View Full Version : Good riddance

05-15-2007, 09:39 PM
Jerry Falwell is dead. (http://www.canada.com/topics/news/world/story.html?id=fe1cd744-59b7-4221-b93f-97858079791e&k=26337)

Unfortunately, his intellectually embarassing and backwards university still exists, so his death will serve no productive purpose. Still, it's nice that he will no longer be able to make news with his mentally deficient ideas.

As he was perhaps one of the most intolerant, hateful, and small minded men of our popular political culture, I don't feel bad about being ruthless in my appraisal of his mental failure as a person. I only feel sorry for his friends and relatives to the extent that they had to suffer the corrosive influence of his laughable beliefs.

Some real gems that came from the mouth of Jerry Falwell:

“Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions”

“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”

“Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America” [wtf?]

“The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country”

“Textbooks are Soviet propaganda”

“The ACLU is to Christians what the American Nazi party is to Jews”

“[homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven.”

“If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being”

Good riddance, Jerry Falwell. Don't let the door hit you in the butt.

Glenn the Great
05-15-2007, 10:01 PM
I'm glad he's gone. He gave real Christians a bad name, and ultimately did much more harm than good to the cause of Christianity.

I figure by now God has enlightened him to the truth, and he feels pretty stupid.

The one quote from Falwell that I agree with is his quote that, "If it isn't controversial, it's not worth talking about."

05-15-2007, 10:06 PM
Agreed. He embodied all that was bad about religion, and none of the good. When you base your religion on hate and intolerance, well, you don't have religion, you have some messed up guy who just happens to be good at winning people to his cause.

05-15-2007, 10:17 PM
And people sometimes wonder why Christianity is viewed negatively.

Next up, Pat Robinson.

05-16-2007, 09:44 AM
Apparently, A lot more people than we thought (http://www.bash.org/?762975) are happy about this.


05-16-2007, 09:54 AM
Wow....That's just funny. I mean, even he wouldn't really deserve something like that, but it's still really funny.

05-17-2007, 11:04 AM
I can't bring myself to take pleasure in anyone's death, but the world is definitely a better place for having a bit less of Falwell's brand of asshattery in it.

Anyway, just thought I'd post this:

WBC will Preach at Jerry Falwell's Funeral!!

WBC will preach at the memorial service of the corpulent false prophet Jerry Falwell, who spent his entire life prophesying lies and false doctrines like "God loves everyone".

There is little doubt that Falwell split Hell wide open the instant he died. The evidence is compelling, overwhelming, and irrefragable. To wit:

1. Falwell was a true Calvinistic Baptist when he was a young preacher in Springfield, Missouri, and sold his soul to Free-Willism (Arminianism) for lucre.

2. Falwell bitterly and viciously attacked WBC because of WBC's faithful Bible preaching -- thereby committing the unpardonable sin -- otherwise known as the sin against the Holy Ghost.

3. Falwell warmly praised Christ-rejecting Jews, pedophile-condoning Catholics, money-grubbing compromisers, practicing fags like Mel White, and backsliders like Billy Graham and Robert Schuler, etc. All for lucre -- making him guilty of their sins.
Still plenty of fundamentalist assholes out there, unfortunately.

Glenn the Great
05-17-2007, 12:15 PM
Jerry Falwell is widely credited for bringing the Christian Right into politics. Now the question is, how do we get them out?

05-17-2007, 01:53 PM
Is he the guy who protested all the funerals? I want to show up at his with a giant BYE FAGGOT sign

05-17-2007, 02:01 PM
This is the first time I've seen/heard of WBC (Westboro Baptist Church). Doing some searching I found the wiki page for it - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church.

*just shakes my head* and they're supposedly supposed to be Christians?

05-17-2007, 05:36 PM
I can't believe you have not already heard of them.

Lilith, Reverand Falwell was not the guy that paraded at the funerals of dead soldiers. That was the WBC.

I went to a gathering they did at a soldier's funeral in Lawton, Oklahoma. The Patriot Guard was there and everything. We cussed them out and shit.


05-17-2007, 08:18 PM
He brought so much hatred with him... *sigh* Thank God he's gone. I don't know why ANYONE, much less an alleged Christian, thinks that so much hate and bigotry is going to make the world a better place. Sure as hell didn't work for Hitler...

Glenn the Great
05-17-2007, 08:42 PM
One of his ghostwriters once said that in private Falwell would thank God for gay activists because they gave him publicity, and that he'd invent them himself otherwise.

