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View Full Version : Beginner help please!

12-28-2006, 11:03 PM
its great to get this game again. I was in Jr. High when it first came out and have been blowing way too much time on it since I found it a week ago.

I cannot seem to get past level three. the second secret passageway that takes you into the room with the shooting statues and the three blue swordsmen. I have tried to get out and about and tried to stay in the cubby and shoot my sword but nothing works. I have found only one heart in the overworld south of the fairy and the white sword but that is all. if I could get the letter or some extra hearts I feel like I would be set. any help apprecieted.

12-29-2006, 01:39 PM
I understand that. To beat the swordsmen, just hit from the side. Sorry if you already knew that. You will eventually beat it, it took me like 6 tries I think on the first go through.

That is all the help I can give.

12-29-2006, 08:37 PM
thanks, I'll keep trying. I did find another heart so that will help one hit or so. have you ever tried to use bombs to take care of this type of business