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01-22-2007, 11:55 PM
I have been in the army for three years today. I technically have one more year to go, but I have a deployment coming up that will hold me over at least 8 months. Another year or longer tour in Iraq. I'm actually looking forward to it, it means I'm almost done with the army, and it means another chance to save a ton of money so I can buy a house when I get out.

Hopefully when I get out, I can find a good state university in Illinois that will accept me so I can get my networking degree. I believe the major is actually tellecommunications something or other, but I'd like to get it along with some certificates like my CCNA and what not to help me get my foot into the door of a good paying job. Technically, I'm way behind all my peers in my career. I'm going to be 23, have had no real job experience and barely any college to boot.

Its kind of scary knowing that I'll be thrown out into the big, cold, world after the army is done. The army might seem a bit extreme or whatever, but they take care of you. Since I've been in I haven't had to worry about housing, life insurance, medical insurance, or job stability. Its almost like still being under your parents roof in some respects. Sure you still have to act like a professional to really get anywhere in the army, but if you really wanted to, you could act like a complete shit bag the entire time and never really worry about not having the essentials in life, plus a little extra spending money.

I have big ambitions though, thats why I've been studying for the promotion board that will take place in March, and I've started to double my excercising in order to get all the weight that I've collected in the past year back off. I gained a good 30 pounds since I got back from Iraq. I've already lost about ten of it, so 20 more to go. I need to get down to 195 or so. Don't get me wrong though, this fatass could probably out run the majority of you guys out there, not to mention pushups and situps.

As I take the next step in my life towards getting ready for Iraq, getting promoted to Sergeant, and getting out of the army and starting my life over with my beautiful wife, I'd like to say thanks to a lot of the people out there thats helped me along the way. Moo, Trev, Gerudo, Prr, Mitsy, BH4 or ShadowTiger or whatever you're going by these days, and the rest of the GNET crew, thanks. I'm not very active around here anymore, and I hardly keep in touch with my friends from Illinois or even my family, so I'm sorry I haven't put aside a lot of time to get in touch with you guys or whatever...Its selfish, but its hard to get out of my routine and try to get into touch with old friends sometimes. Don't think I forgot you guys.


01-23-2007, 12:20 AM
Good to hear your term is almost done. In a sense I'm in the same boat as you with a career. I still haven't been able to get past a few core classes in college because of my chest and surgery. It's good to know you don't have to worry about being laid off, losing health insurance or something else. I wouldn't be able to join because of my chest right now but I've always thought the army was better than people made out to sound.

Those pushups and situps can kick your ass if you don't keep up with them.

Take care of your self out there on your next tour. I'm sure you've heard it countless times but you're doing this country a great thing.

01-23-2007, 01:26 AM
Good to hear from you. I always found your posts really interesting. Hopefully everything will go well when you go back to Iraq and you come home safe.

01-23-2007, 03:16 AM
Hey sweetie... <hug> Nice to see you're still around and kickin. Ambition is good to have... keeps ya heading forward and not going backwards.
Love ya :)