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Darth Marsden
05-16-2007, 07:46 PM
Because Darth Marsden's Diary is too obvious.

Monday, May 7th

Is this a dagger I see before me? No, it's a Notebook. Or to be precise, a 'Pukka Pad', as I shall never refer to it again. I picked the book up while grabbing this week's supply of Coke, and hopefully I'm going to use it to keep a record of what I do on my impending visit to the good ol' United States. If I forget to do so... well, then I'm beyond hope.


I'm switching to a different pen. See, when I picked up my Notebook, I also grabbed some gel pens to use, but unfortunately the plastic grip that's on them is absolutely useless (not to mention painful) and the only replacement I can find throughout the house is blue, so instead of using one of the black pens as I was planning, I'm going to be using the blue one instead. Ce la vie, or something.


Well, dammit. This is the sole rubber grip within these four walls and the damn things too big for the pen, which means it keeps sliding up and down the pen. This is going to be a real pain.

And yes, this is the sort of thing I worry about.


Sod it, I'm using my trusty fountain pen. £1 from Tesco and it's yet to let me down. Better yet, it uses Black ink cartridges, so I can go back to the original color I started this diary in. Fountain pens for teh win! Now if I can just remember to bring enough spare cartridges...


At my Dad's insistence, I finished packing. I was gonna get round to it, honest! Shirts, socks, undies (ooh la la), PJs and some of John Gardner's Bond books. Isn't my life exciting. I'm also going to borrow my mother's MP3 player, since I don't actually have one of my own. I just wish the thing weren't bright Pink...


Hmm... should I take my Contact Lenses with me or not? Well, let's think about it. Its 5 minutes, if that, each morning, but it does mean that I can actually wear one of my many pairs of sunglasses. ...yeah, I'll bring 'em along. I won't bother wearing them tomorrow - I'll be too tired, since I'm not gonna sleep tonight - but I'll put them in my suitcase ready for Wednesday and onward. Hope the folks at customs don't think the solution is poison or anything.


By popular demand, I've posted my latest South Park rip-off on AGN. Well, I say 'popular demand', but I actually just wanted more then two people to post in the thread. Wonder if anybody actually realized that? Eh, whatever. Hope people enjoy it, the original is one of my favorite episodes of South Park.

Tuesday, May 8th


Happy May the 8th! Ok, I've loaded up my Mum's MP3 player with the sort of music I like to listen to (selected tracks from the soundtracks of Half-Life, Opposing Force, Quake II and Streets of Rage II - yeah, I know, I'm weird) and now I'm just popping the last few things into my suitcase, 'cause I know I've forgotten a bunch of stuff. I'm planning to grab a shower at around 04:30 which should 'wake me up', but that still leaves me with around 4 hours to kill. I think I'll watch a film - question is, which one?

Also, before I forget - Heroes. Why can't you be on 52 weeks a year? Best. Show. Ever. (It was on earlier, which would have been Monday night , and we're up to episode 13. More please!)


Wrongfully Accused is a wonderfully funny film. Why don't they make films like this anymore? All we get these days are toilet humor and the latest Waylan brother's crapfest. Bring back ZAZ-style comedy! (That's Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zucker,_Abrahams_and_Zucker), for the less comically inclined)


Hey, this Notebook has a bit of fabric attached to it I can use as a bookmark! Sweet!


As is usual with me, before I can play a game, I have to replay all its sequels in order before I can get to the actual game I want to play. It's the same with Half-Life 2 - I can't play it, or it's add-on Episode I, until I've played through the original and its add-ons. Trouble is, I finished the three (HL, OpForce and BS), so why aren't I playing the proper sequel yet? Because I've got to go through all the unofficial add-ons as well - mods that place you as even more people making their way through Black Mesa (which is WAY bigger then even the Administrator must have imagined). So far I've seen the disaster through the eyes of Gordon Freeman (HL), Adrian Shepard (OpForce), Barney Calhoun (BS), 'Just Barney' (Azure Sheep (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/azure-sheep-single-player-half-life-mod/)), Bob Dewey (Case Closed (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/case-closed-single-player-half-life-mod/)) and I'm currently living through Bryan Anderson's (Cleaner's Adventures (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/cleaners-adventures-single-player-half-life-mod/)) worst day ever, as well as having plenty more to go through.

