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03-22-2007, 07:37 PM
My favorite alcoholic drink is Killian's Irish Red. Best beer ever. Budweiser good too, but I can't stand Bud Light. Light beer isn't really all that great. Its just beer thats used to get you drunk, I drink for taste.

Whats your drink?

03-22-2007, 07:46 PM
I too like beer. I don't really have a favorite, though the Shipyard Export Ale I got recently was pretty good. I prefer to shop for beer at Trader Joe's, they've got a lot of microbrews on sale for about the same price that the national brands cost at the normal supermarket. They've got so many different varieties, I usually get a different beer each time and that's why I don't have a favorite.

03-22-2007, 07:47 PM

Ever since getting drunk out of my fucking mind one night when I was in a rock band, then waking up naked on a vomit stained bed and discovering (to my great dismay) that I had taken a shit in my own bathtub... and having no memory of any of it, I completely gave up alcohol and simply cannot stand even the smell of it.

By the way, if you ever have the chance to be in a rock band...DO IT. :)

03-22-2007, 07:50 PM
Long Island Iced Tea and Rum and Coke.

Something about them both just wants me to drink more.

As for beer? MGD all the way!

03-22-2007, 08:15 PM
Not a fan of beer. Never liked the taste.

Jack Daniels or Jack and coke.

03-22-2007, 08:21 PM
dr. pepper and mango juice. alcohol is for faggots.

03-22-2007, 09:34 PM

Ever since getting drunk out of my fucking mind one night when I was in a rock band, then waking up naked on a vomit stained bed and discovering (to my great dismay) that I had taken a shit in my own bathtub... and having no memory of any of it, I completely gave up alcohol and simply cannot stand even the smell of it.

By the way, if you ever have the chance to be in a rock band...DO IT. :)

I still haven't ever gotten so shitty ass drunk that I don't remember events from any given night. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fill of vomiting and stupid drunken antics, but never passed out or blacked out.

Last time I got really tore up I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 buds, 2 jeager bombs, 1 three wise men, 1 sexy alligator, 1 kool aid, and 1 liquid heroin. I puked every 5 minutes on the way home. My DD said he was impressed because I held it in each time I needed to stop to puke until I got out of the car. It was a two door and I sat in the back seat. It was a 45 minute drive that ended up taking us 3 hours to get home. I didn't drink again for 6 months, and haven't really touched hard alcohol much since.

03-22-2007, 10:39 PM
I tend to prefer microbrews or imports for beer. Boddingtons Pub Ale, any good German unfiltered wheat beer, Porters/Stouts; there is alot of great American microbrews too. Troeggs, Stoudt's, Dogfish Head, Victory, Magic Hat, Anchor, and of course Sam Adams are some of my favorite Microbreweries. I also have a weakness for Mexican beer. Corona, Modelo Especial, and the like. If cost is an issue, I suggest Yuengling Breweries, who are as cheap in most places as a Budweiser or Coors, but produce much higher quality beer. They make a great Lager and Porter, as well as a few others.

I also love a good wine, especially Pinot Noir or Sauvignon Blanc. My palette isn't that sophisticated, but I really tend to prefer South/North American and Oceanic Wines. European Wineries just haven't been doing it for me lately. The French vineyards are making a comeback though, I just had a nice Pinot Noir from the Robiteau Vineyard in France. Box wine is horrible. Please don't drink it unless your purpose in doing so is hard drinking. If cost is an issue, there are many great wines for under 10 dollars a bottle. I rarely spend more for one at a store.

Cloral: Do you buy two-buck chuck? You can't sell alcohol in the Trader Joe's around here, so unfortunately no Charles Shaw (2-buck chuck: as in 2 dollars a bottle), but whenever my buddy is in Virginia/Michigan he picks us up a few cases for dinner parties/ etc. Not a bad wine at all. The microbrew selection must be great there, I can only imagine, never actually been to a alcohol-selling Trader Joe's. Stupid Pennsylvania and their archaic liquor laws! (NJ/NY/etc. too)

03-22-2007, 10:48 PM

Dead serious. I can't drink, and I don't like most sodas(with the exception of Root Beer and Sprite, which I can stand)
Whole milk, too, which seems to gross a lot of people out.

03-22-2007, 11:21 PM
Hmmm... I used to switch back and forth between Budweiser and Bud light a lot. Mainly because Budweiser was for nights when I wanted to be drunk and the thought of a horrid hangover sounded alright until I actually had it, and Bud light was for social and I-have-to-drive-home nights. However, I think I've conquered the hangover, so I drink Budweiser mostly. And sometimes High Life, but only because that's what my beau drinks :P

As for shots, I've become acustomed to Captain Morgan's and Jager. I HATE Jager, but I always find myself drinking it. When I'm with a few particular female friends, I do girly shots (birthday cake, washington apple, whatever) I no longer drink tequila, not since Jose whooped my ass one night. I spent half of the next morning puking, most of that day wondering why I was still drunk, and went to work on Monday hung over. That was nice. NEVER AGAIN.

