch of tricks I've observed to work as well.
Aegix Drakan
06-26-2008, 07:34 PM
The combo In question is something like this: He does some thing to hit me into the air, and then does this multiple kick thing on me. then, he follows it up by chasing me with another jump and another kick attack, and then goes for an extra bit of damage by trying to nail me with a fire fox. And I cna't get away from the second kick combo. I airdodge, use my air attacks, heck I even tried my spring (sonic is my main), and no matter what, BAM, I get hit.
:P sorry if it's not very descriptive, but...
oh, and he has this other one where he juggles me with his up tilt.
06-27-2008, 06:49 AM
Ah, that's the one. Fox's standing up-tilt is incredibly powerful. It's one of the core reasons why I essentially dropped Falco in Brawl. (I actually mained Falco in Melee a bit above Fox for that and more reasons.) Combo the Up-Tilt with a shorthopped drillkick and repeat the process for as long as your height can muster. End with a tailwhip and you're cool.
06-27-2008, 10:26 PM
I just wonder around these forums to post a few replies here and there. Sometimes I do this out of boredom, sometimes curiosity, and sometimes I just lurk back for no reason.
Whatever the case it's always "Here today, gone tomorrow"
You last visited: 10-02-2007 < my last visit here.
There's some forums I go to once in a great while. Some of the timespans have exceeded one year since I last visited.
With the fair almost right next to where I work, we were busy for 5 hours straight. It was quite unpleasant to deal with a bunch of mopes. But, I got to hang out with some of my friends after I got out of work. First time on the tilt-a-whirl and I didn't even puke. :D
06-29-2008, 10:32 AM
McDonalds is run by morons, but I like it: I get a Sausage McMuffin Meal, and it costs $3.78. I go to the first window, give the girl $5, and she gives me $2.22. Then I go to the front window get the bag and when I get home there's an extra sausage McMuffin. This might as well be a free meal.
06-29-2008, 10:48 AM
Why are they called McMuffins, anyway? Never really thought about it before, but they've really got nothing to do with muffins whatsoever.
06-29-2008, 12:19 PM
It's cause they're on English Muffins.
06-29-2008, 12:31 PM
Ah, yes, right. Duh! Well, anyway, gratz on the free food, phattonez!
06-29-2008, 12:35 PM
McDonalds is run by morons, but I like it: I get a Sausage McMuffin Meal, and it costs $3.78. I go to the first window, give the girl $5, and she gives me $2.22. Then I go to the front window get the bag and when I get home there's an extra sausage McMuffin. This might as well be a free meal.
I've had that happen to me at not just McDonalds, but also Sonic sometimes. I'd find that I'd have either an extra of what I ordered or something I didn't order. I find it amusing sometimes. :kitty:
06-29-2008, 01:13 PM
Oh yes, Sonic. The guys who advertise in the LA Area yet only have about 1 in the whole swath of land that is the LA Metropolitan Area. The food and everything that they have looks really good, but I can't go.
But then again, there are a ton in Bakersfield of all places.
I see ads for Sonic on TBS once and in a while, and I wish there was one at least remotely close to where I live :( I found out last night that they closed down the Huddle House a few days ago. That was possibly the worst location for it, so that might have contributed to it.
06-29-2008, 02:00 PM
Sonic is awesome. Sadly, there are no Sonics around here. But don't you just love it when you see advertisements for things that don't even exist in your area?
06-29-2008, 02:05 PM
I didn't know any of that before. Wow. Makes me appreciate that there's a Sonci in the small town I live in. And that they mess up my order in a good way occasionally. :kitty:
06-29-2008, 11:25 PM
We were driving through town. And in our 100k population town, there are four Sonics. And I think there is anothre going up in the middle of town.
But I have a funny story about a sonic. Me and a few friends were going on a trip. We stopped at the Sonic, and the drivre ordered. For some reason, the rest of us ordered aftre the drivre. Nobody responded when we pushed the button the second time, so the guy riding shotgun said, "I bet if I shout something weird, they will respond." So he waited a minute, and randomly shouted "Buttsex!" Two seconds latre, the lady said, may I take your ordre?
Modus Ponens
06-29-2008, 11:43 PM
... anothre ... drivre ... aftre ... drivre. ... latre, ... ordre?
Johnamus, are you British or Canadian?
06-30-2008, 12:39 AM
I am neither.
But I didn't notice that I was switching my rs and es. Honestly.
06-30-2008, 01:20 AM
Johnamus, are you British or Canadian?
He is merely dsylexic of borg.
