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03-18-2007, 12:46 AM
poll: should this site have a search feature?

I don't know why agn hasn't got a search feature.
I personaly think if agn had a "TOPIC SEARCH BAR" it would be alot easer
to find usefull information. And save alot of time searching through, thread after thread. so what i wanna know is;

what's your oppinon should agn adopt the search feature or we all search and search, for what we are looking for?


03-18-2007, 01:03 AM
It does have a search page, but you have to pay to use it because it's hard on the server.
You can just use site:armageddongames.net in Google searches to restrict the domain. That's almost as good.

03-18-2007, 01:06 AM
Yeah. The search feature should be enabled.

Personally, I've never had a desire to search for anything on AGN, but that is probably just because I don't have anything to do with ZC anymore. I can imagine locating threads pertaining to a specific quest is frustrating and I don't think it'd affect the performance of the site to enable the search feature because we have pretty minimal traffic these days. So why not?


03-18-2007, 02:04 PM
War Lord has stated over and over and over again... searching the forum puts a VERY big strain on the server. From what I've read in past posts about this very same subject... people that contribute financially to help defray the cost of the forum DO get to use the search feature.

SO... if searching the forum is THAT important to you then help pay the costs for the forum.

Drunken Tiger
03-18-2007, 02:15 PM
I get to use the search feature, but I think Ive only used it once.

Just pay to use it, or follow Saffith's advice, use google. ;)

Btw, where is the poll. :P

03-18-2007, 02:54 PM
I still say that search should be enabled just for ZQuest help, to keep the server strain down.

Drunken Tiger
03-18-2007, 03:01 PM
Have you tried the Google domain search? I use that quite a lot for other sites, seems to work a charm for me.

03-18-2007, 07:15 PM
well what if were poor f's that would help out but can't cause all our money is going towards bill's?and fines? plus we fill that we are devoted to this site and the google, does'nt produce the resaults im looking for?

ps sorry for miss spelling im trying to work on my dislexia, and grammer.
i need a dictionary.

edit prrrkity as your sig say fight without fear, well i have no fear that this is a good feture that every one should be able to use!!!!!im gona stick to my fists,,,cause only scared people sticks to there gun

03-19-2007, 05:21 PM
it would be nice to do that. I've like to search for some older threads whithout having to wad through a million others before finding it thank you. :kitty:

03-19-2007, 06:26 PM
Purry is right. If it's that important to you, just pay for it.

AGN's been like this for years. No reason to change. This has been an active topic before and as Purry stated, it puts too much strain on the server.

I don't see a real reason for it.