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View Full Version : Items Replacing Quest Rules

01-29-2007, 12:09 AM
I'll get this quoting right at some point!

Originally posted by jman2050
Personally, I hate the quest rule system so anything that'll force people to stray away from that is okay in my book. I do worry about backwards-compatibility though.
Two quest rules that could be replaced by items:
Own Fire Doesn't Hurt
Bombs Hurt
I think its time items replace these rules so Link can earn these 'immunities'. Grayswandir's 'Darkform' script could benefit with items that render Link immune to his own attacks, and scripts to simulate alternate forms from a Dark World (such as Neofirst) could also benefit. It would also make sense to have scripts that damage Link from hot areas look for the item that renders Link immune to his own fire.
As for backwards compatibility: If the rules are replaced with these items, give Link the appropriate items when the quest is loaded. If the rules remain, they could simply 'give' Link the items at the quest start (superseeding the InitData).
The QuickSword rule could also be replaced by an item, but I don't think it's as important (or practical).
Finally, to avoid another potential quest rule related to this post:

Originally posted by Stungun
Call me crazy, but I... LIKE the way the candle operates in 16b. It's sort of like in Zelda 3. Could there be a way to make this a selectable feature, or would it be easy to reproduce with item scripts? In my eyes, the potential for 1-tile candle flames...is a feature. :O
The Z3 candle flame could be the default and an item causes Link to send the flame two tiles forward. This would be mostly for puzzles, but it could have a use with the 'alternate form' scripts.
Just a thought, but is it worth having the Init Data give Link some of these items by default (as in these items are checked by default on a new quest), and the questmaker unchecks them if they don't want Link to have them? It could 'simplify' creating a quest with the default item immunities and candle flame.

01-31-2007, 06:41 AM
yyyeaaahh, but some of us don't know ZScript, so you can't force those 2 perfectly okay quest rules into scripting. Some quest rules aren't really necessary though.

01-31-2007, 09:58 PM
I think that only a few lines of code control whether Link takes damage from his bombs/flames, and those lines of code either check the quest rules or have a variable assigned by a quest rule. My suggestion is having an item the code checks for instead. There are already scripts to add and remove items at will, but no script can change a quest rule, so at current moment, Link has the same immunities to his own items for the entire quest. I just want it where Link isn't ALWAYS vulnerable to his bomb blasts or always invulnerable to his flames.
The Z3 Styles Candle Flame was a cool feature-like bug that some questmakers might like. To avoid needing another quest rule, I suggested the item to control whether the candle shoots flames forward or simply places them on a tile.
I'm not suggesting scripting is needed here, I'm just saying that having items controlling some of the game mechanics revolving around Link are better since they can be 'edited' mid-quest.
P.S. The QuickSword rule as an item was brought up because it edits the game mechanics of Link using melee weapons, and it could be practical to change mid-quest.