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View Full Version : Z-axis triggers

05-01-2007, 04:41 PM
I don't know. I still think Roc's Feather is really limited still. I have mentioned in the past that Roc's Feather needs to have combos like warps, triggers, that can only be triggered in the air. For example, There would be a switch in the air, and you jump and activate it.

So this is the suggestion:

Have some checkbox on a combo, that reads:

Basically, it is defaulted on XY-Axis. However, if you uncheck that and check Z-Axis, then the combo would only affect the Z-Axis. For example, the combo is a direct warp. When you walk on it, nothing happens. However, when you jump while on the combo, you will be warped. And it would do that with most of the combo's attributes (conveyors, triggers, warps, damage, etc).

The reason for the checkboxs, it because if you only wanted it to be XY-Axis, or only Z-Axis or both! Both would be so you couldn't jump over combos like warps since it would be triggered on the Z-Axis also. So that people can't skip cutscenes which seems to be a big problem with Roc's Feather.

05-02-2007, 04:30 AM
The problem is, how high must you jump to trigger these combos?
(Remember that as of the next build the Roc items can have variable heights.)

05-02-2007, 04:39 AM
It should be at the peak, no matter what the peak is. But I see what you mean, but still, I fell like Roc's Feather is almost useless without this. And plus, it is just going to be very hard to make cutscenes when Link can jump over the warps.

05-02-2007, 10:11 AM
So.... like, combos that only affect Link when Link's Z is >1, but his Jump (as in the ZScript variable) is <1?

P.S: I don't think that the Feather is currently "almost useless." Rather, one could say that its usefulness is directly proportional to the amount of sideview screens in one's quest.

05-02-2007, 06:24 PM
That is sort of what I mean. But yeah, I love Roc's Feather. I will make some great sideviews screens in my quest. However, I have a lot of cutscenes, warps, triggers, etc. that can be screwed up and bypassed because you can simply jump over them.

For example I have a major cutscene if you step on this tile. If you jump over it, you can skip the cutscene. And it could cause choas as there are a lot of Room state carryovers that won't be triggered. That is why I need triggers to be sentive to the Z-axis too. Or else, I may have to take out the beautiful Roc's Feather. :(