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View Full Version : Problems with ZC Editor

02-22-2007, 09:49 PM
OK, when i use the editor, part of the screen is off to the side:( , its starting to get on my nerves, i NEED HELP!!!!!!!pleeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssse help.

02-22-2007, 09:59 PM
You mean like this:

http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/7/2/22/t_zelda001m_90a46a9.png (http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?srv=img02&img=/7/2/22/f_zelda001m_90a46a9.png)

The Blue part is the "Screen" you will see in-game. It's supposed to be like that. How annoying would it be to go back and forth from the menu (and drop down menus)

The Grey box (at the bottom) is for Link placement, Item placement, flags, and other stuff.

The pane to the right (with the green) is the combo table. Combos are the building block of quests. There is no "tree" or "rock", simply a "combo" that is un-walk-able. :rolleyes:

02-22-2007, 10:14 PM
Try reading Alphadawg's tutorial for beginners. You can get it in the Zelda Quest Help forum in one of the stickies.

02-22-2007, 10:30 PM
im sorry:uhoh: i meant that the fullscreen, i hate windowed, version, a small part of the screen i shoved off the side and its screwing me up, i cant see the file option at the top of the screen.

02-22-2007, 10:33 PM
That too. I always forget about it. While were at it, experiment! Explore the program, to my knowledge, ZC/Q will not:

Blow up your computer
Start the apocalypse
Destroy your hard drive
kidnap loved ones

So just push random things, and test stuff you are not sure about. ZC/Q comes with a (slightly archaic) help file.

EDIT: Oh, try switching resolutions (a low one) start up ZQuest windowed (full screen should alwaysfit right) and then change resolutions. The window should now be within your field of view. Sean's/Koopa's Zelda Classic Launcher should also help you out with stuff like this.