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View Full Version : ZC Launcher 1.5 Beta 4

01-29-2007, 02:39 PM
Hey there, Koopa and I decided to make a new release today. The new beta fixes bugs that users have spotted and that we have spotted. Hope you enjoy this new release. As always, backup your files because we are not responsible if ZC Launcher blows up your computer, makes babies cry, boil your water, etc.

Anyways... Enjoy this new release.

ZCL Windows 1.5 B4 (http://www.zelda.sjnetwork.net/zcl15b4.zip)
ZCL Linux 1.5 B4 (http://www.zelda.sjnetwork.net/zcl15b4.tar.gz)

Latest changes in this release.
---Fixed bug when setting window mode it sets to -scale 2 for zq.
---Interface fixes
---Extra Tab Implemented
---Checks to make sure you have ZC in the same folder where you have ZCL at.
---Title Screen Selector Implemented
---ZC Checker Implemented

I noticed some people say ZCL freezes up when ZC starts. This is because ZCL waits for you to finish with ZC before you are allowed to use ZCL again.

02-01-2007, 09:55 AM
we are not responsible if ZC Launcher blows up your computer, makes babies cry, boil your water, etc.
Holy! Should I use this? Well, let's see...
The computer I'm using is my dad's...
I don't have babies...
And I'm not making any noodles at the moment...
So I'm pretty sure I'm going to use this... if you first tell what it does :D

02-01-2007, 10:56 AM
Whatever you do, don't get rid of the boiling water glitch. It's how I get my coffee in the morning.