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View Full Version : The Betas are slowly getting worse for some reason....

02-10-2007, 03:18 PM
I'm not "Blaming" anyone, but it seems (from what I've read) that the Betas/Alphas of ZC have been going downhill and slowly picking up speed. I also notice that the Devs aren't a "group". When I say "aren't a group", I don't mean that they're not cooperating and stuff, I mean that.... well it's hard to explain, but for every bug that gets fixed, 2-4 more pop up with each build. I read somewhere that some Devs use different compilers, are on different OS (which probably can't be helped, but gives grounds for suspicion), and the like. At first, when I heard the possibility of 2.5 coming out within a couple months or so... I was ecstatic. But now, It seems less and less likely 2.5 will come out as soon as I hoped. People are doing excellent jobs at finding bugs and the Devs fixing them, but I think ZC could benefit if the Devs choose a plan and stick to it (i.e using the same program to compile ZC etc.) The changelog would be one example of something helping out ZC. Some bugs have me stumped. How can an Item/feature be working perfectly in one build/beta, and their be a bug in the next? (The magic Shield bug) I don't know much about programming and I know it's not something that is easy, or something that should be taken lightly/belittled, but there should be no reason that I can see for tampering with certain parts of the code (like with Items.) I think many people consider 1.90 the best version of ZC (as far as buggy-ness goes) Whatever was done in that version, should be done again.

So there's my $.02, just a thought, and my concern with ZC.

02-10-2007, 04:05 PM
That and bugs that were fixed by one developer, are brought back again once another developer puts his code into the compiled program. So its like we're taking two steps forward with bug fixing but one step back when the very bugs that were just fixed are re-introduced again. Which gives rise to the absolute need that all devs need to be on the same page.

02-10-2007, 04:16 PM
The last beta to be released was beta 16c. It was pretty bad I have to say as it is halted my game. However, the builds/Alphas are buggy but it is okay if they are. Usually when they make the builds they test it themselves and then release it as a beta. But they thought it would be easier if we could find the bugs for them, so they could spend more time fixing and programing it. But it is going a little slow because they are people and people have lifes and since it is the middle of Feburary, they may be busy with school or something.

Anyways, the reason why the item feature was working perfect then not is because of the fact that when the items were working, they were hard coded. And when they add things like the small shield, they may have had to change the whole program for the shields. Also, since they are making scripted items they would have to change the code. That is why you would see bugs in there. For example, they are adding the things in the subscreen, and that is why it has a bug, as they changed a code but didn't catch a mistake there. Also, when developers are making one thing and the other is making another, it may not match up or something which would cause a bug.

But yes, I agree with you that bugs are evil, but I think they will do there best to release a stable version of ZC. It may not be out for a while but hey they are doing there best.

Edit: DFW beat me to it! :P

02-10-2007, 04:24 PM
I totally agree, and in my opinion, PLEASE CAN WE HAVE NO MORE NEW FEATURES! The new features are causing the bugs, as I'm sure you're aware, Devs, so please stop hiding them under the carpet and hoping we don't find them by adding more features.

02-10-2007, 04:24 PM
Actually, 16c has been one of the best ones for me (beta 10 was better, and b15 in 3rd place.) I'm not implying that the alphas/betas should be bug free, what wories me is that the number of bugs is climbing, and for little things too, like drop-down menus.

02-10-2007, 04:25 PM
Yeah, we really do need more co-ordination between Devs. As for features, well, only certain kinds of features are causing bugs. There arn't really that many bugs in small features that modify/add to existing features. It's only big, impressive things that mess with the code in ways that cause bugs.

EDIT: MW, yeah, there come bugs from stuff like drop-down menus, but I get the impression that those are the bugs that can be fixed in like 10 minuites just by looking at the code.

02-10-2007, 06:30 PM
I'm *this* close to simply locking topics like this on sight.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

02-10-2007, 06:46 PM
If you want to lock this one, go ahead:sweat: . I've stated my opinion, from now on, whatever happens, happens. If 2.5 is released in a year (or two) so be it.:shrug:


02-10-2007, 06:53 PM
I won't lock it... if it stays civil.

Nicholas Steel
02-10-2007, 07:10 PM
i just can't believe petoe made a feature request...

02-10-2007, 08:56 PM
Heh franpa... you mean that "screen shake" idea? Well I only want to see it added IF it is an easy addition. But i know it won't be added as none of my suggestions get added, lol.

But other than that, I'm still as frustrated and apalled at this whole situation as ever. I know these builds are supposed to be buggier than betas, but right now it seems that every build is just buggier than the previous one, and as Wolfie stated, sometimes a bug that has been fixed by one developer is brought back by another one. Now how am I supposed to have any faith left for a stable 2.5? After jman left, things have really gone downhill.
But I'm not gonna pull a Freedom stunt and leave just yet. I'm gonna keep on testing, at least that way I can honestly say I've done everything I could have done about this situation. But I can't help but feel that all my + other tester's effort is a time gone to waste. Oh well... you can just ignore me if you want... I'm just a frustrated quest developer who is afraid his almost finished quest will never see its release...

