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View Full Version : EContactDamage()?

01-16-2007, 12:29 AM
I was toying around with a ROM of LttP earlier today to see if enemies were indeed damaged if you pushed the block summoned by the Cane of Somaria into them (like in OoA). What I found was the weirdest effect EVER. I created the block. AN ENEMY WALKED INTO IT AND WAS DAMAGED. I was astounded. So I went to town on them. Basically, I kept ABUSING THAT BLOCK to kill off as many enemies as I could find. I pushed it into them. I threw it at them. I forced them to walk into it. It was a cool thing I found. I'm sure damage combos that affect enemies are planned for the future, but... What if we wanted to do something like the Somaria Block (i.e., make a combo that can also damages enemies)? Since we haven't heard any news on the Combo Editor, I'm going to assume it's being put off. Until then, why not add a new command to ZScript and ZASM to allow a block to damage enemies when they come into contact with them (That is, once you set up enemy damage combos and get them working)? It could be called "EContDmg()", or something else you like. You put the damage the enemies take in the (). Writing to this value changes the damage (duh), but what if someone wanted to write this value to a seperate FFC? They would use "int EContDmg()". Sound nice? Yes? No? Maybe?

01-16-2007, 01:11 AM
You can fake this effect by putting an unused Link weapon (for reference, ID values 128 and beyond are reserved for enemy weapons), set it's attributes via scripting, and continually maintain its position to be the same as the Somaria block. The only limitation is that, by default, a weapon's hittable area is 8x8 from the top-left corner.

01-16-2007, 11:00 AM
Well, do enemy weapons actually damage enemies or do they damage Link as well?
...I suppose that would depend on the script itself, probably.

Is it also possible to set knockback for these combos/enemy weapons? Or is that built into the damage system?

01-16-2007, 11:00 PM
Lwpns do not heart Link except for certain exceptions. as long as you don't use those exceptions as IDs, you should be fine.

And knockback is built into the damage system.