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View Full Version : Some relatively simple scripts

03-26-2007, 09:16 PM
1) Sound-triggering script
2) Biggorons sword script
3) day/night script
4) A Free-form boat script

1) You know those "Slash" combos that are there, to have multiple "undercombos"? Well, they lack sound. Slashing a bush with no sound irks me. Who-eth shall be brave-eth enough to write me a script-eth that will trigger the SFX that cutting an actual "tall grass" combo makes?

2) Pretty much self explanatory, a script that extends the range of a specified item (the wand, for instance) to 2 tiles, and would use a special set of tiles (the tip of the sword in all 8 directions)

3) A script that, after a certain amount of tics (or seconds, whichever ZC can "read") will change the pallet to one specified in the script. (so I would use this to make a "day/night effect, and 3 palletes would be used: one for day, another for night, and the 3rd for sunrise/set)

4) Pretty self explanatory, I'm trying to make a King of red Lions for my quest.
I want it to be 2x3 and from E to W, the FFC would simply be flipped. From
N to S, a different set of combos would be used.

Is that enough info? Or am I missing some details?