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View Full Version : Calling All Beta Testers! New Quest!

01-26-2007, 08:05 PM
I have a completed beta version of my first quest, Hero Of Elements. Before I release the quest on PureZC, I need testers.

My primary concern is that I may have continue bugs. This is a very long quest, so I wouldn't be surprised if you have to save at least once. As for dying and continuing correctly: I think there is no problem there.

More information about my quest will come out if I get enough interest. There are screenshots for my quest under the screenshot sticky, in case you want hints of what is in the game.

Because this is my first quest, I have yet to figure out how to set up a link to have it downloaded from. If you want to test the quest, I can e-mail it to you. You can also tell me how to set up a link so the quest can be downloaded. My only request if you want a link is that the link is to a storage site, as opposed to needing to make a site from scratch (which would take some time).

Thanks ahead of time for the help. I'll be checking back in a short while.

Edited Jan. 28
I realized that if you have been trying to send me private messages, I had disabled them. They are enabled now, so if you are interested in recieving the beta version of the quest through e-mail, you can send me the message. Please post in this thread if you have instructions on how to set up a link to download my quest from or if you have questions and/or bug reports regarding the quest. Sorry for the inconveinence, and thanks again.

Edited Feb. 3
I promised for more information about my quest when had interest, so here it is.
The Story: This takes place before any known Zelda game. It's so far back, it is the time of Hyrule's third king. But even more importantly, it is before the Master Sword even exists...
Something is wrong in Hyrule. The land has been split into four identical copies, each then warped by the effects of one of the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, or Air. Each of those four 'worlds' have been split into four sections with another one of the elements affecting it (including the same element). The fusion has futher warped each of the 'Hyrules', so an effective total of 16 different enviornments exist with no order or meaning. Rumors have spead that Ganon is the cause of this warping, but more rumors have spread that there is a greater evil behind him...
Apparently, Link is nowhere to be found. Whether he met certain doom fighting the evil or simply did not exist in this time, there is no couregous lad in a green tunix with a sword running around to save Hyrule...
...or at least, not in Hyrule...
In a far away land, a young boy with skill in both swordplay and magic was busy training like usual. Unaware that there was a land in dire times... Unaware that he would be called upon to save this land... Unaware of the significance of Hyrule's plight...
Until this quest...

The challenge(s): The game is long (trying to surprise you about the length) and the story is referenced at various points. But two details remain missing in this beta version: testers and Link. Thus I throw down the gauntlet for 2 challenges:
1: The first 5 beta testers to reach Zelda get their names in the credits (prove it by telling me what the final boss was and how you beat it).
2: Name 'Link'. Since the hero IS NOT Link, the young boy needs a name. One that could be memorable would be preffered. Please don't post in this thread just to list a bunch of names unless you will also post about the quest itself.
Anway, best of luck to all you beta testers!

P.S. The next post I make will have a few more dungeon screenshots, in case you want to see more about the quest.

02-04-2007, 04:51 PM
Just finished lvl 2 no bug reports thus far. 1 spelling error information you have it spelt imformation.

02-04-2007, 06:30 PM
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/2476/zelda005bh2.th.png (http://img401.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda005bh2.png)

Bad place to get stuck after a death.:eek:

02-04-2007, 09:36 PM
Thanks for finding that bug. Once I knew how continue bugs would occur, I started placing the markers around. I knew I would miss one thought.

Special thanks to Woppodie for his message on how to link the quest online!

Here is the link to the fix:


Now for a few hints:

1: Nice to see you're exploring, but stay away from Fire Hyrule until at least you have the blue mail (obtained after level 4).
2: By level 2, you should have found 4 pieces of heart. Two were behind bombable walls, one was easily found with the boomerang as you were getting the candle, and the last is hidden in the clouds. You will find 4 pieces of heart every 2-3 levels. By level 5, you should have found another four.
3: Getting to level 3 requires you to find the bow and arrow. You'll recieve hints of their locations from the info store back in Enthrarel and in a hut in Water Hyrule.
4: Look for the White Sword before level 3. It is literally right after the enterance to level 3.
5: Don't go crazy looking for dungeon enterances. All are in plain sight, but you may need an item to reach them.
6: There in no 'letter' item in the game. Potions are sold at certain shops.
7: It may be easy to get rich, but there is an expensive item you will need to buy later in the game.
8: When you do go looking for the blue mail, try looking where it's cold and snowy...

