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View Full Version : ?add sound effects to zc?

03-10-2007, 01:26 AM
well i wondering is there a way to add sound effects. link ocarina of time sound effects. cause i was downloading midi's form http://www.ganonstower.com/music.html its the first download there and i would like to add these sound effects like link grabbing something push or pull or climb ect. link getting hurt mummies(can't think of there actual name right now)screaming, link falling. im sure you get my drifft and if the is not away to do this i think its a good idea for any or all dev. how ever it works put that on there agenda if its not allready there. thanks oh just in case its a need to know for an anwser they ar wav file and realy not much bigger than midi's!:D :rolleyes:

03-10-2007, 11:35 AM
In some of the later betas (Anything past beta 14, I think...), you can go to quest->SFX and swap out the slots with your own WAV files. Look in std.zh for what all those slots mean.