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View Full Version : Been here for a year

03-09-2007, 01:40 PM

I'm Limzo, I'm not too active here, but I'd like you to know I've been posting on forums for an entire year now. Some said I wouldn't last here, but I made it :tongue:

So anyway, here I am, with a gazillion too many posts on PureZC, a good load of posts I need to catch up on at AGN, and a few things to say.
Quite a few good things have happened during my stay on the internet.

I remember my My first ever posts and topic (http://armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=90485) like it was yesterday. I was overfilled with joy when what I'd written suddenly became a webpage on the internet. It was honestly an amazing moment for me, discovering that I could just write out my views and opinions for the whole world to see and listen to. It was like I'd just been given a voice to speak out things that have always been in my head and had nobody to talk about with.:D THANKS AGN!

I also remember discovering that ZQuest could do a lot more than meets the eye at first. If it wasn't for idon'tknow's tutorial, I'd probably not be using ZC, nor have continued posting on forums right now.

I've built up quite a large list of "Web-friends", who I owe a lot to all of.

First there's Koopa. He's helped me more times with more things than anyone. Even if he's busy, or not in a particularly good mood, he still helps me with whatever the ZC/computer related problem is. Kudos Koopa.

Then there's Revfan9. I met him when he started (prase it's name...) Clippy Chronicles (then known as Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Crap). We were sort of aquaintences back then, but when he started his Invisionfree Forum (http://z9.invisionfree.com/ZC_Pad/index.php?act=site), we really got to know each other, and that brought me to meet four new friends: Siguy, Zacron (dammit where is he!), Questions and Billy Ronald. Since Questions (now known as Sacred Nym) often leaves the interweb, I kind of don't know him as well...

The first time that I entered IRC, well, I can't explain that. I just said, "Hi", then Shadowtiger said, "Hello Limzo" and then I logged out...
The same happened the second time...
The third time, it was great. I met some new faces, and got to know some others a lot better.

When Rexlaninetales returned, I felt a bit left out as I'd never known him, and he was all people spoke about. In chat, in all topics, everywhere. I even got a little green with envy because everybody was so happy he was back, many of my cries for help in ZQuest went unnoticed...
But we became friends. I can't remember what happened, but he PM'd me about something, and now it's become sort of tradition to PM each other whenever we see each other online. :giggle:

Shadowtiger created ZCU, I joined, but didn't post for a while... Then I met Old-Skool, Aegix and a load of other guys who I can call friends now. THANKS SHADSY!


big gap. In this time I met Jimbob and Spantac, and I felt relieved meeting people who knew what "chavs" and "crumpets" were. :rolleyes:


Rose died. I couldn't believe it. I was litterally burning on the inside when I heard what happened. I preached my deepest sympathy as far as I could, and tried not to be upset about someone I never knew. But Death behaves in strange ways...

Of course, so many things have happened in my first year, it would be impossible to list them all. But I would like to thank the following people, and more, for making this year one of the most enjoyable years I've had:
Koopa, AndrewMcD1, /M/, ShadowTiger, Rexlaninetales, Trip I fall, Siguy, Revfan9, Billy Ronald, CastChaos, Radien, Penguin Michael, Sharon Daniel, Ninelives, "Whay Pettle" Frankie, Jimbob, Spantac, Glove mage of darkness, Daiv, Moonwhisper, Apoetalone, Sir Pimpalot, Spaz44, Chain3, Sephiroth, Nathaniel, Hunter P Brown, Darth Marsden, Rocksfan13, The Cyborg, Wild Bill, and in fact, so many more that I cannot even begin to mention.

Thank you, thank you all, and expect to see me in the future!


03-09-2007, 05:24 PM
Very well said Limzo. It's always nice to let people know you appreciate them. So much negativism goes around our world these days. It's nice to see positive energy being passed around for a change. :)

Good job hon :)

03-09-2007, 11:32 PM
you are kind of like me. but i showed them i will outlast them all again. with may 7 years coming here.

Darth Marsden
03-10-2007, 05:56 AM
Yay! You mentioned me! And I should think so to, what with my quote being in your sig and all.

Hope you keep posting for a good while yet, you're one of the good ones.

Aegix Drakan
03-10-2007, 11:54 AM
:P *green rep dispatched*

happy first year Limzo. Although we've bumped heads often we're still friends. Glad to see you're still active and rocking.

Here's to many more years of Limzoness!

03-11-2007, 01:15 PM
Congratulations, Limzo! Here's to many more years in and around the ZC world.

I've seen a lot or "hyper posters" already, but ones that turn out to be both nice and mature people and great posting buddies are rare. You get a cookie from me.

First there's Koopa. He's helped me more times with more things than anyone. Even if he's busy, or not in a particularly good mood, he still helps me with whatever the ZC/computer related problem is. Kudos Koopa.

Thanks. I really appreciate being to help others, even more so when they're as nice as you in return. Another cookie to you.

I think I'll go to Limzonia for my next holidays :) See you there!

03-12-2007, 11:15 AM

nice job of surviving a year here; here's to another!

03-12-2007, 08:06 PM
Ditto to all the above posts, here's a purezc for you:


(he will have a vague idea of what that means)

I've been here for a year too (but actively in the past 7-8 months), but it's not about me, happy 1yr anniversary Limzo!


03-12-2007, 10:08 PM
big gap. In this time I met Jimbob and Spantac, and I felt relieved meeting people who knew what "chavs" and "crumpets" were. :rolleyes:

Isn't that a cross between a clarinet and a trumpet? :tongue:

I hope that you stay around for many more years. AGN needs more long-lasting community members (not saying we don't already have some great characters, like ST, quite possibly the nicest user I know on any forum... seriously, how do you do it? :p). It appears you will be around for a long time to come, so bring it on! :)