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View Full Version : Itme Assigned script makes More FFC

01-02-2007, 07:59 PM
I know we can't assign scripts to items yet, but when we can, well, I was riding to my cello lesson, and a thought hit me. Could you make an item that when used, modified other FCC's on the screen, changing their graphics, and modifing their movement into a set pattern, say, mimic Link's movement? Translation: FOUR SWORD. More like the one from MC than any other.

01-03-2007, 10:20 AM
I feel like I'm always saying this, but - you can already do this.

Just have an FFC that follows around directly in front of link and has a native flag triggered by the use of whatever item you want to trigger the effect. That is, the FFC floats in front of Link (and is invisible), and will switch to the screens' secret combo when Link swings the item you want to trigger the effect. Have the FFC monitor what combo it uses (this->Data). When the combo changes, you can deduce the player triggered the secret combo. So tell the FFC to move to it's next state.

When triggered, have the FFC set a variable that tells the FFC it is out of "rest" state and into "active" state, and set a counter to tic down until it goes back to rest state. In active state, have code that uses other FFCs on the screen or just the one FFC to accomplish whatever effect you want. Multiple Links would be fine, but remember that you'd need to check for Link's direction and movement and item use to change the FFC's combos accordingly.

Then, when the time is up, have the FFC go invisible, hide any others it used, and go back into waiting mode.

Obviously, this technique is limited in two respects:
(1) You can only use items for which there are secret flags; and
(2) You can't use normal secrets on the screen, because you can't have a native singular flag AND a weapon flag. (Devs, shame on you).