View Full Version : Combo mechanics

04-24-2007, 10:57 PM
As we all know, to "make" a combo, you click an empty red square, and assign it it's tile, and properties. Well, assigning combo's 1 by 1 is tedious and time consuming. If it's possible(what I'm about to suggest), I haven't found out how.


A hot key that you hold while you drag the cursor to be able to combo something 4 tiles wide by.... I guess 6-8 tiles tall.

And you could have the option to assign all the future combos their flags, solidity, and combo type. Mainly this would be used for dungeon sets, as in my case.

04-25-2007, 09:29 AM
Why not use the combo copy/paste feature? Create a "Template" combo on the combo page, then give it the properties you'd like for the rest of them, then copy and paste that combo many times over, and give each one its own unique appearance from the tiles page. Hell, you can even alter the combo's appearance via Ctrl+<KEYPAD +/->.

04-25-2007, 09:51 PM
Ah Tryt this!

Select a bunch oftiles in the tile editor and press "M" that should do it. Although you have to manually configure each combo, unless they all are the same combo type, that should greatly help you ;)

04-27-2007, 09:37 AM
Holy Crap! That worked! It compressed a projected 1 week of work into one afternoon! (Well that, and the Combo Alias Feature didn't hurt ;))