View Full Version : Quest Rule/Screen Flag toggle to allow combo types to work on Layers 1 and 2

02-02-2007, 12:16 AM
Let's face it- A ton of features are extremely limited when combo types can only work on Layer 0. However, I'm sure there are a few quests that take advantage of that, so just make it a quest rule with a screen flag toggle. Seriously, there is NO better example for why this is good other than it limits a TON of features. For example, push blocks. Push blocks create an undercombo when pushed. Sure, you could put the ground on Layer 1 or 2, but what if you have a staircase or something? You'd have to prevent the Push Block from going over it. But what if you don't want that? Push the block over the stairs, and.... Oop! They're gone! Putting them on Layer 1 or 2 won't work, because Combo Types don't work there. Why do the special Copycat combos get to be the ONLY ones that work on Layers? Why can't the rest of the combos work there, too? Seriously, it limits features greatly, even items! Take my Cane of Somaria script. Some quests would require the ground to be on layer 1 or 2. Stairs, again, MUST BE PLACED ON LAYER 0. So.... Create a block and push it over stairs, and what good will it do you? NONE. It destroys the combo. Honestly, I cannot think of any other example to give but that, so.... Please, make a quest rule to allow this!

02-03-2007, 11:43 PM
We've all been wanting pushblocks that don't create undercombos, right?

I've been entertaining exactly this idea myself...

Actually, I have an alternative idea.

The problem is that a pushed block doesn't "remember" what combo is supposed to be underneath it when you push it again. But here's a workaround: When you push a block, the program re-reads the screen's initial combo data for that block's location. If the initial combo is completely walkable, then it is placed beneath the moving pushblock, but if the initial combo is solid (even in part), then the undercombo is placed instead.

I'll see if that's feasable...

02-04-2007, 12:07 AM
Ooh! Make it a quest rule, though, will ya? Maybe with a screen flag toggle.... Thanks!