View Full Version : Pokemanz!!!

04-22-2007, 06:47 PM
Got Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Friend code is 3737 5999 5342. Come trade pokemanz with me. :O

04-22-2007, 06:52 PM
Got Pearl today. Haven't set up my friend code yet, though. My USB dongle doesn't like me, and campus' WiFi is encrypted, so...

04-22-2007, 07:03 PM
*sobs* If only I hadn't lost my DS.

..I hate you all with you're so called "fun"....

*sigh* Ah well.

04-22-2007, 11:11 PM
You know, I've never played a Pokemon game before. I thought that with this game, it might finally be time to pick it up and start. But the graphics are a little off-putting. And the fact that I can't trade with random people online (only people you already know) is kinda a bummer. Maybe I'll save the money and put it towards Mario Strikers for some online play when it comes out.

04-22-2007, 11:33 PM
The manual says something about accessing a certain place to trade with anybody. But this place is supposedly in a city I already have access to, and I can't find it. Though one place in the city is still blocked from entrance.

The trading with friends online is at least a step up from past Pokemon games which required your buddy to be local to you.

04-22-2007, 11:37 PM
You can trade with random people, but it is limiting. You only request Pokemon you've seen, so you basically just trade for version exclusives/the other starters. The good news is its possible to see all the unavailable Pokemon.

04-23-2007, 07:26 AM
For some reason, I have a huge urge to run out and pick this up.

Couple of problems though, both relating to internet connectivity:

1. I just bought Gunpey and discovered it sucked ass, and they'll probably give me a pitance for it back at EB...good thing I need to unload Brain Age and Animal Crossing too.
2. I have my wireless router set up for WPA2-PSK for Wii purposes and WEP keys are a pain in the ass to use in addition to being worse than no encryption at alll. About the best I can do is turn off encryption but disable SSID broadcasting, which ought to prevent casual 'accidental' usage by neighbors.

And one that I'll never fix.

3. I will get my ass kicked at this game. I just know it.

04-23-2007, 09:45 AM
The only two thing keeping me from buying either of the two new pokemon games are:

1) No DS. The reason is detailed in the next reason.
2) Lack of large sums of money.

These two things have prevented me from enjoying the DS games I've been wanting to play. CURSE YOU ECONOMY! :kitty:

04-23-2007, 08:13 PM
I'm wondering when the third fourth-gen game will come out. They're usually 10x better than the previous two games, and chock full of other features. Not that I won't buy one of the other two games (Diamond?).

Also, there's too many evolutions of previous pokemon that weren't necessary. Why the hell would someone need an evolution of Magneton or Rhydon?

04-24-2007, 04:06 AM
I'm wondering when the third fourth-gen game will come out. They're usually 10x better than the previous two games, and chock full of other features. Not that I won't buy one of the other two games (Diamond?).

Also, there's too many evolutions of previous pokemon that weren't necessary. Why the hell would someone need an evolution of Magneton or Rhydon?

It's because not filling up space with new evolutions of old pokemon would mean having to come up with more new pokemon to put in instead. :D Judging by some of the creature designs, the developers seem to be struggling a bit coming up with new ideas. Is it just me, or is the monster design in general beginning to look dangerously similar to Digimon (the more humanoid-looking pokemon especially)?

04-24-2007, 11:55 AM
I agree, some of the new designs are lackluster. Although I really like this guy (http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/455.shtml).

And while I agree, Rhydon and Magneton (and Dusclops) did NOT need to evolve, Pokemon like Lickitung and Aipom needed it very, very badly.

04-24-2007, 06:28 PM
I've been debating whether to pick up a new Pokemon title for a while. The last one I played was Gold, which was, pardon the pun, pure gold. I'm glad to hear that the internal clock has returned, which I regard as one of the standout features of Gold/Silver, but hearing about the limited online trading/battling really disappoints me.

