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View Full Version : What hapened to the FFC solidity?

01-15-2007, 01:49 PM
From what I've heard at PureZC, the Solid function for FFCs was supposed to be implemented into beta 12, but it's not working. Was it ever put in? If not, you should change std.zh to reflect that... because for FFC Flags, 2 is Solid. O_o

01-15-2007, 02:42 PM
Look, kudos on the script, but does your Cane of Insomina or whatever it is really need the five threads you've made about it or mentioned it in? It's hard for people to help you out when your questions are so scattered.

01-15-2007, 02:55 PM
Look, kudos on the script, but does your Cane of Insomina or whatever it is really need the five threads you've made about it or mentioned it in? It's hard for people to help you out when your questions are so scattered.

Sorry. I would've asked in my other thread, but... I'm not sure about the rule for double-posting here, so I just made a new thread (even though I didn't want to).