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01-31-2007, 11:18 AM
As I was crossing the road yesterday, the traffic lights changed to green, and a car pulled off speeding they must have thought I've enough time to get across, but it just barely hit my trailing leg as I was jogging over the road.

It sent me spinning around and I landed on my knee, I got up and limped to catch my bus that I crossed over to catch.

Now my ankle has swollen up and when I woke for work this morning I couldn't put any weight on it.

I have contacted the doctor who told me to take a pain killer and visit the hospital this afternoon.

As todays has gone on, the swelling has goen down, and my mobility has improved, but I'm going to the hospital to check that I've not done any damage, that it's just the shock of the violent blow it received..

01-31-2007, 12:47 PM
walk it off.

Modus Ponens
01-31-2007, 01:26 PM
Dude, that sucks. Good for you for taking it to a hospital. They say that if you receive an injury and don't go straight to a doctor, the swelling might turn out to be one of those xenomorphs from the Alien series, and then you'd be fucked. In the ass, by an alien.

Then I would tell you to walk that off.

01-31-2007, 02:19 PM
FYI, in this country we sue people who run us down.

/other countries either agree or suck

01-31-2007, 03:26 PM
Did you get the license number off the car/vehicle that hit you? If you didn't... you should have.

Darth Marsden
01-31-2007, 04:23 PM
FYI, in this country we sue people who run us down.

/other countries either agree or suck
That's nothing. We'd sue the guy who ran us down, we'd sue his insurance company for covering such an idiot, we'd sue the company that made the car for creating such a dangerous vehicle, we'd sue the police for not properly enforcing the speed limit and we'd sue the government for allowing such an event to take place within our country.

Sorry to hear about your accident Hazza. Hope it's nothing too serious.

01-31-2007, 04:33 PM
But would you sue the makers of your pants for not warning you that they weren't carproof?

01-31-2007, 04:53 PM
You don't sue the insurance company. You sue the individual, and if they have an insurance contract (every state I know of requires that drivers carry liability insurance) the insurance company steps in to defend and pays the judgment if you win.

And yes, getting tagged by a speeding car sounds like a damn good claim to me. If you're in Colorado, send me a PM.

Of course, if you didn't get any identifying information about the driver... that makes things complicated.

01-31-2007, 05:38 PM
walk it off.

HA! I tried doing that after you screwed my shoulder up and it didn't do a damn thing. I'm gonna get you back for that one of these days.

01-31-2007, 08:07 PM
You don't sue the insurance company. You sue the individual, and if they have an insurance contract (every state I know of requires that drivers carry liability insurance) the insurance company steps in to defend and pays the judgment if you win.

And yes, getting tagged by a speeding car sounds like a damn good claim to me. If you're in Colorado, send me a PM.

Of course, if you didn't get any identifying information about the driver... that makes things complicated.

So you all got the message people! You can freely run over any pedestrian while in your car, your insurance company will cover all your lawsuits!!


Sorry to hear that Hazza, hope you will get well soon.

01-31-2007, 09:43 PM
That's nothing. We'd sue the guy who ran us down, we'd sue his insurance company for covering such an idiot, we'd sue the company that made the car for creating such a dangerous vehicle, we'd sue the police for not properly enforcing the speed limit and we'd sue the government for allowing such an event to take place within our country.

Sorry to hear about your accident Hazza. Hope it's nothing too serious.
You forgot about suing God, for He hath giveth such puny ankle bones.

02-01-2007, 02:11 PM
Yeah, my ankle feels loads better than it was yesterday, and it's getting better.

The hospital did an x-ray of my ankle and there was no sign of any damage, and it's getting easier to walk, so by tomorrow, or Saturday, should be fine.

02-01-2007, 02:21 PM
What a jackass, driving on your ankle.
Hope you get better!

02-01-2007, 04:21 PM
That must have sucked. The person didn't stop after they hit you or anything to make sure you were alright? If not, it's a shame they got away with it. Hope you get to feeling better.

02-01-2007, 04:42 PM
If getting hit by a car causes members with less than 6 posts to respond, then sign me up.

Seriously, the posting habits of some members strike me as a little odd.

02-01-2007, 04:52 PM
[QUOTE=g.iaroos;1111763]So you all got the message people! You can freely run over any pedestrian while in your car, your insurance company will cover all your lawsuits!!

Well.. yea, that's what you buy insurance for. Of course, you might get hit with a criminal investigation too, and then you're on your own. And your insurance premiums will go up DRAMATICALLY. Oh, and the insurance company will try to do everything it can to get out of paying. That's less of a concern though, because the opposing attorney will go after the money, and chances are a hit-and-run driver doesn't have much.

Darth Marsden
02-01-2007, 05:37 PM
You forgot about suing God, for He hath giveth such puny ankle bones.
Billy Connelly made a film about doing that (http://www.moria.co.nz/fantasy/manwhosuedgod.htm), which, I think you'll agree, would put anybody off the idea.

02-01-2007, 06:14 PM
My favorite example here comes from thet old comic strip "Bloom County".
Plotwise, Sean Penn has just broken lawer Steve Dallas' back with his forehead, after Steve took a picture of him throwing up in an alley for his friend Opus.

On April 17, the plantiff, me, was brutally attacked by actor Sean Penn after I accidently and not on purpose snapped a picture of him. The Question: Who Should I Sue?


Juries love famous people. Plus, he'd probably just return to beat up the plantiff again. Never sue psycopathic celebrities.

His Wife?

True, living with Madonna might make most anyone irratible but proving liability would be difficult. Plus, she too might beat up the plantiff.


Although he got the plantiff into this mess, he's also dead broke, and never never sue poor people.

The Nikolta Camera Co.?

A major corporation with gobs of liquid cash. It was criminally negligent in not putting stickers on their camera which read "Warning: Phisical injury may result from photographing psycopathic Hollywood hotheads.

I plan to ask for 10 million.
America, land of the lawsuit!! God bless her.

So sue the car manufacturers for not labeling the front of the car as "This is a dangerous place to stand."

02-02-2007, 11:16 PM
My mom has the best story about getting hit by a car. She was hit by someone who ran a red light who had high risk insurance and basically had no money to give. She was hurt pretty bad, and the case took a long time to settle. She didn't get enough money as she needed because the woman who hit her just didn't have it.

The moral: look both ways before you cross the street.

02-02-2007, 11:30 PM
The moral: look both ways before you cross the street.

or make sure you get hit by a celebrity with money.

Nicholas Steel
02-02-2007, 11:43 PM
So sue the car manufacturers for not labeling the front of the car as "This is a dangerous place to stand."
he got runover... the sticker would have to be on the the tire rubber in a visible spot and would most likely get worn out very quickly.