Now since I use a PC that's not connected to the internet (I have an external hard drive that's switched between the two so often I've lost count of how many times I've done it), I don't use Steam, and therefore have had to use the old 'WON' version of Half-Life - the ones that were released on CD before Steam came along. For years this has worked absolutely fine, but for some reason Ive noticed that HL has been having problems with certain mods - USS Darkstar (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/uss-darkstar-single-player-half-life-map/), They Hunger (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/they-hunger-complete-series-half-life/), etc. At first I thought it was the custom models I've downloaded from the HIT Forums (http://www.hl-improvement.com/forums/index.php?board=3.0) or just thrown together myself, but even after moving them from the appropriate folders they still crashed HL. The final straw came when I couldn't even run ETC II (http://www.planetphillip.com/posts/etc-2-half-life/), a damned fine mod that I hadn't played in years - literally.

And so, irritated beyond belief that everything I'd tried - Re-installing, patching to various levels, yelling at the PC - had come to nothing, I decided to look on teh interwebs and find a version of Half-Life that would run. I should probably mention to anyone reading this that I do legally own versions of Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Half-Life 2. But that's by the by.

Searching a torrent site I frequent because of the large amount of Doctor Who stuff they have, I happened upon exactly what I was after. Basically it was the version of Half-Life they sell over Steam, only it was cracked so that it didn't use Steam at all and could be run stand-alone. Just what I wanted. So I downloaded it, transferred it over to my PC, installed it and gave it a whirl, and lo and behold, it ran perfectly. Even better, it came with the music as MP3s, so I didn't even need to put the CD in to hear the tracks - they played automatically.

The only trouble I've found is with the numerous mods I've acquired for Half-Life. Most of them run absolutely fine straight off the bat, but hardly any of them have any menu splash screens. They did so in the old WON version of Half-Life, but not in the Steamed version. And so, for the past couple of nights (since my sleeping pattern has been so messed up) I've amused myself by creating custom splash screens. They're not particularly advanced - just a few models posed in Half-Life Model Viewer (http://chumbalum.swissquake.ch/hlmv/index.html), which I print-screen and paste in Paint Shop Pro, ready to be tweaked and edited onto a suitable background. They're not much, but they're better then that frankly irritating picture of Mr Freeman and that sodding shotgun...


Well, great. I've been writing so much that now my finger hurts. Bah.


Down Periscope - fun film. Pretty much just Fraiser at Sea, but there's nothing wrong with that. Anyway. Dad said we had to leave at 5:15, without fail, so we'll be leaving in about 10 minutes, when the ladies are finally ready to go.


Finally leaving, which means I'm going to be stuck in an enclosed space with the people who spawned me (I wasn't born, I was spawned by the darkest depths of hell and forced into this world through the people I know to be parents, and upon my death I shall return to the darkness below to rule forevermore) and a singing nun of a sister who's even madder than me and WILL. NOT. SHUT. UP. MP3 time!


Man, writing in a moving vehicle is a lot more difficult then I remember.


So... hungry... and tired, but not as much as I am hungry. Wish I'd brought my GBA, I could do with some Golden Sun right about now.


Currently standing around, waiting for someone to pick our car up because we didn't call ahead and confirm out booking. Thanks, Dad - it's bloody freezing and I don't have a coat because 'I won't need one in America'. Bah!


Dad saw me writing my last entry (he didn't actually see what I wrote, thankfully!) and told me to keep an eye on my fountain pen. Apparently they can leak due to the change in air pressure, so if, in two and a half hours, which is when I expect our plane to actually take off, I start using a different pen, now you know why.


Fare thee well, luggage. I trust that the staff here shall treat you well. Rest assured, if they do not, or if any of my valuables are damaged along the trip, there shall be crimson red for the cleaners to mop. :D


We've had to stop at one of the four WHSmith stores. Four? Seriously? Are people that lazy? Anyway, Mum wants her precious puzzle magazines. I mean, really, what's the point? She never does half of them anyway. Honestly...


Feed me, Seymour! Or Dad. Anyone! Feed me! Seriously, I'm so hungry I could even eat something from McDonalds. That's how freakin' desperate I am. McDonalds. <Shudder>


Having failed to find anything more commercial then a Garfunkels, we've decided to head for one of the many (!) Starbucks. I loath places like Starbucks, simply because they don't have anything simple. All I wanted was a Coca Cola and a plain cheese sandwich or something, but no. Nothing doing. After much deliberation, I ended up getting a singular croissant and a packet of crisps, no drink. £2. £2! And I'm STILL hungry! Gah!


We're finally boarding the plane. Now to sit back and wait as absolutely nothing happens for half an hour. Story of my life. <Whistles>


It's not just my sister who's singing anymore... now the whole freakin' family's doing it! Augh! Make the hurting stop!