05-17-2007, 09:08 PM
Wow....That's just funny. I mean, even he wouldn't really deserve something like that, but it's still really funny.

Wrong. He deserves the worst you can think up. People like that piece of shit are what's wrong with our country today. People that involve retarded religion in politics and government should be shot. We are supposed to keep retarded religion seperate from our government. It's also probably why we have so many stupid people too.

05-17-2007, 09:14 PM
Yeah, but if you condone cannabilism who'se worse?

05-17-2007, 10:12 PM
Actually he was a big fat boil on the arse end of religion (as a whole). Hopefully now that he's gone hatred will calm down. I doubt it but I can always hope.

05-17-2007, 10:38 PM
Jerry Falwell exemplifies everything religion stands for. If there are religious people who aren't like him, it's because they don't understand the nature of religion. When you truly practice and believe in religion, and you abide by the sacred texts, you live like Jerry Falwell.

See also, my signature.

Glenn the Great
05-17-2007, 11:06 PM
Jerry Falwell exemplifies everything religion stands for. If there are religious people who aren't like him, it's because they don't understand the nature of religion. When you truly practice and believe in religion, and you abide by the sacred texts, you live like Jerry Falwell.

See also, my signature.

I'm a Liberal Christian, and according to Falwell's camp, I'm either an apostate or not even worth calling a Christian. The thing is, I don't equate my beliefs with being a "religion". I also have a hard time abiding fully by sacred texts when I have what I feel is legitimate question to their accuracy and authenticity in areas.

05-17-2007, 11:17 PM
Yeah, but if you condone cannabilism who'se worse?

I don't condone any such thing in general. However this piece of shit probably would deserve to be eaten alive. You have to realize this guy is atleast partially responsible for getting many useless sacks of shit into positions of power which indirectly caused many pointless unnessisary deaths and losses.

Glenn the Great
05-18-2007, 12:18 AM
I understand that Falwell was high in cholesterol, and wouldn't make for a healthy meal.

05-18-2007, 01:25 AM
Well we know he was full of "hot air" so I doubt he'd be very nutritious any way ya look at it.

05-18-2007, 04:08 AM
I made a big long rant about this recently, but here's a simplified attempt at explaining my earlier thoughts:

For the most part, there are two major ways religion can be practiced.

Way #1 (aggressive, dedicated religion) tends to incorporate following what the rulebook says, power-jockeying, control of others, unbelievers = the enemy/must be converted or destroyed, dislike of the unlike, and fear/paranoia/denial of any sort of reproach. People who go this general direction tend to be unwilling to think and consider other perspectives or even admit they exist, and think everyone should work the way they want them to. How much this viewpoint bleeds into your life depends on how strongly you believe in it and how ambitious/power mongering you are. This Jerry Falwell seems to have been very high in both regards.

Way #2 (passive, faithful but reserved religion) is to kinda say screw the specifics, the rulebook isn't absolute, and you should use your heart/follow a moral code in which the good of others is ranked above what you believe or prefer, and enforcing your ways on others is a bad thing. In other words, this general viewpoint is laxer, kinder, and, while still religious, goes only for the main ideas and high points that believing in something can hold, EG afterlife, creation, ultimate forgiveness, that sort of thing. The warlikeness, political elements, power-mongering, domination, etc, are all dropped. From what I have seen, Prr and Glenn are examples of this sort of belief.

Christianity/judeism/islam seem very much to have DEVELOPED along way #1 in nature, and the bible is full of some pretty horrible stuff. However, modern belief and individuality (I'm sure there were people somewhere who thought this way, though they probably didn't dare to speak it, considering they were often surrounded by things like people were being burned at the stake for- SUPPOSEDLY, not even with legitimate proof- practicing a different religion such as wicca... not that wiccans went around burning christians for being christians too much that I'm aware of) has given a place and a certain degree of common practice to way #2. Right now at least, people are free enough in places like America that they can openly admit to believing differently than what those who follow way #1 want them to. Thus, a friendly, nice sort of Christianity and Judeism and such begins to show up.

That can be a good thing, I think. From something which can be terrible comes instead a kind, loving sort of belief without any of the hatred or closed mindedness. The only harm that I can possibly see coming from it is that it could somehow reinforce the continued existence of way #1, but that doesn't seem to be all that likely. Essentially I think of it as christianity metamorphosing from this monstrous thing into something passive, kind, and really kind of neat in it's own right. It's a shame that not everyone who follows christianity makes that kind of a transition, and instead so many opt to continue the ways of hatred and control.