And as promised:

02-05-2007, 11:57 AM
Just a little thought but if you are killed or walked in the level 2 bossroom (the one before you get the raft )without bombs ,wouldn't you think that that room is the last room you want to start again after you are killed

02-05-2007, 05:42 PM
http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/7096/zelda003zp1.th.png (http://img163.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda003zp1.png)

Walk on that end up in an empty room (click image to enlarge abit)

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/3351/zelda004mj1.th.png (http://img296.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda004mj1.png)

Perhaps you could pm me a better hint on the where abouts of that arrow, wondering aimlessly.

02-05-2007, 09:59 PM
The warp to nowhere...
Well, it's fixed now. In addition, there is now a pit in the second boss room should you need a hasty retreat. Also a bonus: 'bush pots' added to level 2.


Alright, a few tips.
1: There is a bomb upgrade in level 2. You can get it after the magic boomerang.
2: Keep your eyes open for a better shop in the forest. It has a magic shield and a blue potion!
3: It is becoming apparent that it is too easy to get lost in Fire Hyrule. Try staying away from the red warps until after level 5 (you'll see why when you use the orcarina in the right place).
4: The bow and arrow are tucked away, so here are some clues. The most expensive information in Enthrarel gives you a clue about the bow's location. Look at the ground on the right screen for a clue. As for the arrow:
5: If you have entered Water Hyrule, you may run into a guy with a cryptic riddle about the arrow. It means the arrow is in Air Hyrule. But as you might have seen, the clouds can't be navigated well without the hookshot (how rocks can be on clouds is a mystery). So the answer is to look for a warp to Air Hyrule. Explore Water Hyrule with the raft to find a warp (there are two paths you can take in Water Hyrule: one to level 3 and the other to the warp).
6: If you find the arrow, remember that location. It will be important after level 5.
7: Nice to see the exploring of the forest. Did you find the piece of heart? It should be your fifth (need magic boomerang).

A few more screenshots may be in the future, but I'm fresh out for now...

02-06-2007, 11:32 AM
Do you have a hint on where level 3 is walking around in circles for hours and it just isn't fun anymore ( never mind found the level ). There are so many people in the quest that has nothing for you can't they give some info in where you have to go ???

02-06-2007, 04:44 PM
2 rooms of nothing. elise has her hint for lvl 3

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/5329/zelda001xi2.th.png (http://img253.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda001xi2.png)

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/2918/zelda002be1.th.png (http://img253.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda002be1.png)

http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/6178/zelda008ax7.th.png (http://img238.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda008ax7.png)

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/7315/zelda009ll0.th.png (http://img253.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda009ll0.png)

02-06-2007, 05:58 PM
Another update:

Well, I've taken elise's advice again, this time adding more hints to dungeon locations. The important changes:
One of the tree houses in the forest is now an information hut instead of a free 20 rupees. This hut has information related to the locations of level 3 and level 6.
After completing level 3, swim east (Edit: my mistake, west) to some remote caves. One of them gives you a clue about where to swim to reach level 4.
The 'block puzzle' when getting the boss key in level 3 has changed a little. Nothing serious, I just wanted to make sure nothing could go wrong with the docks and the walkability changing.
Other changes:
Dungeon Experts give you hints on the locations of most the dungeons, but later hints are not from self-proclaimed experts. The hints also lose value.
There are clues to the location of the blue mail, the magic sword, and the silver arrow. All of these are hard to find if you have no idea where to look.
Those empty rooms have been fixed. Thanks for finding them, since I have more than 500 rooms in the overworlds to keep track of. I dread what kind of testing I would need in the 2.5 remake when multiple warps can exist in a screen (yes, I plan on I remake for 2.5 that uses scripting, new items, and custom enemies, along with major dungeon remakes to strengthen the themes and take advantage of the new enemies/items/scripts).

