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View Full Version : On-screen strings?

Triforce Seeker
05-17-2007, 03:46 PM
I've seen in various quests (Hero of Dreams, Over under Bridge tutorial, FF3 Tileset screenshot) that when Link walks up to a place on the screen, a string shows, I was wondering how to do this, because it would be very helpful for my quest. On a similar note, how do you create a introduction screen (A screen after the Title explaining the story)?

05-17-2007, 04:47 PM
If you're doing the string thing in 2.10 or earlier, you need to have two duplicate screens. One with the string on, and one with a warp that takes you to the one with the string when you step on it. The warp though, is just disguised as a normal floor tile. The combo you want to use is 'direct warp', and the tilewarp will be 'insta-warp'. You can't then have another person to talk to, house, stairway etc though because you can only have one tilewarp per screen. I think there might be an easier way in the newer betas

Triforce Seeker
05-17-2007, 05:18 PM
If you're doing the string thing in 2.10 or earlier, you need to have two duplicate screens. One with the string on, and one with a warp that takes you to the one with the string when you step on it. The warp though, is just disguised as a normal floor tile. The combo you want to use is 'direct warp', and the tilewarp will be 'insta-warp'. You can't then have another person to talk to, house, stairway etc though because you can only have one tilewarp per screen. I think there might be an easier way in the newer betas How do you set the string on? :newbie:

05-17-2007, 05:23 PM
Data -> Message String

NOTE: You will need a "guy" for the string to appear. If you like, I can make an example quest that is unpassworded so you can see how it's set up.

05-17-2007, 07:44 PM
For the "guy" I'd set it to "fire."

One thing that's very important: The screen where the message text is displayed must be on a DMap with a level number greater than zero, since normally, text strings are not allowed in overworlds. To change the level number, go to Quests -> DMaps, then click on the DMap you want, then click on where it says "Level" and type in the new level number.

Triforce Seeker
05-17-2007, 07:47 PM
Data -> Message String

NOTE: You will need a "guy" for the string to appear. If you like, I can make an example quest that is unpassworded so you can see how it's set up.

I would really like that. I think that would be very helpful! Thanks in advance! :D :D :D

05-18-2007, 03:11 AM
To put a string on the screen, follow this:
1) Go to Quest->Strings. Double click on 'New String' and type in what you want your string to be.
(If you want to link strings together, you use the 'next string' box inside the string editor)
2) Go to the room you want to display your string. You cannot have a string appear on an overworld Dmap unless you use a tile or sidewarp to the 'Cave/Item room'. If you are using a Cave or Dungeon Dmap, you must give it a level number higher than 0 in the Dmap editor.
3) Set the room's 'Guy' by pressing the 'G' key on your keyboard.
(In versions 2.10 and earlier, ZQuest can only have 8 'Guys' to say your text, which can be quite restricted. If you want more people to read your text, go to the tilesheet and delete the graphics for the guys. Then set them as combos)
4) Set the room's String by pressing the 'S' key on your keyboard. This will take you to a list of all of your strings. Select the correct one and press OK.

And you've set your room a string. Strings make the top half of rooms unwalkable, regardless of what combos you have there, so you can only enter a room with a string from the bottom or from low down on the sides.
I think this is covered in Alphadawg's tutorial though.

Triforce Seeker
05-18-2007, 07:15 AM
Thanks. :)