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View Full Version : Resident Evil for GBC Video

05-03-2007, 09:51 AM

I remember when they were making this. I guess someone got ahold of the development rom or something, who knows. But damn, for Gameboy Color this is friggin' impressive. Why didn't they release this?

Darth Marsden
05-03-2007, 10:31 AM
That is pretty damn impressive. No idea why they didn't finish it - maybe because it wouldn't have sold that well? Nintendo was mostly known for kids stuff in those days. Also it seems kinda cubic, and there was clearly the problem which was apparent with the zombie - you couldn't see it. I know this is a problem with the original, but it's a lot less forgiving when you're on the move.

On a similar note, footage for a GBA version of Resident Evil 2 (http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/11209), also unreleased. Again, bloody amazing from a technological point of view, but I bet it had a problematic frame rate, and you can see how slowly Leon was moving, which wouldn't have been helpful for a hand-held game.

05-03-2007, 03:45 PM
I remember seeing a screenshot of the Gameboy Color Resident Evil in an issue of Nintendo Power a while back. Only it was Chris being controlled, and it was in the room opposite the dining room. I think it was around the time the GBA was close to being released, or already had been released, so that may be why they scrapped it.

And I love Leon's gangsta walk in the RE2 vid. :laughing:

05-03-2007, 09:23 PM
But damn, for Gameboy Color this is friggin' impressive. Why didn't they release this?

An article in EGM years ago about Vaporware had a paragraph that basically stated that while the game was amazing from a technical standpoint, the overall product was below the standards of RE up to that point. Meaning that the game had no chance of doing the series justice, which would make sense. The game is only good if you understand what system it was originally designed for, and why having it run on the GBC is such a big deal.

05-04-2007, 03:40 AM
Both are interesting to see, prototypes of games always are. But neither looked like a great commercial product though unfinished. it's probably better they didn't come out though. Now we have RE1 for DS anyway and I'm sure they'd like to release RE2.

05-04-2007, 01:38 PM
EDIT: Beaten