I understand they want to keep it safe for the kids, but the limitations will hold it back I think. Aside from that, the new Pokemon they are creating for these games just look more and more alien to me, whereas the old ones resembled actual animals etc. A small gripe, but it's weird. I don't know how else to describe it.

04-24-2007, 10:45 PM
I played Pokemon from the start and loved it so much I took advantage of my two Game Boys to overcome my lack of friends and trade with myself. I had Red, Blue, Yellow, and got up to Gold before I started getting kind of tired of it.

The concept and execution are awesome, I really feel like the game deserves a lot of credit. But I'm the type of guy that, when faced with a game that provides lots of possibilities, likes to do a lot of research and put in the elbow grease required to make the best party, maximize stats, etc.

I'm talking once I found out from the internet that Pokemon who gained levels through Rare Candy had lower stats than ones that gained levels through experience I restarted two full-pokedex games. I then spent the time to get both of them back to full-pokedex and even had my favorite party back to level 99. How hardcore was I willing to grind at gaining levels? Well take this: I was really dumb in Gold and didn't know that when you go through the Pokemon League building or whatever you are crossing to the other continent. I thought I was supposed to take on the fantastic four or whoever, and thought the game was ridiculously more difficult than its predecessors. Finally, after days of leveling my characters, I was able to defeat them and see the ending of the game. Then I noticed the door that led to where I was supposed to have gone.

Of course the rest of the game was super-easy at that point since I'd spent who knows how many hours grinding my levels up.

However, after not having played for years I look at the game and it is just kind of an unassailable thing. I mean, the introduction of items, gender, and breeding made the whole "getting a really strong dude" process much deeper, but if that linked site is an indication there's more than 450 total Pokemon now? How the devil are you supposed to catch them all?

I don't know maybe I'm getting old or something, but the thought of catching/evolving all of those (no doubt there's new crazy ways for different pokemon to evolve), then attempting to determine a few teams that would be acceptable for the 2 or 3 online battles I'd participate in, then attempting to maximize the capabilities of the team is just too much for me.

04-24-2007, 10:58 PM
I don't know maybe I'm getting old or something, but the thought of catching/evolving all of those (no doubt there's new crazy ways for different pokemon to evolve), then attempting to determine a few teams that would be acceptable for the 2 or 3 online battles I'd participate in, then attempting to maximize the capabilities of the team is just too much for me.

It's like World of Warcraft... it goes from being a game you play when you want to relax to a full time job that doesn't even seem fun after a while.

Glenn the Great
04-24-2007, 11:01 PM
I was really into Pokemon along with most of my friends back in High School in the old Red/Blue days.

I got Pokemon Blue, and eventually completed the Pokedex, and was generally the champ amongst my friends.

We all played legitimately for quite awhile, and then decided we were ready to move past that, and thus we agreed that we could all use a Game Genie to custom engineer our monsters, to create truly epic battles. The game is still fun that way (more fun in ways, I might say), just so long as everyone is allowed to do that.

04-24-2007, 11:15 PM
However, after not having played for years I look at the game and it is just kind of an unassailable thing. I mean, the introduction of items, gender, and breeding made the whole "getting a really strong dude" process much deeper, but if that linked site is an indication there's more than 450 total Pokemon now? How the devil are you supposed to catch them all?

493, to be exact. :sweat: And you have to listen to some of the new attacks' names. Bug Buzz, X-scissor, Punishment (:clap:), Me First, U-turn, Brave Bird, Switcheroo, Nasty Plot, Gunk Shot, Roar of Time, Wood Hammer, and Grass Knot are among some of the most ridiculous ones. I mean, what happened to names like Tackle and Slam?

04-25-2007, 02:46 AM
Went ahead and traded in Gunpey and a couple of other games for Diamond tonight:


04-26-2007, 11:28 AM
We all played legitimately for quite awhile, and then decided we were ready to move past that, and thus we agreed that we could all use a Game Genie to custom engineer our monsters, to create truly epic battles. The game is still fun that way (more fun in ways, I might say), just so long as everyone is allowed to do that.
Ever played NetBattle?

