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View Full Version : Link Sprite & Multiupload issue

04-16-2007, 01:43 PM
Alright, there's been a few issues I can't seem to get worked out.

1: Links sprite looks fine, with the green suit/small shield. Add the blue ring or larger shield, and movements/sword slashes are picking the wrong sprite. Why?
2: What is the easiest way for me to add a pallette set from 2 different files. I uploaded one, but unlike tiles, you cannot choose the location to upload a second one.

04-16-2007, 02:58 PM
1. You're probably using the Link Tile Modifiers. If you go into the item data, you can set how many tiles forward the item will shift Link's graphics (Complicated). Set it to 0, and it should just change his color. As for the shield, well, the LTMs are pretty much needed for that

2. Palette 'set'? You mean, a string of 16 colors?

04-16-2007, 05:12 PM
2: Lets say I use Guy1's Tileset. It has a palette set of colors 00 - Overworld, 01 - Forest, 02 - Desert, etc. Now, Those are nice, but I need to also include Guy2's Tileset. the palette import option overwrites my origional at 00, and I wish it to overwrite at, say A0. How do I do this?

EDIT: 1: I'm running 2.11B6, as it seems to be the most stable I've found. I don't quite know where the option to change that is...

3: Another issue: I've made a dungeon, but somehow, Either I or the program's set an option that pushes my character 2 spaces out when they change screens. This gets a bit annoying. Any way to change it?