Movement! Oh no, wait - we're just moving backwards a bit. Joy of joys. Oh, and what's this now? The obligatory safety video, which is as rubbish as always. This SO needs a RiffTrax (http://www.rifftrax.com/).


...and we're finally off. Woo.


I was originally hoping to grab a bit of sleep on the plane ride over to the States so I'd have enough energy to survive our first day in New York. So much for that. The plane's bouncing around more then a cheerleader's rack, which is, in itself, a difficult mental image to sleep through. Hmm.


Food! It was rubbish, but since I don't tend to eat most of the stuff they give us, the rest of my family kindly gave me their lesser items - rolls, mini Crunchie bars, etc. Added all together, what I did eat was pretty filling.


Upon finishing lunch I had a browse through the stuff available on the TVs installed in the back of the chairs and found that their music selection was absolute crap. Instead, I decided to watch Lethal Weapon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lethal_weapon), which I'd never actually seen., Not a bad film, but it wasn't what I expected, though truth be told, I didn't actually know what I was expecting. I'm about to watch Children of Men, which I also wanted to see, and since we've 3 3/4 hours until we land, I think I've enough time to squeeze it in.


I very rarely cry. I'm not saying that to be macho, it's just how I work. I didn't cry when our first cat was run over. I didn't cry at that scene from Bambi. Hell, I didn't even cry when either of my grandparents died.

Children of Men (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Men) made me openly weep.

It's easily one of the best films I've ever seen, even though I'll probably never watch it again. The performances were simply amazing, the single-shot takes were utterly impressive, the story was heart-wrenching, it was just... moving, on so many levels. I can easily see why so many people have raved about this film - it easily deserves every accolade given to it.


Ok, two tissues later (bless you) and I think I'm ready to face the cameras. Man, I've never cried so much at anything. Pansy that I am.


Managed to waste an hour or so listening to my music (seriously, the plane's selection of stuff it terrible) and trying to remember which level it came from. Ah, the memories of an erstwhile gamer.

I've decided not to adjust to American time in my diary just yet, even though we're flying right over the place as I write. Here's what I will do: When we land, I'll adjust my watch so that I can get a vague idea of what the time actually is over here today. As for the diary, I'm going to continue to use the 24 hour clock until tomorrow, at which point I'll start using American time here. That means that today will go on until 29:00, though I probably won't be awake that late.

...look, it makes sense to me, Ok?


Dammit, the airline staff are recollecting the headsets they gave out at the beginning of the flight! Damn them all to hell! They were comfy, they were. Bah!


...and we've finally landed at JFK Airport. Dear lord, it's bright out there. Good thing I decided to bring my shades with me. Bad think I can't wear them unless I put my contacts in.


We're still waiting to get through customs. Me and my crew (well, family) are from England, so we're pretty good at that terribly alien concept called 'waiting in line', but even so, I gather we're going to be in for a long wait.


Alright! Finally through customs and we've grabbed our luggage. Now all we have to do is wait for the taxi-cab to take us to our hotel. I've no idea how long this will take, but I'm going to estimate at about an hour. SInce we appear to have a bit of time, and it appears to be really, REALLY bright out there, I've retrieved my contact lenses from the side pocket of my suitcase and popped them in. Huzzah! I can now wear my shades!


The taxi-cab is finally here and our luggage is not so much loaded as chucked into the trunk. I do not have high hopes for the rest of the drive, particularly after the driver had a right go at one of the other passengers for not being 100% clear on something. And now we've driven straight into bad traffic. Perfect.


We've just driven past the towers which, in Men In Black, were plot elements in that they were actually spaceships which the big bad alien tried to use to escape earth. Surprising how run down they look.


As per Mr Marsden's request, I'm writing down the number of our taxi-cab: it's Airlink Van #634. The man is driving like a lunatic - it's a wonder we haven't hit another car. Are all the taxi-cab drivers in the States like this?


When I die, I want it to be quick, unexpected and painless. I'd also like it to be when I'm 93. DO YOU HEAR ME, ME TAXI-CAB DRIVER?


We've finally made it to the Edison Hotel. Amazingly, we're still in one piece - how the hell did we survive that with all our parts intact? Of note: the bellhop who greeted us and took our bags was nicer in the 2 minutes we spent with him then the taxi-cab driver was during our entire 80-minute journey. I suspect my Dad will be having strong words with the taxi-cab's company, and I can't say I blame him either.


