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View Full Version : Anyone want to critique my Nintendo Wii news site?

03-28-2007, 05:02 PM
Hey everyone, I've been working on this website since about August last year and I was hoping to get some feedback. I would love to hear what you hate about it, or love about it. I want to improve the site as much as possible.

If any of you are interested in posting news on the site let me know! I need as much help as I can get, as I working and going to college at the same time. At the moment the site doesn't make much money from advertisements... Approximately $3 dollars since August, 2006 lol :). If the site begins to make more than the hosting fees (~$14/month) I would be more than happy to share the profit between authors in the future.

Since opening the site it is averaging 5 and a half visits per day. This average has been increasing fairly steadily however.

The URL is http://www.wiiplaygames.com

I do recommend that you have the latest Internet Explorer or Firefox to view the website and 1024x768 or higher resolution. I did not design it to work in IE6 due to the lack of web standards support. Please let me know if you think this is acceptable or not.

Don't go easy on it, please be brutally honest.

Thanks! :D

Oh and how's everyone doing?? Been a while!!!

03-28-2007, 05:15 PM
Well, it's not like super professional, or anything, but on the other hand it's a lot better than most fan type sites out there. You're color sheme is a bit wieird, tho. Are you able to you change it? Because burgendy, brown and grey. doesn't really scream "Wii" to me. Maybe pale blue and white or gray?

03-28-2007, 05:20 PM
I like the fact that you report every little small damn thing, even if not many people would be interested in reading half of that stuff. Shows a true dedicated webmaster right there. Scour far and wide for your news boyo!

03-28-2007, 05:26 PM
Well, it's not like super professional, or anything, but on the other hand it's a lot better than most fan type sites out there. You're color sheme is a bit wieird, tho. Are you able to you change it? Because burgendy, brown and grey. doesn't really scream "Wii" to me. Maybe pale blue and white or gray?

Thanks! Great suggestions, I was actually thinking about going with a shade or shades of blue for the first template refresh.

Hey, thanks for signing up for the site! :)

03-28-2007, 05:27 PM
I like the fact that you report every little small damn thing, even if not many people would be interested in reading half of that stuff. Shows a true dedicated webmaster right there. Scour far and wide for your news boyo!

Will do! Haha, I enjoy posting anything that I find interesting, no matter how small it may be.

Aw crap, sorry for the double post. Been a while.

03-28-2007, 06:43 PM
I think that you should have given the website a more generalized nintendo name. When Nintendo comes out with their next console, your site is going to be outdated.

It looks cool right now though.

Darth Marsden
03-28-2007, 06:52 PM
Aside from the already mentioned colour scheme, I have to say that it's a pretty good site. Rest assured, when I finally pick up a Wii, your site will probably be the one I visit*.

*Darth Marsden cannot guarantee that this statement will come true.

03-29-2007, 12:50 PM
I think that you should have given the website a more generalized nintendo name. When Nintendo comes out with their next console, your site is going to be outdated.

It looks cool right now though.

I've thought about this myself, but I feel that the name is fairly universal aside from the spelling of We "Wii". I can always buy a new domain for the next console to come out. I also just recently had the idea of using my www.radium3d.net website as the network, similar to the way IGN does their news sites. I could use sub-domains such as wii.radium3d.net, if it comes down to it. For now however, I believe the Wii isn't going away any time soon. :)

You could also look back in time at ign64.com (previously n64.com) they started out the same way I have, with a console specific domain name and now they're huge.