Then again, I'm an agnostic, not an atheist; I'm not in the business of telling people what to do, only in expressing my own feelings and opinions (which are in no way inherently "right", and I stress that point). I don't think there is a "Truth" I can know for certain because there's just too many unproveable, unanswerable questions. I don't really KNOW anything for certain- to my viewpoint, I can't.

That said, it has been my observation, and the observation of others, that Way #1 has historically tended to engender:

"Excuses" for primal atrocities/hideous crimes and aggressive warlike behavior (see the old testament, Deuteronomy being a prime example)

Horrible dictatorships/supremesist governments such as Nazi Germany (Hitler himself was quite religious- and incidentally, Christian)

Mass murder based on nonsensical claims, paranoia, misdirected hatred, and stirred up crowds, such as the salem witch burnings and Spanish inquisition

"Excuses" for slavery, control, bigotry, and unequal rights (throughout the last several hundred years or even millenia, right through the present day here in America and many other places)

Closed-minded family relationships, parents doing horrible things to their children (my parents are a MILD example of this simply for being unreasonable and controlling and bigoted, and it's soon going to destroy my relationship with them when they learn I'm things they don't want me to be expressly because of their religion combined with their own personal fear. Plenty of parents beat their children for far less, and very, very often those people are aggressively religious.)

You do the math.

05-18-2007, 05:39 AM
When you truly practice and believe in religion, and you abide by the sacred texts, you live like Jerry Falwell.

Just because he might say that is no reason to believe him any more than to believe the rest of what he said.

Just a thought: replace "Christian" by "American". So if you're a true American, you ... well, you see what I'm getting at. By the looks of it there are people in this thread who are Americans yet aren't his followers. In a same way, I'm a Christian but not one of his followers (I'm not American, if you want to know).

Also, nice post Jennifer. I enjoyed reaing it and I agree with what you say - even if you call yourself agnostic your beliefs are a lot closer to mine than Falwell's are. I suppose that's yet another example of "don't judge someone simply by what they say they are"

Way #2 (passive, faithful but reserved religion) kind is to say screw the specifics, the rulebook isn't absolute, and you should use your heart/follow a moral code in which the good of others is ranked above what you believe or prefer, and enforcing your ways on others is a bad thing. In other words, this general viewpoint is laxer, kinder, and, while still religious, goes only for the main ideas and high points that believing in something can hold, EG afterlife, creation, ultimate forgiveness, that sort of thing. The warlikeness, political elements, power-mongering, domination, etc, are all dropped. From what I have seen, Prr and Glenn are examples of this sort of belief.
You can count me in on this one.

05-18-2007, 10:39 AM


Just because he might say that is no reason to believe him any more than to believe the rest of what he said.

If you are a christian and you do not live exactly like Jerry Falwell, then you are not obeying your bible.

Darth Marsden
05-18-2007, 12:58 PM
Dude, fuck the bible.*

Gets mobbed

It's all well and good living your life to the word of a book, but if you do so at the expense of other people, you've got a problem. I'm Christian, and I don't go to church. I don't pray every night before I go to bed. I don't religiously** read the bible - hell, I can't even remember if I've actually read it at all. Does that make me a bad person? No. A bad Christian maybe, but I don't think that really affects my person.

The bible is a book that was written hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. It's bound to be horribly outdated and filled with ridiculous and stupid ideas. If you're going to live your life according to the bible, go by the spirit of the word - don't kill, help your fellow man and be a decent person - otherwise you end up being a jerk. Just like Jerry Falwell.

*I hardly ever swear here, and I NEVER say 'Dude'. That's how strongly I feel about this statement.
**Pun totally intended.

05-18-2007, 02:52 PM
The bible is a book that was written hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago.

lol sorry, it just makes it sound like the bible was written like 300 years ago. :)

05-18-2007, 04:07 PM
As I've said before... I am not so much religious as I am spiritual. I do not believe that I have to go to a church building (four walls, a floor, a ceiling and expensive replicas of religious artifacts/artwork/etc) every day so that I can "talk to God" in His home. I believe I can talk to Him ANYWHERE I may be.

Nor do I "blindly" follow the Bible, its comments, statements or teachings.