06-30-2008, 01:22 AM
You mean lysdexic of brog?
06-30-2008, 03:26 PM
You mean lysdexic of brog?
I like that. I will put that in my title sometime.
Wow. This thread has gotten so huge. 40 pages and 3985 views!
Edit: WTF? The thing skipped a post count. It skipped #3985!
Modus Ponens
06-30-2008, 06:17 PM
That's weird, Johnny; it looks to me like your post there is number 3985. Don't really know what to tell ya...
06-30-2008, 08:19 PM
It took forever but I finally got my stimulus check! I was worried I'd never get it since everybody I know got their's around the end of April/beginning of June. Now for spending fun! :kitty:
06-30-2008, 09:15 PM
Whelp, I"m finally back in the states.
And I'm exhausted.
Crikey, I've realized how addicting Disagea is. Must...keep...playing...
Aegix Drakan
07-01-2008, 06:24 AM
>_< I could BARELY sleep last night. I would constantly wake up, needing to blow my nose REALLY BAD, or have to spit some phlem into a cup, or reach around the gisnt piles of Kleenex to get to some Halls to help my aching throat (and it didn't help at all).
Normally, I sleep in till 9, or at least 8, but man...It was 6 am, and I said, screw it, I'm not gonna sleep anyway! Now I just need to wait for my tea to freakin cool down enough to drink!
>_< I hate allergies...H8, H8, H8!!!
07-01-2008, 07:36 AM
Whelp, I"m finally back in the states.
And I'm exhausted.
Lucky bastard.
07-01-2008, 08:09 AM
The bass is definitely one of the easier instruments to learn. Still the best incarnation of guitar though, beats Lute by half an inch.
Has to be a Rickenbacker though.
07-01-2008, 12:19 PM
Crikey, I've realized how addicting Disagea is. Must...keep...playing...
I know. I still haven't completed the first 2 games and the 3rd game is coming to the PS3 this August. My sleep will suffer for all eternity.....Not to mention the fact that there are still OTHER games I wanna play (Brawl and Mega Man 9 just to mention a few), but I guess I'll take it all in stride(not the gum mind you) and play whenever I can. :kitty:
07-01-2008, 09:35 PM
So...I bought some Burger King fries flavored...fries. For 99 cents, these are cheaper than actually buying them at a Burger King, wtf.
I like the T.G.I.Friday's bags of chips, so hopefully these will be atleast decent.
07-01-2008, 10:29 PM
So...I bought some Burger King fries flavored...fries. For 99 cents, these are cheaper than actually buying them at a Burger King, wtf.
I like the T.G.I.Friday's bags of chips, so hopefully these will be atleast decent.
I am oddly eager for this update. Tell us how good the fries were relative to Burger King French Fries.
pics or it didn't happen :rolleyes:
Really weird day at work today. I opened with someone I haven't opened with for a hell of a long time, and we managed to run out of a flavor of soda. Someone had to be called in to cover during the afternoon and wound up being sent home anyways. Thanks to a steady lunch, I managed to get one hour of overtime to boot. It was a shame that I wasn't able to hang out with a few friends though. :(
07-02-2008, 09:41 AM
They definitely don't taste like what I was expecting. I guess if I heated them up or something. They do taste like ketchup and fries though, just not BK fries.
They taste slightly off from those limited edition Cheeseburger Pringles. They're decent though.
Anyway, so I got the PS3 update [trophies, woo] so I wanna change my PSN avatar to something other than the atari racecar. I'm thinking something MGS4, so I look through all of the avatars [all 45, half being animals for some reason], and the one page doesn't load four of the five avatars. The fifth one loads, and its a sad face. That was the single funniest moment I've had in a long time.
07-02-2008, 10:00 AM
Wow. That is kinda funny in perspective of what happened.
I remember trying those Cheeseburger Pringles. They were ok. I still prefer Sour Cream and Onion htough. :kitty:
Aegix Drakan
07-03-2008, 04:36 PM
Well, I finally got my first REAL paying job.
I have a Friend who works as a game tester, and he sort of gave me a leg in the door. So as of about an hour ago, I am officially a game tester.
...Of course, this is only temporary, until I can get my whole graphic design thing going, but whatever, at least it pays, and it looks like it's a good environment.
Only downside is that it's downtown, and I start at 7 Am. Considering that I live just off the island, it's about a half hour commute. So all in all...I have to get up around 5:30 AM.
So yeah, I'm a game tester. Unfortunately, I also signed a confidentiality agreement, so NO LEAKS FOR YOU! :evil:
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