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01-01-2007, 03:48 PM
Is there a code allowing you to control the FFC? And link is disabled from the screen? Like... example.

I want link out of the screen
I want the new sprite to be the FFC for that 1 screen unless i have the code in a certain screen.
I want it so when you press "A" Instead of a sword combo i want an arrow combo going in the direction the FFC is walkin towards. and the controls are exactly the same, accept the "B" items will be disabled until link sprite enters a screen that doesnt have this code on, FFC should be allowed to enter Pit Warps.

01-01-2007, 11:17 PM
You can't "disable" Link per se, but you can hide him under a Layer 3 tile and esnure his input never gets to him.

You need two scripts. The first will run on the FFC you want to substitute for the player. This script needs to:
(1) Check for player's input;
(2) If the input is a direction, change the FFC's combo to one facnig a different direction and set a variable that keeps track of the direction the FFC is facing;
(3) If not blocked by unwalkable combos, move if the player is telling it to move;
(3) If A is pressed, move an FFC with an arrow graphic to the FFC's location. You'll need to adjust the arrow's tile depending upon the direction the FFC is facing. Then tell the arrow FFC to move away from this FFC at a certain speed.
(4) Lastly, disable Link's Input, whatever it is, after this FFC is done with it.
(5) You need some sort of condition that, when satisfied, returns control to the player. It might be moving off the screen in a certain direction (as the FFC) or pushing a certain button, etc.

Next, you need an FFC to simulate an arrow.
(1) All this FFC needs to do is check to see if it's near an enemy. If it is, it should change to the "strike" combo, reduce the enemies' hit points, and move off the screen.
(2) NOTE: You will not get the "damage" animation when an enemy is hit by this arrow.

Go forth and script!

01-02-2007, 08:53 AM
Um... Im only 13 and i can't script.. I was hoping somone would give me somthing in a notepad document..

01-02-2007, 04:33 PM
No time like the present to learn. It's not rocket science, and your parents would probably look more favorably on your Zquesting if you were learning C at the same time.

01-04-2007, 12:14 PM
What is C?

01-04-2007, 12:41 PM
It's a (the leading?) high-level programming language. Like, it's actually used all day by professional programmers. ZScript is based on C, so if you learn the basics of ZScript, you're learning the basics of C. The only real difference is that ZScript comes with a set of objects (Screens, Link, FFCs) so you don't have to make them from scratch.

01-04-2007, 12:53 PM
So how exactly am I suppos to script if I dont know what "C" is? Are you saying even at my age I can still learn this stuff?

01-04-2007, 01:28 PM
Yes, of course. Start reading some of the "intro to ZScript" threads here, maybe grab a C programming book at the library for reference, and work your way through some simplier scripts.

It's not hard to learn.

01-04-2007, 01:35 PM
So how exactly am I suppos to script if I dont know what "C" is? Are you saying even at my age I can still learn this stuff?

*just turned 14*


All that learning programming involves really is a lot of reading. The first one is the hardest to learn, but after that you can usually get moderately advanced with a language within a couple of days.

Also, just read through all of the topics in the scripting forum, and don't be afraid to ask questions. That's how I learned Zasm (Not so much Zscript though... Need to take out the time to read up on that). Just keep reading and asking and you'll get it in no time, trust me.

01-29-2007, 04:32 PM
I do not understand what the hell they mean. I dont even understand the symbols and letters and random brackets in places!