The room (for that is indeed all it is) is quite nice, for what it is. Two beds, a TV and a bathroom complete with those little soaps everyone else steals and the individually wrapped plastic cups that nobody ever uses. Me and Dad will be sharing one of the beds (that's gonna be fun, considering my Dad snores loud enough to wake the dead) while Mum and my sister will share the other one.

On a more serious note - disaster! The solution for my contact lenses has leaked inside my suitcase! Probably should have kept it wrapped up. Fortunately the leaked liquid was absorbed by my PJs and a pair of Jeans, which means that my camera and other stuff remain safely dry. The drenched trousers are currently hanging from the shower curtain rail - hopefully the PJs will be dry in time for tonight's snore-fest.


After leaving the hotel room, we decided (and of course by 'we' I meant 'the others', because I honestly don't care what we do, so long as I don't get dragged round clothes shops all the time) to go for a wander around Times Square, which is about a 45 second walk from our hotel. As we went a wandering, I was drawn into one of the stores by a Family Guy themed set of Uno (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uno_%28game%29#Special_packs), and after browsing through the store, I found and purchased a pair of blue sunglasses. I have been looking for the perfect pair of blue sunglasses for months now - I have black and yellow sunglasses, but I have simply been unable to find that perfect pair of blue sunglasses that's juuuuust right. And here they are, first thing into my holiday. What are the freakin' odds?

Next up, since we were all famished, was a trip to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubba_gump_shrimp_co), where we ordered far too much (even though there is no such thing in the US) and I rediscovered the wonder that is American Root Beer, along with the genius concept that is 'free refills on soda'. We seriously need both in English restaurants. Seriously.

Feeling full and overweight (I suspect we shall feel this all to often over the next few days) we wandered further up the street and discovered Midtown Comics, which sold fresh fruit and chocolate. Sarcasm, ladies and gentlemen! My Dad is pretty interested in comics, though where he gets the time to read them I've no idea, and it's an interest I've inherited. After perusing the store for a while, I left empty handed. My father did not. Need I say more?


After the comic store we just sort of ambled around the area for a while. At my request we went into the Virgin megastore so I could see if the new Linkin Park album was out (no such luck - 13/05/2007, the day after we come back). Once inside, we saw the first of what I'm sure will be the first of many in-store displays that the family will want to take pictures off - a giant Spider-Man statue hanging from the roof. His digital camera satisfied, my Dad lead us all back out to continue out aimless mooching through New York.


Back in the hotel after more wandering. As I predicted, my sister insisted upon taking photos of everything, so we had to keep stopping for a minute or so, which got old very quickly. Having played with the TV for a bit, we're all going to grab some sleep so we can get up early and continue out escapades. Considering I've been up for 30-odd hours, this sounds like a wondrous idea.

Night all.

Darth Marsden
05-16-2007, 08:55 PM
Wednesday, May 9th

Wah! I forgot to take my contact lenses out! Stupid, stupid idiot! When you sleep, your iris expands, which means that contact lenses are pulled off their original location and forced into the corner of your eye, which means that I've now got to dig them out. Not what I need first thing in the morning, really.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention - my PJs were pretty much dry by the time we got back last night. Huzzah. Anyway, once the girls are ready we're going to go downstairs and have some breakfast. I'm almost certain it's going to be incredibly fattening.


Pancakes and Sausage: Yum. Here's what confuses me though. In England, sausages are short, stumpy things (like so (http://www.pillers.com/images/products/category-sausages.jpg)), but in the US, they seem to be flat, burger-style affairs (like so (http://davidfields.net/AppalachianTrailPics2/images/img_2802.jpg)). What's up with that?


Well, that was filling. We're off to Macy's now, since they apparently have a One Day Sale on. Who's willing to bet we men get stuck carrying all the shopping around?


Well, so much for Macy's.Half an hour of wandering around, followed by 10 minutes waiting for Dad to pay for an overpriced bottle of water, just for one of the bloody carrier bags. Sweet Moses, it's a piece of plastic with a stupid name printed on the sign! What the hell is women's fascination with these things, anyway?


McDonald's Count: 6. We're actually popping into one (shock horror!) for a drink (just about livable) while the ladies 'rest their feet'. If they need to take a break after that, they're never gonna make it through the holiday.

My father is fat. He's not exactly shy about it. So while all we really want is a drink (which I don't actually need, but hey, if everyone else is having one, then sure), he has to grab a burger at the same time. Fat-ass. Of course, once we reach our seat, he realizes that we've also got a Hash Brown which we didn't actually order. No matter, I had it. It'll build up my strength for the oncoming march across Manhattan.