You might have figured out that not every dungeon has a triforce fragment. For example, level 3 had the second fragment (on the subscreen, it really is the second piece, not the third), while level 2 had none. There are more than 11 levels (my screenshots did include level 11), and thats just counting the numbered ones.

02-06-2007, 06:13 PM
Just finished level 4 , the writing in the bossroom disappears half under the boss

02-06-2007, 06:52 PM
There are some graphical problems in the quest beyond my control. I know about the text in boss rooms not always working, but I have no clue how to fix it. As for the walk through walls, the pure set must not have any overhead walls for the walk through wall combos; thus Link walks over them.

Since you are done with level 4, you are probably looking for the blue mail before level 5. Also, your current gear entitles you to many pieces of heart, so at best you can have 9 heart containets for level 5 (3 + 4 levels + 8 pieces of heart). To warn you ahead of time, level 5 is notorious with illisions that you may have never seen before. The illusions are no more than combos hidden under layers, but finding out where you can and cannot walk is a challenge. In my opinion, level 5 was one of my more in depth levels, and the challenges will drive you crazy. At least the strongest enemies are the few boss enemies you'll encounter (no blue wizzrobes, no darknuts, no stalfos 3, no like-likes, and no vires). In fact, other than a few rooms with hidden damaging combos, the dungeon is more trial and error and exploring than kill you as many times as possible (a later dungeon or two will be like that).

Once you complete level 5, you'll get a little more of the story on the way to level 6. Look for the link to actual Zelda games in this part of the story! If you ever need to refresh, the professor always talks to you in the various rooms in his lab, so you can get the story again.

02-06-2007, 09:19 PM
2 screens where I restarted on a strange place you can find here (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showpost.php?p=45280&postcount=32)


02-06-2007, 09:59 PM
The first screen makes sense: the dungeon DMaps don't use the 'Continue Here' option. I am considering changing that.
I am stumped on the second one. Did you continue on that screen? I have no idea how that happened. Even if side warps set the continue point, you should not have been able to get over there without the Magical Raft (Ladder).
By the way, any problems finding stuff in between dungeons? It is hard to tell in the screenshots if you found the blue mail yet. Also, you can have up to 16bombs by level 5 (an upgrade in level 4 and another on the path to level 4). Though the extra bombs are not very useful, the mail and the extra heart containers are exceptionally useful. Remember that there are 8 heart container pieces to be found before level 5, and none of them are in the graveyard.

02-06-2007, 10:04 PM
Mister Quest Maker I think that you have done a wonderful job.
I am just abit behind elise, I only test not rate or give advise but I must state again so far wonderful and thanx for the fast updates.

02-06-2007, 10:37 PM
Actually, the fast updates were simply because of my availability. On Mondays and Wednsdays, I have a huge gap where I'm at college. I can check the forums those days, but only real late (Rocky Mountain Time). And don't worry about being behind pauldoo. You are exploring a lot because of the bugs you've found and the screenshots you've sent.
elise, the wierd blue sphere is the Flippers, reffered to as the Water Medal. I made this graphical adjustment when I was adding all the guys that give information, because one now referenced the item (and I was considering changing the Flippers to an item that I could tie in with the whole theme of magic). You probably completed Level 3 before this update, but no worries. Based on your inventory, you have yet to find the blue mail or get more bomb upgrades (I'm assuming your max is 8, but you might have been using them). Level 5 introduces many of the enemies that can deal 2 or more hearts in damage at once, so going without the blue mail will be an uphill battle. The room that requires the ocarina (I was spelling it wrong!) is the path to the boss key, so ignore that room for now. Instead, look for a walk through wall that is not centered and then bomb a wall to get past the blocks in the rope room. There are many illusions like this in Level 5 including hidden blocks, more walk through walls (2 on the same wall!), and hidden damage combos. Be ready for anything!

