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View Full Version : need help with a possible glitch

02-26-2007, 09:34 PM
Ok so I created the dmap that I plan to begin my Quest on, drew the map, set starting point etc, but when I try to play it it, It shows my dmap intro, but after that it freezes. More specificly, Link himself freezes. I cant even make him change direction like you would be able to if you were just surrounded by a unwalkable combo. my enemies all can move around, but link cant. what do I do?

02-26-2007, 10:01 PM
nvm I just Removed the dungeon intro and it fixed the problem.

02-26-2007, 10:02 PM
dmap intros freeze when you are using them on a dmap with a level number of 0. It is something that's being worked on. For now, I wouldn't bother with a dmap intro on the overworld.