The girls want to go back to Macy's for 'a proper look round'. Yeah, like I'm going back in there again. Me and Dad will have a bit of a wander and meet them later.


Near Macy's there's a bookshop. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me, but that's where me and Dad killed 45 minutes. Killed 'em dead. Damn straight - don't look for mercy from me, mate. Anyway, we met up with the ladies again, and they're empty-handed. Isn't America fun? Now we're going to head for the Empire State building. Wonder if it's anything like Doctor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daleks_in_Manhattan) Who (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_Daleks)?


Well, that was fun. No, really. We pretty much went straight up - no queues, which was surprising. Then we went up to the 70th floor or something, where they took our picture (must remember to put that on the web and show the guys on AGN - I quite like how I look in it) and we grabbed a headset with Tony the Cabbie talking about the sights. Then another lift and bam! We were up at the top.

I have to say, the views were breathtaking. They really were. Since I was the one with the headset, I had to pass on what the voice talking to me was saying to the rest of the family, but I guess they got fed up of that, since they pretty much abandoned me after the second marker. Still, more fool them, 'cause I got to hear all about the sites and they didn't.

Once I'd heard all he had to say, I headed inside to the gift shop. Truth be told, I thought most of the stuff they had for sale were pretty tacky. Then I found a coin pressing machine, where you put in a penny and two quarters, and the machine presses your penny into an all new coin. I gave it a go and got the Empire State Building - I completely forgot to see the machine to do so, and my getting the ESB was a sheer stroke of luck.

Once I'd tracked down the others, we went back down, where I handed in my headset and we purchased our photos for an ridiculous price. Once done, we headed back down to the street. Apparently Dad's hungry now, so I guess we're gonna eat.


Wendy's! Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's!


...they gave us 15 packets of ketchup. I like the stuff, but jeez...


Ok, so my mum wants a digital camera, 'cause she's the only one in our family without one or some sort (I have a digital camcorder, which basically means that I win), so we've been checking out all the shops for cameras. Most of the stores are odd-job shops with totally outdated laptops and cameras in the windows - I caught several with GameBoy Pockets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_line#Game_Boy_Pocket) - they're over 10 years old! As such, we've just spent half an hour looking at digital cameras in B&H (remembered thanks to the initials of Benson & Hedges cigarettes). After spending some time looking at a really nice model, the pair decided to 'look around'. Which is just great. Whey can't they ever just buy something and be done with it? It's not as if they're going to be much cheaper elsewhere...


Well, look at me eating my words. Dad's just picked up the very same camera at one of those outdated stores that sell everything for twice their actual price 3 years out of date. Bah. Next topic, please!


Ooo, Ice Cream. I'm having one of those.


Oh, EVERYONE wants one too, huh? Damn you... damn you all! $4 wasted on you blasted fools! You'll pay for this...


McDonald's Count: 10.


In the UK we have 'Pound Shops', where pretty much everything sells for a pound. Over in the US, you have 'Dollar Stores', which are pretty much the same thing, only it's dollars instead of pounds (obviously). Well, we found one, and just you try and keep us away.


Grabbed some essentials. Y'know, chips (Well, Crisps, but whatever), drinks, Lucky Charms in a tub, Twizzlers, etc. Also grabbed some razor blades, since the blue dye is growing out of my goatee, and also some shampoo, which we foolishly forgot to bring. All I need now is some shower gel and some antacid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antacid) for my bloated stomach (which I've had since the plane, to be honest) and I'm all set.


Grand Central Station. The ceiling is absolutely beautiful, but unfortunately I'm starting to get tired and ratty, so I don't think I'm really in the mood for this sort of thing right now.

Mum pointed out the American flags flying everywhere, saying that she liked that they did that and querying why they didn't do that back home, especially with the possibly impending Scottish independence (Ooo... big words). Dad pointed out that it's actually illegal to fly our flag in England [Urel=http://www.culture.gov.uk/flagflying/]except on certain days[/Url], while I commented that I don't believe we have a lot to be proud of at the moment - something I actually feel quite strongly about. Mum disagreed, saying that we have a lot of things we should feel good about, the media just tends to focus on the bad things, and the more we do that, the worse we think we actually are. While I can see how she'd think like that, I'd have to stick to my stance. Unless we start improving soon, which we hopefully will if we stop voting Labor for once, I don't think we're going to have anything to be proud of.


Grabbed some Antacid and a tube of shower gel from one of the bazillions of chemists dotted around the place, so I'm all set.


Home, AKA the place where I left my hat. I'm going to take a shower and shave, so I'll BRB.