02-06-2007, 11:02 PM
Just so you know, I'm going to try beta testing your quest. I may not post often due to problems with logging in.

02-07-2007, 07:02 AM
I have 16 bombs . This time I found level 5 so quick that I never went looking for the other heartpieces or the blue suit ;)
I just send you a pm with some important info

Edit:found the blue suit
almost done with level 5 great tricks , only need to find the bosskey and think the one key that takes me there ;)
level 5 is done great level :)
level 6 is done
screens here (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showthread.php?p=45327#post45327)

02-07-2007, 10:05 PM
No game spoiling 'bugs' in this one:

I hate those whistle screen bugs. The screen uses that whistle->stairs, which uses the stairs secret combo and changes some of the colors. I fixed that one and another one in Air Hyrule (seen on the path to level 2). In addition, I fixed the following potential problems:
The screen to the right of level 2 has been changed. Originally, players could opt to not make the bridge appear, come back when they could swim, and get the Magic Container 5 levels ahead of time. Even worse, they could then create the bridge and get trapped.
To reach level 8, players now need the Mirror Shield from level 7. Originally, players could enter level 8 after level 6, but the boss (it's custom) requires the mirror shield.

Great progress elise! With the gear up through level 6, you can have half the complete magic meter and 11 pieces of heart. The screen in the graveyard with the ocarina mark and the cliff is a puzzle. The cave just a screen to the right has a clue.
To reach level 7, you'll need to spend a fortune. There are 100 rupees hidden in the clouds that you can reach with the hookshot (and using certain warps). You can also score two pieces of heart by exploring the warps in the rainy section of Air Hyrule.
Level 7 is a multi-level nightmare. Even though the room total is low for the number of floors, you'll do a lot of stair climbing and pit jumping to complete it. A note of warning during the custom boss: a pit appears when you beat it. To get the heart container, stay near the bottum wall (or the side walls).

By the way, is the story making some sense? Did you see the link to at least one actual Zelda title? As an extra feature, did you check your home after level 2? Certain features such as combo cycling and events through trigger enemies are not common or only later in the game because I learned about them as I was making the quest.

02-08-2007, 02:03 PM
By the way, is the story making some sense? Did you see the link to at least one actual Zelda title? As an extra feature, did you check your home after level 2? Certain features such as combo cycling and events through trigger enemies are not common or only later in the game because I learned about them as I was making the quest.
I don't know to much about the actual Zelda titles cause I only have a pc so my knowledge of the real zelda is nothing :)
I was back in the house and the sister was gone and a magic refill was there
but still don't have anything that uses magic so I didn't take it ;)
I really can use a hint about the red candle shop I can't find it got a hint but still can't find it
to enter level 7 I needed the hammer that I got in level 8 or am I just not in the good level 7 entrance , I have a key but can't get on on the rightside think I get there the key to go to the next floor .........yeah problems problems problems , I am having real continue problems at this moment ;)

never mind found the red candle posting a problem always seem to lead to finding the stuff yourself right after posting

02-08-2007, 08:12 PM
How do you get to level 6?

02-09-2007, 01:42 AM
The correct path to level 7 is swimming into a waterfall. To reach the waterfall, you melt some ice with the red lantern. You must have gone to level 8 before my latest update, which requires the item from level 7 to enter.
There are two keys you get after the first locked door in level 7. You probably got the one in the room that had the trigger tiles and the tile warp to reset the room. The other requires you to use the red lantern on some odd colored floor ice on the first floor. You can't go to the second floor or beyond without the Mirror Shield from the lowest level. Another tip: there are two warp destinations from the room with the map. You need one of those destinations to reach the second floor.

The story has a link to Wind Waker. In Wind Waker, the master sword is powered by two sages, one of earth and one of air. In level 6, you get the boss key from the first air sage (the story has hinted on the creation of the master sword). In level 8, you'll meet the earth sage.

Brandon, level 6 is reached by using the ocarina near the location you got the arrow in Air Hyrule.

Darn. Still no new screenshots to show...