Spiffy Enigma
02-10-2007, 09:11 PM
I'm *this* close to simply locking topics like this on sight.

You might as well. Topics like this tend to deteriorate into flamewars rather quickly. The people who start these topics are just out to tarnish ZC's reputation anyway.

02-10-2007, 09:20 PM
The people who start these topics are just out to tarnish ZC's reputation anyway.
Okay, this might still stay civil, but man, for someone not trying to start a flame war, you sure are asking for it. I've been a huge supporter of ZC since I discovered just under 2 years ago, and I would not do anything to hurt the program. I think Wolfie really did bring up the true issue, in that it seems almost one step forward and , well, not as bad as two steps back, but half a step back. Maybe two steps forward and one step back.

EDIT: A quick aside, how could we even tarnish ZC's rep here in the beta forums, where most of the people who read this are already tried and true supporters?

02-10-2007, 10:43 PM
But other than that, I'm still as frustrated and apalled at this whole situation as ever. I know these builds are supposed to be buggier than betas, but right now it seems that every build is just buggier than the previous one, and as Wolfie stated, sometimes a bug that has been fixed by one developer is brought back by another one. Now how am I supposed to have any faith left for a stable 2.5? After jman left, things have really gone downhill.
I'm perplexed as to how you've reached that conclusion. The only NEW bugs introduced since the start of the public alpha builds was the problem with ZC requiring random .dll files, which I've fixed and take full responsibility for. Every other bug was there before. Yes, there is a problem with MIDI loading, which wasn't as visible before as now, but I'm working on that one. On the other hand, excluding the ZCL (which is being worked on exclusively by Sean and thus is not taking any time away from the other developers), I count
- 21 bug fixes, nearly half of which are for critical, crash bugs
- only 2 new features (integrity checker and romview)
- 2 minor cosmetic tweaks (scripts menu and logo)
That's an average of around 2 less bugs per day, with 90% bugfixing and 10% new features. Seriously folks, what more do you want?

I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, and welcome constructive criticism, but I don't see the point in attacks such as "omg ZC is getting buggier by the day" which clearly contradict the facts, and make me wonder why I'm donating my time to this project.

02-10-2007, 10:54 PM
*sigh* yeah, your probably right DD. However, as a dev you are much closer to the project, and can't be super mad at us for what we in our, ummm, naievete, non knowledge, somthing like that. That changelog helps out a lot to.

(At this point, someone will point out that we can be blamed for just not paying close enough attention to notice this stuff. I have no comment.)

02-10-2007, 11:09 PM
The people who start these topics are just out to tarnish ZC's reputation anyway.

Now wait a minute, I'm not trying to tarnish ZC in ANY way. DarkDragons response is the kind of reaction(s) I'm after. I would consider myself a passionate fan to Zelda Classic. Trying to tarnish it would be against my principles. When I heard of the program, It was like a dream come true. I hope this can stay civil, but in a way where instead of cursing out/attacking each other, we say stuff like "I strongly disagree" or use words where it's obvious you're refraining from being... un-civil.

*sigh* I don't know... maybe it's just the fact that people tend to only notice bad things that happen and belittle the GOOD things (trust me, that happens to me A LOT).

Nicholas Steel
02-10-2007, 11:32 PM
I'm perplexed as to how you've reached that conclusion. The only NEW bugs introduced since the start of the public alpha builds was the problem with ZC requiring random .dll files, which I've fixed and take full responsibility for. Every other bug was there before. Yes, there is a problem with MIDI loading, which wasn't as visible before as now, but I'm working on that one. On the other hand, excluding the ZCL (which is being worked on exclusively by Sean and thus is not taking any time away from the other developers), I count
- 21 bug fixes, nearly half of which are for critical, crash bugs
- only 2 new features (integrity checker and romview)
- 2 minor cosmetic tweaks (scripts menu and logo)
That's an average of around 2 less bugs per day, with 90% bugfixing and 10% new features. Seriously folks, what more do you want?

I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, and welcome constructive criticism, but I don't see the point in attacks such as "omg ZC is getting buggier by the day" which clearly contradict the facts, and make me wonder why I'm donating my time to this project.
erm, are you saying that there are more bugs the end user can interact with then before but the number of bugs there is is the same amount?

o_O or something like that?