...did I just write BRB? Jesus, what's wrong with me?


Shower was lovely. Shaving was not. Never, ever, EVER use disposable razors. My face is a mish-mesh of red and white - I feel like a boxer who moonlights as a crash test dummy. The pain!


It's getting late and I'm tired, so I'm in bed trying to read my Book, but Dad insists on watching Smallville. Dammit all, it's from Season 3 - you've got it on DVD! Turn it off and go to sleep!


Dammit, that doesn't mean you should watch Sister Act instead!


...and now the ladies want to watch American Idol? What are they trying to do, kill me?


Oh, I get it. When you want to watch your crap, there's nary a word of obstruction, but when I want to watch the news, the fat man has to start snoring louder then a sodding Nuke. I swear to god, I do not know how Mum sleeps through it. It's like he bloody knows I wanna see what's bugging America. Bastard.


I've had to stand right next to the TV to even attempt to hear what they're saying. Not that it was particularly in depth anyway. 'Why Angelina might want to leave Brad for Carlito from American Idol! Because he's been voted sexiest male of the year!' You guys make even the most trivial of things sound like an impending apocalypse. I'm gonna give up and try, hopelessly, to get some sleep. Lord knows how I'll manage it.

05-16-2007, 09:24 PM
:) Sounds like the travel over here was fairly uneventful. :) That's rare. Count yourself lucky hon...

Darth Marsden
05-17-2007, 03:31 AM
Thursday, May 10th

I did eventually manage to get to sleep around midnight thanks to my Mum's MP3 player. Quake II Soundtrack for teh win! Alas, the simple act of lulling me to sleep was too much for the old girl, and she has died an honorable death. Rest now, noble warrior, for though you may have given your life for the cause, know that it was noble, just and true, and you shall live on in our hearts. Or, y'know, until we replace your batteries.

I was woken up at 6:00 this morning by the fat man (grr) and was promptly told off for eating my tub of Lucky Charms (Grr!). I don't care if we're going to eat downstairs, I'm hungry, dammit. Besides, by the time the ladies are ready and we finally get down there, they'll have settled.


Pancakes and Sausage: Yum. Back upstairs, we have to wait even longer for the ladies to get ready proper, but they seem about there now. Bah. Once they're done, we're off to ride one of those big red tour buses that drive all over this crazy island. See what I mean? Lazy.


The wheels on the bus go... well, nowhere. Yawn.


...round and round. Slowly, but at least they're going, and I'm not complaining either - our guide is actually pretty damned interesting.


Having gotten off the bus at the stop nearest to Ground Zero, we're visiting the actual site now, and I feel nothing. Yes, it's a tragedy that some guys from a different religion got so pissed off that we didn't believe in their exact version of God that they felt it necessary to kill a bunch of us, but to me this is just a building site, figuratively and literally. Maybe if I'd come and seen this when there was something here instead of just a bunch of construction workers I'd feel something, but now... nothing.


Popped into Century 21. Unfortunately before I could say anything, Dad was all 'We'll meet you back here in an hour' and the girls were off like a shot. Fool! Century 21 doesn't have anything for guys who aren't clothes shopping! Now we get to kill 45 minutes. Good going, moron.


McDonald's Count: 14 (Including one Chinese branch)


Burger King currently do a drink which they call an Icee. Whatever you, or anyone else, do, don't have the Coca-Cola one. It's horribly sickly. If, however, you do somehow end up with one through no fault of your own, then hold your breath, lay your tongue on the floor of your mouth and down it as fast as you can, brain freeze or no. Once done, refill your cup with Root Beer. You may now grab at your head in agony and scream 'Brain Freeze!' at the top of your lungs and make a fool of yourself, because to be honest, there's no point in growing up if you can't be a little childish sometimes (http://www.gallifreyone.com/picview.php?ret=news&sub=whophotos&id=photo072606n.jpg).


While leaving Burger King, I saw an advert for Sesame Place and it irritated me. Not the show, the name. Y'know why they renamed it from Sesame Street to Sesame Place? The men in charge were afraid that by calling the show Sesame Street, kids would be encouraged to go and play in the actual streets. Political correctness gone mad! And I've never even seen a moving car on that show. Point not found.


We were dragged into the 9/11 Tribute Center by my sister. Look - if I didn't feel anything at Ground Zero, looking at a bunch of images of a pair of buildings that no longer exist is not going to make me feel anything now. Somewhat fortunately she didn't take the tour, but she did take a buttload of pictures. What on Earth for? Who's she gonna show? What exactly is the point?