02-09-2007, 10:06 AM
wallmasters in level 7 got me stuck in the wall screen (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showpost.php?p=45387&postcount=57)

02-09-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm not sure about the lvl 7 boss I barely got a chance to see what it looked like than I was standing infront to the triforce.
I'm good but they usually pose more of a challenge lol.

02-09-2007, 04:27 PM

Another update. This time, I tracked down the potential continue bugs resulting from falling to lower floors and changed the level 7 boss.
Originally, the level 7 boss was beaten by reflecting its own fireballs back at it. This has changed since you could literally stand still and win. Now you must use one of your newest items to beat it. When it is 'beaten', the floor becomes cracked instead of becoming a hole. That way, you can grab the heart container and then slash the ice to fall to the triforce room. Try the boss again pauldoo, since you probably didn't get a chance to grab the heart container the first time.

One of these posts I'll have new screenshots ready...

02-09-2007, 05:13 PM
In level 9 the wand dont use magic ;)
downloaded the new one :)

02-09-2007, 07:33 PM
Can someone please tell me how to get to lv3. Have been wandering around for a several hours. I took the raft paths but only found 1 warp in water world. I got to a dark water world but couldn't get past the stones/rocks.:(

02-09-2007, 08:36 PM
Wow, you're all the way to level 9! The wand does not use magic in this quest, so feel free to use the wand to shoot stuff as much as you please. In fact, you are gathering magic containers soley for the Lens of Truth and the three crystals. In level 9 there is a fairy fountain should your luck fail you against the Wizzrobes. Can you find it?

Crackers, the path to level 3 is across the broken bridge near a cliff in Water Hyrule. You need to shoot the statue with an arrow to fix the bridge. If you found the warp in Water Hyrule to Air Hyrule, follow the path to the arrow, You'll find the bow somewhere back in Enthrarel (where you started). Stay away from Fire Hyrule for now.

Clearly I need to make Fire Hyrule harder to reach earlier in the game...

02-09-2007, 08:46 PM
Thanks HeroOfFire. I've been wandering around for hours looking for the bow. I figured out where lv3 is but need the bow. I never did find the sword upgrade but figure I need the bow and arrow for that too????:)

02-09-2007, 08:46 PM
I have the wand and the book from level 9 got the sword upgrade from the tower but have no Idea where to go for level 10 , maybe the water level where I saw those special things in a left wall but can't find it back :)
thought I needed the wand to get further in the Lab but that also doesnt work
it also doesn't work on those dancing roots think the fire boomer is a hot item to find now and a silver arrow

02-09-2007, 10:14 PM
You are right about two things elise.
First, the Fire Boomerang is used on the dancing roots.
Second, the silver arrow is important.
Glad you found the sword upgrade with no trouble. Have you considered heading south of the tower with the Magic Sword to a dock surronded by rocks? You'll be glad you did. Also search for another dock nearby. You'll find the path to the silver arrow across the sea/ocean. The silver arrow is used to go a bit further in the lab, but it mosly opens a shortcut.
Level 10 is in the swamp in Water Hyrule. Aproach the swamp from the east and you'll come across a barrier that requires the boss item from level 9. Then you use the silver arrow to open Level 10. One you get the boss item from level 10, you can open the path southwest of Level 10 to make it easier to navigate the swamp. Look for a magic container afterward.
The Magic Sword is needed to open Level 11, but it comes in handy when getting the Silver Arrow.
By the way, what did you think of the Level 9 boss? It had a Minish Cap feel where you couldn't see the boss initially, then created the illusion you shunk with the large, visible version of the boss, and then gave you the item to help you fight the main boss. The idea for the boss came to me in a dream, but I had no idea how I wanted to set it up. Anyone who doesn't get the amulet will face invisible enemies in Level 11, so it does have another use.

Screenshots soon, including the location of the guy who wants you to have the completed triforce...