02-11-2007, 02:00 AM
I'm perplexed as to how you've reached that conclusion. The only NEW bugs introduced since the start of the public alpha builds was the problem with ZC requiring random .dll files, which I've fixed and take full responsibility for. Every other bug was there before. Yes, there is a problem with MIDI loading, which wasn't as visible before as now, but I'm working on that one. On the other hand, excluding the ZCL (which is being worked on exclusively by Sean and thus is not taking any time away from the other developers), I count
- 21 bug fixes, nearly half of which are for critical, crash bugs
- only 2 new features (integrity checker and romview)
- 2 minor cosmetic tweaks (scripts menu and logo)
That's an average of around 2 less bugs per day, with 90% bugfixing and 10% new features. Seriously folks, what more do you want?

I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, and welcome constructive criticism, but I don't see the point in attacks such as "omg ZC is getting buggier by the day" which clearly contradict the facts, and make me wonder why I'm donating my time to this project.

This is because users don't understand the concept of a Beta/Alpha. Beta and Alpha is ment for you users to help us find the bugs so we can fix it. If you don't post a bug report. Of course we will not know what is going on. It's that simple.

DD you left Koopa out on the ZCL project;

Also same applies with ZCL.
Here is some reference


The alpha version of a product still awaits full debugging or full implementation of all its functionality but satisfies a majority of the software requirements. It often lacks features promised in the final release but demonstrates the feasibility and basic structure of the software. As the first major stage in the release lifecycle, it is named after the Greek letter alpha, the first letter in the Greek alphabet.

The alpha build of the software is usually the first build delivered to the software testers.

In the first phase of alpha testing, developers test the software using white box techniques. Additional inspection is then performed using black box or grey box techniques. This is usually done by another dedicated testing team sometimes concurrently. Moving to black box testing is often known as the second stage of alpha testing.


A beta version or beta release usually represents the first version of a computer program that implements all features in the initial requirements analysis. It is likely to be useful for internal demonstrations and previews to select customers, but unstable and not yet ready for release. Some developers refer to this stage as a preview, as a technical preview (TP) or as an early access. As the second major stage in the release lifecycle, following the alpha stage, it is named after the Greek letter beta, the second letter in the Greek alphabet.

Often this stage begins when the developers announce a feature freeze on the product, indicating that no more feature requirements will be accepted for this version of the product. Only software issues, or bugs and unimplemented features will be addressed.

Beta versions stand at an intermediate step in the full development cycle. Developers release either a closed beta or an open beta; closed beta versions are released to a select group of individuals for a user test, while open betas are to a larger community group, usually the general public. The testers report any bugs that they found and sometimes minor features they would like to see in the final version.

An example of a major public beta test was when Microsoft started releasing regular Windows Vista Community Technology Previews (CTP) to beta testers starting in January 2005. The first of these was build 5219. Subsequent CTPs introduced most of the planned features, as well as a number of changes to the user interface, based in large part on feedback from beta testers. Windows Vista was deemed feature complete with the release of build 5308 CTP, released on February 22, 2006, and much of the remainder of work between that build and the final release of the product focused on stability, performance, application and driver compatibility, and documentation.

When a beta becomes available to the general public it is often widely used by the technologically savvy and those familiar with previous versions as though it were the finished product. Usually developers of freeware or open-source betas release them to the general public while proprietary betas go to a relatively small group of testers. Recipients of highly proprietary betas may have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. A release is called feature complete when the product team agrees that functional requirements of the system are met and no new features will be put into the release, but significant software bugs may still exist. Companies with a formal software process will tend to enter the beta period with a list of known bugs that must be fixed to exit the beta period, and some companies make this list available to customers and testers.

As the internet has allowed for rapid and inexpensive distribution of software, companies have begun to take a more flexible approach to use of the word "beta". Netscape Communications was infamous for releasing alpha level versions of its Netscape web browser as public beta releases. In February 2005, ZDNet published an article about the recent phenomenon of a beta version often staying for years and being used as if it were in production-level [1]. It noted that Gmail and Google News, for example, had been in beta for a long period of time and were not expected to drop the beta status despite the fact that they were widely used; however, Google News did leave beta in January 2006. This technique may also allow a developer to delay offering full support and/or responsibility for remaining issues. In the context of Web 2.0, people even talk of perpetual betas to signify that some software is meant to stay in beta state.

The term beta test applied to software follows from an early IBM hardware development convention dating back to punched card tabulating and sorting machines. Hardware first went through an alpha test for preliminary functionality and manufacturing feasibility. Then a beta test to verify that it actually correctly performed the functions it was supposed to, and then a c test to verify safety. With the advent of programmable computers and the first shareable software programs, IBM used the same terminology for testing software. Beta tests were conducted by people or groups other than the developers. As other companies began developing software for their own use, and for distribution to others, the terminology stuck and now is part of our common vocabulary.

02-11-2007, 06:27 AM
erm, are you saying that there are more bugs the end user can interact with then before but the number of bugs there is is the same amount?

o_O or something like that?