Mixed drinks... Usually just cranberry juice and vodka, or VO's purple hooter drink (purple hooters are supposed to be shots, but this woman named VO who works at my favorite bar turned it into a yummy drink). Sometimes amaretto sours, and from time to time I ask Mike to mix me up something strong and girly. He's good. White Russians. I had something called Everglo once, and I forget what the drink they made with it was, but it was fucking goooood. I used to do Long Islands, but I drank like 7 or 8 on Glitch's 21st birthday and went to work the next day still drunk, where I sat at my desk trying to decide on whether or not I wanted to puke or pass out. I did neither. Since then, just the smell of one makes me want to puke.

Something to try: Raspberry vodka and orange soda. For real. Good shit.

Modus Ponens
03-23-2007, 01:47 AM
I used to be on a big Killian's Irish Red kick, too, Anthony, but like with many things, overexposure made me shy away. Now I'm on Pyramid Hefe Weizen, which rocks my socks. I'm sure that if I were to go back to Killian's I'd love it again, though.

My favorite cocktail is probably a greyhound--just vodka and grapefruit juice; can't go wrong with simplicity. My favorite non-alcoholic drink is probably Ruby Grapefruit Juice Squeeze--mmm MMM, I can't get enough of that shit. That and Sanpellegrino Limonata...tasty, tasty.

03-23-2007, 03:00 AM
Ever since getting drunk out of my fucking mind one night when I was in a rock band, then waking up naked on a vomit stained bed and discovering (to my great dismay) that I had taken a shit in my own bathtub... and having no memory of any of it, I completely gave up alcohol and simply cannot stand even the smell of it.

Wow, I've been smashed pretty heavily before, and while I've had messes to clean up, they've never consisted of any waste products(urine or feces).

I don't really get drunk anymore, or try not to anyway, mostly because I'd wake up the next day and be remembering the people I might've talked to on AIM and feeling embarrased. Or try not to anyway.

Stella Artois (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stella_Artois) is my favorite beer, if I really have a favorite.

Glenn the Great
03-23-2007, 08:43 AM
I don't drink enough alcohol to make favorites. I rarely drink anything other than ice water or sparkling water.

03-23-2007, 09:11 AM
Wow, I've been smashed pretty heavily before, and while I've had messes to clean up, they've never consisted of any waste products(urine or feces).

I don't really get drunk anymore, or try not to anyway, mostly because I'd wake up the next day and be remembering the people I might've talked to on AIM and feeling embarrased. Or try not to anyway.

Stella Artois (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stella_Artois) is my favorite beer, if I really have a favorite.

Haha, those are good times.

03-23-2007, 09:27 AM
Diet Coke. :)

03-23-2007, 09:53 AM
Battery and Dr. Pepper

03-23-2007, 01:13 PM
As for beer? MGD all the way!

Ugh, I can't stand MGD. It just tastes skunky to me. If I'm drinking and my choices are restricted to the major 3 national beers, I'll probably go with Bud. Not that I like it much, but it's the 'least bad' of the 3 to me.

Cloral: Do you buy two-buck chuck? You can't sell alcohol in the Trader Joe's around here, so unfortunately no Charles Shaw (2-buck chuck: as in 2 dollars a bottle), but whenever my buddy is in Virginia/Michigan he picks us up a few cases for dinner parties/ etc. Not a bad wine at all. The microbrew selection must be great there, I can only imagine, never actually been to a alcohol-selling Trader Joe's. Stupid Pennsylvania and their archaic liquor laws! (NJ/NY/etc. too)

Nope, haven't tried it. In general I'm not much of a wine drinker. Though I have heard it is a lot better than a $2 wine has any right to be.

03-23-2007, 02:22 PM
Dr. Pepper and sometimes Red Bull. I hardly drink unless it's a special occasion and even then I try to drink very little. It's not that I can't hold my booze in, it's just I don't like to drink very often. :kitty:

The Desperado
03-27-2007, 12:27 AM
Beer. Doesn't matter what kind. Though a beer that everyone should try at least once is Tecate. I served it at this bar that I worked at and it was great.

03-27-2007, 03:49 AM
Soda, but the specific brand switches between Coke, Dr. Pepper, and A&W Root Beer, depending on how long ago I had it

03-27-2007, 04:13 AM
Martini (gin; I prefer Sapphire but Boodles or Tank Ten will do in a pinch), dry and dirty.

When I'm in the mood for beer, I drink the local microbrew, St. Arnold's.

Darth Marsden
03-27-2007, 05:19 AM
I'm not really one for alcohol, but I do like the occasional WKD Blue. My really favourite drink is American style Root Beer, which is tricky to track down over in the UK. Asda sell it, but there isn't one near us, and Sainsbury's sell it, but not in the store near us. Grr.

03-27-2007, 05:49 PM
Beer. Doesn't matter what kind. Though a beer that everyone should try at least once is Tecate. I served it at this bar that I worked at and it was great.

I have to say that I wish some meteor would fall out of the sky and destroy the Tecate brewery. Worst beer ever. Well, almost.

03-28-2007, 11:39 AM
I miss working at a place that has Mug Root Beer =/
When working, I usually drink a mix of Cherry Pepsi, Code Red, and Baja Blast, or a mix of half Baja Blast and Sierra Mist