02-10-2007, 12:59 AM
The only statues I can find are the 2 fairy statures with an opening between them. I've been to all the areas I can get to. I took the warps and ended up in air hyrule. I see broken bridges and a cliff area with a hut but no statue. What am I missing? I've been shooting arrows at everything. I went back and I cannot find the right cliff. I've even looked at the area I need to be on another forum. I went back to the lab and re warped back to this area. I need directions from the yellow warp area.

02-10-2007, 01:21 AM
It looks more like a rock I think an it would be up an right of those 2 fairy staues.

02-10-2007, 01:34 AM
It actually looks like a head with an open mouth. In the lab, find the room with the dark blue warp and the professor (you must enter the Lab from the cave in Water Hyrule and use a key on the lock block to reach this warp). Take that warp and exit to Water Hyrule. Follow the raft path to the cliff, head west, and there you will find the broken bridge and the statue. When you reach Level 3's enterance, so south to those fairy statues. There you will find the White Sword.

P.S. Did you notice the way I pointed out the bow's location? There are a few other points in my quest where minor details can clue you in about secrets.

I have screenshots, I just need to upload them to show them off...

02-10-2007, 10:00 AM
Finished lvl 10 so far so good.

02-10-2007, 06:42 PM
HeroOfFire once you gave me the hint on the bow I had no trouble finding it. The blue warp in the lab is the one I took to get to water hyrule. Duh, I didn't take the one by the old man. No wonder I couldn't find it. I took the other one. What a dummy I am. Thanks for all the help, Now I'm off to play again.

02-11-2007, 02:57 AM
I sure could use a hint on the amulet, by the time I get to the big guy I'm about out of juice. also:

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/7333/zelda004qi8.th.png (http://img406.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda004qi8.png)

when you walk in there ( click on pic's to see bigger)

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/363/zelda002dh2.th.png (http://img406.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda002dh2.png)

You get an endless loop of what she says first, continue bug I guess

http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/4371/zelda008zb0.th.png (http://img406.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda008zb0.png)

not sure about this one

02-11-2007, 04:12 PM

Another update, with a few major notes:
If you are in Fire Hyrule without the 'Ladder', save somewhere else before updating your game. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in Fire Hyrule.
Getting to the southeastern section of Water Hyrule is easier now, and the infinite text bug has been fixed.
If you found a piece of heart under a stone moved by the level 2 braclet, it is now 20 rupees. The piece of heart has been moved to a mini-dungeon nearby.

The cloud bug in Air Hyrule is simply how the layers are set up. I'll look for them and fix them next update.

At last, screenshots!
Some of you have been here. Did you notice what the map to this mini-dungeon looked like?
Its likely you'll never see this guy. He wants you to have the triforce of wisdom. But you'll likely have it when you get here.
Just a clue how hot level 13 can get.
Is that the Master Sword? I don't think Level 15 is the Temple of Time though.

02-11-2007, 07:04 PM
I'm in lv4 now. I found one key to open a door but cannot find the key to the door where the green gels are. I keep going to the same areas in this dungeon. Is it possible I used the key I found in the wrong door? I have the blue boomer, the blue candle, bow and arrow and bombs. I haven't found the glove yet. Thanks for helping

02-12-2007, 11:02 AM
Finished lvl 13. Sorry Crackers lvl 4 was so long ago I am no help to you.

02-12-2007, 03:02 PM
Still can't find the other key in lv4. Does anyone who is playing this quest know where it or the glove is? I hate to start over just to see if I used the key in the wrong door.

Never mind, found it on my own.

02-12-2007, 03:08 PM
Herooffire a few screens again here (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showthread.php?p=45559#post45559)
Paul_Doo and I both stopped in level 14 we can't go any further can you control the path if there is something wrong

02-13-2007, 03:04 PM
Level 14 is easily the hardest level in the game. Side warps get you lost and it seems that part of the dungeon is unacessable. Some side warps don't take you back to start, but instead take you somewhere else. The map is an excellent example of a hard to reach location. But there is a trick to the maze. If a side warp is very important, the lens of truth will show markers by the doorway. Your goal is to get to the far right rooms in the fire version, warp to the ice version, use the room to reach the top of the dungeon, grab the red ring, warp back to fire, and grab the heart container. Doing so will reveal a hole that leads to the boss and the fire boomerang. Be ready to use arrows, bombs, and the lens of truth in this custom boss fight.

