02-21-2007, 08:23 PM
In my total "can't script for crap-ness", I'm requesting this.
Can someone give me a template script for a moving combo, for making cutscenes. Basicly I need the temp. and to know the commands for movement and tile/combo changing. For example, the octorok goes down-down-change to facing right tile/combo(whichever you use)-right-right-change to up facing, etc. I can drop in the movement and switching commands myself once I know them, its the basic FFC script around them I need help with.
Can someone give me a template script for a moving combo, for making cutscenes. Basicly I need the temp. and to know the commands for movement and tile/combo changing. For example, the octorok goes down-down-change to facing right tile/combo(whichever you use)-right-right-change to up facing, etc. I can drop in the movement and switching commands myself once I know them, its the basic FFC script around them I need help with.