Whether there really IS a God/Higher being or not (and I do believe there is), I believe that ultimately we should treat each other with kindness, be willing to compromise when we have disagreements/differing views of opinions, and not necessarily love everyone but be able to treat everyone with some semblance of civility.

God doesn’t force His teachings, His beliefs or His wishes on ANYONE. So it boggles my mind when people think it’s their right/duty/etc to do it FOR God and/or IN Gods’ name.

Darth Marsden
05-18-2007, 07:10 PM
lol sorry, it just makes it sound like the bible was written like 300 years ago. :)
Well, I dunno when it was written. Do you?

05-18-2007, 11:02 PM
What are we counting as writing it? The original torah? The original new testament? The first translation? The first english translation? Or maybe the kind of answer some people I know would claim, that it is "for all time" as it says and so God (to my intepretation of their explanation) apparently wrote the whole thing at the same time he was planning giving Adam and Eve the option of eating from the tree for no clear reason as part of his plan (wait... fuck)?

05-19-2007, 12:48 AM
The bible is a book that was written by ordinary humans with their own agenda hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. It's bound to be horribly outdated and filled with ridiculous and stupid ideas that were perhaps put in by someone at a time to influence events in their favor for some reason or another and aldo translated from one language to another allowing translators to alter passages. The bible is not the word of God, it is a book written by humans that claims to be the word of God.

Fixed. You're welcome.

05-19-2007, 07:15 AM
I find it insulting that apparently you have to have your own head up your ass in order to truly be following your religion. Firstly, what about religions that don't even have sacred texts? What about religions that don't require thick-headed stupidity, and in fact frown upon it? They don't count? Why? I don't understand what the anti-religion sentiment is all about. People say "Religion is the opposite of rationality," and then someone points out that they're religious but haven't abandoned rationality, and rather than accept that the definition for religion is very flexible, they'd rather claim that the so-called religious people in question aren't actually religious. What sense is there and that? And why is it that non-religious people are defining religion?

Anyway, I don't see how Jerry Falwell is considered to be so religious. I mean, whether or not he was a "Christian" aside, my big gripe is that I don't even think he was truly what he preached. He was a con artist and a huckster, a rabble rouser, an attention getter. How much can we really say that he was sincere about his beliefs, knowing that much of what he did he did for publicity? It at least makes you question his sincerity. And knowing that, how much can you blame religion? If he wasn't being truly honest, if he was just hamming it up for show, then religion's got nothing to do with it, he was just going with what sells. That's not being blinded by ignorance, that's marketing.

Darth Marsden
05-19-2007, 07:40 AM
Fixed. You're welcome.
I can't believe you had me fixed. I'm not a dog, dammit. ;)

05-19-2007, 08:08 AM
I agree that religion and rationality are not necessarily disjoint, and moreover have no problem with the Bible interpreted as an amalgam of parable, moral guide, and window into Jewish and early Christian history, which fortunately is the point of view shared by most Christians today, especially in Europe.

What I *do* find troubling is the notion that the Bible informs or supercedes testable scientific fact. Every time religion has engaged in battle with science over some specific issue - location of heaven and hell, sun orbiting earth, formation of earth, early history of the universe, etc - science has won resoundingly. And yet overall, science can never disprove religion, but religion might disprove science, if, say, God were to manifest himself and set the record straight. This paradox - that science can never win the war, but has won every battle - is what I believe to be the most striking testament to science's credibility.

The scientific method rests on two fundamental assumptions:
1) that the universe can be modeled by consistent mathematical laws, and
2) that we can reliably measure the world around us.
Either of these assumptions can be refused, and doing so is not logically fallacious, but the scientific method has worked *so* well for us (you need only glance at the marvel of solid-state physics sitting before you, for instance) that I consider it socially irresponsible to undermine it due to religious claims.

05-19-2007, 08:20 AM
LOL. Anyone else get negative rep from lightning-z from this thread? He must be upset about Falwell. This could explain a few things...

05-19-2007, 09:24 AM
You know DarkDragon, it's weird, but I just had a dream that made your exact point. In my dream, there was a religious sect who believed that God and Jesus were always following us everywhere. According to their beliefs, their religion was obviously correct because it was obviously testable. All you had to do at any point was to look over your shoulder and there they'd be.

However, it never was tested, because if you ever did look over your shoulder, you would immediately lose any chance at getting into heaven. Since nobody wanted to miss out on heaven, nobody checked, and just assumed that surely at some point someone would've had a weak moment, and then they'd confirm for the rest whether or not the church was correct.