Well, let's take one of the best examples, the buffer overrun. Suppose ZC is coded to reserve, say, 1000 bytes per screen for combos, but because of a coding oversight, some quests try to save 1100 bytes worth of data. The extra 100 bytes "spill over" and are written somewhere else in memory; this is the buffer overrun. What happens when these 100 bytes are written is completely unpredictable. If you're lucky, it gets written to useless memory and nothing bad happens. If you're unlucky, it overwrites other useful data, such as the next screen's combo, without ZC or the user detecting anything bad has happened. Sometimes the OS can detect a buffer overrun and crash the program, but a lot of the time the corruption happens silently.

Thus, what can happen is that a buffer overrun can lurk undetected in the program for years, silently corrupting data and causing all kinds of weird behavior. Then, all of a sudden, a harmless change elsewhere in the program, such as a fix for another bug, changes the layout of memory slightly, and what use to just silently corrupt data now crashes ZC. It's not that a new bug has been created - the old bug's behavior just changed.

Actually, a bug crashing ZC is sometimes very good news; a buffer overrun silently corrupting data is very, very difficult to track down, and might not be fixed for years (take for instance the combo corruption bug; we've never been able to find that one.) Once it has "mutated" to crash ZC, on the other hand, it becomes much easier to pinpoint the bad code that causes the buffer overrun, meaning it is very likely the bug will be finally and promptly fixed.
Obviously when ZC crashes, it sometimes is genuinely the fault of a recent change, and not of a lurking buffer overrun, but you should keep in mind that more crashes doesn't necessarily mean everything is going to hell - maybe the crash will give us an extra angle of attack allowing us to finally nail elusive bugs.

02-11-2007, 08:36 AM
Here's my $0.02:

There was a time when Beta testing was restricted to a closed group of individuals and all the public saw was the releases - perhaps once or twice a year, don't quote me on that though.

Then with the first 2.11 betas, betatesting was made public. And lately, we've been giving everyone access not just to the "betas" but to alphas - our very own development builds.

So, in the "past" a new feature might have been added like this: a developer codes something, producing a new (and less stable) version, tests it a bit, a few weeks later it's released to the beta testers, bugs are found and fixed, then it's tested again, and after all that's done a new version ise released.

It still works that way now, but with one difference: you can see behind the scenes. You can see all the betas and become a beta tester yourself. You can even see the development builds, that's the "really buggy" ones?

I know that any new feature must be tested for bugs thouroughly before a new version is released. The difference is, in the past you'd have only seen the end result, now you can (if you wish) see the work in progress. Anything will look messy before it's completed. By downloading the development builds or betas, you are not getting a stable playable version - you're taking part in that testing that must take place before a stable version can be made.

In short, yes the recent builds are a lot more unstable than the earlier betas/full versions. That's for a good reason. I second jman on this one, if you don't like it you don't have to. As an analogy, if you want to build yourself a new house, it'll be a building site for a while, don't move in then complain about leaks before the roof's been put on.

Once again:

Full versions (ZC 2.10 etc.) : For making and playing quests
Betas : For bugtesting. You can make or play in some of them but expect bugs.
Alphas / Development builds : For bugtesting and reporting only. If you're making a quest don't download these. (Perhaps I should disable saving just to make it clearer. :P No, of course I won't, but you get the idea)

02-11-2007, 11:32 AM
Full versions (ZC 2.10 etc.) : For making and playing quests
Betas : For bugtesting. You can make or play in some of them but expect bugs.
Alphas / Development builds : For bugtesting and reporting only. If you're making a quest don't download these. (Perhaps I should disable saving just to make it clearer. :P No, of course I won't, but you get the idea)

There's some really good point there... but still, people should use the betas so
we can sort out the bugs faster, and get the stable builds faster too :)

02-11-2007, 11:34 AM
Very good post Koopa, that's a beautiful idea you got there, but it's just an idea.

I mean, you compare ZC to a house. Well to me and many others ZC is like a house that never gets finished. It has been under construction for such a long time, and even though the blueprints indicate that the house will be beautiful and comfortable, a really appealing house when it is finished, people interested in the house are getting frustrated and lose faith that it will never be a house where you can live in. Why?
Well the designers of the building aren't co-operating and some of them keep adding stuff that isn't necessary but something very cool to bring up the price of the house. After all, it must be the best house ever because so many people want it to have everything a house can have, and even more. It would be a fine and livable house without all that extra stuff, but now it seems like the house just keeps getting more unstable and dangerous even though the builders are trying to feverishly fix all the problems. But it may be impossible to get the house perfectly stable and safe anymore without taking the whole bulding down and re-constructing it after all those additions that made the structure very unsound.

Yeah, I know, what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it and I really hope ZC hasn't gotten so complex that it is beyond fixable. I really want to believe that all you developers have learned from all these mistakes, and since currently the main focus SEEMS to be on bug busting, I am still a faithful tester because damn, I want to see that stable release and I want to be able to release a quest that has encountered too many problems already and has been delayed way too much.

