View Full Version : The original Demo quest by Phantom Menace

05-15-2007, 05:29 AM
Curious as to how many people played this quest, and more so as to how many people played through the whole thing. And I could use a little help in it as well.
In DemoEX you get the wallet, ladder, and whistle in level "J" and the bow in level 1. However, in Demo you can't get through level J cause you need the
bow to deal with a pesky Gohma, thus blocking progress to lv.1
So if you like fighting hordes of Patras, play this game and let me know where the bow is. ;P

05-15-2007, 10:45 AM
Which version are you using? 2.10 has some issues with the wrong enemies displaying in some rooms.

Try 2.10.2 or a 2.5 Alpha.