So, since their core dogma could theoretically easily be refuted, nobody questioned the beliefs, figuring that because it's so easily testable, no one in their right mind would claim that if they weren't 100% sure. And no, there wasn't anything about God and Jesus disappearing if you turned around, because it all rested on the idea that if you turned around you'd see them.

Finally, one day there was a person whose curiosity got the best at him, and he snuck a peek behind him. Well lo and behold, no God, no Jesus. So quickly, he found more people, convinced them to look around, and they were nonbelievers, too. The church was rapidly falling apart, except for the priest. The priest, having devoted his life to this church, couldn't give it up. He tried to claim that the guy was lying, that he had seen God and Jesus, and was just so upset that he had ruined his chances at heaven that he was determined to ruin it for everyone else. Eventually, though, with the backing of the entire congregation, the priest gave in, looked over his shoulder, and the religion died.

In the end, looking over his shoulder hadn't taken away his chance at getting into heaven, because it never existed in the first place.

The strange part about this whole dream was just that there seemed to be a coherent storyline, and more than that, it had a message. That never happens to me... Weird.

05-19-2007, 09:50 AM
Did Lightning_Z's bad rep actually affect anyones rep?

I think all religion in general is a bit iffy. I mean, that doesn't mean that you can't learn great moral values and stuff from certain ones, but as a whole it's very contradictory.(Another reason I walk the middle)

05-19-2007, 03:02 PM
Good riddance 05-19-2007 12:17 am shadowboxer2007 your not a christian eather

I wasn't sure how to copy all nice and pretty from the reputation spreadsheet... so I just copied what was said. I think shadowboxer2007 is someone akin to a "pot calling kettle black" syndrome.

Go away lightening-z...

And no it did NOT affect my reputation - the box was a gray color. <lol>

EDIT: It is not anyones place to pass judgement on anyone else for what their religion might or might not be. Seems to me I remember the Bible saying something like... "Judge not lest ye be judged... " - I don't remember exactly how it was worded but my jist is evident.

05-19-2007, 03:05 PM
he sent me one too saying "you're going to hell, learn to forgive".

05-19-2007, 03:36 PM
Mine said "he without sin cast the first stone". Well, I may not have never sinned, but I did a heck of a lot less damage than this guy.

Glenn the Great
05-19-2007, 03:42 PM
My Lightningz neg-rep fortune cookie said, "you give christians a bad name also."

05-19-2007, 04:14 PM
Loooooooooooolz. Mine said "your views are not the best!" It was gray also. (no mention of the avatar?)

I don't know what lesson this was meant to learn me, because I seem to recall saying:

Then again, I'm an agnostic, not an atheist; I'm not in the business of telling people what to do, only in expressing my own feelings and opinions (which are in no way inherently "right", and I stress that point). I don't think there is a "Truth" I can know for certain because there's just too many unproveable, unanswerable questions. I don't really KNOW anything for certain- to my viewpoint, I can't.


To return to the topic, incidentally, I don't know if what I said was part of what you were referring to, Rock Nog, but I would like to say I don't really think religion != reason insomuchas fanatacism is what seems really harmful, as well as utilizing religion as an excuse for political/personal control or having religion = law. I think a person can have religious beliefs and be quite reasonable, but the nature of those beliefs, how they practice them, might be quite far from reason. If that makes sense.

Darth Marsden
05-19-2007, 04:25 PM
Ah man, you guys got rep from lightningz? Now I feel left out... :(

05-19-2007, 05:56 PM
Sorry Darthy I tried to give ya some rep and it said I had to spread some more around before I could give you anymore. I's sorry honey... <hug>

05-19-2007, 05:56 PM
I have to agree wholeheartedly with Jennifer here. You hit it right on, I think.

05-19-2007, 07:56 PM
It's great that Falwell is gone, but with Pat Robertson and the WBC on the loose, can American truely be safe?

We need to put more pressure on them. Their freedom of speech is taken too far. Somebody needs to stand up and authoritativly denounce them with ever fibre of their being. All we hear is people whine about how people like Falwell are jackasses, when nobody ever makes waves by openly accusing him of being a liar and a sellout. I understand things like slander are bad, but somebody needs to take down these EV giants. We need a champion, a saviour, a man with the balls to tell these guys to go fuck themselves.

Where's Chuck Norris when we need him?