02-11-2007, 12:59 PM
The second point this thread raised is entirely valid. When I joined, it was just DN and jman and they coordinated it all via chat or AIM. As we grew to a larger team we needed different tools - a SVN server for one, or coordinating would be hopeless - and it's possible that things could be, and may be, planned and coordinated even better in future.

Towards the end of last year the focus was really on putting lots of new stuff in - scripting, custom enemies and items, ice combos and whatnot. Petoe's right, there's more bugfixing going on right now. DarkDragon being around again can also only help there.

As to bugs appearing and disappearing (Magic Shield etc.) ZC has gone a considerable rewrite recently. Central things like the item system or the enemy system had to be changed - and moreover changed bit by bit - but all in all I think when the newer system is in place it'll actually improve the stability, as it's built on a more solid foundation. For instance, some code that was a patchwork of "a bit of this here, a bit of that there" is now much more clean and organized. Some of this "tampering" was necessary to allow custom items and subscreens, and some of it was more "let's redo it thouroughly while we're at it".

Like DarkDragon said, it's an opportunity to fix things that have been lurking for years and now the new features bring them to light. Another point is we don't always get it right the first time either. Sometimes one person changes a line of code to fix one bug, but it causes another one somewhere else. So that line has to go back out and we have to deal with the first bug somewhere else. Sometimes we have to rewrite half the item system to allow some new feature (think true arrows) to work. One of the consequences of seeing the work in progress is that you see all our trials and errors. I hope that goes some way towards explaining how we "put bugs back in". If I change something and it causes a new bug, I'll take it back out (as happened with the map view in ZC). And so the old line and the bug it caused is back in (DD fixed that one finally, though. thanks). I'm not denying that at other times we do put actual bugs back due to lack of coordination, though.

On the point of whether we should all use one compiler, I don't think that's that much of an issue. Except for the recent dll issue it hasn't caused too much trouble - the bugs we're talking about here are bugs in the code and don't have much to do with whether we use gcc or msvc. If we want a ZC that runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS we pretty much have to use different OS - but as it all boils down to the allegro library in the end, the actual ZC code is pretty much platform- and compiler-independent.

The community has expressed many times that they would by and large prefer something that works and that in a reasonable amount of time over something with many more features than we have now some time in the distant future. I - and the rest of the development team, as far as I can tell - have noticed that and agree with it. I know we promised a stable ZC by last Christmas. Getting annoyed with the delays since and feeling let down is somthing I can understand.

02-11-2007, 01:49 PM
Well, let's take one of the best examples, the buffer overrun. Suppose ZC is coded to reserve, say, 1000 bytes per screen for combos, but because of a coding oversight, some quests try to save 1100 bytes worth of data. The extra 100 bytes "spill over" and are written somewhere else in memory; this is the buffer overrun. What happens when these 100 bytes are written is completely unpredictable. If you're lucky, it gets written to useless memory and nothing bad happens. If you're unlucky, it overwrites other useful data, such as the next screen's combo, without ZC or the user detecting anything bad has happened. Sometimes the OS can detect a buffer overrun and crash the program, but a lot of the time the corruption happens silently.

Thus, what can happen is that a buffer overrun can lurk undetected in the program for years, silently corrupting data and causing all kinds of weird behavior. Then, all of a sudden, a harmless change elsewhere in the program, such as a fix for another bug, changes the layout of memory slightly, and what use to just silently corrupt data now crashes ZC. It's not that a new bug has been created - the old bug's behavior just changed.

Actually, a bug crashing ZC is sometimes very good news; a buffer overrun silently corrupting data is very, very difficult to track down, and might not be fixed for years (take for instance the combo corruption bug; we've never been able to find that one.) Once it has "mutated" to crash ZC, on the other hand, it becomes much easier to pinpoint the bad code that causes the buffer overrun, meaning it is very likely the bug will be finally and promptly fixed.
Obviously when ZC crashes, it sometimes is genuinely the fault of a recent change, and not of a lurking buffer overrun, but you should keep in mind that more crashes doesn't necessarily mean everything is going to hell - maybe the crash will give us an extra angle of attack allowing us to finally nail elusive bugs.

So, its kinda like this then. (Bare with me, I get a bit farfetched sometimes, so this is a bit unrealistic)
There's a dinosaur that dies, and then all of it's bones are crushed onto a big rock. And this fossil has bits of the Dino's DNA left over on it, so anything that touches the fossil dies, and it stays in the earth for years and years, but noone knows the fossil is there. Then, the people dig down into the earth to get oil, and this rock is thrown out onto the ground. Then, for some bizzare reason, oil is spilled onto the fossil. Suddenly, the DNA reacts with the oil and a huge dinosaur is formed in seconds, and attacks the people.

Does my metaphor make sense, or just ruin your explination completely?

