View Full Version : Block Hole trigger

01-19-2007, 03:55 PM
First off, the block hole flag is one of the most genius things that has come out of the ZC in recent months. I have so many puzzles for it. The only thing that makes it limited is is that there is no trigger for it. So I think there should be a new flag: Block Hole Trigger

For example with block triggers, you push all of the blocks into the triggers then the secret is triggered. Well with Block hole triggers, it would be the same thing, it would have the block hole features(have the block actually look like it is pushing down the switch), and then it will actually trigger a secret once all of them have been put down. That way Block Holes aren't limited anymore.

So basically it will use the same code as a block hole and the same code as a block trigger but put together.

I hope that this is considered, as block holes wouldn't be so limited anymore.

01-19-2007, 05:36 PM
You know you can have multiple flags on one combo, How?

1. Go to tools>Flags and select the block hole flag and place it on a combo in the screen.

2. Make a new combo in the combo list you want to make a block trigger and in the combo properties and you will see a Flag drop down list and you would choose "Block trigger" and click OK!

Once you're done, you can hit "F" on your keyboard to view the flags and you will see two flags on one combo.

01-19-2007, 07:00 PM
I'm sure he knows that, really.
In any case, neither block triggers nor block holes work as inherent flags at the moment. They will—that's something I've been meaning to fix—but at the moment, that won't work.

01-19-2007, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I tried that. I actually made this whole part of the level with block holes thinking the inherent flags as a trigger, and then found out when I tested it then it didn't work. So that is why I wanted it so bad because of things I had did and things that I was planning on doing.

01-22-2007, 05:19 PM
For now, just use the multiblock_trigger script or something similar.

01-22-2007, 05:21 PM
Is there one already that you can point to? I would love to use it. :P I would give you credit of course. :P

Edit: nvm found it. Should have looked first.