View Full Version : Noob with some questions!!!

01-17-2007, 04:54 PM
Hi im marccookie and i have a few questions about ZC!
First off i love all the games i have downloaded from this site.
Second i was wondering if any one can:
Tell me where/if i can download other tilesets.

Tell me how to use the warping as the manual wont download.:mad:

why the OOT and MM remake freezes as soon as i start up? :mad:

And how when i add an item to the screen i can move it from the top left hand corner?

To anyone that can help me TY!!!

01-17-2007, 05:17 PM
Moving to the ZC section.

01-17-2007, 05:38 PM
Actually, shouldn't this be in ZC Help?
Anyway, starting with the simplest question, place items by pressing PgDwn until you see a blue rupee icon, and then place that on the screen where you want the item, than go to Data->Item and select the item you want.

You can download other tilesets at http://www.purezc.com

Warps are trickier. First you have to have a combo on the screen with one of the warp types (Insta-Warp, Stair-Warpetc.) Than go to Data->Tile Warp, and set the warp type and location on there. Two things, if you want a cave, like in original LoZ, use the warp type Cave/Item room and DON'T set any co-ords. Second, if your linking to a dungeon, make sure that you go to that dungeons DMap and look at the co-ords ON THE MINIMAP THERE. DO NOT USE THE REGULAR COORDS FOR A DUNGEON WARP. Adjust rooms on your DMap using the slider. Alternativly, you can set up side warps with Data->Side Warp.
Last thing. Everyone asks this, and you'll be no exception. When you first warp, Link will be in the upper left corner. Set his start position with the blue square next to the blue Rupee icon. Any other questions?(Gahwd, I hope they get the tutorial link fixed)

EDIT: Did you just try the tutorial on the main site, or did you try the one under the thread "Get Alphadawgs Tutorial here" in ZC Help? If you didn't I HIGHLY reccomend you get it.

01-18-2007, 03:44 PM
Ty man

01-19-2007, 01:33 PM
Ive got a few new questions!!!:eek:
How do i change the board and tile you start on???

How do i make dungions?
PLZ could someone help me yet again???

01-19-2007, 02:43 PM
Double posting is usually frowned upon, so its best to use the 'edit' button instead of posting twice in a row. Have you tried alphadawgs tutorial yet though? If you follow it step by step, repeating what he shows in zquest it will answer those questions, and should deal with many more that you'll have soon.
There is a link to it on the first stickied thread on the 'ZC Quest editor help' forum.

01-19-2007, 02:51 PM
To tell the quest where the player starts, go to the Init Data bit under the Quest Menu. In the last tab, I believe, there is a Dmap selector. Choose the Dmap you want to start on. Then, to choose the screen, you'll just use the continue value for the Dmap you've chosen, so select that under the Quest-> Dmaps editor.

To make a dungeon, ... ... well, ... this is where it gets vague and technical. ... Eh, not really, I guess. In the Dmap editor, set the Pulldown for the Dmap you want to be the dungeon, .. well, .. to be a Dungeon type. Remember, these use 8x8 screens on the map instead of an overworld's 16x8.