View Full Version : Changed SFX

04-11-2007, 03:48 PM
Any one here notice that after they started using beta, the sfx for some items are wrong? For example, when I get a single rupee or heart, it plays the sound for the fairy/bomb item get? I'd really like to fix this, any ideas would be well appreciated.

04-11-2007, 03:54 PM
they changed the way the Sfx works, there is a sfx editor built into ZQ.
you can change the item effects by adding new sounds (61+ I believe),
and going into the item editor and selecting a different number for whatever
sound you want when you pick up an item, not sure the default # I think it's
25 or something like that.

I have it set that rupees sound like money, and bombs and other things to
sound like in OOT, and hearts to sound like OOT, when those items are picked

Quest > Items (Pick Item you wish to edit)>Action
"Sound: 25" (change to reflect the sound you want to use in the SFX bank)

Quest >SFX Data (default pick up sound is 25)
I think #60+ is blank if not it's 65 or something, if you have a SFX you
want to use in a short WAV format on your PC you can import it in, by
using the "LOAD" button.

04-12-2007, 11:21 PM
Thanks, I just downloaded the alpha, added nice stuff. Thanks for your help.