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View Full Version : im not sure if im doing this right?

03-14-2007, 06:09 PM
:eyebrow: well i have been recoloring tiles to match background, this is what i have done so far.>
so i was wondering is there an easer way than editing tiles to make them match.
i was wanting to make my wind mill look like the tower is behind it and behind them both
is grass. this is how far i got so far and im kinda stuck on the rest.
any help would be great thanks in advance! :eyebrow:

03-14-2007, 06:14 PM
You know what you need? Go here: http://www.geocities.com/idontknowtutorial/contents.html?1048292445858

This is idontknow's tutorial. Read the section on layers and I think it will help you out a lot!

03-14-2007, 07:06 PM
:confused: ok thanks, that some what work'd. well i fallow'd the tutorial the best i could and did everything it said, im not sure on the (undefind combo part)
but anyway i got this for my resalts
that is sort of what i want but without that foggy almost not there look.
i was wantting it to look like it was all on the same layer.:confused:

03-14-2007, 07:10 PM
No no no no. You need to change the background of the tile back to invisible (the black square with the x in it) and then set up your layers as other screens and either go to that screen and place combos there or access it from the bar at the bottem.

03-14-2007, 08:07 PM
Yeah, don't draw the tower on a different layer, draw the tower on the base layer, and the windmill over it. Og, and the foggy look is because you must have the "Transparent" check box checked in the layer panel.

03-15-2007, 01:11 AM
ok thank you all have been i grat deal of help. but one last thing how would i go about turnning auto layers off? cause when i was trying to figure this out and i turn'd it on. that wouldnt be a proble as long as i maid the layers on the same screen differn't maps but i didn't and i have layer's were they should not be. or i should say i did, now i have nothing cause i accidently deleted the map that had the layers.:uhoh: thats me go to delet a SCREEN and delete a map:uhoh: so your help is appresated thank'd

:uhoh: :eyebrow: turn auto layers off:rolleyes:

03-15-2007, 08:43 PM
You can't really turn it "off" per se, but you can just go in and change the stats on every screen, than go to the map you accidently autolayered and delete all the ones you don't need.