There is a major story about this custom boss, you won't see it coming!!!

Have heart, level 15 and 16 have no mazes. Just tough enemies.
Once you have the Fire Boomerang, use it in one of the maze rooms in the dead forest to find a heart container peice. The Lens of Truth will help.
If you have Dins Fire, you can score 200 rupees in the swamp.
With the Fire Boomerang, you can win a magic upgrade in the Lab.

I'll fix those bugs for the next release.

02-13-2007, 03:49 PM
I give it one more try but after hours walking around in that level already and already looked through the glasses in each room without noticing anything :shrug:
If you don't hear from me anymore then that was it , great quest but the levels are real hard to find , still think there could be more info about where you have to go for the next one , atleast reveal the next world :D
Did you also read the other postings in the thread on my forum ?

See you around ;)

02-13-2007, 04:35 PM
Another update, with some fixes and a major help.



Using the Lens of Truth on every other screen in Level 14 reveals these 'arrows'. Use them as clues to get around. If a doorway is important, the floor in front of it should be lit.

Fixed the cloud bugs and the Level 11 visibility issue.

Level 14 may be tough, be once it's done, you don't have to come back to it. Level 15's location is seen as you get the Red Lantern, and Level 16 is in the last part of Water Hyrule you have yet to search. A future update may have clues to dungeon locations, but I like it when you have to do some searching to find them.

elise, you have already solved two major challenges without my help. First, you solved the illusions of Level 11. Secondly, you found Level 12, which is really hard to find. Don't give up when you're so close to the end!

02-13-2007, 06:40 PM
oh man I bow deeply for everybody that solved level 14 without hints
wow but still 2 to go ;)

02-13-2007, 08:01 PM
When do I get the red candle and the lens? I've gotten the ocarina in lv5 but didn't finish it for the triforce. I keep getting warped out of the room with all the chests. Have been at it about 4 hours and gave up. Going to do lv6. Any help will be appreciated. :heart:

02-13-2007, 08:12 PM
Crackers the candle you get a hint when you can go and buy it
the lens you get in level 11

Herooffire there is a screen from level 15 just follow the link in my sig

02-13-2007, 09:02 PM
I can't find lv6. I can't remember where I got the arrow in air hyrule. I'm just going from one warp to another.

02-13-2007, 09:49 PM
So you've made it to Level 15 elise. Once you complete it, all the remaining heart containers come from the pieces. The room without the enemies is not a bug, it is just how the game tries to place enemies and fails. I have had to edit the ememies in some rooms just so they spawn (fliers instead of walkers).
Level 15's hardest challenge is the boss: the Ultimate Patra. Given it is the toughest boss enemy in version 2.10, it seems appropriate to place it after the Master Sword. You also learned who the real evil is in Hyrule. Quite a twist indeed...

Crackers, the path to Level 6 starts at a warp in Water Hyrule. Does that help?

I saw the other forums. I'm afraid Paul will not work for me, since it is my brother's name (and I think of him as a villain instead of a hero). But good idea anyway: naming the hero after one of the beta testers (after some adjustments).

