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View Full Version : New variables: bool HasWarped & DMapType

02-18-2007, 12:49 AM
I'm currently working on a Harp of Ages script, and I was thinking, "Hmm... What if the player warps right onto a solid combo using this item? It'd be no problem if the effect of the Tune of Ages was used, but what if the player didn't have that, and had used the Tune of Currents? They'd be stuck!". Then, I was thinking of making a global script that sends the player back to the previous screen they were on if they happened to warp onto a solid combo. Problem is, Cutscenes do that all the time, so I thought, "That wouldn't work, because someone might want to place Link on a solid combo on purpose...". So, I propose a new variable, "bool HasWarped". This comes back true if the player entered the screen by using a warp, false if they scrolled into it. It'd be good for situations like mine.... Of course, if you made that on a Global script... Heh, it'd STILL happen on cutscenes. Oh well. You could find a way to disable it, but.... Basically, I want a variable that'll help me warp the player back to their original location if they happen to warp onto a Solid combo unexpectedly.... ....You know, that actually reminds me of LttP's Magic Mirror somewhat.... Which leads me to another idea! :O Why not have a variable that tells what type of DMap you're on? Great for, say... LttP's Magic Mirror. ;)