Glenn the Great
05-20-2007, 03:34 AM
Where's Chuck Norris when we need him?

Unfortunately Chuck Norris is part of the religious right himself....

Darth Marsden
05-20-2007, 04:28 AM
Sorry Darthy I tried to give ya some rep and it said I had to spread some more around before I could give you anymore. I's sorry honey... <hug>
Ah... thanks honey, but it's not as if I really needed it. <hugs back> Besides, it's only really special if it's from Mr z.

Chuck Norris is indeed part of religion - he's a God amongst men. A false idol who draws attention and belief from the one, true Lord. He shall be struck down like the heathen he is!


05-20-2007, 01:19 PM
Maybe we can get somebody else. Like MISTA T!


...oh, shit.

Maybe Noah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkNvQYiM6bw) can save us, he's pretty badass- nobody fucks with him, not even Chuck Norris.


05-20-2007, 03:03 PM
I can't believe you had me fixed. I'm not a dog, dammit. Woof, woof woof!;)

What is it Darth? Did Timmy fall down the well? Couldn't resist.

05-20-2007, 03:31 PM
Maybe Noah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkNvQYiM6bw) can save us,

ahahahah! lmao

05-20-2007, 06:27 PM
You've got to love the Angry Video Game Nerd.

BTW, not advertising or anything, but you guys should come over to Screwattack to get all the latest Nerd info. I am also kinda a fan of Sidescrollers, and the new Retro Remix. In fact, that's why I haven't posted here that often.

05-20-2007, 07:17 PM
I say, when the chips are down, Chuck Norris will be there. After all, he is almost of divine providence (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/showdown#start)

05-20-2007, 10:37 PM
Jigglysaint, quicktime hates Windows ME (the installer itself boasts that it can only be installed on Windows XP or Windows 2000). Thus, I cannot view most of ScrewAttack's Angry Video Game nerd videos so what I can see pretty much cuts off at 2006 (although I can view a few odd pieces, like the Duck Tales "vault" review).

I think Bill and Ted secretly won the ultimate showdown. I didn't see them go down, but Chuck Norris and Mr Rogers sure did.

...yes, I can view flash videos, but not install quicktime. (though I'd seen the ultimate showdown before)

I have the distinct feeling that if I found an old version of quicktime, I could install it with no problems...

05-20-2007, 11:50 PM
Actually, All the AVGN reviews from Gametrailors has a Windows Media player version as well. It's just that the links from James' page are quicktime, since he's obviously a professional video editor, which would benefit most from a MAC. http://www.gametrailers.com/screwattack.php

The other stuff is either on Youtube, or hosted on somthing called Revver or somthing.

05-21-2007, 04:40 AM
...yeah, now that you've pointed me there I apparently never went to screwattack, only the AVGN's site. whoops.

Yeah, very little of it is on Youtube, sadly, but hey, at least I can actually watch it! Thank you!

05-22-2007, 05:35 PM
I just noticed your location. Did they drop the character limit? Oh god am I out of the loop or what?

05-22-2007, 10:15 PM
Mr. Rogers went out on his own terms though. He wasted everyone and then took himself out. So he would probably be a bad enough dude to do whatever it is we're talking about.

05-22-2007, 11:42 PM
Whatever you do, don't watch the Ultimate Orgy. It is sick, sick, sick!

Darth Marsden
05-23-2007, 05:27 AM
What is it Darth? Did Timmy fall down the well? Couldn't resist.
No. I killed him.

05-23-2007, 05:59 AM
Screw Chuck Norris, Noah, and Mr. T. Here's the real badass:
How could we hope to oppose that?! Check out those (miniature?) dudes shooting crap at his arm, but he's unphased because he's freakin' omnipotent. Hitler cries like a small child at the sight of him. Jesus is... saved? What? He's already been nailed to the cross though.

As if that's not badass enough, God possesses the power to reshape North America as we know it. Check out how huge the great lakes are, the missing chunk of land that used to be Oregon/Washington/British Columbia, Florida facing west, and the huge underbelly of the US/tiny gulf of Mexico + tiny Mexico. God's had enough of those liberals (and job-stealin' mexicans) I guess, because most of their land mass is gone and the south is looking suspiciously big.

05-23-2007, 06:01 AM
Wow... that is just... I... but... and the... I think I have to lie down now.

Darth Marsden
05-23-2007, 08:48 AM
I'll see your God comic and raise you...