After some more mindless rambling, we (they) decided to head for the Statue of Liberty. As such, we're going through yet another Security checkpoint. I'm hot, sweaty and (once again) tired, and the last thing I want right now is put all my belongings into a plastic tray and take my boots off just to prove I'm not a sodding terrorist. Truth be told I didn't even want to go that badly.

And now, horror against horrors, they're even talking about going to see a Broadway show! Why do they hate me so?

13:37 :D

It's a statue. A ruddy great statue, but a statue nonetheless. A ruddy great FRENCH statue, lest we forget. Does that really warrant so many overpriced trinkets and photo ops? I'm even starting to get a headache from all the sun, as I often do. Still, it's kinda fun seeing how different Liberty Island is from that first level of Deus Ex. WAY different.


Back on the (well, A) ferry and off to Ellis Island, where we won't be getting off because nobody actually wants to see Ellis Island. This may not be such a bad day after all.


We're off the ferry and are now wondering around trying to find another tour bus. They operate a hop-on-hop-off service, which is handy of you can find where the blasted stops are.


Ooo, hats. I'm having one of those.


Ok, I guess I'm having two of those. Couldn't resist the Spider-Man hat. Bad me!


McDonald's Count: 16.


We found a bus stop just after I grabbed my hats, and we've now finally set off. Hopefully our tour guide for this afternoon will be as entertaining as the one we had this morning.


Well, Hose said 'Ladies and Gentlemen' way too many times, but apart from that, he was very entertaining. Anyway, regarding this evening. The gang want to go and see a Broadway show, and I totally don't. They're going to investigate what's on tonight, so we'll see when we see.


The others are going to go see 'The Phantom of the Opera'. I, on the other hand, am going to stay in the hotel room and just chill out. I may well go for a walk later. Well, I say 'may well', but I'm totally gonna.


After a bit of a rest, we went to Applebee's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applebees) for dinner. Absolutely gorgeous, and I'm now pretty darn stuffed. Regarding tonight, the others are going to leave for the show at around 10 past 7, and until then we're just gonna chill out in the hotel room.


Free! Free at last!


Having had enough of my book, I decided to go for a walk. Having a bit of an explore, I found a Duane Reade (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duane_Reade), where I picked up some Root Beer, and around the corner, I also saw an adult store. Curious, I went in and had a look. You guys are a lot more open about this sort of thing then we are back home! Feeling curious, I picked up a three-pack of magazines for $9. They were much more hardcore then our own - we'd never feature anything actually penetrating the women, for a start...


I'm tired of reading me dirty porn. Let's see what's on TV. Ooo, the Fifth Element? That'll do nicely.


Hang on, why are they showing the film again just as soon as it's finished? That makes so little sense... unless they just couldn't think of anything to show after the film, in which case it does kind of make sense. Kinda. Still odd.


The gang are back, and they enjoyed the Phantom (Slam Evil!), though apparently I would have hated it. I still want to see the film version of it though.

Also my sister made me tear out a page from my Notebook for her! Stupid guilt trips... Not that it matters, we're all going to bed in a minute.

Darth Marsden
05-17-2007, 12:40 PM
Friday, May 11th

Mmm... lemme alone... still sleepy...


Pancakes & Sausage: Yum. I've still got that bloated feeling I've had since the plane - it's probably from the copious amounts of Coke and Root Beer that I've consumed, so I'm attempting to combat this by only imbibing water and other non-carbonated beverages today.

Ooo, big words.


Back on a bus. This time we're going to go south - yesterday we went in a northerly direction, towards the Statue of Liberty (obviously), so we only saw about a third of the stuff on the island. We're hoping to catch more this time round by going in the opposite direction. Or something. I dunno.

Also, since the weather forecast isn't so hot, I've decided not to put my contacts in, since there doesn't seem to be any point in wearing shades if there's no sun. Fingers crossed this doesn't prove to be a mistake.


My word, that guide talked fast. I could barely understand what he was saying half the time. Anyway, we've (they've) decided to get off at 5th Avenue, and my word there's a lot of tall buildings here!


We've been in FAO Schwarz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAO_Schwarz) for around 20-25 minutes now. It's a fun place (I so want a Lego Death Star II) with one exception - that ruddy piano. Y'know, the one from Big (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big) that no-one else can play properly save for the staff and which has given me a headache.Yeah, that one. I hid out behind the kid's guitars, which is something else I'd like to try - playing the guitar, that is, not being a kid again. Story of my life, really - a million things I'd like to do but absolutely no drive to get out of the rut my life is in to so them. <Sigh>


Back on the road. Why the hell does my sister want a photo of the entrance to Trump Tower? The man's more self-absorbed then all of the current Labor party and Lightningz put together. And that is SO a wig.