02-11-2007, 01:57 PM
Ummmm.....Hmmm, maybe I'm interperating your metaphor wrong. I was thinking of filling a huge jug of water over a bunch of delicate equipment. If you overfill, chances are that it's going to mess up somthing.

02-11-2007, 03:39 PM
Hey Petoe, your PM box is full. I wanted to send you a PM but couldn't.

You know, 2.11b10 was a pretty solid beta. When in doubt, if the following betas become too buggy, we could just scrap them and go back to the drawing board with b10. This would be last-resort only, though.

02-11-2007, 04:05 PM
You know, 2.11b10 was a pretty solid beta. When in doubt, if the following betas become too buggy, we could just scrap them and go back to the drawing board with b10. This would be last-resort only, though.

Whoa there Pineconn... we? When did you become a developer? O_o

Anyways, b10 sure was good, but so is b15. It's just that both of them have those really annoying bugs. It seems like it will take forever for 2.5 to be stabilized and released but I'd really love to release the group quest Lost Isle before that. The problem is that there's always one serious bug preventing the quest to be released for one of the betas. First there was the bomb crash bug, and when it was fixed there was the subscreen/HCP bug, and now that they're fixed there's this Ring cset bug... agh. Otherwise the betas and even the builds are great, so I shoudln't be complaining as much as I am currently.

Anyways, I have to admit I have regained my faith in ZC 2.5 and in the developers now that DD has come back and is doing tons of bugfixing. Oh and I wonder where _L_ disappeared... did he officially take a break or did he just vanish somewhere? No need to answer that question, but even though he has some awesome skills, I kind of like it now that he isn't here adding those features behind everyone's back... everything just seems to go so nice and smooth right now.

02-11-2007, 04:09 PM
Oh and I wonder where _L_ disappeared... did he officially take a break or did he just vanish somehwere? No need to answer that question, but even though he has some awesome skills, I kind of like it now that he isn't here adding those features behind everyone's back...

I was about to ask that! Well, _L_, if you are reading this thread, any input?

EDIT: Is their any chance I can become a tester?

02-11-2007, 04:37 PM
majoras_wrath, everyone can become a beta tester now ... just download the latest builds from AGN and don't forget to report bugs! See the box at the top of the beta forums (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=149).

02-11-2007, 05:23 PM
I'm perplexed as to how you've reached that conclusion. The only NEW bugs introduced since the start of the public alpha builds was the problem with ZC requiring random .dll files, which I've fixed and take full responsibility for. Every other bug was there before. Yes, there is a problem with MIDI loading, which wasn't as visible before as now, but I'm working on that one. On the other hand, excluding the ZCL (which is being worked on exclusively by Sean and thus is not taking any time away from the other developers), I count
- 21 bug fixes, nearly half of which are for critical, crash bugs
- only 2 new features (integrity checker and romview)
- 2 minor cosmetic tweaks (scripts menu and logo)
That's an average of around 2 less bugs per day, with 90% bugfixing and 10% new features. Seriously folks, what more do you want?

I have no problem with people voicing their opinions, and welcome constructive criticism, but I don't see the point in attacks such as "omg ZC is getting buggier by the day" which clearly contradict the facts, and make me wonder why I'm donating my time to this project.

Although Koopa's already done a great job mediating the situation, I'll step in and say that you guys really need to hire a Community Manager because what we have here is a big gap in communication between the Developers and the general public. It's nobody's fault really. It just happens when the Developers are one level and the rest of us are on a different level, and the Developers assume that the public knows what's going on, and vice versa. Nobody's entirely right, or entirely wrong. It's a situation that's remedied by someone who can act as a liaison between the development team and the public.

For real companies with real products (Blizzard, Valve, etc.), this position is called the Community Manager (http://www.blizzard.com/jobopp/community-manager.shtml), and the community manager bridges the gap between these two groups. The Community Manager takes cues from the development team and presents them to the public in a way that is understandable, and goes out of his/her way to make sure the public knows what's going on development-wise. Likewise, the CM takes all important open issues and suggestions and presents the to the developers in a way that they will understand.

In this way, we have someone who can communicate with both sides, and prevent a thread like this from ever existing. For months, there's been a disconnect between what the Developers think and what the public thinks, and it's about time to close that gap for good.

Just a suggestion. There are 1-2 people here who would be qualified for the spot, and you know who those people are.

02-11-2007, 05:47 PM
Assuming that all the Devs agree with introducing a CM, I volunteer. :gavel:



02-11-2007, 06:04 PM
But do you understand the situation? Like Eliwood said: "The Community Manager takes cues from the development team and presents them to the public in a way that is understandable, and goes out of his/her way to make sure the public knows what's going on development-wise." You are the one that made this thread because you didn't understand the process. So the Community Manager would have to be someone that understands that. No offense really, just explaining.

