View Full Version : Continues and Saves

03-27-2007, 12:15 PM
I've been working on a quest using the betas (currently using 254).

I don't fully understand how continues and save points work. Ideally I would like link to be able to start a game from character selection only on my 3 overworld maps. I would like to be able to continue from the beginning of a dungeon but not start there from character selection screen, just like in nintendo zelda 1. I know the green square is your starting point. How do you get rid of a green start square if you placed one you don't want? Also I am confused on the continue here and don't continue here options, they don't seem to work right. When you have multiple start green squares, which one does it use?

Thanks in advance.

03-27-2007, 02:06 PM
"Continue here": If you die on this DMap you will continue here.
"Don't continue here": If you die here and choose "Continue" you will continue here, but choosing Save, you will continue at the last "Continue here" DMap. You also need to set the screen where you continue on that DMap.

You can't get rid of the green square. It's in the upperleft corner by default, but you can place it anywhere. If you don't need it for some reason, then it can be anywhere, it won't affect anything. Also, there is only ONE green suare. The blue square has 4 versions for A,B,C,D warps.

Using save points: Stand on the Save combo. Press enter. Select save. You will continue from there totally ignoring every other continue data.