Some of you are nearing the end of the game. When you see the credits, you'll notice the beta testers section. Once I fill it, the quest will be officially complete and I'll submit it to PureZC (and the main quest database once it's fixed). Already I have plans for my next quests, but I'm mostly waiting for a stable beta to start on them. My plans:
A 2.5 remake of this quest, which will take advantage of all the new features of 2.5 (especially scripting and custom enemies). The quest will get more story, all custom boss battles, improved overworlds (new enemies and item related obsticles), improved dungeons (maybe even scripted puzzles), and new features such as side quests and a warp hall that links to every main dungeon enterance.
A quest that maximizes replayability by blending trigger enemies with scripting to change the quest based on player decisions (such as good vs. evil).
A quest with no true overworld or dungeons, but instead cave DMaps that look like the overworld and dungeons. The triforce might not show up in this one.
A 2.5 remake of the first quest (someone has to do it), with a link to the story of HeroOfElements.
Possilby a sequel to HeroOfElements that occurs after the events of Wind Waker. Also in 2.5.
Because I'm waiting for a stable beta (or 2.5 itself), I'm just editing the Pure Enhanced Tileset in anticipation of the beta (4 caves for each of the 4 warp destinations, merging with other sets' sprites, etc.).
One last out there idea: A second quest version of HeroOfElements, which would be as difficult as DemoEx (just kidding... I think...). The major difference would be hiding the dungeon enterances (under a bush, bomb a wall, etc.), editing the overworlds to work with the new locations of the dungeon enterances, and editing the dungeons slightly (for Level 14, I'd simply remove the hints and imporve the enemies, the maze would remain identical). Of course, I think I'd make this after the 2.5 remake to take advantage of the custom enemies and scripts.

02-13-2007, 09:53 PM
I even saved the princess ( I shall call it level 17 )
there is a new picture but that one is then probably also the way it should be
I played this one in the 210.2 version and it worked perfectly .

02-14-2007, 01:26 AM
Can you give me a better idea where the warp is? I've been all over water hyrule and am still going in circles. I though there was a guy who told me where it was once but I forgot to write it down.

02-14-2007, 05:33 PM
Lvl 15 done.

02-14-2007, 06:14 PM
Never mind for the help. :(

02-14-2007, 06:35 PM
Crackers, if you haven't found it, the warp is in the beach/island area of water hyrule. Look for a warp on an island that had a raft dock on it. It's more in the western part. If you follow that you should find yourself in the clouds again with a mark on the ground telling you to play the whistle.

02-14-2007, 06:39 PM
Just need to find some heart pieces.

http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/5677/zelda012eq5.th.png (http://img444.imageshack.us/my.php?image=zelda012eq5.png)

02-14-2007, 10:57 PM
At the very beginning, I went through Earth Hyrule -> Air Hyrule -> Water Hyrule. You couldn't go anywhere in Water Hyrule where I warped in, but I saved and quit and then restarted past the obstacles. It looks like screen 4E judging by the map, but I can't really tell. I'm on a frozen lake, and I think I just sequence broke.

EDIT: Also, there's a hidden money room one screen north and one screen west of dungeon 2 that has a misspelling of "rupies".

02-15-2007, 01:47 AM
Thanks for answering erm2003. I finally did find it. This is such a big quest it's hard to remember where things are.
Is anyone answering questions in this thread? I need to find the lv2 bracelet. Have looked everywhere.:(

03-26-2007, 10:14 PM
Hey, the latest download link has been removed due to inactivity. Can someone repost it?

03-31-2007, 04:33 PM
Sorry for disappearing for several weeks, but I got busy. Here is the semi-final version of my quest (hope elise finds this and posts a link for those who can't use rapidshare).


There are a few minor changes in this version. First of all, four beta testers are listed in the credits (1 to go!!!). Secondly, many of the dungeons have recieved a graphical improvement as shown below.


Finally, I have fixed all the bugs listed between this forum and elise's forum. There should be few, if any, bugs remaining.

The next release of HeroOfElements will the the official final version. The only things that will be added for the final version:
There will be 5 beta testers listed in the credits.
The hero's name will be finalized and will show up when you rescue Zelda at the very end of the game.
Any last minute bugs will be fixed.

Once a good build or beta is released, I plan to start on the 2.5 version of this quest. Its been fun making this quest, and I hope to contribute many more good quests for 2.5 and beyond.

03-31-2007, 06:55 PM
found it and for those who can't download it from rapidshare you can get it
here (http://zeldaclassicforum.com/showpost.php?p=47318&postcount=317)

07-13-2007, 01:42 PM
I'm willing to test. Please show me where link is.

Darkness 24/7
Constant Fear
Almost no air/food
Mostly poisoned water
and No freinds
A breif description of life in the Void