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View Full Version : Community Quest

Darth Marsden
04-20-2007, 06:23 PM
Ok, I'm bored. And I'm lonely. And I've babysat a family friend's kids for nearly 7 hours. And I'm still unemployed. And I'm tired, and all sorts of other crap you don't need to hear about.

But mostly I'm bored, so teh internets is a welcome break. When I come here, I like it when threads I'm interested in have updated, so I can read people's thoughts and opinions before replying with my own.

Problem is, nobody's said anything interesting lately. Yeah, the Virginia Tech shooting is a really sad tragedy. My heart goes out to anyone affected by it. But that was how I felt when it happened. Now... now you're talking about something completely different I couldn't care less about.

Oh so tired.

So I start thinking back and I remember that at an old forum (The old Black Isle forums, for the really curious) there was a great Forum Quest. Y'know, where people just kept telling a story. One person would post, then another, and another, and so on. You didn't know what was gonna happen. And it was FUN. Good, simple, honest fun. Nobody died, everyone picked up on each other's character traits, came up with interesting plot ideas and just enjoyed the chance to take part in a community based story.

For the record, I'm asking here rather then in another section of AGN 'cause more people will read it. And that being said...

If I wanted to start a similar quest - set in a typically medieval Baldur's Gate-style world, with magic and humanoid characters - would I be allowed to do it in General Discussion, where more people would see it? Would people be interested in joining in? Will anyone reply to this?

04-20-2007, 06:36 PM
Get a WoW account. You can simultaneously do nothing and never be bored.

Or write your book.

Or go to school and get a masters in quantum physics. Learn to be an expert painter. Get a black belt in karate. Make an excercise program and build really big muscles. Become a virtuoso guitar player.

There are way to many interesting and fun things to do to be bored.

04-20-2007, 09:30 PM
I don't see why it can't be posted in GD. Sounds like it could prove interesting...

Aegix Drakan
04-20-2007, 10:59 PM
Well, It did work out well over at ZCU.

Then again, we have a common theme, and we actually have a general layout for the place out quest takes place in.

Not really a bad idea there DM

04-21-2007, 02:37 AM
If you like i can have my forums pick up. mosyly bord warez people but hay it will get hits if i got something other then gaming there also i can release a online rpg if ya like

Darth Marsden
04-21-2007, 03:37 AM
Ok, I'm a little more awake now (well, I had a bad night and I'm still sleepy, but I'm better then I was yesterday) and I think I can thing straight now. Well, straighter, anyway.

1) I don't like online games. Even if I did, my internet PC is barely able to run Doom, so what hope have I for WoW?
2) I'm still waiting for comments on the second chapter. (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=96949) I'd like to know what I've done wrong before starting on the next one - that way I don't repeat my previous mistakes over and over.
3) I hate school. I went to an evening class to learn C++ - that's more schooling then I ever want to do again.
4) Painting requires patience and a steady hand. I have neither.
5) I've tried Karate - it's not for me.
6) Have you seen me? I'm a geek. Geeks neither have nor should have muscles.
7) Guitars cost money. I have none. Also, again, patience.

The reason I'd like to do it in GD is because... well, that's where all the cool people hang out :D Beldaran, Prrkitty, Breaker, Glenn the Great, etc... they, and more, don't visit Forum Games - they post in this section. I'd like to think it's the most well-read and intelligent place on AGN (Think Tank excluded). Also, I seem to recall doing something like this many a year ago in FG (I may be wrong about this) and having it sink without a trace. Bleh.

Hence me wanting to do it here. So far I've had two 'Yeah, it looks interesting' and one slightly off-topic reply. Other thoughts? Good idea? Bad?

04-21-2007, 03:45 PM
I sort of suggested something like this when you posted your pwning AGN story a few weeks back, so you know that I'm supportive of it. My God it could get interesting.

Darth Marsden
04-22-2007, 05:10 AM
It could indeed. Watch this space.