View Full Version : Special Combos

02-10-2007, 03:45 PM
Yes, the perfect plan: Special combos that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! Yay! XD But seriously, these combos would do nothing whatsoever, but can be used by scripts. THAT is the whole point. Ever tried out my Shovel script and found that 5 no-dig walkable combos is not enough for your tileset? Okay. If you had all these combos that seemingly did nothing, you could give one to a combo and let a script define what special action should be done for them. In the case of my Shovel script, it could define what combos you can't dig in. Though, that brings me to something else I've been wondering: What happened to the combo editor that was PROMISED to be in the next version of ZC?

02-10-2007, 03:47 PM
Isn't that basically the combo "(None)"?

02-10-2007, 03:49 PM
-_- But None is used for a ton of combos, and CAN'T be used for something like my Shovel script. It'd mess up a ton of combos, and wreck it all.

02-10-2007, 03:52 PM
What about a combo that says simply "script," that could be used and could blend in with ANY script!

02-10-2007, 04:06 PM
-_- But None is used for a ton of combos, and CAN'T be used for something like my Shovel script. It'd mess up a ton of combos, and wreck it all.

oh.. I get it now, a SEPARATE version of it, not the one thats already there, makes sense, makes sense....

02-10-2007, 04:37 PM
So basicly, a combo type "Script", and some way in scripting to specify it, like to make it so it affects only "Script" combos?



How about like "Script1", "Script2". and "Script3". The creative possibilities are endless.

Dark Nation
02-11-2007, 02:18 AM
So, basically "Script 0" - "Script 9"?

02-11-2007, 02:20 PM
So, basically "Script 0" - "Script 9"?

Or however many you want, but yes, something like that. (And seriously, what happened to the Combo Editor?)

02-11-2007, 03:54 PM
We really only need A-H, But that is just what I need for a Golvellius Quest. Why not add special item combos as well, (A-D) which only are the set walkability when you have the item, otherwise it's totally solid. and in the item editor, you could set properties: walkability properties (none, A, B, C, D)

So 2 types:
Special Walk