We popped inside for a look and saw a Starbucks, but when we tried to get a drink, we were shocked. How much for a bottle of water? Even more then Macy's? Jesus, everything in this place is more expensive. Conceited asshole.


Disney Store ahoy!

The main problem I have with my sister (and the rest of my family sometimes, although to nowhere near the same extent) is that when we visit stores like this, I'm absolutely normal. I'm not a tourist. I'm not a stranger. I'm just an ordinary shopper. Quiet, collected, mature. Y'know, normal. My sister, on the other hand, is a 5 year old kid the moment she enters the door (as opposed to the 9 year old she is the rest of the time). In private I can cope with this. In public it's an embarrassment and I can't stand being around her.


As all the TV ads constantly remind me, it's Mothers Day this Sunday. I've no idea what time we'll be getting home then, but the chances are that the rest of the family will be asleep for most of it (as opposed to me, who'll try to stay awake and get my body clock back on track), which means if I'm gonna get Mum anything, it should probably be here and now. Since we're in the Disney Store, I thought it might be nice if I grabbed her a grey (and not purple, a Disney have bastardizes him to) Eeyore toy, but then thought it might be a better idea to try and grab an Eeyore hot water bottle cover. Sadly they didn't have any, so I'll have to have a look online first chance I get.


McDonald's Count: 21.


Stopped to grab a quick bite to eat while we discuss out next move. We're currently outside the Rockefella Center, while nobody really wants to do, however my sister would quite like to go on the NBC tour. I don't. We'll figure something out.


Ok, settled. They're going to go on the tour and I'm going to wander back to the hotel on my own. Since I'm pretty tired that suits me fine. Since we're at the NBC store, I wanna see if I can grab a Heroes t-shirt - that is one seriously kick-ass show.


Well, that's another plan ruined. The others wanted to go on the NBC tour, but since it only seems to feature shows that we don't watch, there didn't seem to be much point. As for me... well, they didn't have the exact shirt I want. I was after the more subtle Heroes logo (like this (http://images.comicbookresources.com/reel/heroes_logo.jpg)) but unfortunately they only had the more explosive one (like so (http://www.nbcuniversalstore.com/img/product/catl/00020215-110537.jpg) - see the difference?) in my size. Bah! Who needs a freakin' Heroes shirt anyway?


Nintendo World? Good luck dragging me out of here!


I didn't get to try out the Wii sadly, though since it was running Spider-Man 3, I'll take that as a good thing. Doesn't like a very good game for getting to grips with the wiimote. Still, I can say that I've tried the DS, which is, surprisingly, something I'd yet to do. Bloody good fun, if I may say so myself. I'll have to pick one up when I've actually got some money.


We're back at the hotel. We're gonna chill here for a bit before we move on.


Clearly 'a bit' is American slang for 'an hour an a half'. After a quick shower we're gonna head for the 'crappy-tacky shop' (my sister's words, not mine) for another look at their fine merchandise.


...likewise, 'quick' must mean '30 minutes' over here.


Unfortunately I could not resist temptation and I succumbed to my desire for the Family Guy Uno set. Uno!


Hey, remember I mentioned Mother's Day a while back? Yeah, we had ours back in March. Ah well, at least I hadn't bought her anything stupidly expensive - just an Eeyore Pez dispenser from Toys 'r' Us.


Wendy's! Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's Wendy's!


Back at the hotel again. Another rest, and then we're off again.


...well, the others are off again. As I'm still pretty shattered I elected to stay behind while the others go for a night-time bus tour. On the down side, I look like a killjoy. On the plus side, I'm getting through my Bond books and I can honestly say first hand that Son of the Mask (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_the_Mask) sucks ass. Because it does.


Ooo, Spider-Man. I haven't seen that in ages. Good stuff - glad I stayed in.


Good film. Anyway, the gang's all back now, and they're all cold and tired, which makes me feel SO good about myself. But they don't want to play Uno with me! Not so good. I'm gonna have to constantly bug them tomorrow until they play a few rounds with me. Oh yes, I will own them. OWN!

05-17-2007, 12:50 PM
Does someone like Wendy's? lol...

05-21-2007, 09:48 PM
...And the diary just ends like that? Man, that was some pretty interesting stuff.

Just for reference, we Americans eat both sausage patties (flat) and sausage links (tubular). Yeah.