Glenn the Great
04-26-2007, 03:32 PM

04-28-2007, 05:57 AM
Why the hell would someone need an evolution of Magneton or Rhydon?

And while I agree, Rhydon and Magneton (and Dusclops) did NOT need to evolve, Pokemon like Lickitung and Aipom needed it very, very badly.

Aww, you guys are mean. Rhydon is probably one of my top 3 favorite Pokemon. ;( And it needed to evolve so it would get an ability that would perhaps let it survive a water or grass attack. Maybe.

Anyway, I bought Diamond the other day, I just beat the 7th Gym, so I'm going along at a good pace. I chose Turtwig as my starter, because I always pick the grass starter, and while a penguin is very tempting, turtles are great too. I'm going through the game with just my starter, Staraptor, and Alakazam. I always use Alakazam. :D

04-28-2007, 10:22 AM
One Pokemon...just one Pokemon absolutly makes me love this game. As a Gardevior fan, just seeing Erlade was like a dream come true. As soon as I do get one of them, you can bet my party will have both Gardevior and Erlade.

04-28-2007, 09:02 PM
Aww, you guys are mean. Rhydon is probably one of my top 3 favorite Pokemon. ;( And it needed to evolve so it would get an ability that would perhaps let it survive a water or grass attack. Maybe.

Anyway, I bought Diamond the other day, I just beat the 7th Gym, so I'm going along at a good pace. I chose Turtwig as my starter, because I always pick the grass starter, and while a penguin is very tempting, turtles are great too. I'm going through the game with just my starter, Staraptor, and Alakazam. I always use Alakazam. :D

Hey, I love Rhydon too. I'm just saying, he was fine before. That doesn't mean that I won't be importing my Rhydon and evolving her, Hard Rock is an amazing trait. And I'll trade you a baby Penguin for a baby Turtle, as soon as I get WiFi set up >.>

04-28-2007, 09:18 PM
Yo, I've been playing pokemon from a rom that takes up my GBA slot. So I can't pull GBA only pokemon like Bulbasaur, Charmander, Mewtwo, Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, etc... So if anyone has those guys, could they trade me those and I'd trade back? I'd really appreciate it. My AIM is KnoppixPat if you're interested.

05-03-2007, 04:46 AM
Hey, I love Rhydon too. I'm just saying, he was fine before. That doesn't mean that I won't be importing my Rhydon and evolving her, Hard Rock is an amazing trait. And I'll trade you a baby Penguin for a baby Turtle, as soon as I get WiFi set up >.>

Heh, sounds good. Next time I decide to import old pokemon via Pal Park, I'll get a ditto so I can toss you a Turtwig egg. :thumbsup:

05-13-2007, 05:28 PM
1590 1355 1881

Bring it on. Although I may not have much time the next few days.

05-13-2007, 11:58 PM
I just started making some sins against nature with a save file editor. Let me know if you want any freaks. :P My latest invention is a Squirtle with flamethrower.

06-04-2007, 09:24 PM
W00t for resurrecting an old thread. But I just picked up Diamond the other day. I'm still working on it and learning the Wi-Fi stuff.

My code: 2535 0469 0432

EDIT: BTW, is there any way to find out if your friends hav connected to the Wi-Fi and are playing at the same time as you? Or do you have to set up a time to meet them?

06-24-2007, 01:48 AM
Mmrn, mudkips.

06-27-2007, 12:04 PM
I've pokemon diamond for some time now, and have had some fun with it. Trading online on GTS was pretty fun, but unfortunely it was restricted to pokemon that you've already seen. Trading using friend codes on Gamefaqs was much more fun, as I got a Charmander to play with through most of the game.

I found it stupid that I kept seeing the same pokemon in the wild, but otherwise, I found the game really good.

Recently I picked up an Action Replay to hack any pokemon into the game, which really ruined what remained of the game for me... :scared:

But just like that Charmander made my first run through so much better, if someone from these forums would like me to hack them a Pokemon I would be glad to.