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03-05-2007, 01:13 AM
I know that the horrible rulers over in the Middle East need to be removed from their office/rule/etc... but I'm not sure I like where what this article says... is going either.


I'm at a loss for words, and even if I had the words I'm not sure I could express myself correctly or even properly.

This scares the bejesus out of me...

03-05-2007, 01:32 AM
Yeah, censorship is not the greatest thing to have to tolerate.

03-05-2007, 01:41 AM
Of course it isn't. Cos' tht kind of cencorship is supposed to be illegal under American law, especially if a reporter with press credentials is taking the pictures. The US is not allowed to confiscate the photos, let alone the man's camera, without a court order. Then to delete the photos and threaten the cameraman is just absurd. I understand tht it is hard out there to do things properly, but at least admit to the fact tht they screwed up instead of trying to cover it up. I would have more respect for soldiers if they owned up to their mistake instead of further causing a problem by deleting any photos and film of the scene.

My father was in the military most of my childhood, so don't say I dun know wht I am talking about.

03-05-2007, 03:28 AM
I am an Air Force brat. I know to respect our military. Yet... this article reeks of such deep cover ups and even deeper problems that are running amok.

I think it's gonna prove interesting just "how" our government/military/etc... responds to that article, it's contents and it's ultimate accusations/implications.

03-06-2007, 02:01 AM
I am such a revolutionist tht whenever I see these articles I jump and purr. I am not in agreement with their actions, but also for something so discriminating to our government to be thrown out there like tht is not smart. It shows our enemy our weakpoints so they can exploit.

Well, I would exploit if I were them. What kind of example would it be for the US to hang themselves instead of Saddam or Bin laden.

03-06-2007, 02:53 AM
First off, don't assume anyone in the Middle East has any fucking clue what happened or that they are telling you the truth either. Next remember our military is in the middle of a wasteland surrounded by people that could be trying to kill them. Gee they might be a bit on edge. Plus, over there they don't nessisarily have any right to take those pictures. Things are very different when your country is occupied by someone else's military.

If 3 Civilians were shot by accident they might have wanted to stop that from being filmed and photographed. What's wrong with that? You'd probably do the same. Over there you can't just say, whoops we're sorry!

You should be worried about the US government and how it's been taking away the rights of its citizens with this bullshit war on terror and such. Don't worry about the Middle East. Not like they had many rights before if any.

03-06-2007, 03:03 AM
Yeah they do not have rights, true, but tht doesn't mean they don't deserve rights. For an american citizen with those rights to not give someone else the same rights is basically saying tht they are better than them.

The whole anyone can kill me aspect is purely psychological, of course anyone can kill you, but they won't, unless provoked. So for these marins, yeah they should worry, cos' the middle east was provoked, but tht doesn't mean tht they can discriminate against reporters there because of their skin color and natural relation to some terrorists, they are probably not in cahoots with Bin Laden cos' they have brown skin, if tht is what you are saying then the mexicans are terrorists, huh?

I would not under any circumstances do what those soldiers did. If i shot and killed 3 innocent civilians then i would own up to it. And hiding the publicity by destroying those photos makes the military look even worse than owning up to the mistake and allowing the press to see what they did. I don't expect them to say, whoops we're sorry.

03-06-2007, 02:08 PM
anything cnn says is painted liberal. bunch of lieing sucky babies.

03-06-2007, 03:08 PM
I would not under any circumstances do what those soldiers did. If i shot and killed 3 innocent civilians then i would own up to it. And hiding the publicity by destroying those photos makes the military look even worse than owning up to the mistake and allowing the press to see what they did. I don't expect them to say, whoops we're sorry.

You have no idea what you'd do in that situation. You aren't a soldier, and you aren't in that situation ever. Sure here from a clear mind you can decide what you'd want to do, but if it ever actually happened you wouldn't have time to think about it, and if you think it would be cloudy as you'd be on edge. Sorry but when people are trying to kill you, shit happens.

Again, worry about what's going on here with our government.

03-06-2007, 03:35 PM
If the journalists stopped using their memory cards it wouldn't be hard to retrieve the pictures. I'd think everyone in the photo industry would know that by now..

03-06-2007, 05:36 PM
I am worried about what is going on over here, even more so than whats going on over there.

I have been put into life or death situations, so I do know what I would do. I also grew up around training camps and I know how a soldier thinks and acts. My father was so mean in his military carreer he sent someone awol, I lived with tht till I was 10, so I know how hard it is to make decisions with something so scary you wanna die right in your face. I always made the right decision, so I am sure I would make the right decision over there same as I did over here.

I have a clear mind when it comes to the important things, such as this. No matter the situation. I even made the decison to help others in a violent situation involving guns and screaming.

03-06-2007, 08:28 PM
You have no idea what you'd do in that situation. You aren't a soldier, and you aren't in that situation ever. Sure here from a clear mind you can decide what you'd want to do, but if it ever actually happened you wouldn't have time to think about it, and if you think it would be cloudy as you'd be on edge. Sorry but when people are trying to kill you, shit happens.

Yeah, but there are some soldiors who have admitted to being encouraged to cover up. Wasn't there that one general who said that things were much worse thean the administration had made them out to be, and that they were being pressured to make like stuff was better than it was.

03-07-2007, 12:54 AM
Exactly, high five for Amaster.

Whether or not you can make a good edecision in a life or death situation doesn't change the fact tht your superiors, the ones who control your life, tell you to make the wrong decison.

03-09-2007, 11:50 AM
My grandfather was in the air force in vietnam so seeng this kinda thing makes me even more disappointed in the government then I already am.