View Full Version : My final requests

01-22-2007, 10:48 PM
These are my final requests:

1) Please make the beta of zc compatible with the 119 version
2) Rule: Can use items while falling in side-view gravity
2b) Or if this makes it simpler: a rule that causes link to stick to a hookshot target. Some time in the future we can then create a double hookshot (like in Twilight Princess)
3) If you cannot already, make it so you can edit the length of the hookshot

01-22-2007, 11:34 PM
So, what, you're leaving?

P.S: You can already use items while falling in sideview. Just not the hookshot - because it's a bit tricky to make the extending chain fall as well. Same for the spells.

P.P.S You can already edit the length of the hookshot!

P.P.P.S What's the point of sticking to a hookshot target when... ...oh, right, sideview. Hmmmm, next version.

01-23-2007, 05:42 PM
I must admit, I probably was a bit foolish to say that these are my last requests. I'll bet you that I'll have 50 more before my next quest (KKAII (renamed Defender's Academy II)) is released.

1 - That's ok, perhaps some time in the near future you can have the hookshot work in midair. The spell thing is definitly alright. Though if the hookshot could work in midair, then that would be really cool.

2 - Now, I do understand how to edit the length of the hookshot now (sorry I didn't say so when I figured it out).

3 - Thank you for considering it. I'd think it would be really interesting to have done.

Thank you! : )

01-23-2007, 06:58 PM
Following up on what was just said, if the hookshot chain has trouble falling with the hookshot and Link, ... where does that put us in terms of sticking to a hookshot target in motion?

Remember in Ocarina of Time, in the water temple, there were scenes where Link was falling on several platforms on a waterfall, (Similar to an escalator.) with hookshot targets on their center to grab onto the ledge? Those were moving. When you snagged one, the platform would keep moving, but Link would zoom towards it. Just an example.

So if Link could stick to the hookshot target by holding in the button or something, we could have little makeshift cranes that you could stick to, and it'd move you with it as it moves. It'd have to be a Freeform Combo, more than likely though. I can't see this being done without heavy use of conveyors and combo cycling.

01-23-2007, 08:01 PM
What if the hookshot chain functiond as a temporary extension of Link's sprite, while at the same time locking his facing, to avoid wierd moments. Wouldn't it move with him than?

01-23-2007, 10:31 PM
think OoA when it comes to this. Remember in Level-5 (I think, or level-7) when you got to a sideview area with the switch-hook, you could lift the first post, then use the switchhook to get tot he next pot? Well if you jumped over the hole and used the switch-hook, the hook-head will still go ahead as far as it can extend away from Link while link falls at the same time.

Radien ZC
01-24-2007, 07:22 AM
Not a single Zelda game, whether 2D or 3D, has ever allowed you to use the hookshot while falling, and for good reason: the logistics of where the hookshot chain should go are a veritable nightmare. Twilight Princess is the first to ever cause the chain and the tip to move with Link, I believe, but they had to be very careful with it, and it was only possible while riding Epona or holding onto a moving platform. Anyway, I think that part is not a good idea.

When you ask for a rule to have the Hookshot stick to the target, Freelancer, you're basically asking for a Clawshot. Personally, I don't think that translates well to ZC, because in 2D you lack 1st person aiming. Link wouldn't be able to go anywhere but back and forth at the same height. See?...

Well, I suppose you could put a moving platform below him in side-view mode, but that sounds like it'd be very infrequently used by questmakers considering how much programming it'd require...

To edit Hookshot length in ZC (I'm currently using 2.11 beta 15), go to:

Quest -> Misc Data -> Item Properties -> Hookshot

Length is what you want. "Links" has to do with how fair it can extend before the chain "stretches." If you're not sure what "stretches" means, play Link to the Past and you'll see. If you don't want it to "stretch" at all, just put in "99" as your value for Links.

01-24-2007, 07:29 PM
Thank you. I guess you're right. I just thought that to use the hookshot in the air would cause the character to have to try get the timing right. For sticking to the target, it would really only make sense for the character to be able to use two hookshots/clawshots. To be honest, I'll have to say that it really was a unintellegent suggestion.

One more thing I wanted to suggest was that I would very much appreciate having an option to make an option for some shop items to sell-out/dissapear.

Thank you guys a lot!

Radien ZC
01-28-2007, 01:06 AM
Hey, no need to be so self-depricating. ;) I'm just another user...often times I get the programming aspect dead wrong. That was just my candid take on the idea; not meant to reflect on you necessarily.

Besides, I've never heard of any of the devs having trouble with a new feature, and then blaming the person who suggested it... The worst they'll do is ignore some types of suggestions.

02-01-2007, 10:18 AM
Would be nice for some altered functionality of the hookshot to break up the monotony of sideview scenes much like its normal self adds some flavor to normal screens.

Assuming Link's facing right, it could fly up/right, mirrored for left. Facing up would just make it fire directly upwards. Down wouldn't do anything. After hitting a solid, the hookshot could travel down the wall for a while searching for a target.

If the hookshot does hit a target, it could work like a clawshot- (or a more polished version of Liero's ninja ropes, rather) it could extend and retract with button presses (probably up/down), then Link could swing by moving left and right. He could let go by pressing the hookshot's button again.


Of course I wouldn't expect this to happen like ever. Would be a DAMNED gigantic load of work for something so attributed to the more glamorous side of things.

edit: grammar time lolz