02-11-2007, 06:23 PM
The problem stems from the fact that we don't totally know what the devs are doing, and they can't take the time to totally explain every action they make. Perhaps it's best if we simply accept the fact that the dev's are working hard, and trust them to be doing the stuff we can't directly see. I'm currently good with the alpha update box. Now that I've heard what Koopa and DD have said, I'm satisfied.

02-11-2007, 06:40 PM
But do you understand the situation? Like Eliwood said: "The Community Manager takes cues from the development team and presents them to the public in a way that is understandable, and goes out of his/her way to make sure the public knows what's going on development-wise." You are the one that made this thread because you didn't understand the process. So the Community Manager would have to be someone that understands that. No offense really, just explaining.

None taken, besides, you have a point. What I COULD do (again, all my suggestions are in a scenario where all the devs agree for me to... help? Can't think of a better word, other than "assist") would be to gather info i.e who's working on what, any new bugs etc. If I was a CM, every week (with a 2 day margin, so every 5-9 days) I would release the status of ZC, like the changelog, but more detailed and specific, including minor stuff (not too many, mind you.)

02-11-2007, 07:03 PM
I think that a community manager would need to have the same level of access to information that the Devs have. I have come to understand that there is a Developers only forum, the would need to have read-only access at the very least so that they can see for themselves whats going on. What they disclose will be between up to the Devs ofcourse.

02-11-2007, 07:09 PM
Well, why not make the CM be someone who truly understands what all this is like? In my opinion, it should be Eliwood. He's been making his own program for a while now, so you KNOW he understands it all. He's the perfect candidate.

02-11-2007, 07:14 PM
I'm far too busy to take up anything more than I am already. I was thinking of someone like ShadowTiger to take this up or possibly even jman. Who's better to do this than someone who worked on this before and is no longer working on it?

02-11-2007, 07:20 PM
I'm far too busy to take up anything more than I am already. I was thinking of someone like ShadowTiger to take this up or possibly even jman. Who's better to do this than someone who worked on this before and is no longer working on it?

Good point.... But you DO know what it's like. You've said so yourself.

02-11-2007, 08:28 PM
If he is willing then Jman would be an ideal canidate, as a developer he was one of the best when it came to letting the people know what's going on...

02-11-2007, 09:45 PM
The problem stems from the fact that we don't totally know what the devs are doing, and they can't take the time to totally explain every action they make.That's one problem of several. Although they can, it's difficult to find reason to elaborate on what they know to be a given, and can't tell what the general public cannot. Someone who loves beer can't see why someone who has never had a beer wouldn't love it. Such a concept can be difficult to grasp for them.

Additionally, the public themselves have to do their part and have a bit of faith in the developers. Keeping a positive attitude is a must, regardless of the situation. I've heard many an analogy and complaint saying that ZC lacks direction, and that a stable version is too few and far between. I've heard it many times before, and I know you'd love nothing more than to snap it right back at me one more time, and as many times as it takes to prove your point.

It's a valid point, sure, but it's also irrelevant to ZC's progress. I've heard things like "Shadowtiger why did you stir it up again :-z" upon reinforcing the fact that we can neither see what's in the Developer forum to see its actual progress, nor the actual ratio of new additions to bug fixes.

Add that to DarkDragon's wonderful explanation of the bug-creation process (For lack of a better word. :blah: ) and Koopa's on-par reassuring words, and you've got a pretty good summary of the situation.

I think jman would be a good CM. Koopa might be the very best though. He lacks my barbed tongue and jman's cruelly mysterious attitude, (lol. We love you man. :highfive: ) and is easily one of the ... well, ... ... He's Koopa. :shrug: What else do I have to say. He's Koopa.

Nicholas Steel
02-11-2007, 10:14 PM
er, i just hope the devs have given up on the nasty surprises like the new script engine and stuff.... it was pretty annoying when during the development that they had secret stuff they where adding in that ended up being really buggy.

most secret stuff was added after beta 10b :(

02-11-2007, 10:38 PM
I love the betas. I love scripting, now we're not limited to what devs give us for items and the like. I like the subscreen editor, again, not just stuck with the same defaults. But there are some things that seem to have gotten out of hand. For one, what the heck happened to the string editor? It seems that it was to be improved on, when the tried and true method worked, and now we can't use it at all.

I understand what my role is as a beta tester, to test and try to find all of the bugs in order to improve the system. But can we cap the new features? I love what you've done to Zelda Classic so far. Let's not mess with a good thing.

I understand that these bugs aren't nessesarily new, they were dormant until something aggrivated them. But if we're adding things just to find the bugs, let's not, please. I feel that ZC had been improved on enough as of now. Can we please cap the new features and focus solely on fixing previous problems and bugs? There are several of us who are content with the new features. So far, there are 3 quest creators making big quests in this topic who, for some reason or another, are at a standstill. Please. Just focus on the bugs, let's leave new features alone.

02-11-2007, 11:02 PM
Seconded. I would like to mention the Idea of the Dev forum available to the rest of us as

(or at least parts of it)

Read only! So the rest of us have an understanding of the stuff that goes on in more detail. That's obviously up to the Devs to decide, but I think it would prevent threads like this in the future.

02-12-2007, 07:50 AM
There is absolutely no need to open up the Developer forum. Mostly there's just nothing in there of any interest to the general public, and plenty of security reasons (of the code repository, of custom quests, etc) to keep it private.

As for the CM/PR guy, you guys'll have to ask DN. My immediate thoughts though are that if public knowledge of current bugs causes this many problems, it would perhaps be best to return to private testing...

02-12-2007, 08:42 AM
... or at least return to the beta way of releasing this. I can't hold onto B16c forever!

02-12-2007, 09:34 AM
I see these alpha releases as a good thing. It's much easier to see that progress is being made with the faster releases. But for the people complaining, just remember, more people are NOT complaining. :) I enjoy access to the beta forums and don't want the 4-5 people complaining to ruin it for everyone else.

02-12-2007, 12:42 PM
I see these alpha releases as a good thing. It's much easier to see that progress is being made with the faster releases. But for the people complaining, just remember, more people are NOT complaining. I enjoy access to the beta forums and don't want the 4-5 people complaining to ruin it for everyone else.


I post bugs, not complaints, I too like seeing the current status of ZC, I like
things I can see..all the sitting and waiting drives me nuts, but now I can see
what is going on and being done. there is no need for any mediator, read the
changelog, that's what it's there for, and by the looks of things.... things are
being done. so stop complaining, and have patience 2.5 will be here
and we can all get back to work.

and I too am really involved in ZC, but really it is just a game guys...
I am too old and at times too busy to worry about such things as trivial as
complaining when something is clearly getting done.

I have been a big player of Zelda since '86 when LOZ was new, and I was
10 years old, I have played almost every Zelda almost when they came out,
and no one was probably happier than me when I discovered ZC, as I have
always wanted to update LOZ, and finally I could. and now I am waiting for
2.5 to work on my latest quest and like before I can have patience.

Nicholas Steel
02-12-2007, 07:43 PM
Seconded. I would like to mention the Idea of the Dev forum available to the rest of us as

(or at least parts of it)

Read only! So the rest of us have an understanding of the stuff that goes on in more detail. That's obviously up to the Devs to decide, but I think it would prevent threads like this in the future.

in a mere minute i could easily think of problems with this approach to the developers forum.

02-12-2007, 09:42 PM
I don't know, what would opening the Dev Forum do that the Build Box doesnt now? All you prevent is like a couple hour delay until someone updates it. Although I guess you could see the dev thought process....Oh, I don't know.

02-13-2007, 08:16 AM
Well, in any case, if DD says that there are security reasons, keep it Dev only. The last thing any one needs right now is paranoia, and more problems.

02-13-2007, 10:38 AM
I love the betas. I love scripting, now we're not limited to what devs give us for items and the like. I like the subscreen editor, again, not just stuck with the same defaults. But there are some things that seem to have gotten out of hand. For one, what the heck happened to the string editor? It seems that it was to be improved on, when the tried and true method worked, and now we can't use it at all.

I understand what my role is as a beta tester, to test and try to find all of the bugs in order to improve the system. But can we cap the new features? I love what you've done to Zelda Classic so far. Let's not mess with a good thing.

I understand that these bugs aren't nessesarily new, they were dormant until something aggrivated them. But if we're adding things just to find the bugs, let's not, please. I feel that ZC had been improved on enough as of now. Can we please cap the new features and focus solely on fixing previous problems and bugs? There are several of us who are content with the new features. So far, there are 3 quest creators making big quests in this topic who, for some reason or another, are at a standstill. Please. Just focus on the bugs, let's leave new features alone.

Times this kind of post has been made in the last month: 509

I've been counting.

I, personally, can wait as long as I need to for a stable version. I have an infinite number of things left on my list of things I can do with the tileset, and I can always just lay down combos when I get bored. I have no life otherwise, so it doesn't matter.

02-13-2007, 06:03 PM
which is sad :P

02-13-2007, 07:30 PM
I know :<

02-13-2007, 09:24 PM
No, whats sad is that I'm the same way. As are probably many people here.

02-13-2007, 09:33 PM
well as stated in many posts before: if you are making tilesets, give me graphics and I'll give you quests! XD

02-15-2007, 04:44 PM
Whoa there Pineconn... we? When did you become a developer? O_o

Back in January. Don't you remember, the contest? With the sheep? Then I delivered the milk to the Queen of England? Hm, you must have been gone that week.

No, no, no, it's only a suggestion if and only if the most recent betas become corrupt and bad. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I hate it. :p

well as stated in many posts before: if you are making tilesets, give me graphics and I'll give you quests! XD
